Boris Johnson critics are Cunts.
I can’t understand all this shite being thrown at Boris just because of a little social gathering.Everyone knew what they were getting with Boris wen they voted Tory….a character different to the usual boring,staid professional politicians. It isn’t like he had a personality transplant when he became P.M…..he was always a “fly by the seat of your pants” celebrity-type politician who shamelessly plugged into the John Bull/Winston Churchill stereotype.
He is the man who got “Brexit” done and is steering us to the sunny uplands of a Great Britain that will again shit on Johnny Foreigner….and all this while successfully guiding us through the worst health crisis in living history.
Any minor “bumps in the road” are due to underlings who lack The Great Man’s vision and moral compass….personally, I’d tip Nelson’s statue off the top of that column and put Boris there instead.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
The Tories and Bojo really worry me.
All the other cunt alternatives scare me to death.
The horns of a dilemma.
Afternoon all.
Boris is a lightweight. His father is a total psychopath. Boris was a mummy’s boy, but tried to emulate his father, which is what Trump tried and tries to do. When Trump’s father got dementia, Trump would make horrible comments about his father in front of his family, he couldn’t wait for his father to die. Boris was not groomed for PM as Thatcher and Blair were, he should have stuck to being a well-read, humour journalist/editor, that was his calling, maybe a historian like David Starkey and Boris has written books: The Dream of Rome and The Churchill Factor are good, as those types of books go. But he isn’t a man of vision, despite being a dreamer and pragmatic. For some reason, his mind never comes together, it’s a whirling chaos underneath that ridiculous blonde mop. He’d love to resign, but he can’t because he is up to that mop in debt, bills, future payments and his Blair-like delusion of having a legacy.
“His father is a total psychopath.”
In the same league as the likes of Ian Brady and Ted Bundy then.
A psychopath doesn’t need to have ever been violent. Ever seen his father? He’s mental, a total elitist who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone. He used to get invited on chat shows in the past, fuck knows why, but Boris isn’t like his father, he’s clearly more like his mother, but that family live in another world.
How’s it going anyway, brother? 🙂
His dads a right little europhile,
A proper EU cocksucker.
Whys he a mental?
Not doubting you,
Just like to know.
My second least liked Stan since Pakistan.
A “total psychopath” would need to be violent, along with every other trait, otherwise he wouldn’t be a “total psychopath” – doh!
PS: I’m still not your fucking brother.
@ Miserable
Boris takes after his father. They’re both fanatical about Climate Net Zero and both congenital liars and filthy letchers.
Oh no doubt Ruff.
Never trust a man who cheats on his wife I say.
If youll betray family,
Break oathes you swore,
Youll do it to anyone.
Id never do it.
No because im virtuous but I know the punishment would far outweigh the pleasure ?
Hahahaha ?
Oh brother!!
Mis, just watch interviews with his dad on YouTube, it’s like seeing a a 18th century robber baron tell you about his humanitarian endeavours in the Amazon. Just a bizarre spectacle. I think the TV shows eventually realised that he was a nutjob and he had to be mothballed. And weirdly, he wrote a novel in 1982, called, The Virus about a future pandemic! It was re-released in 2020 on Amazon Kindle. Weird coincidence, of course!
Many leaders were non-violent, total psychopaths – Hitler being the most obvious. Hitler never killed anyone apart from in combat in WW1. Blair is cold-blooded, Iraq doesn’t haunt him, he stills feels he made the, “right” decision after “praying” on the quandary. Bush family, total psychos. Clintons. The list is long.
You think Hitler’s systematic condemnation of millions of innocent men, women and children to an agonising death in the gas chambers was not a violent act? O0-ee-oo!
And, as I tried to point out to you earlier, the clue is in the word “total”. In other words, to be a “total” psychopath you would, by default, need to incorporate every trait of being a psychopath.
Stanley Johnson, in common with his son, may well be a psychopath, but not a total one.
I did a few of those “psychopath” tests following a nom. by Mr.Polly….I actually qualify a a “sociopath” apparently….I must admit that it didn’t come as a massive surprise to me…I can even remember a teacher telling me when I was about 13 that there was something “bad” in me and he fully expected me in the future to end up in prison.
Yes YOUR definitely a sociapath.
Textbook .
I could of told you that.?
I didnt do that test as im confident im perfectly fine.
And so am I.
