The MSM (14), the Maxwells and Grooming Gangs

The MSM, Ghislaine Maxwell and Grooming

Just watching the news and you can’t get away from the Epstein/Maxwell saga, it’s been covered for the past few weeks every day and today after the guilty verdict 10 or 15 minute slots about the historical grooming by Maxwell.

Compare this to virtual nothing about the continuing saga of historical abuse mainly in the north west by grooming gangs, they don’t even bother reporting the guilty verdicts when they come through and the fact that in every case they are Asian, mainly Pakistani men.

Another 16 arrested in Bradford this week, following on from 19 a couple of months ago, nowt on MSM.

It appears that MSM are more concerned with a few American girls rubbing Epstein’s willy than the industrial scale abuse of British girls being raped by P*ki cunts.

News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

and supported by Cuntfinder General

Even the IOPC admitted that the Yorkshire forces were complicit in covering up the scale of the grooming gangs:

News Link

When I use the term “Holocaust against innocence”, in relation to the Asian gangs raping underage, white, working class girls, it is not an exaggeration.
It is THE biggest fucking scandal of the past 40 years!

And a third cunting, this time from Lord of the Rings

Ghislaine Maxwell, her brother Ian, and the namby pamby media

Sky News Link

According to Ian Maxwell, his ‘liitle sister’ has been railroaded, used as a scapegoat, has not received a fair trial. She is innocent of any wrongdoing and was ‘friends’ with Epstein but completely unaware of any ‘shenanigans’

Sky and BBC ‘news’ have also been giving a platform to her friends and supporters, who have been giving endless tales of her unhappy childhood and how difficult life has been to ‘poor Ghislaine’ – Boo fucking hoo !

I’m half surprised Andrew (the Royal formerly known as Prince) hasn’t been giving her his support, by telling the media what a good chum she is, and how she was always on best behaviour when attending his shooting weekends.
Strange isn’t it, how his sense of decency didn’t require him to visit her in prison, in person, to honourably tell her that he can no longer be her friend.

Maybe the Palace staff have shackled Andrew in his room, to prevent him making any more public blunders….. ooh, shackles ! he’ll enjoy that…

89 thoughts on “The MSM (14), the Maxwells and Grooming Gangs

  1. The complicity of the police and other authorities in playing down the grooming gangs’ crimes is fucking criminal in itself.
    Anyone involved should lose their jobs. If it was up to me, they’d be facing charges. It’s a national scandal.

    • Any complicity by the police and authorities, which includes inaction when they had the chance, should carry a mandatory twenty-five year prison sentence.

      Without trial.

  2. Sickening, isn’t it.

    The other big difference, of course, is that as far as I can make out the American girls were trainee whores who want to be paid over and over and over again. They don’t look like victims but opportunists on the make. There’s a whole world of difference right there.

  3. Epstein and Maxwell’s father were both Israeli agents bankrolled by International Jewry to produce material with which to blackmail influential people.

    Their tentacles run deep.

    • PS
      Where the fuck is Mr.Boggs?…I hope his wife hasn’t locked him in a room with Emmerdale Farm playing on a continuous loop/

      • Bill Clinton was a frequent flier on Epstein’s jet to his island lair too. I wonder if Bill and Hillary had the same number as Prince Philips ‘Mr Fix it’.

        Morning all.

    • That’ll be why they are in the cross hairs then.

      Maxwell’s old man was a real cunt who stole his employee’s pension fund and met a sticky end scuba diving without a respirator IIRC.

      • The fat fuck made the fatal mistake of blackmailing the blackmailers, they feigned a meeting off Tenerife at which they were to supply the req’d funds to bail him out but instead two Mossad tac swimmers slithered aboard, whacked him in the neck with a hypo and over the side he went.

    • It was even more complicated than that. Maxwell was a triple agent, appaoworking for the British, Russian and Israeli secret services. If you wrote his life as fiction it would be dismissed as unbelievable.

    • spot on, they don’t get to the top earning millions for being cunt stinking fucktards like the clintons without being blackmailed child abusers, that fauci has nonce written through him like margate rock

    • DF@ – That is indeed correct. And there are “the great and good of the world” breathing a collective sigh of relief that only 8 of the “out of favour elites” are being exposed – thousands more are not.

  4. Not many of you like jizzlaine eh?
    Not your stereotypical pimp.
    No fur coat gold teeth and superfly bad mammajamma ghetto swagger like Huggybear.

    Naw shes a posh sex trafficker!
    Underage meat for the aristo type,
    So the inconvenience of hanging round school gates or the chore of chatting up in McDonald’s is removed.

    Her whole family are scum.
    Its their family motto

    “No deed to foul for cash”

    Her dad the pension theif was utter shite,
    Especially at swimming.

