The Great Global Warming Debate

Global warming advocates (and deniers). Yep, throwing them in together. We have the muppet cunts and puppet Greta banging on about environmentally friendly travel, electric cars, pollution and carbon footprints. Some of these same people use commercial airlines (and private planes) to get around, hypocrites. On the other side are the ‘climate change is a myth’ bozos who have no fucking idea what they’re even talking about at times, which just makes anti climate-change people look stupid. Both sides need to bog off as I’m sick of hearing about it. Instead of trying to slow (unlikely) or stop (impossible) climate change, perhaps we should be looking at ways to SURVIVE it, as its inevitable. Explore our options, make a decision, stop arguing about whether it will or wont happen and admit that washing our clothes at 30 degrees becoming a vegan and driving a hybrid car will make NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE.

Nominated by ElDiablo666

172 thoughts on “The Great Global Warming Debate

  1. Good cunting. This bullshit is another way to seize power and wealth being orchestrated by those who fancy themselves masters of the universe. They sure as he’ll don’t believe any of it themselves.

    • That’s just it, when you politely quiz people who have strong views on this subject, they reveal themselves to not really know what the fuck they are talking about. If it really was a deadly issue, then we’d see more action taking place, panic, but we don’t because it’s all a load of bollocks to usher in a New Age for Humanity, ie. an austere life for 99.999999999999999% of us and an “elite” who live in luxury. Like a shit version of Logan’s Run.

    • I tried to watch The Hunger Games and was bored shitless, what a pile of wank. A remake/reboot of Logan’s Run has been talked about for about 15 years, but it has yet to be officially announced. Rollerball might be coming true too, but with football not roller-skaters towed by motorbikes and smashing heads in with huge a ball-bearing.

  2. You know it’s bullshit. There’s half a dozen legitimate serious environmental issues that need addressing, but doing so would upset the industrialist capitalist scumfucks who control everything.

    It’s about control. An ideology, an excuse to roll out global totalitarianism under the guise of an emergency.

    Wacky weather is caused by deforestation and urbanization fucking up the hydrological cycle. Climate is affected by interstellar forces.

  3. Greta thunder cunt is very quiet lately, maybe now she is 18 Donald Trump and putin have her locked in some dungeon and spit roasting her, while they shout how dare you?

      • Yup. Shouldn’t she be university getting her scientific credentials, degrees, masters degrees, etc? You’d be better off having Kermit the Frog be in her place as he is a smaller carbon (webbed) footprint, can play the banjo and is likeable.

      • @CG, no need, actual scientific enquiry and facts no longer matter, only opinions do. The climate is whatever you feel it should be apparently.

        And maths is raysist too apparently.

    • @ cunty Gordon, greta plays a banjo, she strums one out every morning over richard Attenboroughs picture

      • Sid@ – “OOOH! How dare I”! 😀
        “That’s the biggest black dildo I’ve ever seen”!
        M Whitehouse, deceased..

    • I’d fuck her to death, if its possible. Spouting all that nonsense, should be ashamed of herself. Who was that other girl, the one who was saying what a lying idiot Greta was?

  4. None of the daft cunts will admit that the only solution based on their own modelling and ever expanding human population is for virtually everything to be banned or rapidly phased out.

    All frivolous activity would need to end at once:no holidays no phones no cars no sport no TV etc etc

    Essentially the return to a feudal existence.

    So they can all Fuck Off.
    More oven.

    • Unkle Terry@ – That is the future they want and demand for US, the “little people” – not THEM.

    • You could always find ways to reduce the planet’s population.
      Not necessarily a low hanging fruit. But certainly a worth considering.
      Of course, you’ll have to be on the right side of power to make this option work for you.

