
Freddie Lewis and his enabler, the BBC, talk candidly about Freddie’s occasional periods here: (warning: don’t read within two hours of eating). Does this make one or both of them cunts? You be the judge…

I accept that I’m not medically trained, and have led a relatively sheltered existence, but to the best of my knowledge no man has ever visited the GP (yeah, I know, imagine for a minute that it’s possible to fucking see one!) complaining, “Dr, help me, I’ve got blood weeping from my member!” only for the GP to reply, “Congratulations, Mr Cunt, your periods have just begun. Here’s a free tampon to get you started, courtesy of the NHS.”

It’s more likely to be, “Here’s a leaflet about your cock cancer. Close the door on your way out, that waiting room filled with illegal immigrants aren’t gonna diagnose themselves. They’ve got enough on their plate grabbing their free accommodation, food, money and schooling for Abdul and Fatima where they can learn all about White Privilege.”

After much thought, I’ve concluded that the BBC are definitely cunts for promoting this. Whilst Freddie probably isn’t, I assume he still has one, or at least some surgically mangled remnant thereof, to bleed from. Thank fuck I don’t pay the telly tax.

Nominated by Cunty McCunt

82 thoughts on “Freddie

  1. I wish Putin out invade the UK and sort out these cunts. Both he and Xi must be laughing their bollocks off as the West sink into depravity.

  2. Christ almighty, bloody (no pun intended) Bristol AGAIN. A few days ago, it was self-identifying as cats (Bristol University).
    I hope this freak gets terminal endometriosis.

      • I had never seen antifa graffiti until I went there. Homeless everywhere, got at least half a dozen interruptions during my pint and cig.

        It’s twinned with Brighton I’m sure. Full of dozy nutbags

      • Now I know what BBC stands for. The Brighton Broadcasting Corporation. Or the Bristol Broadcasting Corporation. Take your pick.

      • I’ve lived in Bristol all my life but I’m starting to wonder if I won’t get ‘taken over’ by some strange force if I stay here much longer! .The majority of us couldn’t give a monkeys wank about any of this weird stuff – apart from when it interferes with our lives, which it sometimes does. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve been late or had to change plans because of some demonstration or other. I used to feel sorry for the normal people living in Glastonbury, trying to go about their daily business surrounded by people wearing cloaks and plastic Spock ears and so on, but increasingly I’m not in a position to judge.

  3. I’m lost here, is this person a bloke wanting to be a wimminz or a wimminz wanting to be a bloke?
    Assigned gender? You don’t get assigned a gender, you’re born with XX or XY chromosomes, not assigned them.
    Anything else is a mutation.
    We’re gonna need a bigger oven.

  4. I always operate on the basis of ‘if it looks right’ it may well be right. That don’t look right … looks like a deviant freak and so is one until proven otherwise. I identify it as a snowflake POS … needs to keep its perverted lifestyle to itself and fuck the hell off.

  5. All transgender men are women. Without exception. They are either bearded ladies escaped from the circus with a cunt and can therefore get pregnant, even after they have mangled their tits or they have a burrito made out of their thigh stuck on. They are not men , have never had a wedgie, dead leg or a punch in the bollox while growing up. They are culturally appropriating men . Cunts the lot of em.

  6. ‘Cis is short for cisgender – a term used to refer to people who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth’.

    The BBC felt the need to put that little note in the piece to help us poor idiots understand what is going on. Cunts!

    Sorry not having any of this shit, it’s Men, Women and Deviants.

    What a crap story, some silly tart who thought she would have her tits lopped off and pump her body full,of testosterone. Yawn.

    • Cis= Normal.

      Everything else needs to be banned.

      It should law that if you catch any of these sexual deviants within 100m of your kids, you get to do what you like to them until they leave the area.

  7. The mental Cunt has got it easy as far as I’m concerned….anyone who suffers from the dreaded “GuinnessSharts” knows what it’s like to suffer…no warning,no handy jam-rags plus an appalling stench which alerts everyone in the vicinity to your embarrassing medical condition…and yet my “wunnerful NHS” Doctor eyed me with incredulity and,to her eternal shame,I hope,scorn when I made an appointment to discuss just what the Health Service could…and should…do to ease my symptoms…a blue badge,mobility car and benefit-money to help me deal with my affliction would be a start.

    It’s the lack of kindness and the down-right bullying from the general public that really troubles me…I have a medical condition and should be treated with understanding…if I anally explode in the middle of Tesco’s cafe,I expect a “Ah,poor Dear” when I shake the flood out of my trouser leg and explain that I’ve got Guinnessitis….not a “Get that filthy old Cunt out of here” from staff and customers.

    Not all disabilities are visible,Cunters…be kind.

