The Archbishop Interviews

The Archbishop Interviews

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is to interview six people on the subject of faith and morality for Radio 4. So far, so boring. But look who he’s got lined up first, none other that Lucifer himself, Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. Interviewed on the subject of morality, for fucks sake! This is beyond parody.

Nominated by Geordie Twatt

45 thoughts on “The Archbishop Interviews

  1. An unrepeatable opportunity for Miranda to lay bare his unblemished morals to a baying public, pissed off at his recent knighthood (to the Garter).

    You’ve got to hand it to Tone, he can sniff out an opportunity. Phoney cunt.

  2. The only place Blair and his Messiah Complex need a cross examination is the International Criminal Court at The Hague.

    As for Welby, a ridiculous irrelevant twat.

  3. Fucking hell, this will be a ratings winner.

    I’d rather remove my nasal hair with tweezers than tune into this utter festival of cuntitude.

  4. My first question to Anthony Blair would be Why do you always have that shit-eating grin on your face?.My second question would be Were you Mandy’s power bottom,or he yours?

  5. Not surprising as the CofE has completely lost its moral compass and has become nothing more than the Liberal Democrats at prayer.

    • Socialist workers party not at prayer because like most of the clergy in the C of E they don’t believe in god.

  6. Two giggling old Queens meet in a BBC studio to discuss morality…might as well have Katie Price and Daniella Westbrook meet in Jeffrey Epstein’s “rumpus-room” to discuss sound financial planning and the benefits of celibacy.

  7. Is the interview conducted through a glory hole?

    Both season ticket holders to the public toilets on Hampstead heath.

  8. Apparently the CofE is considering designating bishops with special responsibilities for Brexit and immigration.

    I remember when the CofE used to concern itself only with boring but pious stuff like God, Jesus, the New and Old Testaments, Moses, John the Baptist, etc.

    Apparently this is no longer good enough. They must insert themselves into Brexit, which they regard as a bad thing, of course.


  9. I’d like to see someone interview mr welby on the morality of the CofE going against the bibles teaching regarding the gayness. Not just turning a blind eye, but openly distorting the very words of its own centuries old workshop manual to pander to a minority.

  10. It’s a blatant piss take. There seems to be an endless quest to find out how far you can push the general public before the masses tell you to piss off.

    It really is like a reversal when good is bad and bad is good. Good old Sir Tony, the greatest living PM who only cared about the unwashed masses and an Archbishop who seeks to be determined to remove any credibility from the church.

    Don’t piss on my shoes and tell me it’s raining!!

    But they do and the masses run out and buy umbrellas.

  11. Old school influencers at work … should not give either piece of garbage the airtime. Anyway, there’s not a chance in hell that I’d be hearing the output of that interview.
    Tony Blair and religion …. one of my claims to fame is that I personally prevented the cunt from attending a church service whilst he was at Chequers and he was quite miffed apparently. ?

  12. Jizzedin Welby – Arch Bishop of Cunterbury. This twat has an opinion on everything, but stays remarkably quiet when it comes to kiddie fiddling priests. Cunt.

  13. I am happily atheist and take my faith very seriously, but I think if you’re going to be in charge of a Christian order that you probably should believe in the bible. He apparently doesn’t think hell exists and that a lot of the bible shouldn’t be taken literally. If you purport to aspire to the kingdom of heaven you cannot just dismiss the alternative as a fairy story. And covering up for “minor attracted” clergy isn’t a great thing to put on your application for membership.
    Still, he’s only a tenth the cunt that Blair.

  14. His mother’s life is a bit of a read. I remember reading about her once, private secretary to Churchill later to marry then have an affair. This affair led to the ABC being born, what a bastard!
    On Wikipedia it reads she gave birth short of nine months being married.
    P.S. Welby found out who his father was by a DNA test if I recall.

  15. I imagine Blair entering a church would would conjure up a scenario akin to the scene from The Omen where a very young Damien becomes uncontrollably hysterical in the presence of God.

    The evil cunt.

    • That reminds me of Kaye from Passions. Her eyes turned black, bled ichor and there was a force field that prevented her from entering consecrated ground. Unless as I believe Jesus is Satan, so Blair would be most welcome, I hope he and Welby get the poisoned cracker.

  16. Archbish; ‘so Tony, I’m sure our listeners would like to know why you’re such a cunt’

    Bliar; ‘who are you calling a cunt, you cunt?’

    Great nom Geordie.
    Morning all.

    • Ron, Why don´t you try and get in there as a “guest” interviewer as Radio ISAC´s faith and morality correspondent?

      • I did approach them Mr P, but they said that IsAC did not represent the kind of ethical and moral values which Archbish Welby wished to promote.

    • Pity. Just think of the woke storm. “Racist homophobe trans hater, Aston Villa fan Ron Knee savages St Tony of Blairdom fury”.

  17. Didnt Tony Blair talk about ‘The Third Way? In politics. The Church of England has been trying to chart a Third Way from its inception. A ‘via media’ between Catholicism and Protestantism. But hasn’t really achieved it.

  18. The whiff of sulphur, sanctimony and sodomy hangs in the air.
    Unfortunately Blair does not.
    A crying shame.
    Do you see the faces of those you killed Tony?

  19. Tony wouldn’t do any interview unless he was certain he was in friendly territory. No hard hitting questions for the cunt.
    The bishop of Cunterbury should be on the hot seat about the massive peed-oh scandal that we are all supposed to ignore.

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