  5. Too fucking right ED.
    If we stopped wasting the money we do on the current futile “green” programmes and spent half as much on developing ways to adapt to the inevitable warming, we would all be much better off (financially as well!). What I just don’t understand is that I truly believe that the majority of people also believe that –
    1. Global warming is happening
    2. Humans may be contributing to it – but it is a gnat’s cock
    3. We are not going to stop it – no matter how much the do-gooders say we can
    4. We must adapt to live with it
    No matter what the government of any colour tries to do to me – they can fuck off. I like living in the 21 century and I am fucked if I am going to car share, turn my heating down, forego my annual break in the warm sunshine (although I have had to recently because of other fucking stupid governmental decisions that are nothing to do with GW). And the sooner we stop brainwashing our schoolkids about it – the better.

    • Well said. I dont have kids, that I know of, but if I did and they came home spouting this ‘green living, minimize carbon footprint’ shit, I’d be down at the school before you could say ”climate change”

  6. I love the fact that global warming has been happening on mars, probably since the begining of it’s existance. I blame the inhabitants!

    • LS@ – Well, all those chocolate factories are bound to have an effect on the Martian environment! 😀

      • Possible. But wherever you end up colonizing. Life would be like living forever in a submarine. As conditions outside are inhospitable to say the least.

  7. I don’t know what all the fuss is about – the Ruskie’s have got us by the balls and I imagine, right now in the Kremlin they’re eating Caviar, drinking Vodka and throwing knives at pictures of Western leaders, ‘avin a right old giggle they are!

    Nice to also see on Ally Beebie that Djokovic is the 2nd most read article – the rug munching cunt. Just shows you what a bunch of cunts they all are.

  8. I couldnt give two fucks about the planet. This planet doesnt need my concern. It will be spinning through space,teeming with life for another 4 billion years and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

  9. The only emergency for us in the UK right now is to become energy self sufficient. We need to build brace of nuclear power stations asap – and get fucking fracking, FFS!

    • MJB@ – we have thousands of miles of rivers in the UK – endless free hydroelectric energy, and as it p*sses down 90% of the year we are hardly likely to run out of water anytime.
      And some of the electricity generated can be used to electrolyse water, producing hydrogen.
      Hydrogen is a perfect fuel for both vehicles and domestic and commercial gas supply – no more begging bow legged bumlord Putin for gas – and the holy grail of clean energy independence.
      And is also perfectly clean – rain falls, rivers flow, electricity generated, hydrogen generated, hydrogen burns with zero emissions and then cools down and bonds with oxygen in the atmosphere to form water vapour which turns into clouds, which empty and fill the rivers.
      Perfect, cheap, clean, sustainable and eminently doable.
      So why the hell aren’t we doing it?

  10. Climate change? You mean global cooling? Oh no they dropped that in the 70’s, we have global warming now! Oh they dropped that for climate change, do you think that’s because earths climate is in a constant state of change?

    Chances are he earth will warm no matter what we do, then at some point the icecaps will recede and dump billions of tons of fresh water into the oceans. This in turn will likely alter or even stop the conveyor currents dropping us into another ice age.

    If we compare the governments of the world reaction to what is a fairly harmless virus in ultimate death rates to what we are told is a world threatening global catastrophe that will kill billions there is a blinding contrast. One is an immediate threat and the other a long term threat you say?

    Actually no, according to research 5 million per year will die due to climate change.

    If that figure is correct then as it gets hotter and we experience more extreme weather the amount of deaths can only rise.

    The only think that can save us is the great reset but I personally don’t believe I’ll be getting a good deal out of that.

    I don’t believe the government’s of this world believe that climate change is a clear and present danger because if they do inaction means they are taking part in a global cull of humanity.

    • Exactly. And the earliest effects of global warming will be? Massive migration from countries near the equator, and I kmw the UK will happily let them in. There’ll be food shortages too. So food shortages and overpopulated places, that leads to fighting and anarchy. When this shit hits the fan, law religion morals and ethics will no longer matter as we kill each other for a tin of Spam.

