The Police (3) and Non Crimes

A cunting for the Police wasting time on non crimes.

What the fuck is non crime, well if some poor little snowflake has its feeling hurt then reports it to police it is recorded as a non crime hate incident.

For example tweeting about gender is a minefield and it only takes one cunt to be offended and report to the fuzz and there we have Joe Bloggs guilty of a non crime hate incident on the record.

Well finally thanks to Harry Miller after going to the court of appeal this bullshit has finally be placed where it belongs, in the fucking bin.
Perhaps the police can concentrate on solving real crime, but that means getting out of the office a pounding the streets.

Finally we can say ‘Woman, adult human female’ or ‘Only women have a cervix’, anyone offended? Tough shit, have a good cry but not to the fuzz

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it


And on a similar theme, here’s a nom courtesy of Cuntfinder General that looks at rising violent crime in London.

(Some teenagers murdered in London 2021)

My fellow Cunters.

For your Cuntsideration:

Teenage murders in London reach record levels.

The softly-softly approach is really working, eh?

Any guesses as to the particular demographic, involved?

YouTube Link

Abandoning stop and search on certain “communideees”, reducing the police presence in certain “areas” and the net result is…

Watch the clip-it’s ok, Strapon Dick’s wokeforce are “paying” local “youths” to advise the “police” on how to interact.


London is fucked.

But hey, don’t forget:

Black Lives Matter


(More info here – Day Admin Met Police Crime Dashboard)

63 thoughts on “The Police (3) and Non Crimes

  1. It seems those dark key yoofs are doing the country a huge favour.
    After all if they weren’t stabbing each other all the time they’d be robbing people in the street.
    With not a constable in sight.
    More power to them,the fucking vermin.

  2. All those musicians, footballers, architects and engineers, all A* pupils and all fighting institutional and structural racism in this intolerant hellhole of country. Shame.

  3. Da local yoots must be chuckling their tits off. Dey bees training da Met n sheet.

    Strapon has it all in the palm of her hand. What a fucking shitshow.

      • She got it because she was a short lesbian. There was a shortage of short lebian at the top of the police force. That got her on the short list.

      • Miles , most people would like to see a total absence of short lesbians within all police forces.

    • In answer to your question at 11:04 above Guzzi, I suspect more than you might think. There are examples of long-term politicians and civil servants who fuck up in every post they hold and retire with a fat pension and a gong. You remember that national embarrassment, the opening of terminal five? If so you may also remember that two senior managers were fired for the shit-show. Well one of the pair was recruited to a senior position in the company I worked for at the time.

  4. All info boards show…”Police. Drink Driving”

    Not once have I been stopped and offered a roadside drink!
    Plod are full of shit and broken promises.

  5. On a serious note. There is a National Police College offering Graduate entry to Senior Ranks, such as “detective” “fraud” and so on. Candidates who achieve are propelled into a rank far above their abilities. And of course, the Lecturers are Diverse, from the University System and indoctrinate from point of entry .

    Now Ive had a good read of this site, it seems that all cops in future will be Graduates of this College, and are destined in some way to be enforcers of Doctrine rather than that of ” a less sophisticated approach” ( their words not mine )

    I really have some serious concerns about what is really going on behind our backs, and in particular the way in which policing is to be applied in future.

    One thing is for sure, Burgler Bill need not worry.

  6. If the incident is ‘Non crime’ does that not translate as ‘Not a criminal act’? In which case, why are old bill recording anything in the first place? I guess if you later overstepped the mark and did something along the same lines that was criminal, they’d use the previously recorded non crime record against you. The Stasi would have been proud of that one.

    • The real concern, is that an enhanced DBS check, could reveal one of these “thought crimes” and reduce job opportunities.

      All very sinister shit-the threat of “big brother” watching every move you make, to make you a compliant drone?

      The next step is the forced removal of all recorded “non-crimes”, from peoples “records”.

  7. Let’s hope that 2022 brings a much, much higher score line. Come on you gangster types … you can do better than this … a lot better. Double down for 2022 … really make a difference.

    As for the police … well they’re no longer considered a credible ‘force’. They’ve lost it completely … totally ineffective at fighting crime. They never were much … now they’re a pathetic collective of poorly motivated individuals that know they hold no respect in the community. Constantly going for the low hanging fruit shows their weaknesses … they need to HTFU! and bring the hurt to the criminal fraternity.

    • cops are filth, we needs new laws
      1) they’re not allowed near White women over 40 at all.
      2) they’re not allowed to touch OAPs at all ever.
      3) they need a warrent to even speak to white British.
      4) cops should fuck all sooties up until theyre so terrified they fuck off back to sootyiland
      5) cops need it beating into they’re low IQ heads that THEY WORK FOR US and not for israel

  8. Every rational cunt & his dog, knows that there are certain “demographics”, more prone to particular crimes.
    Post BLM Londstabistan, the MET are fucking hopeless.

