Paulette Hamilton M.P.

A maiden cunting please for Starmer’s latest pain in the arse – that daft looking woman Paulette Hamilton who won the Birmingham Erdington election, a perpetually grinning tart who looks like a [edited] wearing big glasses. The BBC sat on a story till the polls closed, which suggests that, apart from being a “hard-working black woman” she is a race baiter who , a few years ago pondered on a “black uprising”. In short she is David Lammy with a real cunt. Dame Keir, as ever, twisted the substantiated claim as “a shameful [THAT word again!] attempt to stop a black woman from winning her seat – the first black woman MP in Birmingham”: Ah, how sad, how pathetic in the true meaning of that word. I find it hard to believe no other Dark Keys from the Midlands has ever darkened Parliament’s door, but I will take the old arsehole’s word for it. The second city has had more than it’s share of HoC wankers., of whatever race.

There we are – even the useful idiots of Starmer felt compelled to report it – this is no Daily Mail or Express scoop, but only one step down (or up ? – you decide) from the Labourites fanzine “The Guardian”.

In a way I welcome this old bag – grinning the while like she has just seen a bag of nuts – because after all the back-slapping and mutual masturbation in the Labour camp (and they don’t come much camper) dies away, I think this “hard-working” nurse will become as big an embarrassment to Kweer as Diane and Butler (“I ‘ate you, Butler!”). Instead of grinning in her big glasses and showing us those big teeth, as she sits on Kweer’s shoulder while he plays his barrel organ, she will be stirring up racial discontent , – a dog returning to it’s own vomit.

It will also create another problem. It won’t be long, with their entitlement, before the Lammy’s, the Butler’s, the Lewis’s – and the Hamilton’s, too , will not be content to be mere ministers – they will want the top job, and Starmer will find himself, sans lipstick and greasepaint, back in court with his wig, while Black Labour will turn the country into Mugabe country, and we will be ruled over by half witted idiots – perhaps even Sad-dick Kunt will return in triumph from County Hall. Mandy, blacked up, will be on hand to offer “advice”.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

61 thoughts on “Paulette Hamilton M.P.

  1. Labour have real knack for choosing these low life skutters. Out local MP Rosie Winterton is stepping down at the next election, I dread to think what cunt they have chosen to put up for election.

    • Hate to say this Bert, but I think you’re stuffed. Rosie’s is one of the safest labour seats out there so you can safely assume her replacement will be an ethnic.

      • That’s what I thought, having said that we don’t seem to have a many effnicks wandering around. Principally white faces around, lots of Polish and Romanian though.

  2. Hmm, this looks to me like the “march of the far left” (more “sweaty waddle” in this cunts case) – we should be involving Special Branch – we can’t have anyone advocating “an uprising” of black people like Paulette Hamilton has done now can we? – I wonder if Paulette Hamilton has been writing “death to whitey” in runic symbols in York recently? (The 73 empty KFC buckets provide a telling clue..)
    Our entire political system is like an old, diseased animal – it needs to be put down.

  3. She won’t last five minutes. She’ll soon be caught with her chubby fingers in the expenses till. These revolutionaries can’t help themselves…….or rather they can, and always do.

  4. The turnout for the byelection was only just over 27% so it looks like the people of Birmingham Erdington couldn’t give much of a fuck either.

    The Flabbott will have some competition at the Labour Party conference buffet table anyway.

    • Well done Cheeta!
      I feel youll make the best of your new position and dont for a moment thing youll be theiving from the off.

      Thats what Birmingham needs,
      A girl with a nice set of choppers,
      A winning smile, and a poster girl for equality.

      I expect you celebrated the night with family?
      Fresh fruit all round.

      Get down from there!

    • We lived in Erdington for some years in the seventies and eighties and my mother-in-law had a small shop on the High street from before the war until 1981, so we used to know the place well. I suspect that the fact 73% of the electorate didn’t turn out is more down to alienation and resignation than it is to apathy. Of the four parliamentary constituencies I have lived in, three now have ethnic MPs; Valerie Vaz, (Stop laughing you lot! It isn’t funny!) Khalid Mahmood and now Paulette Hamilton. I wonder when they will be coming for this corner of Buckinghamshire?

  5. This header picture is even more horrendous than others I have seen of her. Surely nothing can be THAT funny? – unless to welcome her to Shit House, Hilary Benn had just shown her his cock?