  11. Back in the late 1960s we were going to run out of oil by 1980 and we were about to enter a new ice age. The evidence was compelling but bollocks.
    However, plenty of people built well paid careers on the back of these claims.

  12. Too many people, fucking up the planet. Sustainable populations with sensible environmental policies.

    • We need a one-child worldwide policy and the population will halve in 25 years. Build communities, homesteads, villages, simple living. The frenzy of the last 150 years has led us on a bad, bloodied trip and it’s time for humanity to take a gigantic chill-pill.

  13. “Saving the planet” is the one phrase that always gets me.
    “Save ourselves from ourselves” would be more apt.

    I would certainly never claim to be an expert in this field but one thing I think I can say with confidence is that getting every cunt into electric cars is going to be a complete waste of time, money and valuable resources which, more importantly, will make absolutely fuck all difference to the earth’s temperature.

    • No opinion on this or incapable of expressing it? And how did you get away without the minimum characters?

      • I’m guessing a glitch in The Matrix or special exemption due to being Cunter of the Year.

    • RK@ – Afternoon Sir Ron – don’t let young miserable see that photo – he’s a delicate sort of lad and may have to retire to his bed with an attack of the vapours! 😀

      • Afternoon Vernon.
        When I see that photo, I have to retire to the bathroom. The woman’s a marvel of nature.

  14. “You stupid whitey racist gammons are destroying our future”! 😢🤬
    “I think you will find your commie teachers and cunt politicians have already done that love, so fuck off before I put my size 11 through your face”.
    Still no answer from any enviro MENTALIST or climaloon to explain something to me – how come there was 400% more atmospheric CO2 in the last ice age than in the present day? (“Earth core sampling” – a fascinating look into the ancient earth and proven science).
    Thirty years of asking, no answer – “crickets” as they say in America.
    Perhaps we should ask “climate campaigner” Leonardo DiCaprio, with his six mansions, five cars, a private jet and a “super yacht” which burns 290 gallons of diesel an hour
    Hmm, another thing – in the age of the dinosaurs the earth was filled with absolutely huge herbivore dinosaurs, more than double the amount of atmospheric CO2 than the present day but the earth was covered with lush, verdant vegetation – how come?
    CO2 is plant food, there is now an active deficiency of CO2 in the atmosphere and growers are having to resort to pumping CO2 into sealed environments because the plants are not getting the natural CO2 nutrition they need for good growth.
    NOTHING the hypocrites, mental tramps or swivel eyed hate filled zealots screech adds up under scrutiny, and when these grubby little grifting fuckers realise they have been rumbled and caught out for the clueless, bullshitting liars any hypocrites they really are they descend into childish baiting and hate – they are such vicious malevolent nazis. (A broken nose is a good way to stop this).
    I used to ask Loonberg this on twatter – but, predictably the little freak (who now claims to have “Aspergers Syndrome” despite no medical diagnosis) blocked me – fuck all answers, fuck all clue.
    Life good in your Swedish mansion counting your money Greta?
    Course it fucking is..
    I become increasingly intolerant of these hateful little children.

    • DiCaprio is dumber than a bag of hammers. He has no real family or pastimes so he has swallowed this Satanic-spunk Kool-Aid like a good little libtard from Hollywoke.

      • Cunty Gordon@ – Not dumb – a slimy little opportunist hypocrite making the right noises to continue his well paid career.
        AKA “All of Hollywood”.

  15. Back in the early 90’s as a young scientist I decided to look into this new global warming thing and decide if I needed to be concerned. I studied solar cycles, Milankavitch cycles, the carbon cycle, atmospheric/ocean circulation and radiative forcing. I concluded the dominant determinant of climate on Earth, apart from the sun which the doommongers deny has impact on Earth’s climate!), is water in all its forms:. Ocean water, ice (ice caps and permafrost), vapour, clouds.

    These together swamp the minor effects of other ‘greenhouse’ gases (greenhouse is a misnomer, but it means molecules in the atmosphere which are infra-red active, the main ones being water, CO2 and methane). The sun and water control the atmosphere.