      • “We await with interest…”

        I think we’ll be waiting a damn long time. And some lawyers will be getting spectacularly rich. Wouldn’t be too surprised if the specious challenge to Maxwell’s trial is accepted, and she emerges with a reduced sentence. The original trial was shambolic in the extreme.
        Bullet points:
        1. Epstein’s dead. No need to go into his career too critically, then.
        2. The public needs a scapegoat. Maxwell. Whose options run between a fairly cushy jail for nice people …or a rather messy “suicide” if she talks.
        3. We do not prosecute offences against the individual victims. Civil law is all they get.
        4. Giuffre and Airmiles are a useful distraction; Airmiles is ninth in line and expendable anyway.
        5. When public (ie tabloid) interest dies down, no-one who matters will have been damaged and in any case it was all a long time ago.

      • I remember it well Ron. The vituperation Ann was on the receiving end of for telling the truth was, still is, appalling. She is one of the very best and the people she called out aren’t fit to clean her shoes

    • i liked her when she pushed her cunt jew father overboard and sailed away, that was hilarious

  5. The Maxwells are cunts.

    But it’s no wonder Ghislaine and the rest of the clan are maladjusted weirdos when you look at their father who regularly bullied and humiliated them when they were children – just like he bullied anyone unfortunate enough to be in his orbit.

    30 years after the old tyrants death and the Maxwell family saga just keeps rolling on.

    • not just weirdos, groomed trained mosad agents blackmailing all and sundry to dance like puppets for the jews, Half the british government are blackmailed nonces

  6. How odd the details of the case were sealed by the judge.
    Strange that the trial never glanced sideways at the identities of the abusers beyond her paymaster.
    All under the carpet forever?

    As for the organizational abuse of children in this country everyone involved should be gassed the burnt.
    This includes those who collude to hide it’s foul nature.
    Filthy vermin cunts.

    • Most of the legal eagles, judges,
      Prosecutors, etc
      Are probably clients.
      The type to sniff coke off a bald fanny,
      Or sniff poppers while ragging some schoolboys arsehole.

      The whole system is clogged with deviants,
      Or lefty mardarses.

    • “How odd the details of the case were sealed by the judge.”

      Nothing strange at all seeing as the judge (Nathan oy!) is a radical proselytising lesbian jewess! What did we expect?
      She’s a spoilt little posh bitch who will be in jail for the rest of her life so now it’s about the conditions of her incarceration and she won’t last 24hrs on an open wing. She is probably now desperate to do a plea deal on sentencing but knows full well that that’s the very last thing the judeo-judiciary want. looks like she’ll be chewing the sleeve of her paper dresses for a long time.
      If it even seems like she’s going to chuck these criminal feedopiles under the bus she’ll get Epsteined, simple as.

      • The only reason she wouldn’t last long on a normal wing is because another pond life cunt would attack her for notoriety and fuck all else.
        Murderers and rapists and other assorted vermin who think they are morally superior to pea doughs has always made me chuckle.

      • Rapists are segregated, murderers in specific wings but generally not segregated.
        Pee doughs get all they deserve but are also segregated.
        I define a difference between a killer and a child abuser.

      • she hasn’t served a single day in jail, the blackeye is how they signal to fellow agents to let them know its all a scam, she’ll be off soon to live with old jeffers on whatever island he now owns…the government puppets are still being blackmailed so jeffers is still working hard and promoting the clintons

    • How long does it take a Pak to have a shit…9 months.
      How long does it take a Pak to have a kid…depends how close the nearest school is

    • I see the strategy of the lovers of the front wheel skids is to bring the Peacefuls into it to deflect criticism.

      • I dislike all religious fools including them. It’s the folk who blame EVERYTHING on the front wheelers that I’m referring to.
        Just because I despise holocaust deniers doesn’t mean I’m a defender of their faith, its the denying of actual documented verifiable history that winds me up as much as the reason for the holocaust.
        If someone can use their faith to justify a crime, or their religion allows it or will absolve them of culpability through prayer or any other show of compliance, it’s evil.

    • If Epstein and Maxwell had been Muslims would you be commenting that the Muzza-haters are going to love this nom?

      On this site I think I’ve seen every colour,creed,nationality etc. slagged at one time or another but the only time we see the “Oh the “haters”‘ll love this nom.” ” is when The Jews are mentioned.

      The fact is that Maxwell and Epstein are mentioned as Jews in pretty much the same way as so many of those despicable child-groomers are referred to on here as Muslim groomers.

      Can’t really see why ” The Jews” should get a free pass when nobody else does.

      • It’s a bit of a ridiculous stretch to apply Maxwell and Epstein’s alleged misdemeanors to all Jews. There have been many British Peter Files – it doesn’t follow that all Brits are Peter Files.

      • Afternoon Dick.

        Interesting that the likes of Blair, Savile, Johnson, etc, etc, are never referred to as “Christians”.

