Soogray Soogray Soogray Soogray…..Soo fucking gray! I’m fucking fed up of hearing this fucking name over and over again. Apparently she is Sherlock cunting Holmes or something, the fucking old trout.
I don’t fucking care anymore…..I just wish somebody would call her Mrs Gray, or Susan or refer to the “Gray Reporf” or something. Shut the fuck up with this Soogray bollocks for fucks sake you cunts!!
Nominated by Freddie the Frog
Cuntymort also wanted to have his say:
In response to F.T.F’s post. Thank fuck I’m not the only one who is pissed off with hearing ZOO GREY. Fucking enough already. Just cut the middleman out and burn princess blow job at the stake and have done with it. I voted for Boris not this eco loon tart.
As for Queer Charmer, he can fuck himself too, and that Rayner tart too. Cressida Lick Flaps can fuck off as well. On second thought, oven the fucking lot of them.
Sue doesn’t have to be fuckin Colombo to work out Downing street had many parties,
Not just one.
It was like a old Etonians version of fuckin Ibiza!
That cunt Boris has been to more parties in a month than ive been to in 52yrs!
Hes like John Belushi in Animal House.
I could solve this in thirty minutes.
Speak to the coppers guarding 10 Downing Street.
Speak to the stripper
And any attending rentboys.
Then issue the pisstaking cunt a token fine.
People say its a witch hunt against Boris?
If so, hes supplied them plenty of ammo!
Mnc@ – Methinks the witch hunt (appropriately named) is not directed toward the jellyfish – our inside Man in Downing Street B&WC states this as a fact as he has had “intimate access to Carrie’s inner circle”! ?
Well where did everyone THINK he has disappeared to? ?
Is he nose fucking her eye socket??
Another one he’ll impregnate.
Say that for him,
Nowt wrong with his tadpoles!
Only bit of him that works.
His digestive system appears to be tickety-boo too. He’s fat as a piggy and full of shit.
That’s why I refer to him as “Boris Eton-Hogg”*
*a nod towards “Sir Dennis Elton-Hogg”, the pompous “Polymer Records” boss, from Spinal Tap.
Also a reference to the Bullington club?
As hungry as a pig.
Put the kettle on Eroll.
… the now ultra famous civil fuckin’ servant that no one had ever heard of. We shouldn’t even have been told her name in the first place. Anyway, it’s only a pissant report pertaining to … well nothing. So fuckin’ what if the cunts were dickin’ about ffs … everyone was seemingly at it or something like it and worse.
A girl named Sue. They’re always a bit bossy Sues. Goody two shoes they are Sues. Like Sue in Sooty abd Sweep. Always telling on Sooty. Or was it Sweep?
Both probably.
She was a right grass Miles.
And a panda.
So a chinky vegan too.
Poor sweep, a misunderstood rebel.
Did Matthew Corbett enjoy putting his fist up Sue more than Sooty or Sweep?
I think they are just grateful they didn’t have to go into the broom cupboard with Philip Schofield like poor Gordon the Gopher.
Gordon the gopher still has a terrible stutter and nervous tic LL.
Dont ever sit with him in the pub,
“The horrors ive seen, the horror..”
Aye, poor Gordon,
Started life as a finger puppet…a week in the closet with that cunt he’s now a glove one.
On a side note, never knew Lenny Henry was in the Sooty show…
Wait until Finger Mouse starts telling his stories.
Ooooohh! Mister Corbett…?
The tart…
Sneaky cunts, are Pandas…
(Typical vegan…typical Chinese…now you know what happened to the Three Nice Mice.)
I read the headline the other day “Philip Schofield catches…(reading on nervously) ….Covid”,
Well that was a fucking disappointment.
You could repopulate the Earth with the spunk in Schofield’s arse. Scotland Yard should use him as a mobile DNA database when looking for gay criminals.
It’s not what is right or wrong in politics, it’s what you can get away with, and you can be sure loads of MPs of all parties broke some of the rules some of the time. I bet Starmer’s poofters were still taking late night rambles on Hampstead Heath and Clapham Common looking for rough trade, and old Tobias Ellwood was out in the Rover 75 kerb crawling. They are a load of hypocrites and they have gone on far too long about birthday cakes and parties
They all want boiling in horse piss
Ed, you are a man after own heart.
What another load of pompous shit.
Who gives a fuck what the daft cunts get up to?
The media keep up the pretence that politicians are wise and worthy of our attention and praise.
Piss and wind.
Sue fucking Gray? Shut it Sue or your expenses don’t get signed off.
Just the latest shitty panto.
The header picture is the stuff of nightmares ?
She doesn’t look a happy bunny Baron.
Bet even Carrie fakes it, like Sharon Stone in Total Recall.
I’d regain a little respect for Bojo if he blew her head off and said “consider that a divorce”
Shes got more teeth than a family of beavers.
No way Id pop my winky in her mouth!
Like a woodchipper or something!
Id just fuck her up the arse .
You old romantic Miserable.