    • PS….I wonder if the BBC would be interested in taking up the cudgels on behalf of me and my fellow sufferers?…perhaps Jeremy Vine could interview myself and others similarly afflicted in the one place where we are not judged or treated as “different”….the local Wetherspoons

      • DFF@ – Afraid it’s a no go for the BBC interview, I saw Vine leaving a “very discreet private club” and as soon as I mentioned your name he went purple and began bellowing about an “over refreshed vast Country estate owner, a horse being ridden through BBC HQ, the DG’s top hat being filled with “Guinness effluent” and Greek police racing around the place with an arrest warrant and a vengeful look in their eyes”!
        I of course immediately leapt to your defence after this despicable besmirching of your good character by shouting “It wouldn’t surprise me a bit – he chased me and young Miserable off with a shotgun recently just for trespassing and stealing – the blaggard”!

    • I feel your pain Squire.
      I too was so afflicted on a stag do in Dublin.
      In fact I may still be suffering with PTSD.

      • …Aye, it’s the disease that dare not mention it’s name,Unkle….no support-groups for us…no Celebrity-fronted fund-raisers…no special bins in toilets to chuck our ruined skiddies ( I stuff mine down the pan and flush several times)…no Nobel prize-winning scientists toiling day and night to find a cure…no benefit grant to alleviate our suffering….no free Guinness dished out by the chemist to help us drink safe…no ” he fought a brave battle but eventually his ring succumbed” eulogies for us.

        It’s a fucking disgrace and frankly I’m outraged.

      • Perhaps we could “crowd fund” a large quantity of boil wash proof skiddies, for you, Lord F.

        Rabidly heterosexual, misogynistic, homophobic, racist , Guiness swilling “Real men” have had a target put on our backs-we are at risk of becoming an endangered species ?

      • It’s more the way that we sufferers have to remain hidden in the shadows,General…ashamed of something that isn’t a choice but has been cruelly thrust upon us…plenty of sympathy available for those with “trendy” diseases but a complete lack of understanding for the likes of us “PissingOutOfMyArsehole” sufferers…if I had The Aids or The Gayness ( tbf…if I had one of them,I’d undoubtedly have the other too), I’d be feted as a brave victim and not shunned like a leprous Paul Gadd.

        Oh.the Humanity.

    • DFF@ – As a fellow Guinness drinker I share your pain – it turns everything in the gut to rank, black water and insists on permanently trying vigorously to escape irrespective of location or social niceties!
      But no BBC interest for THESE victims – it is clearly racist, sexist and the worst of thoroughly bad form!
      Oh, nearly forgot – chainsaw “Freddie” in half – if the evil little fucker wants to bleed I am more than happy to arrange!

    • As a fellow cunter, i know what you mean as i also suffer from the bastard son of GuinessSharts
      They arrive out of the blue, no 4 minute warning and a dreadful outcome for all, an explosion of reeking shit once smelt never forgotten.
      I feel for you Fiddler

  8. Is that a tash or a dirty sanchez? I’m not zooming in or clicking anything. It’s Sunday for christ sake.

  9. Whilst it is physically impossible to change sex, fact, it remains that there are a plethora of idiots who want to continue to deny reality and promote this garbage.

    Some good news though. Suicide rates amongst post op trannies are 42% higher than there comparable peer groups ie what they were before.

    So let’s keep on messages as they say and before long there’ll be another hilarious freak show in town.

      • CG@ – Yep – a Woman with a “penis” stitched on is not a Man, a “Man” with lady bits is not a Woman, and I believe the evil mind twisting degenerate lunacy has gone far enough now.
        Dr Fox prescribes judicious application of a Gatling gun..

      • By this person’s own admission, their treatment has not been a success and Nature is therefore asserting itself.

    • About 10-15 years ago there was a spate of ‘reality’ tv shows featuring people emigrating from Britain. Usually to Australia. I would say about 9 times out of 10 the cunts were running away from something here, often debt. These cunts seemed to think all their problems would simply melt away if only they went to the opposite side of the Earth. Well they fucking don’t. Why would you’re feckless, spendthrift ways change because you traded Bristol for Brisbane? You’re the fucking problem, not where you live.

      Its the same with these trans folk. They think their sex is the problem and if they only changed it (which they can’t) everything would be fine. Then when they’ve had the ops to make them look like that they wish they were, they discover their life is still shit so they either get very militant or reach for the razor blade.

    • And having read the “article” it’s quite clear all the hormone therapy and surgery this escaped lunatic has had comes via Our NHS.

      Cue banging of pans etc

      The fucking daft cunts.

  10. I operate on the basis of ‘if it looks right’ it may well be alright. That really don’t look right … therefore it’s a deviant freak of the worst kind until proven otherwise. I do however, identify it as a cunt, a POS that should not be given air time nor given an audience.

  11. All that emotional turmoil.
    All that expense to the British tax payer.
    All those resources from the NHS.
    All that distress that “it’s” family must have endured.

    …..and it looks like the fucking keyboard player from the communards, circa 1983??????????

  12. Wonder if we’ll see it star in a home made remake of Freddy Got Fingered.
    Morning all!

    • Don’t worry…I’m sure if you search hard enough,you’ll be able to track it down.


      • Even thinking about it has put me off my black pudding.
        A good morrow to you sir

  13. One truly fucked-up weirdo in a truly fucked up world in which black is white, 2+2=5, men are women, women are men and men can have periods and be taken seriously by the BBC.

