Anneliese Dodds [4]

Do women have a cervix? Do women have a backbone would be a better question nowadays.

Women used to have backbones (my mother had one) but not anymore.

It was ‘International Woman’s Day’ yesterday. I am sure you celebrated with with your wives and sisters and mothers cunters.

What a great day to truly reflect in what it is to be a woman.

Poor Annaliese Dodds couldnt get to that. Because she couldnt even define what a woman is. She was asked to define a woman-

Miss Dodds replied: “I have to say there are different definitions legally around what a woman actually is. You look at the definition within the Equality Act and I think it just says someone who is adult and female but then it doesn’t say how you would define either of those things. You have got the biological definition, legal definition”

Miss Barnett said: “With respect, I didn’t ask for that. What’s the Labour definition?”

Miss Dodds replied: “With respect Emma, I think it does depend what the context is, surely? I mean surely that is important here.’

JK Rowling rather brilliantly defined the situation as ‘they that cannot be named’.

Dodds Interview Link
(Helpful link provided by – Part Time Admin – PTA)

Modern women don’t have any balls.

Oh for the days of Germane and burning your bra. There was something real at least about them.

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

64 thoughts on “Anneliese Dodds [4]

    • Ken Dodds mitmot daughter.
      Doesn’t know what constitutes a woman?
      Technically being one yet scared of saying incase she upsets some blokes in frocks?!!

      So much for sisterhood.

      If you cant say something so simple your a coward,
      Nothing to say,
      I wouldn’t vote for someone who wouldn’t stand up for themselves.

  1. Shadow EQUALITIES Minister? Where’s my fucking equality bitch? Where’s my cushy little number lazing around in Parliament, subsidised food and booze, fucking thousands in expenses? Oh no you only want equality for weirdo fucking p*rv*rts like yourself. Fuck off freak.

  2. Is it any fucking wonder that cunt Putin has decided that the time is right to stir the shit? He can see that The West doesn’t know its arse from its elbow and is as weak as a vicar’s piss.

    This shit needs to stop.


    • Not only Putin but the Rinky-Dinks as well are sabre rattling. That’s apart from the Islamics who had a major victory last week with the £400 million ransom payment.
      Finally the young are beginning to realise the old truth that the primary duty of government is the defence of the realm.

      • Putin gave a very good speech a few months back (before the attack on Ukriane). He said that Russia had been through the destruction of the fabric that binds society (family, church and sexuality) with the Communists, and they weren’t going back there. He knows the West is morally weak – as do the rinkies.

    • You make a great point Ghee. If I were RasPutin I wouldn’t seen the West as a threat at all. Dodds is one of a million reasons why. Russia isn’t a homo-friendly place either. Gotta like that.

  3. I wonder if cunts like this actually believe this politically correct garbage or have a good laugh about it behind closed doors?
    Most of them remind me of members of the Stasi so the former I suppose.

    A giant sack of bag ladies turds.

    • I suspect that some of them don’t actually believe it but are shit-scared of losing the support of the fuckwitted elements of Labour that actually do….

      • The typical Labour voter of the 1960s must feel alienated by the evermore bizarre pronouncements of the current crop of weirdos who claim to represent the interests of the working class.

      • I’m sure you’re on the right track there Guzzi. I reckon that outside the home counties the average working class man or woman would have more empathy with a life form which had just stepped off a space ship than they have with today’s Labour party.

  4. I wonder if they’ve had to change the teaching of Biology in schools to cater for this latest advance in human evolution?

  5. A few years back, my local students’ Union, Cardiff, “de-platformed” Germaine Greer.
    Stupid blobby twats.
    As for Analease, words fail me.
    She does NOT give me the ‘orn.

  6. What would Harold Wilson make of what the Labour Party has become……..or even Blair? Phoney Tony has the brains and the native cunning to know there are no votes and no money in poofery and trannyism. If they’re not careful the Peacefuls might start turning away from Labour……then they’re in big fucking trouble.

    • There are times I even feel a glow on nostalgia for Anthony Blair. He was a thorough going cunt, but at least he had ideas and as Freddie says would not have tolerated this old shrew dissembling. She would have been on Mandy’s blacklist and castigated – probably got his handbag round her ugly mug. Harold would have just told her bluntly to shut the fuck up.

      The reason filthy old ratbags like AnalEase get promoted way, way beyond their competence and intelligence, is because that slimy heap of oily shit Starmer has to take what he can get. His great attraction to the poofters might well lose him the support of the Muslims, but as longa as there is the promise of easy money, cash whores like Keith Vaz will carry on supporting him. I would happily give him Rishi Sunak provided he made old Doddy wear the hijab so we didn’t have to see her ugly unwashed face again.

      Isn’t it time Labour ditched the red rose and instead had as their logo a cornucopia of pansies in a gold bowl with a black dildo in the centre, to really show all Labour is and aspires to be these days? – and a new logo “For the many, not the few” is so 1997. How about “Feeling q ueer? , have no fear, Starmy’s here, duckies.

      • Whilst labour are still anti-Semitic (which they are), they will get the peaceful vote.

    • The contradictions within the whole Labour/Poofery/Trannyism/Peaceful scenario are so blatant and obvious.