    I notice a lot of cunters here have bought into the narrative that warming us happening, or ‘inevitable’. I think even that is questionable. I think cooling is a possibility too during this solar minimum. But rest assured the data will be manipulated to show a warming trend regardless. Too many billions and reputations dependent on the scam.

    • BH@ – My research (such as it is) also seems to show the earth is at the fulcrum of warming and will be moving into a cooling cycle – the earth is a living, breathing thing and nature has been balancing and managing the atmosphere since time immemorial.
      I do not believe the increasing world population is the bogeyman the climaloons would have us believe, and I do not believe the CO2 output of humankind has made one iota of difference.
      The next “tax the poor to death” scam will be methane.

      • A few years ago before Covid I was at the World Trade Center in New York. I was in the shiny new underground shopping mall. The rebuilding of the WTC after 9/11 obviously cost billions, and would’ve been financed by major banks.

        It occurred to me that the WTC is a few blocks from the Hudson river and NY harbor. At street level it’s just a few feet above sea level, and the tunnels are below sea level. Is it credible to think that banks would lend billions for the construction if they really believed it will be under water in a few years?

      • Fucking great point, Berkshire! I’ll be using that bit of insight you just gave when the helmets start derping on about climate catastrophe! Well done, sir!

    • Both warming and cooling are natural. The planet warms, gets too hot, cools, gets too cold, warms again. We happen to be living close to the warming bit reaching its peak.

      • For all we know, the Earth could be some sort of engineered realm that has technology to monitor and control the weather. How the Earth really functions isn’t publicly know, maybe not even privately known. The “stars” and “planets” (the “wandering” stars) might well play a part in it all, as Big Chunky Cunty says above. Sacred texts, folklore, mythology speak of many things that go against what modern astronomy tell us, of course. We aren’t told the full truth about the Earth, Sun, Moon, stars and Cosmos in general. We are told the FOOL’S truth, not the FULL truth about LIFE, as the real truth would expose and destroy the rigged game that is modern life. That’s why GLOBAL warming is pushed and “flat” Earth reality is the most censored subject on the internet – even censored on conspiracy forums where anything goes… except discussing what the Earth really is. Hmm…

      • Earth is the fifth-largest planet in the solar system. It is the third planet from the Sun. It’s the only planet we know of that harbours life. It is approximately 4.5 billion years old. It was formed, with the Sun, from a swirling cloud of gas and dust that gave rise to our entire solar system.

        It is round and not flat.

        I hope that answers your question ?

      • Yes. The Flat Earth Society tweeted, with no apparent sense of irony, that they have members “all around the Globe”

      • LOL! I knew that my wee alternative view on the Cosmos would trigger someone to parrot the NASA narrative! Maybe a CGI video of the solar system will come next! Or ISS footage! Or Elon Musk saying we will be on Mars soon via his 1950s Buck Rogers silvery space rocket! I’m buying that shit, haven’t for years. I used to be a NASA fanboy, read it all, watched it all, dreamed it all, but… it’s… bullshit. What Earth and the Cosmos really is… is not known publicly at present, but it will be, it has to be, as their story doesn’t add up in 2022 like it once did. NASA are on the run now and they have no cards left to play, except the fake alien invasion – the ultimate mindfuck, but I reckon that will fail too. Great time to be alive!

      • At this point I think I will just graciously retire from the argument. Not because I’ll lose, but because there’s no point.

      • Yeah, the dude who said that, “we have member all around the world,” was a Freemason whose job it was to make people not look into the REAL flat Earth for fear of ridicule and it worked until 2014 when the new movement of looking into what Earth really is came along and went mega-viral in 2015, it was the most Googled topic, beating Trump, so Google removed the list of most Googled topics. Now Google try all the tricks they can to censor and shadow-ban this topic, as do YouTube (owned by Google, remember) and even the conspiracy forums ban it. Ain’t that weird? They allow, “Tom Hanks is a child rapist,” threads but will delete and ban people like me who ask for proofs of the Earth being what we are told it is. So you can libel Tom Hanks but not ask for proof of ocean curvature? Hmm.