There’s still time, never give up, you’re on the right track with your misanthropy, I’ll see you there if I’m not in H block.
“Hitler” always triggers people, I rarely use type those six letters in succession. Fuck Hitler, he was a total misfit loser, I hate the Hitler “reassessments” and apologetics you see these days. I moderate a chat box on YouTube for a 75-year-old man in Paisley who has started his own political party and it does my fucking skull in to have to challenge people who spout all that, “did you know that Hitler did [insert positive action by Hitler], did you know that?” Yes, I know that, “EnglishPride1971” and I don’t give a fuck, Hitler was drugged-up, friendless loser who started off with having 70,000 mentally handicapped people. That usually shuts them up until… until the next livestream! LOL! People, you gotta love them! I’ll be doing that tonight, I have a feeling it will have some of that guff.
Some documentary said Hitler ate his own shit!!
I don’t believe it.
He was prissy, and a vegetarian.
Actually given the choice id probably eat my own shit too,
Rather than german veggie slop.
Hitler had 70,000 mentally handicapped people MURDERED, I meant to add.
In care homes and hospitals CG , has Midazolam been around that long ?
Had his own personal bodyguard too, der Krappen Waffen.
@ Miserable
Hitler was a coprophiliac, forced his niece Geli Raubal to shit on his face – drove the poor girl into committing suicide.
Shitting on each others faces should be a consensual act between a mummy and daddy who love each other.
Sure you didnt mishear?
Maybe it was corporal?
He was a corporal in the war.
I didn’t hear it, Miserable, I read it in a big book with lots of words called ‘The Psychopathic God’ by Robert Waite. Quite awhile back it was, late ’70s I would guess.
I’m not too sure about the authenticity of the coprophiliac claim, it may be down to post war defamation, to put off potential followers. If it was today, he would probably be accused of drinking baby blood or fucking children.
It’s funny how, like I said on the Blair nom the other day, how someone can commit so many evil or criminal acts, yet someone else has to tack on a barely believable tawdry tale, as if genocide isn’t enough! I suppose it was to put off all those holocaust deniers.
Interestingly though, he was definitely having an inappropriate relationship with his niece, and there is some anecdotal evidence that she didn’t commit suicide, rather than Hitler shot her himself. The total psychopath.?
That one would be Lord Boothby
Yeah, it’s not something I took that seriously, any more than Prince Eddy being Jack the Ripper. All the same, it was a fun idea.
It’s a good one though, that’s why it had legs enough to endure.
Thinking about it, I think the additional stuff that gets added is probably to make them more unlike what’s considered normal people, as the thought that they could be remotely considered normal makes them too close to us.
And they are us.
People only voted in historically high numbers to [1] Get rid of Corbyn! [an admirable cause] [2] Get Brexit done .. [now it’s done] and [3] He’s a bit of a giggle on the telly [debatable]
His next foray into an election will be very different! He is a cunt .. his dad is too and even his siblings think he’s a tosspot? Elwood .. Baker or Mordaunt would make a good top – team..all ex – forces and the blokes both well over six feet and able to keep their shirts tucked in? They also own a comb..don’t splutter and in Mordaunt’s case have a deliciously naughty sense of humour!
Johnson? .. get the bugger out..and the creepy – crawlies around him!!
I am through with the Tories, unless they get a respectable leader. Johnson may well NOT be a total buffoon/goon… So FUCKING STOP ACTING LIKE ONE, YOU DISHEVELLED TWAT!!
I live in a dyed-in-the-arse-fluff Liebore cunstituency, so shall prob vote Reform or UKIP.
Being PM is a horrible gig. Living in crappy Downer Street, you can’t relax, ramble, recreate. You’re stuck, you’re like a sea captain in a raging storm with a wonky compass and a crew of drunken pirates with a handful of decent bosons and maybe a good-luck monkey on your weary shoulder.
Boris on the telly right now acting the world statesman. It’s enough to make a cat laugh.
Don’t know if you’ve heard it Ruff, but sometimes on the radio they interview John Major to get his opinion on some event. He now talks in those slow ponderous tones rather than his old imitation of a dalek. It certainly makes me laugh but I think the cat regards it as beneath him.
Boris is a clueless Cunt. His Brain is puddled reading Homer and the rest of the so called Greek classics. Understanding that shite doesn’t help him understand the real world.