      • Why would they?
        Johnson has spoken of his heritage, Blair and Savile? Look a little deeper,there are connections.
        Perhaps it’s just guff to keep up with the narrative, at least two of them put the small hat on and leant solemnly against that sacred wall.

      • You state the unmentionable Dick.
        Good work,lest we forget.

        “Always the victim,my life already.”

      • I’m not stretching it to “All Jews”….I’m merely making the point that there only seems to be the “here come the bashers” when “Jews” are mentioned…almost as if “Jews” can never be criticised.

      • @RTC…If Blair etc. were mentioned as “Christians”,I bet you wouldn’t jump on the fact,indeed,you’d probably pile on with mentions of “Sky-fairies” or the like…as I say,it’s more that the only time I see the “Oh,it’s time for the “haters” to emerge” is when the word “Jew” is mentioned.

      • SHB @ 2:04pm

        My point is they’re never referred to as “Christians” by cunters on ISAC.

      • @RTC….The grooming gangs are often referred to,quite correctly,as Muslim…..I don’t remember you being too bothered about that.

      • Im happy to stick the boot into any of them!
        Carpetkissers, jews, christians, atheists, Hindus, whatever!
        Fuck em.
        Im a equal opportunity hater.

        But not keen on the conspiracy shite,

        “Jews are behind it all, maaaan”

        Simply because its tinfoil territory.
        When its good old fashioned bigotry?
        Count me in!

      • I’m with MNC. I’m an equal opportunities bigot. I’m not keen on dark keys, deygos, parking Stanleys, bat munchers or four be twos. Most honkies too, for that matter. And the gays, trannies and all that bollocks.

        And I bet most of you lot are cunts an’ all. I know I am.

        But DF is right that the front wheels get a free pass too often. Most four be twos I’ve met are good eggs to be fair, but the smart ones who also don’t like honkies (yes, they do exist) deliberately target the media and
        Hollywood to push their agenda.

        Sneaky as fuck, but a bit thick because it gives the Adolfs ammunition.

      • But just to be clear, I’m not one of those who thinks the four be twos are behind a the world’s problems.

        That’s Gary Lineker’s fault.

      • @Dick – the reason you don’t remember me being too bothered about the grooming gangs being referred to as Muslim is because I have never commented on the Muslim grooming gangs.

      • @RTC….Really?

        Ruff Tuff Creampuff
        on January 26, 2020 at 11:02 am said:
        As Maajid Nawaz pointed out last week on the radio, one of the main defendants in the recent grooming gang /rape trial argued that it was his religious right as a Muslim to have sex with underage girls

      • Ruff:

        B.Liar, Saville & Johnson- all Catholics?

        The religion that forgives all transgressions?

      • I started my comment with a less than flattering nickname so I’m hardly defender of the faith am I?
        Also, I’ve mentioned a few times that I’m fed up with the less than casual racism on a lot of the comments, and quite often don’t bother commenting when it does.
        If you have a load of cunts being cunts because of their race or religious beliefs, crack on.
        Perhaps I’ve contracted wokeism. Or I just want to cunt cunts for cuntism.

      • “Also, I’ve mentioned a few times that I’m fed up with the less than casual racism on a lot of the comments, and quite often don’t bother commenting when it does.”

        Cunters gonna cunt. That’s the reason for this site, innit?

    • @G.J.

      I should make it clear that my point is more of a general one…just a sidebar into something that I’ve noticed for a while.

      PS Don’t think that you’ve contracted “wokeism”

      🙂 .

  7. Almost total denial of the peaceful grooming gangs, evidence provided by various woke bastards in academic circles that the peaceful grooming gang phenomena is in fact a figment of the far right racist mindset?? Wtf. Yet the Epstein saga has accrued more coverage than the 2nd World War. What a cunt of a government/civil service/ msm we have The predilection for certain groups to rape and abuse underage girls is now as plain as the balls on a Bulldog to the majority of subjects. A sea change may well return the hemp necklace to the filthy lying scum.

  8. And Tommy Robinson? Look deeper.
    The Middle East is infested with hookworms.
    Pakistan is the vector.

  9. Far too much coverage of this case though.

    It pales when compared to the scandal of the filthy parking stanleys grooming of white and Sikh girls.

    BBC et al refuse to give this story the coverage it deserves because they think the sun shines out of their shitty, unwiped arses.

  10. Ron nailed it.
    My feelings precisely: the biggest fucking scandal of the past 40 years.

    Brilliant Cunting??