    When will a brave politician stand up and admit what we all know to be true: the social experiment has been a massive failure. Social cohesion is a fucking fairy tale. We (some more than others) are tribal.
    Including the Hampstead tribe, the Knightsbridge set and the fucking Royals?

  9. Stop and search must be proportionate and based on intelligence, if you are black you are 9 times more likely to be stopped than if you are white.

    This is what is rolled out by the Butlers and Abbotts, all it does is undermine the police, so when another blick gets stabbed just thank Butler and Abbott ?

    Can’t really blame Blicks, it’s in their DNA, savages they are.

    • true, 3% of the population committing 90% of violent crimes, car thefts and robberies…mind you they commit 0% of intelligent crime, they out source that to nigerian royalty. Not just sooties nowadays I notice, surprising how many criminal filth is now turbans and Stanis, they used to be the well behaved kids, i reckon the peacefuls have had a bad influence on them.

  10. The UK needs a new, armed and correctly trained military police force.

    The current bunch of alleged police force can deal with parking infringements, school crossing patrol, giving tourists directions and other menial tasks.

    Almost every other country in the world follow this model.

    • no we don’t…
      or the fucked up nazi coppers will be machine gunning white OAPs in the streets while sucking off sootie nobs on their nazi knees.
      Can’t trust coppers EVER to be let near white women of any age…need a new law requiring cops to get a warrent before being allowed to talk to us whites is what is needed asap, especial the elderly people as cops seem intent on harming and breaking olddies…WHITE taxes pay cop wages, if cops can’t do as they’re fucking told then jail the cunts chained to the black cunts they love gobbling off so much.

  11. Fucking great job by Miller.
    I remember seeing this bloke interfered, and if I recall correctly, he’d got a copy of the record which showed that the rozzers had actually logged this as a ‘non-crime crime’. Orwell would be proud.
    I for one am becoming increasingly disillusioned by what I perceive as the increasing incompetence, unwarrented officiousness, and downright criminality of the police, and I’ve put up a nom about this which may appear in due course.
    This is just another example of pettiflogging busybodying by the cops, but it could have serious repercussions for the person on the receiving end, and all because some snowflake felt all hurty-wurty.
    What a fucking situation.

    A great dual cunting guys!

    Afternoon all.

  12. Years ago, pre-B.liars Nu-liebore, I palled up with a group of bikers, we used to go for runs out on a Sunday morning.
    Several were fairly senior coppers, D.C.I etc.

    They used to say:

    “Everybody is guilty of a crime-it’s just the extent of that guilt, that we can prove, that matters.”

    The cunts?

  13. The police are now made up of millennial graduates . In other word hopeless useless cunts, from top to bottom.

    • from my business experience (years of pub trade) its the opposite, cops are low IQ grunts, mostly gay and ex-army, employed for muscle to beat the White public down, zero tolerance to government opposition. nigroids are only tolerated to encourage the anti-whiteness….grunts will beat their own mothers to death when the orders tell them to do it. They have a high% of PTSD and will kill you if their bosses tell them to do it….they are the new foot soldiers awaiting orders to create the new world order police state.

  14. “You have committed no offence but we will use our allegedly overworked and undermanned police force to scan social media for hurty words offending people”.
    “And what are you doing about the mass r*pes and sexual abuse of vulnerable white girls which is going on all over the UK Office Dribble”?
    “Arrest that racist monster”!
    Is is any wonder the public hate the police?
    Many years ago my Brothers and I were constantly discriminated against because we were broke and lived in a rich area – anything that got stolen the police were at the door as the rich just assumed it was us. They did not appear to have the wit to realise that 10-12 year olds did not drive, wear size 10/11 work boots (from the same footprints left at the scenes) or use expensive tools to break into places – a bit past their detecting skills it would appear. ?
    Now I am not just discriminated against for being the wrong class, but for being Male, white, heterosexual and English.
    And the police wonder why the public increasingly despise them?

    • JTC@ – Now that’s the kind of good old fashioned common sense the police are missing!
      I foresee a lot of IAC posters being Ministers when I storm to power – Unkle Terry is under consideration for the position of Home Secretary but I am a bit concerned with regard to his mild mannered and forgiving attitude towards bounders and villains!

      • An excellent candidate for the post Vernon. The only downside is that I see an ‘expotential’ (see what I did there!) rise in the Ministry’s gas bill.