He’s getting it real with the Bame gang though. Kids to lots of different women. He’s a Cunt
Yeah, his constant quotes in Latin and French that he doesn’t translate into English making people feel clueless give me douche-chills. He’s actually a n autodidact on economics too, he’s read all the “classics” of economics. He’s a reader at heart and he overcompensates for his bookishness with his Harry Flashman bounding and bravado. But at least he’s read books unlike Trump! George Bush Jnr. read more books in one month while POTUS than Trump has read in his whole lifetime. Even (F)Art of the Deal was ghost-written, the real author revealed that. Trump is dumb because he is a media maven, so most of worldview is indeed, “fake news”.
CG@ – I think most of GW Bush’ books required colouring in.
Trump is a businessman – being an aggressive grifter kind of comes with the territory.
But in terms of performance Trump was one of Americas greatest Presidents.
No, I was shocked to learn that Bush became a prolific reader when parked his puppet poop-chute in the White House/ranch in Texas. He and Newt Gingrich had a competition on who could read the most books in a year and Bush out-read Gingrich. It was reading a book on the “Spanish” influenza pandemic and when Bush looked into the contingency plan for an epidemic in the USA, he was shocked to learn… there was none! So he created a task-force to create on. Guess what Obama did to that plan?
No way can Dubya Bush read.
Sorry Gordon.
The earth is flat
Society is run by Satanists
Moonlandings faked
Shakespeare didn’t write his own plays.
All of that I can overlook but if you expect me to believe Bush can read at a 7yr olds level then frankly I find that insulting.
Bush is still dumb, but he was – and probably still is – a voracious reader…
Still a cunt, though. He still smirks when he is asked tough questions about 9/11. He isn’t a good actor.
Remember when news came in of the 9/11 attack?
And he was reading to some little kids a book about goats?
He was really struggling!
His finger following the written word, sweating profusely.
His relationship with his dad is like that of sheriff Buford T Justice and his son in smokey and the bandit.
“Juniour when I get home im gonna punch your momma right in the belly”
Yeah, someone named their conspiracy documentary, I, Pet Goat after that situation and broke down all the symbolism of 9/11. I reckon that Bush was kept in the dark over much of 9/11 to make his reaction to it real and it was real. Cheney and Rumsfeld were clued-up, though, they were veterans of sinister strategies.
Hahaha! Yes, Bush is a bit like Junior in Smokey and the Bandit! That movie is not considered a movie in the South, it’s considered a documentary, great dumb movie, RIP Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed…
I remember the Pri ate Japseye cover for the 9/11 attacks.
GDubya sitting, a policy wonk whispering in his ear
“It’s Armageddon, Sir!”
“Armageddon aht of ere!”
Sadly, I wonder if Putin’s Ukraine brinkmanship will be our Cu an Missile Crisis?
Answers on the back of a badly-scorched fag packet, to…
Probably, Mrs. Ethel Shroake, of 393a High St., Leytonstone…
It seemed to me that Boris was already having second thoughts about becoming PM even before he was elected. The fridge hiding incident certainly did coincide with informal briefings about the likelihood of a major crisis on the horizon, which suggested the job was not going to be the easy ride he had hoped and expected back in summer 2019. There were other less memorable signs he was wavering too. I certainly thought he might well stand down when the shit really did hit the fan, his “brush with death” in 2020 being a reasonable excuse.
I think now he stayed because he had little choice – there is enough compromising material on Boris to sink a battleship. Nobody else wanted the job back then. This is effectively the earliest time he is “allowed” to go.
The media frenzy over the last few weeks is loudly heralding his departure… but I think the real reason (if indeed he does go!) is he’s basically a lazy sod who’d lost interest before he began. His place in the history book was assured in December 2019, which was (most of) what he wanted out of this episode of his life anyway.
He walked backwards into Downing Street, alright, shooed in by Creepy Carrie. Walked backwards into Brexist, he hemmed and hawed over which side he was on for years. He was fake-raging yesterday in the Commons, he isn’t a good “rage” PM, he comes across like a dishevelled drunk uncle who woke up on Christmas around 6pm and started ranting at Zulu on the TV.
Every position Johnson has ever been gifted has ended in disastrous, embarrassing failure – he is a morally bankrupt psychopath who couldn’t run a bath and would be out of his intellectual depth in a puddle – he lies first and thinks later.
“We’ll get Brexit done” – not done.
“We’ll keep the triple lock on State Pensions” – Triple lock removed.