        I’m looking to convert people to what I think Earth is, what the Cosmos is, what life is. I’ve just looked into this for almost twenty years from all sides and… Earth ain’t a globe hurtling through space at 650 million miles an hour in concert with the “galaxy”. I’m just being honest with myself and saying… I don’t know what all this is and I’ll be damned if I’m going to trust forms of media from governments and government agencies what all this – LIFE – is, just like I say, “suck my helmet” when they push GLOBAL warming on me and all the other bullshit. I just start from scratch and figure it out best I can and it looks like Earth and what’s beyond Earth is more like what our ancient ancestors tell us that what a bunch of stranger Freemasons in Florida tell me. Peace out, don’t try to start a fight on this thread with me, I’m only stating my worldview, not looking to convert people or insult people.
        Peace out, peace out, peace out.

      • I’m NOT looking for converts, I meant to say. I get why people bail on this topic, it’s pretty fucking huge – like Earth, like the Cosmos! I get why people – NASA fans, Musk fans, amateur astronomers, etc – become apoplectic over this topic, I’ve seen the awful “debates” between “flat Earthers” versus “globers” on YouTube for years, watched maybe 2000 hours of them. It’s an amazing topic to weigh in on, forget all the political shit that people derp about. It’s a David versus Goliath situation and I love those. And right now, gotta say, Goliath is on the ropes, not a KO yet, but he’s on the ropes. Ball (globe?) is in NASA’s court.

      • I agree with you that global warming is overstated. It’s the other things I disagree with – the ones that we can prove scientifically.

      • I’m not expecting ANYONE to agree with me or with anyone else on the internet for that matter. We don’t know each other. I could be a Chinese bot for all you know! (I’m a Nigerian bot)

        I started from scratch to understand what life is all about and of course what our world we live in is paramount to that. So along the way – in 2014 – the whole “flat Earth” data came along. So I looked at… reluctantly… but I’d been looking into “hollow Earth” for years, so I knew there was something erroneous about what we are told Earth is, there were hidden truths that people who seek truths, occult or esoteric truths, can find out and I think that Freemasons know this and they and others put clues out there. But I never became a “flat Earther” and I don’t like that term, though people in the community, some whom I respect and some I do not, label themselves that name with pride, fine, not me though. The Earth isn’t “flat” like a pancake floating in space. No one in the community thinks that or promotes that. If they do, they are a shill, controlled opposition and I haven’t seen any of those in years, they gave up as they were getting exposed as shills. I mean, ANYONE who wants to discuss this with David Weiss of America or Del from Scotland can do so via email. Those two guys are who you have to debunk in 2022. Eric Dubay got it all started in 2014, but he doesn’t do that as he’s a quiet introvert. But Dave and Del will talk to ANYONE who has proofs of ocean curvature and all the smoking guns of what Earth/Cosmos is. So far… no one and I mean NO ONE has presented the physical proofs of ocean curvature, etc. All the measurements used to measure space are based off the assumption of the size of Earth and Venus, for example. So, us lot – the nutters! – don’t trust the government-led and funded and promoted data on what reality is, so we look into it all for ourselves. It’s fun! It’s not fun for the “globers” on YouTube, though. SciManDan, heard of him? He “debunks” flat Earthers. Great! Oh, but he won’t discuss it via livestream discussions. He’s making at least $50,000 a year off his “debunking” so he won’t let himself be made to look like a clown, he’s clown OTHERS but he won’t have a live face to face. All these “debunkers” are like this. They spend their lives mocking us, but won’t face us live and just have a wee friendly chat to see who is on the right track.