      They’re already in big trouble.

  7. What is a woman? A creature that starts out as a beautiful, wonderful thing and, after marriage and two children, ends up as a nagging, fat, frigid money vampire who you wish would contract cancer and die.
    Er…speaking figuratively!

    • When she turns into a faulty vacuum cleaner (stops sucking properly), time for a new model.

      Morning Thomas?

  8. A vigilante army of “real “ women should patrol ladies bogs. ?

    When they come across one of these deviant cunts lurking within should strike at it with furious anger and might. Strip the Cunt point at its weeny laugh ? at lot. I reckon it time the “real” sisters did it for themselves.
    The political trannie apologist group can fuck off. Who knows if it became popular then they’d change sides a support “real” women.

    • They need an old battleaxe like Barbara Castle back. If Eddie Izzard minced into the ladies shithouse in his pink beret and lipstick and said to her “if you can guess what I have in my hand you can have it” old Barbara would have said “If you can get it in one hand you can fucking well keep it”

  9. ‘International Women’s Day?’ Surely it needs to be renamed ‘International Persons Who Identify As Having A Cervix Day.’

  10. That header picture puts me in mind of choosing Michael Palin in the next deadpool. They’re not looking well.

  11. So being a woman depends on the “ context”.

    Surely the context is an XX chromosome combined with a pussy and tits.

    How difficult can it be?

  12. Mental bitch.
    With people like this in politics it’s no wonder we are a worldwide laughing stock.

  13. These arseholes are just following the lead set by the nutcases in the Americunt Demonrat’s party?

    The whole aim of intersectionalism, is the destruction of family values and the division of society.
    Making it easier to force societal change.

    Whether people like him or not, we really need Trump back in the Whitehouse.

    This LGBTQPXYZ bollocks needs to be put to the sword.
    A tiny minority of cunts, demanding and receiving the controlling hand in all our institutions.?

    Vote labour.
    You would have to be fucking insane?

  14. I think Margaret Thatcher was a woman, but it certainly didn’t have a backbone.

    • She had the biggest set of balls in British political history.
      Well, maybe a close second to Oliver Cromwell?

  15. There is a great clip on YouTube, of the feminist Kelly Jane Keen / Posy Parker, at the American collegiate swimming championships, where she calls out this bullshit and shouts “cheat” at that strapping bloke in a women’s swimming costume, who is winning women’s titles/breaking records.

    Good on her?

    Allowing men access to women only spaces is an absolute disgrace-and every single elected MP who supports this cuntfoolery or remains silent, will have the blood of innocents on their hands?

    • Morning CG, it’s not often we here at ISAC are in agreement with hairy-armpitted feminists!

      • Thomas-as much as I can admire a nice, natural, hairy minge, hairy armpits on a wimminz?

        Double standards ?

  16. The name’s Bond, James Jemima bond, preferred pronoun ‘Them’
    I expect you two to die Mr/Mrs Bond.

  17. Tail wagging the dog as per.

    Why can’t some fucker in authority (man or woman – don’t care which) just tell these insane cunts to fuck right on off with this tedious bullshit once and for all.

    Western society must look like a joke to the rest of the world.

    * Dodds outward appearance is probably a reflection of what is going on inside those sparse brain cells of hers/his/them/its.

  18. This is the problem with what has become of the Left here and in the States.
    They obsess about fucking nonsense – trannie this, gay that, racism everywhere. They are a fucking joke and Putin knows it.

  19. Women have fannies.

    And saying you have hermaphrodites so I’m wrong is a fucking stupid ‘argument’.

    There are men, women and a tiny microscopic number who are harder to define.

    Then you have fucking nutcases who think they were born in the wrong body. They are the sex they were born.

    Putting on a frock, some lippy, calling yourself ‘Susan’ and saying, ‘I’m a lady’ does not a woman make.

    If they’d asked me I’d say, ‘Women are born with cunts and men born with a cock and balls. What are you, fucking stupid?’

  20. How do you define a woman, well it depends what you mean by woman ?

    However, which one of these could give you a stiffy

    Blair White or Anneliese Doddy ?

    • One poignant snippet is this bit

      “Today it feels like there has been one step forward and two back. I know that homophobic bullying is no longer acceptable, at least in principle, at my son’s school. But today the kids who might have grown up to be gay, lesbian or bisexual are all identifying as trans. There are three “trans” students in my son’s year.’”

      • The common theme that runs through many of these “trans-teens”, is autism.
        It’s a fucking disgrace?
        Child abuse☹️

      • I read somewhere recently about one school, not sure where it was, but it had over 100 pupils identifying as trans. I couldn’t help thinking that these kids were having a laugh, well, most of them anyway. I can remember what it was like, being 12,13 or so, and what I would have done when presented with an idea like this – I would probably have played along with it for a laugh. The trouble is that nowadays, you would be frogmarched down to the Tavistock clinic or similar for an injection of hormones before you knew it.

  21. Having to look at itself in a mirror every day it’s hardly surprising that the stupid cunt doesn’t know what a woman is.

  22. My psychiatrist thinks my interest in banging the hatches of Dodd’s back doors is worthy of a 28 day Section. Having reviewed the above comments I think I must agree.

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