“We’ll tackle illegal immigration” – record numbers of dinghy invaders.
“We won’t put up tax or National Insurance” – National Insurance raised.
“We’ll protect our NHS cult” – say no more.
I could cheerfully throttle this cunt – but he is in good company – politicians are pretty much ALL cunts.
The Commons is an absolute shower. Mogg peering on in the background like some bizarre 19th century Puck caricature, an eccentric devout Catholic worth 150 million quid, lives in another world, never even see a bad of crisps, never quaked at a buff envelop in January. On the other side, ISAC legend, Abbot, dressed like Diana Ross on her way to Studio 54 in 1979 to rail some Charlie. And in the middle – us, the people, all lost, sad and angry.
Fuckers raise tax every year. Too stupid to see that a 2% tax raise on big businesses and the rich will get them more in a year than the same on us poor cunts gets them in 5 years. I’d love to be prime minister, I’d sort this country out. I’d get brexit sorted, fix the tax problem, get rid of the avoidance/evasion loophole, cut immigration and sort out the fucked legal system before my first morning coffee!
I can’t stand the shit weasel.No backbone.A jellyfish through and through.Wants replacing.
With who, though? No one wants to be the leader of the Big Six Countries these days. That’s why we have things like four women in coalition in Finland, three of which are under 35, the PM was a shop cashier! In-your-face puppetry these days. Look at Biden in Yankland, what a beyond-satire shit-show the America crew is now. Bush seems like Marcus Aurelius in comparison with the space-case that is Jo$eph Robbing-Net Buy-Dumb. Bring the deluge again, Yahweh!
Truss?Suntan Rishi?They are swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Boris could easily have avoided all this unpleasantness by making it clear from the outset that any and all lockdown legislation would not apply to himself, his wife /girlfriends, or any of the Downing Street staff, special advisors or civil servants. Or any transient visitors.
“Rules are for plebs” – Boris Johnson. He might not have actually said it, but that’s what he thinks.
I honestly don’t give a fuck about Partygate or whatever they are calling it. Most people I know had something going on during lockdown, including myself. Having a bit of how’s your father with someone who definitely wasn’t in my ‘bubble’ or whatever the fuck it was called is just part of it.
What makes me want to drag them out of number ten and beat them flat is that while they (and many of us) were partying, care homes and hospitals were no go areas, and if you were unfortunate to have loved ones in either, it was, and still is here in the socialist republic of Wales absolutely heart breaking. And for that, they should all pay.
As for what it would have been like under the other cunts? You only have to look at what committed Corbynite has done, and is still doing here to get a glimpse of what could have been.
All cunts
Well said.
Those poor old buggers in care homes without a visitor for months ☹️
People with dementia deteriorate faster without familiar faces and contact.
Telling people they would kill their granny,
Whilst shagging other peoples wives and having cheese and wine parties.
Snidey, duplicitous, lying bastards.
Fuck the tories.
Same as Labour.
I haven’t seen my dad since before Christmas, and every week since they say maybe next week. His dementia is advanced, and he had difficulty remembering us from week to week, so who knows if he’s forgotten us completely? He’s too deaf to take a phone call, and can’t use the internet, so we have no contact whatsoever. In England the restrictions have been lifted in care homes, but here in Wales they are still on complete lockdown.
I will never forgive or forget the political classes for this.
Sorry to hear that GJ.
Must be very hard.
They are indeed scum (political classes)
Hope you get to see your dad soon.?
That’s a very sad tale about your old man.
A cruel illness.
Cheers buddy, I hope so too.
Cheers HJ, he’s a tough old buzzard, covid came off second best to him, even though it almost had him, but dementia is fucking evil, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
“I honestly don’t give a fuck about Partygate or whatever they are calling it. Most people I know had something going on during lockdown, including myself.”
I think the difference is, Gutstick, that most people didn’t make the rules or go on television night after night telling everyone else what they could or couldn’t do, for fear of being fined or arrested, etc, etc. Boris did.
Btw, I’m expecting to go on holiday tomorrow. A rather obliging, though somewhat irascible farmer is allowing us to camp on his land in Kielder Forest for a few weeks. I doubt they have Wi-Fi up there so I’ll be taking a book by Hammond Innes with me. I may be gone some time…
PS: the book is called ‘The White South’
I think it’s about how us indigents dahn sarth are all white supremacists. I’m banking on the farmer giving us a discount if I let him read it after me.