        Like I say, it’s an amazing time to be alive as we might be about to see a gigantic scientific, philosophical and spiritual paradigm unfolding – and the psychopaths who temporarily ran this world will do ANYTHING to stop that, including a fake alien invasion as NASA Saturn engineer Wernher von Braun said to this woman, Carol Rosin…

        So, whenever you hear the government tell us about “aliens”… just don’t drink that Kool-Aid. “Aliens” have been pushed for over 70 years in the media for a reason. It will be hilarious when those “aliens” arrive! It will make Covid look like the long-forgotten Mad Cow Disease unnecessary hysteria.

    • Exactly so Berks – they’ll “…hide the decline…”

      ‘Read Me Harry’… anyone remember those emails?

  16. Crazy how anyone even thinks that they know what this wonderful planet is really doing. Just look at the hostile environment in which it exists … the universe is in a constant state of flux … which means everything is in a constant state of flux. Ain’t nothin’ humanity can do about it …. absofuckinlutely nothin’. Entropy … pretty much tells you what to expect. There is actually a definite point at which the earth will be unable to support life regardless of anything humanity does. The sun has set the end point of the timeline but the bit in between will be a right laugh … super volcanoes, weather events, solar flares, rising sea levels the big fuckoff asteroid etc … all real and all existential threats. If the snowflakes have mental health problems now because of a bit of covid, prejudices, phone envy, inability to go on holiday … you wait til they work out which generation is the last of us! LOL … best thing to do is drastically reduce the world’s population and improve the quality of life for everyone for as long as is reasonably practicable cos there ain’t a plan B … when the time comes … it comes … end of. Bye y’all …

  17. As I have posted before. Go to the fucking Blue John Mine in Derbyshire, and stand upon an ocean floor half a mile underground, the guide will show you the evidence of climate changes as a recurrent and natural cycle..

    Not far from there, is the place I wish to bury that cunt with the pony tail! Its called the Devil’s Arse !

    • EC@ – Been there, wonderful place and you are absolutely correct about the recurrent cycle evidence – and I found a load of Blue John on the hillside outside – the teacher was most impressed with my eyesight!

  18. I find it laughable that the so-called expert cunts can lecture us poor plebs with great authority what the weather will be like in 40 years time when they can’t even get the following day’s right.

    • Not even the next day, I have often found the weathergirl (sexist old cunt me, fuck ’em) telling me how the sun is shining outside. Yeah, in fucking Nottingham. It’s pissing it down here in Leicester, you area-ist bitch!

  19. I say stop the dakis and darkeys breeding like dirty animals when they can’t afford to have little mites. Each time one opens their legs six starving kids come out.

    That’ll save more for those who are sensible and I’d argue half the problem solved; simple mathematics here my friends:

    Less equals more

    Less food needed, more to go round which means,
    Less coal / oil burned to produce food,
    Less crops needed,
    Less fertilisers,
    Less bricks and mortars,
    Less rubber (for dinghy’s from Calais)
    The list could go on…

    See the pattern here my fellow cunters…

  20. If dreadful farting cows are “killing the planet” how come the more numerous and much bigger herbivore dinosaurs didn’t?
    Ever get the feeling we are being played?

    • When the cunts, who are telling us what we have to do, set an example by starting to do it themselves first, then I will probably carry on ignoring the lying bastards.

    • “…Ever get the feeling we are being played?”

      On an hourly basis Vern… an hourly fucking basis!

  21. Not far from where I live there is mile upon mile of desolate moorland which stretches as far as the eye can see. If CO2 is the problem, why not just plant it all with trees? The only people it will affect are the filthy rich Arabs who occasionally fly over to the UK to shoot a few grouse. Do the same with vast areas of Scotland – problem solved.

  22. We have time to make a Plan B, but nobody wants to because that means admitting they were wrong. It will also make them look like heartless cunts when compared to all those still trying to ‘stop’ or ‘slow’ climate change. They need to all admit we’re fucked, and come up with realistic solutions.

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