Not a chance Mis, you wouldn’t get near her arse Boris is permanently up there.
A couple of weeks ago nobody had ever heard of this woman. Now she’s one of the most famous people in the country. Almost as famous as Cressida Dickhead.
Fame indeed.
Who the fuck is she Ron?
I wholeheartedly endorse the sheer irritation of hearing her name over and over again.
Actually replace over with oven.
A good idea would be a phone in for which M.P gets a kick in the bollocks/cunt. £3 per call the lucky winner gets to kick their voted for cunt in the chosen area. Have it as pay per view, £10 per subscriber. Win Win. Income tax down by 2 p in the pound after the first month.
I don’t imagine many MP’s have any bollocks, perhaps some of the wimmin do?
The Grey report by Gray was debated in the house of cunts on Monday, unfortunately it wasn’t the full multicoloured report everyone expected, poor Sue had ‘Dick’ rammed up her arse, size twelve flatfoots are now pounding the floors of Downing Street.
What are we waiting for, the Dick report or more accurately who will be fined over illegal raves in No. 10
Don’t worry Gray will be back, once the Dick has been removed from her arse, the full report will be published (possibly).
Kuenssberg will be fingering herself in the hope she has an orgasm being the first to break the news.
Am I bovvered, no I ain’t fucking bovvered!
Sue should ask Jamie Oliver what he knows.
Youll always find him in the kitchen at parties..
As far as scandals go its hardly Bill Clinton playing hide the Presidential sausage in Oval Office or anything involving Keith Vaz and rent boys.
If only the police, politicians and the media showed the same zeal in the peaceful grooming gangs. Now that is a fucking scandal.
Well said indeed.
The media are only interested in Westminster, they don’t give a fuck about grooming in Rotherham, mentioned it once and then forgotten.
It’s all a load of bollocks anyway. The media are inventing scenarios whereby Boris may or may not fall in his sword, but he would only resign if it was proved he’d committed the heinous crime of misleading parliament. He can lie to us all he fucking likes, it’s the lying to parliament that matters. Let’s just say that if anyone held evidence proving that he did, they’d be swiftly dealt with Dr David Kelly style.
Great pic Admin, my congratulations. However, a wider perspective might have revealed the Strapon licking his fat arse. What a corrupt, lying bunch of bullshitters…….exactly what we have come to expect from the Westminster traitors.
Off topic, but my hound just pissed up a parking warden.
I’m so proud. ?
Well done Fido!
Give that dog a bone.
Well done, hound!!
I’m proud of you, too.
Mine just pisses on car tyres. He has a strange affinity for them.
He also shits in brambles, nettles, broken glass, the cunt. Anywhere that’s awkward and painful to retrieve.
Did I call him a cunt?
Same here JP.
Mine has a habit of shitting in or up things. Particularly Robbie Williams’ wall (Sorry Robbie. It isn’t personal)
He also likes to piss on those rental bikes that get left all over the pavements and bicycle covers.
Having added another string to his bow this evening, he was rewarded with roast chicken and gravy.
Right on, Odin.
Give hound a head scratch from me.
Late last year, there was a dusting of snow.
Bram held on to it, until he could ‘ decorate’ someone’s conifer hedge with Bram baubles.
The cunt.
Did I mention he’s a cunt?
Give him a par from me Odin ?
You have an impeccably trained dog, Sir?
I listened to the Parliamentary farce on Monday and I was impressed with the contribution of Mavis May. Not because she slagged the Jellyfish off ( every cunt was doing that ) but because she used the phrase “the Gray Report’ instead of the word beginning with S and ending with Y.
Well done Mavis! It’s taken you a long time but you got there in the end you hopeless old witch.
I hardly ever give her a single thought but when somebody mentions her name I always wonder how the fuck she ever became PM. It usually feels like something I made up.
The Police investigation will go on for months, cost millions and will be less effective than “Plebgate”.
No one will get sacked, no one will be reprimanded, you will just get the shit after another child dies in the care system, “Lessons will be learned and procedures will change”.
Fuck off. Anyone found breaking the rules should be boiled in a vat of piss.
There was no need to get this bird involved. She’s not there to suggest remedies, she’s there to find out what actually happened and report back to Boris. But everyone already knows what happened and Jellyfish has gone from saying no parties took place to apologizing for them. He says “I’ll fix it” when it’s him who needs fixing. Her investigation was designed to drag things out as long as possible till everyone’s had enough and no-one cares any more. Then just for good measure they bring in the Met to do their own investigation and stop her publicizing the results of her own. It’s all so blatant and Boris thinks we can’t see that. And even if he thought we could, he wouldn’t care.
Remember the days when people resigned if they were so much as accused of something? These days they have no shame. There’s an old Lancashire expression to describe Boris’s face – ‘It’d stand cloggin’.
Insufficient evidence/no further action. Things will have moved on by then, which is probably what Bodge is hoping for. Although…by that time chances are he’ll have graduated to an even bigger fuck up, the terminally useless blithering cunt.
