Barrowford Primary School, Lancashire has decided to ban meat… permanently!
In a letter to parents last week, head indoctrinator Rachel Tomlinson said she had made the decision to “stop climate change”. She highlighted that the livestock industry has a huge carbon footprint and that meat and dairy products “come at a huge environmental cost”. The letter concluded: “If you still want to send packed lunches, could you please consider meat-free options to further support us in doing our bit to reduce carbon emissions as a school community?”
Fuck off.
Okay…. so not content with indoctrinating our children with woke lefty nonsense and forcing them wear masks, they now want to deprive them of a healthy, balanced diet, do they?
Kids growing up today will make the soppy millennial generation and Gen Z appear lions by comparison.
Nominated by: Minge Juice Bottler
With additional (unsubstantiated) factoids provided by: Get Fucked Woke Cunts
and Rachel Tomlinson is fully aware of course that lefty woe meat free tofu has over 40x the carbon footprint of pork? Along with Nutella which is 50% palm oil poisoning children and killing orangutans and contributing to massive rainforest deforestation. Thick dappy retarded cretinous woke jump on the bus retard. Cunt
Wow, I look at my Sunday dinner. Usually beef from the UK, spuds from Lincolnshire, literally a few miles away, or even more local if we can get them. All the veg, carrots, parsnips, sprouts, cabbage is within 50 miles. Then look at vegan options. Tofu from fuck knows where, soya milk, almond milk both not grown here, sweet potatoes from abroad, in fact most of the shit they eat to make their miserable lives slightly more bearable comes from thousands of miles away. She needs telling to get fucked by the parents of these poor kids.
Typical purple haired, fat, lezza wokie bitch. If she’s a vegan she must be eating truck loads of the stuff.
I’d worry more about the shit they are feeding them in the classroom rather than the canteen.
“Learn to love. Love to learn” it says on the notice board. Yeah, I reckon I know what kind of love that is.
I live on the edge of the countryside, got a lot of mates who are farmers – they all tell me the same thing – unless you sell at below cost on a strangling long term contract with the supermarkets they will not stock your stuff – and I will go further and call it what I think it is – a racket controlled by a corporate cartel.
But I walk around and have a check where things come from – lettuce from Israel, tomatoes from Iran, beans from Portugal – all things we can grow here but finding any veg from the UK is very hard work. Utter insanity.
And I think this sweaty lump of fascist lard and malice would be better concentrating on doing more jogging and less indoctrinating.
When did it become socially acceptable to have people around children who should have no part in a childs life?
And, let’s face it – it would be a brave kid who dared to open any packed lunch in front of this fucking heifer! ?
Looks like it has an arse big enough to support its own weather system and climate, fucking land whale.
She’s the sort of walking turd I point out to my kids as an example of what can go wrong if they don’t stop being naughty little cunts. I wouldn’t want her teaching my dog where to shit, nevermind any child.
Oven, if there’s one big enough. Gas mark hadawayandshite
Add the Sieg Heil as well. The local education authority ought to sack the featured pork beast pronto. WOKE CUNT. (allegedly)
‘…. huge environmental cost…’
So, where do the fucking dyes for her stupid hair colouring come from?
The gold on her fingers and wrist, how was that mined?
The diamonds in her rings?
And, fuck me, is than an iPhone on the table in front of her, how much environmental ræp went in to the manufacture of that?
Bet the watch is one of those ‘fitness’ ones….again, not very environmentally friendly, and obviously not very fucking effective…
Does she drive?, use a computer?, eat imported shit like fucking avocados?
If she were a sack-cloth wearing peely-wally stick-insect of a (nominally) woman, I might just possibly begin to believe that she actually believes the shit she’s indoctrinating the children with.
If I had this cunt as the headteacher (?) of a school my kids were supposed to go to, you can bet they wouldn’t, I’d teach them at home and take them to Nazi rallies for socialising. I’d also be round this fat cunt’s house every evening, telling her what she could and couldn’t eat, you can just imagine the piggy squeals from this fat, leftie,bastard about …well, fucking everything.
This is the thing with the woke puritans and the lunchbox Stasi, it won’t end at vegetarianism, it will then be the dreaded veganism, all in the name of some vague ‘climate emergency’.
Who the fuck would want to be a kid at school today? Wearing masks, taught about how racist your own country is, BLM and gender ideology and now being told what to fucking eat.
It would be an interesting exercise for these envirotwats to sit down (reinforced chair) and write down everything they own, explain where it started, where it ended up and how many of these things are synthesised from oil.
And where the electricity to power their must have mobile zombie devices comes from.
And their truculence is not naivety, it is knowledge but denial.
I don’t believe it’s denial, more entitlement. “We can have it because we are better than you, but you should abstain. Oh, and not complain about it. Or tell us we should not be hypocritical or, in fact, fucking anything!”
We’ll own nothing and be happy.
We’ll eat nothing and she’ll be gorging herself.
Send the fat fuck to the abattoir…
I’d have a ribeye, bit fatty mind.
What is it with these so called do gooders , lefty, follower of woke bullshit socialist pillocks, that makes them want to ban things and tell everyone else what they can and can do eat think etc. They are a menace in a free society fucking cunt of an excuse for a teacher. She wants fucking sacking.
They are the descendants of fascism and communism. All these ideas that are imposed from the top downwards come from those nutters.
Fascism. Communism. Same shit, different coloured flags…
If you read the article you will see that there are plenty of parents who think this is a great idea. Plenty of virtue signalling points up for grabs on Facefuck.