    The barbarians are at the gates. The decadent West is finished and within a generation will be selected for extinction. Still, at least Freddie will then be thrown on the bonfire, where he belongs, the cunt.

    • MJB@ – Methinks these “trans men” also have a penchant for somewhat darker pastimes.
      I wonder if they live near local schools?..

    • I welcome the imminent World War. We will be grateful to Vladimir Putin in the long run for helping us sort ourselves out.

      • Thank you, Miles. I appear before you a new improved, rejuvenated RT.

        Needless to say I was subject to an epiphany during my sojourn in Kielder Forest… all a bit hush-hush… best I say no more for now….

      • Can you rejuvenate ISAC though? That is the question RT.

        There are mutterings that it is in decline.

        I have said that there are peaks and troughs with everything.

        I said also (which I believe) that having just three Noms a day has contributed to a…decline in interest.

        I was thinking we havent even heard from Freddie the Frog for a while. Another stalwart maybe gone.

        Of course things move on.

        Cunters maybe have exhausted what they want to say. Sick of repeating themselves. They havent got anymore to contribute. Maybe.

        Also (this thread being an example) the world has become so stupid (or the news) that it is beyond satire.

        As one of our oldest residents what do you think?

      • Believe it or not, Miles, there was a period, about six years ago, when we had two or fewer noms per day!

        I recall one nom spanning several days, probably due to a shortage of Admins.

        On balance, I reckon three noms a day is about right.

        You make some very valid points, though.

        Speaking personally, I feel I have exhausted most of what I have to say on ISAC.

        As David Byrne sang:

        When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed
        Say something once, why say it again? ?

        (Talking Heads ‘Psycho Killer’, 1977)

      • PS: Have also grown weary of the proliferation of irony-free racist, homophobic and tinfoil nutjob posts that have infested the site in recent months.

        PPS: I very much doubt Freddie the Frog has gone.

      • Yeah that point I made about the news being beyond satire; in this case Men having periods.
        When it was novel it you would contribute enthusiastically. But the absurdity has become normal.
        I think that has had an effect.
        Especially on us old old hands.

        On a more positive note. I am sure I will find something to post on. When a joke occurs.

    • They have survived lots of hurty words so will be lean mean combat machines. Fuck me sideways your right we are fucked

  14. Resents it’s body does what it’s always done………..reality does that, pokes you ok the face and fucks up your self delusions.

  15. What grinds my gears about these mutants is the money paid out by the NHS in providing medical procedures and medication for this bumfolly, when in many cases there are either massive waiting lists or insufficient funds for essential treatments.

    Also law now expects us to respect, revere and make special allowances for the freaks. And we have a so called public broadcasting service giving reverant lip service to this shite, whilst threatening those who don’t wish to purchase a licence to watch their old horse crap.

    Shit in my fucking hat and stamp on it. This country is now officially wanked out.

    • Has Mrs (Dr) Maskinback has to deal with these mental degenerates, Paul?
      It must have her piss boiling?

      • To the best of my knowledge she hasn’t had any such mutants on her list.

        She did have a teenage girl who came in with a spot on her chest. This girl insisted to my wife it was a third breast growing. I kid you not. The youth of today are not taught to think for themselves.

  16. Admin:

    I have just (and on several previous occasions), received the message-

    This website has been blocked from automatically sending you an e-mail.
    Ignore. Allow.

    Is this from you/IsAC or should I be locking the gates ?

    • CG@ – If it is via email hover over it and it will reveal the senders real email details – it may be ruffians attempting a swindle!

      • Thank you Vern.

        I am awaiting a reply from Admin-in case they have genuinely been attempting to contact me…

  17. What we are witnessing and living through, is the decline and fall of the West. This cunting is but a small but important piece of a much bigger picture
    As we spiral into an ever more convoluted sink hole of degeneracy, corruption, incompetence, greed and moral and political bankruptcy, the stars are rising in the East.
    This won’t happen overnight, but the writing is on the wall.
    Unless someone of extraordinary and charismatic capability emerges, to re energize and shake the Western World out of its current malaise, a new Renaissance, if you like. Then we are well and truly fucked.
    Good afternoon.

    • Rome is falling as “Emperor Sneero” fiddles.
      His expenses, and any Wimminz stupid enough to be in range of his “wandering cock”..
      It is obvious to me that I need to sweep to power in a brutal dictatorship with IAC as my Government!
      “We wanty wanty benefits and house”!
      “No problem – fuck off somewhere that’s daft enough to give you them”.
      “You are being racist”!
      “Right Son, pick your teeth up and fuck off”..
      I see my much needed Premiership as a combination of Enoch Powell, Winston Churchill and Hannibal Lector..

  18. The sad truth is, between the nastiness and the make-believe o the woke, the surgical and hormonal treatments will not cure Freddy. The identity crisis will always remain.

    The complex problems of transfolk have been politicised by evil nutjobs of the dyed hair variety.

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