    • Argos are fucking missing an opportunity here, buy one carver get a free set of assorted pocket sizes

  15. This was my local force – Humberside.
    Scunthorpe centre has had 28 business burglaries in a short time. Night after night. All about 60 yards from the copshop.
    They mostly didnt attend, as shown when owners were interviewed on Look North (Turnip TV, E Riding & Lincs.)
    Somebody was finally caught in the act. More by accident than policing.
    There is a road in Scunny notorious for crime and anti social behaviour. The copshop is 100yds from one end and another copshop 50 yds from the other. Nothing is done. God forbid the cops should walk from one station to another. Hull has similar problems but on a bigger scale.
    However, this case shows that they do take thought non-crime seriousy.

  16. Blokes used to join the police for three reasons.
    1. To kick the shit out of criminals.
    2. To legally break the speed limit, complete with flashing blue lights and sirens.
    3. To shag women in industrial size quantities. ( The uniform is a fanny magnet )

    Now they join up to ‘ put something back into the community ‘.
    The daft cunts.

    • now they join to fudge pack each other on the common and suck off sooties on their knees whilst beating white grandmothers with a trunchon until their hip breaks, hating white british is an interview requirement, the cash incentives proved by our puppet government employing swarms of shittyskins as mp’s to destroy white britain is just too enticing, won’t be long now till we have a Starni as PM who’ll surround us with more hoards of sand rats

    • not for me, fucking hate nazi cops, i married a fireman, the chopper and helmet won me over back in the day when they had proper uniforms…nothing like a shoulder lift upstairs by an itchy wool navy tunic and yellow rubber trousers….happy days

  17. Hope someone clever here writes ANOTHER cunting for nic sturgess after that arresting of 2 old people in a restaurant on news year eve because they danced together, nazi cops thew them on the ground and really hurt the woman….some cops are just asking for death

    • London has been a shithole for decades, no white family can afford to live there yet amazingly hoards of unemployed filthskins can afford flats there…used to be Banglas and jews with a sprinkle of jamacians all ruining the city, now its hoards of sooties with knives…London fell a long time ago

  18. Not just London fucked the whole of the UK, allow the police to return to proper policing, I don’t mean full on Dirty Harry or Sweeny style, but at least with some teeth, if a head requires cracking, the copper can act without risk of going to jail. Getting sacked or sued, now a copper more often that not will avoid any confrontation if possible and I don’t blame them.
    They put their lives in danger to kepp order in this becoming more shit by the week country and then get ordered to turn the other cheek and some scrotes gets a twenty quid fine if he assaults said copper.
    So give them back the power to be a police Force again, and while we are on this, stop fucking around with their pay, pentions, hours ect…..

  19. Black V Black = Result in my book.! The more this gang / Drug culture poisons the feeble minds of these Creatures the better, so crack on lads, I for one enjoy hearing of another useless cunt being snuffed out by one of his Bro’s, happy days.!!

  20. I like to commit a non crime every day.
    Twice at weekend.
    Ive a non record as long as your non arm.
    While we are playing imaginary games a real crime is happening.
    Unfortunately the non police are non investigating it.?

    • A silent fart on the bus, ogling some younger bird and of course posting on IsAc, these are serious non crimes.

  21. The police are split into trio of catagories:

    THE POLICEMAN: The traditional fair cop with a good balanced approach to the law. (A rare and respected animal).

    NAZI SQUAD: The malicious, cocky, egotistic bastard. (Easily the main footsoldier of the police, trained to run amock in the public efforcing their own selective and imaginary laws, a very dangerous and corrupt animal).

    THE GIRLS BLOUSE: The woke diversity trained college officer, great at creating racist, phobia, ism based charges. (One of the weakest animals and is usually supported by the NAZI SQUAD due their pathetic demeanor.

    I know which one we need more of, with common sense laws to back them up.

  22. The truth is racist, I’m afraid.

    If you think all races are the same given the same socio-economic circumstances, then I’m afraid you’re wrong. I believed in all that until I learned that Chinese origin kids on free school meals got the best GCSE grades out of all groups a few years back. It’s all nature/nurture of course, but you can’t say that nowadays. It must be honky’s fault if D’Shawn failed everything and ended up in a young offenders unit for stabbing a rival ‘dealer’.

    We all, as groups, have our good and bad points, and we all have those above and below average scores. There are outliers too.

    Let me just to say that violent crime by certain groups in places like London will never get better.

    Low impulse control.
    Short temper.
    Feelings of being victimised.

    Fuck all we can do about it. But they’ll keep blaming da honkey until it’s too late

    One of my ‘resolutions’ is to speak the truth outside work. I think honkies can live with East Asians and Indians, but parking Stanleys and dark keys?

    Nah. Never going to work, sorry

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