I note they are all mothers. Nobody asks the fathers for their opinions, partly because they ain’t around but mainly because they are white, heterosexual, and part of the patriarchy. Their opinions don’t count and are not wanted.
We are fucked.
Plenty of opportunities for these fucking heroes to name and shame the first poor cunt who turns up with a ham sandwich in their packed lunch on social media. Kids used to get picked on for being fat or wearing glasses, now they will be because they are helping to kill the planet.
Human babies come out a month early because of the size of human brain. Human brains have developed to land on the moon only because protein provided by meat. Not feeding meat to children is child abuse. Feeding boys soya is child abuse.
Keep your left wing unicorn politics out of education you fat ugly cunt. 250 pounds of offal could be removed from the school by firing this cunt.
It’s not for a school to decide if kids can have meat or not.
Ironic that it was protein from meat that enabled humans brains to gain in mass and so began civilisation and the need for education.
This festering lump of meat will fill kids heads full of lefty bullshit whilst decreasing their intellect.
Piss boiled.
This Rachel Tomlinsin certainly knows how her onions-
Ripping up the traditional rulebook, she scrapped the normal fixed times playtime and lunch, allowing pupils to decide when they wanted to eat or have a classroom break.
Instead of becoming angry at pupils, teachers are also encouraged to say a child has ’emptied my resilience bucket’, before sending them to the ‘nurture room’ if their behaviour gets out of control.
‘The school’s relationship management policy also currently says that staff are to ‘use anger onions to support in the regulation of behaviours’ – an exercise coined by family therapist and author Judy Bartkowiak.
I bet if you left a big Mac and double fries in her bed as a Mafia style warning, they’d be gone by morning!
What if it was a bargain bucket? Asking for a friend.
I reckon if you left the traditional horse’s head it’d be gone by morning. She’d be frantically washing her face to get rid of the blood to be on time to her indoctrination camp, errrr school.
Looks like she could do with sacrificing a few calories herself, the lardy cow.
Here’s an idea. This “teacher” should get her captured kids to count from 1 to 2 trillion which is the UK debt. It will take them 64 000 years, that’s 64 thousand years to do so.
Qualifications for a primary teacher in the 21st century –
1. Mong
2. Woke
3. Fat and ugly
4. Doctrinaire
5. Care nothing for children.
6. Mong
7. Have stupid hair.
8. Woke and Mong.
9. Cunt.
Add LGBT as well to throw into the mix. Thinks Jeremy Corbin can walk on water too.
Thank you CuntyMort. I forgot those very important qualifications.
I don’t eat meat and guess what? – I think she’s a cunt!
SJ@ – Never had a lecture from a vegetarian – they generally have the intelligence and manners to get that it is a matter of free choice.
Had a lot of veganazis try and lecture me.
Never twice though.
Live and let live my friend.
Another way to reduce carbon emissions is to cull humans. The fewer there are the better. With no humans the Earth’s future will be assured.
How long before woke fanatics like Rachel Tomlinson think of that? I expect parents will soon receive a letter to say their children will be eliminated as a sacrifice to net zero.
Until the sun blows up
Indeed. But it’s 5 billion years until the sun exhausts its hydrogen and expands into a red giant. Humans will probably be long gone by then.
Fucking Putin may bring big explosions forward a bit, the cunt is a demented megalomaniac.
This land whale is the weakness Putin must see.
When push comes ala Stalingrad, this fatty will eat a Panda, white tiger anything she’s can get her fat fingers on,
This over abundance of food is a mirage that could disappear overnight, then we will see their true colours…
worst of all she’s allowed near children Cunt
I would give my kid a huge smoked turkey leg like the ones from the carnival, to proudly feast on in front of all the students. It’s hard to take a steak in a sack lunch.
Or beef stew in a thermos the next day.
With all this talk of saving the planet, Veganism and shit where is Greta Thunderbirds? All those Ruskie tanks belching carbon into the atmosphere and where the fuck is our saviour? I’ll tell you…… the dirty bitch has discovered cock and is getting yards of it. She’ll soon be up the duff and crying “you have stolen my child’s childhood……how dare you!” I bet this bitch Tomlinson has pictures of the little slag all over the school.
Bunch of cunts.
It is these cunts who have given Putrid the idea the west is a soft touch, AND HE IS RIGHT.
Gas the demented bitch and have a playground BBQ.
It’s a pity I don’t have a kid at this school.
I’d send the little blighter with a packed lunch of a steak sandwich, pork scratchings and a flask of Bovril. And a lunch box in the shape of a cow made entirely out of pepperami (stuck together using pigs’ blood.
I’d send the nipper to school dressed in animal skins too.
Fuck off.
Man after my heart, and I’d have sent him to school riding a horse.
I see some cunters are saying this is a sign of how weak we are becoming as a nation.
Come on!
With our troops’ diversity and LGBT awareness training, the Bat Munchers and Ivans wouldn’t fucking dare get on our wrong side…
I bet she eats viel
She looks a fat cunt for a vegan, it must graze on chips 24/7 with only pauses to breath, needs a trip to Unilever Terry’s oven I think!!!
Unkle FFS
Looking the size of her, if she’s a vegetarian she must eat oak trees.
Closet pie eater all day long.
In the middle ages when meat was considered a luxury and the main diet was vegetables, fruit and nuts, the average adult height was a little over 5ft and life expectancy was not much over 40.
A plant based diet is not healthy and should not be forced onto children.
There have been cases where babies have died and parents have been prosecuted for forcing vegetarianism on them.
Despite being a headmistress this woman has no right to ban meat from her school.
She should be sacked.