At least we now know why the Strapon was kept on despite one disaster after another in the Met Police. He had her in his pocket all the time, for emergency purposes obviously.
Maybe Boris is smarter and cuntier than we thought?
Who’s pulling whose strings?
Back in the 80’s living in the North West you couldn’t avoid adverts promoting the Warrington / Runcorn New Town development.
Every advert ended ‘call Eileen Bilton on…..’
Eileen Bilton was a secretary at a run of the mill property company that had been appointed to handle enquiries on behalf of the the New Town Development body.
She quickly realised the value of her brand, created totally free of charge by the Government and set up her own business called the Eileen Bilton Partnership.
Perhaps Sue Gray should take a leaf out of her book and start a business specialising on non reporting Government waste and Misdemeanours.
She could adopt the A Team’s strap line, ‘If you’ve got a problem and you can’t solve it call Sue Gray on……..’
Yeah, I can definitely see that. In a world of liars, cheats and money grabbing cunts the media has built her up to be a paragon of virtue.
S*****y could be a valuable brand.
??? hahahaha
” In 2022 a crap commando unit was sent to prison
For a party they didn’t attend.”
Boris Hannibal Johnson
Dominic mad dog cummings
Michael ace face fabricant
Jacob BA mogg
The A team
“One isnt getting on a aeroplane ,fool”
Can you picture David Lammy dressed up as Mr T, MMC?! He’d look quite fetching with a mohawk…
David Lammy.
You well mr Cunt engine?
Fucking brilliant thanks, drove my ancient car to work today, 70-odd mile round trip and used 40 quids worth of super unleaded! That what, 10ish to the gallon?! Fuck you, Greta!
How’s things up in the wilds of the north?
Yeah cracking ta pal.
This week’s quiet for work for some reason,
So yesterday I took my dog into the hills walking.
It was cold as fuck and the wild was howling,
Lovely ?
I ended up in a old quarry and someone had made big thrones out of the cut limestone.
I sat an had me dinner on one.
Never saw another living soul.
It was a perfect day!
King of the mountain ?
Sounds fantastically bleak!
Surprised you didn’t meet a coachful of camera-wielding squinty-eyed tourists…
The dog would of persuaded them to fuck off Thomas.
Not too far away are the remains of downed planes from the war.
Still laying there on the moorland.
Think the weather got them unawares!!!
Yoir dog might’ve come off woest…they’d have been running after your woofer, licking their lips and trying to cover the poor bugger in bbq sauce!
Actually, I agree with the earlier post, that she should never have been named.
Shame on everyone who has slagged this poor lass off, she didn’t ask for this.
Think on.
I’m sick to the back of Sue Gray’s teeth about hearing about this pointless report.
It would be much better if Boris just disregards the reports findings, and just erupts into a Beastie Boys tribute at the dispatch box,
? You gotta fight. (Whack mace onto dispatch box twice, bang, bang), for your right, (all ministers and backbenchers join in here), to paaaarty! ?
Rees Mogg could be doing some cheesy air guitar at his side.
Liz Truss then takes off her knickers, and starts swinging them round, before tossing them over to the opposition benches.
What’s the opposition ever done to you, that you would wish such horror on them?
Nothing really JP,
I just thought that Jess Phillips might appreciate the knickers?
If Liz Truss waved her pants around in the lower house, the rancid stench might make people might think that an honourable member had left a prawn cocktail on top of a hot radiator for a fortnight.
Reckon Cressida of the Yard wears Y fronts or boxers?
I wonder if Liz Truss actually wears any knickers?
Cressida will wear a leather jock strap.
Dianne Abbott’s knickers would worn back to front, – with frontal discharge at the rear, and skidmarks at the front.
Bet Dirty Angie Rayburn wears crotchless black pvc knickers!
Pierced lips hanging out?
Like Mick Jagger without his teeth in.
I’d launch myself into Angela Rayner with the same gusto as a kamikaze pilot crashing into Pearl Harbour, the saucy copper-topped minx.
I’m glad that you’ve divulged that, Mr. Cunt Engine.
I have been having similar thoughts about the filthy slut ( allegedly ) myself, of late.
An embarrassment shared, is an embarrassment halved. ?
I bet she goes like the fucking clappers.
Cowgirl, with tits flailing, wildly.
Good God.
Goodnight. ????
A problem thirded!!??
She needs the chief whip. I Deffo would. After I have finished, she would be hashtagging #metoo
Angela Raynor’s snatch will look like a butcher’s shop window.
A few meaty bits hanging out here and there, surrounded by a ginger five o clock shadow.
I’d give Liz Truss a good going over. Tie her to the bed, spank her. Bet she’s a goer, and likes it rough.
TTCE, if you kamikazed yourself into Angela Raynor, we would never see, or hear from you again.
Her back box has rotted through too, so don’t get any ideas in that department either.
A dozen tins of Holts Fire Putty have been lost attempting to patch it up.
So Gay