  6. Just by looking at her you can predict stupidity, corruption and the race card at every opportunity.

  7. How long before the white man is ruled by a majority of these simian cunts? Planet of the Apes come true.

    • Shhh, don’t point out the original story was allegorical.

      Boulle’s theme was, more or less, all empires, cultures etc fall eventually, and that ours, when he wrote the original book, was starting down that road.

      There’s a good case to be made that he deliberately intended the apes(well, some of them)==schwartsers connection to be made in the reader’s mind, considering at the time he wrote the book colonialism was on the way out and ‘black power’ movements were on the rise in the west, and there was that whole theme of ‘humans tamed apes, use them as servants, apes learned to talk like humans, humans get complacent, apes gradually take over the cities driving the humans into the countryside (stop me if this is starting to sound sort of familiar…).’

      Substitute human for Western peoples, their civilisation and culture, with the apes of varying species representing the others (the orangs being our wiley Orientals and no points for guessing who the gorillas represent…don’t ask about the chimps, I read it as ‘nearly human so mixed race’) and have a look around you at the world.

      It’s up to you if you think it was an observation or a warning, either way I don’t think he was being racist about it per se, just pointing out that a particular sort of shit was about to hit the fan.

      For a more British ‘we’re fucked’ bit of prescient science fiction, see

      Jolly speculation at the time, but they could film it today with virtually no special effects budget.

      • Allefuckinggorical!!!
        Fancy big city types coming on this site with their long words and posh hats. 6 letters in a word is the maximum I ever use, bastard, 7 then.
        I think she could be a real asset to the labour party. If they attach a stick to her head with a mars bar dangling from it and put her on a kiddies tricycle I’d vote for it! Comrade Corbyn could chase after her with no trousers and a hard on like a Benny Hill sketch. Come on Starmer, make it happen! We need a more credible opposition in parliament.

  8. Just makes Labour more unelectable at the next election so get ready for another 5 years of buffoonery.
    Did someone mention cakes? Whoops she’s off!!!!

  9. Just been watching PM’s Q-Time, virtually no-one wearing masks, all well and good. But then the camera zeroed in on the SNP front bench and every single one of them was masked up! Pathetic twats.

    • Started to watch Ruff, but then that slug Blackford started gobbing off and I gave it up.

    • I understand RTC that Scotland is to be the “Referred Recipient” of Ukrainians, ( accompanied by a shit load of English Money I bet )

  10. The last thing this country needs is another hysterical, fat , thick, black female moron peddling nonsense. Where do they find these retards? If diversity is our strength we are truly fucked.

  11. Are all Labour votes proxy-postal ones, filled in by just the one community despot. Or is there a real affinity for voting for poorly educated race baiting clowns within the electorate? ?

    I just cannot imagine anyone with an IQ of more than even 70 voting for this woman or any of the other racist socialist expense claim twats mention in the nom…

  12. It looks to me like Uganda is missing one of its endangered species.

    Not to worry,the carpet riding groomers will outbreed these blek commies,so we can sit tight and look forward to sharia law instead.

    What excellent decision making by several generations of very well paid windbag condescending pathetic cunts.


    • Surely that’s old Idi Amin himself, having had some surgical “reassignment” after years in hiding?
      Bet “she’s” wearing loads of medals under her blouse…

  13. When will people learn that voting for someone just cuz they black doesn’t wash away any of the fake guilt that we are expected to feel for past sins against da blacks?
    There is no virtue in a particular skin color.
    I’m sure those who voted for this token will soon regret it as always seems to be the case.

  14. Look at the width of her nose, it looks like someone belted her on the end of her beak with a cricket bat as she came running out of the jungle.

  15. I listened to her stupid rant about the uprising GB News aired it a day before the by-election A Labour Party spokesperson said it was filmed 5 years ago so now it is not relevant? This from the same party that bangs on & on about the Conservative Party parties that happened two years ago ?Total total hypocrites ??

  16. Labour could put up a fucking Gorilla and it would get elected….

    Birmingham Erdington couldn’t give a flying fuck who represents them in the house of cunts, you can bet half of them don’t even know her name, 73% couldn’t even be bothered to put a cross in a box.

  17. ‘we will be ruled over by half witted idiots’

    Too late.

    Another diversity hire. Another female MP .The quality of our ‘representatives’ has never been lower. Both parties continue to hire people based on what they are, not what they’ve done. That is why this country is fucked.

  18. I lost interest in politics decades ago, this country is no longer white British, but black African, so who fucking cares? We get robbed whatever colour/political persuasion is in office. Meh.

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