He’ll pepper your arse with buckshot if you give him any lip.
Hes a diagnosed sociapath.
I totally agree with you buddy, regarding them and the rules. To have a leadership role at any level you have to lead by example and be completely beyond what you are asking of others.
Enjoy the holiday!
Thanks mate, I’ll send you a postcard. Hope you get to see your old man alright next week.
My mate fucked his wife at Uni years ago
Up the arse.
Boris isn’t the best PM we’ve had. Granted.
But I like the scandals and the gung ho antics.
Never a dull moment. Who wants a boring, plastic statesman like figure running the country?
Westminster is at best a comedy show, – and Boris is well suited at running Britain’s biggest comedy club.
Nothing he does seems to stick to him in my mind.
It’s Boris, we expect nothing less than a few fuck ups, lies, and skirmishes.
It’s great, long may it live.
Basically, antics like calling Blackford out for the fat cunt that he is, and now a Jimmy Saville reference, will certainly secure my vote in the future.
Turn the shit show up to eleven Boris, it’s entertaining.
Lie-bore is the alternative. And fuck that for a game of soldiers.
Why does Lie-bore have to be the alternative?
Why not a proper, decent Tory with Conservative beliefs and policies who will actually do something about protecting our borders from illegal immigration, cancel all this Net Zero bollocks and HS2, make this country energy self sufficient by building a few nuclear power stations and get fracking, stop spaffing £billions up the wall on pointless Covid tests, turn the International Health Service into a National Health Service, treat only ill people not cunts who want their tattoos removed or comedy breast enlargements, declare war on the Wokes, teach kids how to think instead of what to think, get the police to go after real criminals instead of wasting their time inventing non-crime hate incidents and the like? Boris is a LibDumb in all but name, amazed so many people are unable to see that.
All very true RTC.
For once I agree with all of your points.
But, I cannot see any potential talent within the Conservative party.
I suspect Carrie is pulling Johnson’s strings to a degree?
There are potentially a few good ‘centrists’ within the party, but no real true right-wingers.
I’ve never seen the House Of Commons filled with such talentless and spineless specimens.
The behaviour within the chamber is beyond parody. Hence my apathy towards the current situation.
I cannot see an alternative at this moment in time, or in the near future unfortunately.
Hence we are stuck with Boris the clown, who is only good for entertainment purposes. Or we could install one of his cronies of a similar ilk?
Both the Conservatives and the opposition parties are all in tatters.
Bercow steered the house into a state of disrepute, and that has not helped matters either.
It is such a mess.
The current culture, and attitude, within the chamber will certainly need to be subject to some drastic rectifications, before any real progress can be made.
Better call the ghost of Guy Fawkes then.
Well said Dick. All this fucking nonsense about a party cake and some get-togethers (IN A PLACE WHERE PEOPLE WERE STILL WORKING!) is ridiculous. Yes, he needs to get his mojo back and tell Carrie that she isn’t PM, but apart from that carry on. Just WHAT is the fucking alternative out there?
That’s yer man right there.
Honk honk ?
I don’t give a flying fuck if he went to parties when everyone was on lockdown, but what it does show is that he and his cohorts had no regard for the rules they expected everyone else to follow and that these rules were bollocks and purely a mechanism for control. His subsequent comments in the HOC after all the shit hit the fan, that he had not attended these events is further proof that he is a lying cunt and you can’t believe anything that comes out of the fuckers mouth.
What pisses me off more is this obsession with net fuckin zero and the supposed climate crisis, the total ineptitude in stopping the illegal bastards coming into the country and the lack of any talk about tackling the energy bill crisis such as removing the green levy and vat. The sooner the twat realises that so called green energy is both unreliable and incapable of having the capacity to supply the needs of the country, the better.
We don’t have a conservative government we have a cross breed between a socialist/green party.
He needs to go, take that split arse wife of his out of number 10 and be replaced with someone who is a right of centre true conservative.
I criticize this cunt, and all politicians, but I’m not in a position to do more than that. I hate when people criticize politicians, and ARE in a position to do something about it, but they dont. I hate that. And worse, politicians never give a straight answer to direct questions. Do you have faith in Boris Johnson, thats a yes/no question, but they waffle on and dont give any real answer. I want honest politicians for a change. Having said that, make me prime minister for a year and I’ll fix this country and get brexit done.
All politicians are cunts