  11. 20 years ago Nick Griffin, BNP leader, exposed this and he called it exactly right.
    I have no time for Griffin and his to be quite frank childish and oversimplified view on life but he was eviscerated by people for bringing this into the public forum – the same people who had access to the info and evidence for years and sat on it.
    EVERYONE knew about this – police, Local Authorities, Social Services, politicians and the media and a combination of cowardice, moralising towards the victims, laziness and fear of being accused of “racism” meant they had all the information, for decades, and not only did nothing but actively conspired to cover this up.
    The wholescale sexual abuse of vulnerable underage white girls has been going on since the first muslims disgraced our land, and it will never stop – this is nothing to do with “religion” and all to do with fucking foul deviants using it as an excuse to commit atrocities which would see the bastards dealt with by a vengeful mob in a lot of places.
    Ann Cryer and Sarah Champion (I have had some contact with Sarah Champion on this – she seems a decent type for a politician) are pretty much the only two in politics who have exposed this and have had their careers and lives destroyed by the backlash – but nobody seems to be getting angry about the tens of thousands of children who have had their lives and futures destroyed by these vile bastards.
    It is time not only for a very serious debate about removing islam from the UK, and jailing those who could have exposed this but chose not to.
    On a closing note I was very sad to hear of Ghislaine Maxwells suicide this coming March..

    • Vernon@ You are dead right about Nick Griffin.
      When he made the claim about mudslime grooming gangs, he was lambasted as a nasty racist.
      Time and history has proved him right.
      Remember when he was on QT ?
      What a fucking set up that was.
      Although there was a delicious moment, when Jack Straw was having a go at him. Griffin commented that when his father was fighting Hitler’s fascists, Straw’s dad was banged up for being a conscientious objector.
      Television gold ?

      • I watched that episode.
        The BBC, with their hand picked audience and “specially selected” panel.

        The fucking CUNTS?

      • JTC@ – I remember the “Question Time hatchet job” very well – Griffin exposed the truth but did not do himself any favours by making general comments instead of using the opportunity to name and shame the people who were in the know, which is what I would have done – that way the people accused either sue you which leaves them wide open in Court (which is why they never sue) or they do nothing and the accusation hangs in the air forever.
        I imagine the BBC had to spend a while trawling Mumsnet, the “anti fascist league” and every University to fill the audience with specially selected plants – just like they did with Laurence Fox.

  12. Msm are cunts, still going on about Boris’s fucking garden party, meanwhile WW3 is on the horizon with Putin trying to rebuild the USSR.

    • The closet gay Gollum has painted himself into a corner, and conflict seems inevitable. I hope there is some sort of face saving compromise, but I think it’s Soviet Union mk 2 on the horizon.
      Meanwhile, the fucking BBCs obsessed with bringing Boris down instead of reporting actual news.

      • @Harry

        The topless Gollum has often lamented the fall of the Soviet bloc.

        A 2.0 version could be in the pipeline.
        And not just a Gazprom type pipeline either.

  13. The fact these crimes have gone on, almost unchecked and seemingly covered up for decades is an absolute disgrace.
    Yes these girls were vulnerable etc etc.. Not all peacefuls are rapey peter files etc etc… It’s still an absolute fucking disgrace.

    Sarah Champion was sacked/forced to resign from Corbyn’s front bench for stating the obvious.
    She then had to also apologise for her “poor choice of words”
    Poor choice of words being that Parking Stanleys men have a penchant for abusing, raping and pimping underage girls.

    Just about every cunt who lives in the UK knows this already so there was really never any need for an apology as far as most would be concerned.

    The truth will set you free – of the jew and white working class hating Labour front benches it would seem.

    Where’s Bradfords favourite honkey abuse victim hating Labour MP Naz Shah these days?

    I struggle to wrap my head around some of the shit that goes on in this world.

  14. The Asian cunts wouldn’t have got away with raping English girls when I was a lad, the doc martens would have been buffed to a nice red shine, WE Would HAVE KICKED THE SHITE OUT OF THEM as they came off the 2-10 shift from the mills…☠️

  15. Can you imagine today’s youth having the balls to do that….mustn’t upset the ethnics.. Do today’s kids have a good scrap with anyone…?

  16. Never fear, that fine upstanding Yaxley Lennon fellah has a new documentary out on this grooming scandal that will make everyone sit up and take notice because he has published it under his thug friendly alias Tommy ‘oi oi’ Robinson.
    It must be no coincidence that this week he is under investigation for declaring himself bankrupt to avoid paying damages and legal fees over his being found guilty of slandering a Syrian refugee kid. Effort are directed towards his online donations for him, and reports that he is spending a lot of time directing work at a large property that is ‘owned’ by his ex wife.
    Fearless reporter, or self promoting arsehole revelling in notoriety?

    • No worse than every other “media-cunt”. Certainly better than most.
      At least he puts his head above the parapet-as might you if it was your niece that was abused by a mudslide grooming gang and the local police tell you to “put a lid on it” for the sake of social cohesion?

      • Sorry CG, that story doesn’t wash with me. He knows his involvement with a story will kill it dead because of his history, right or wrong. If he wasn’t in it for the notoriety, the adulation from his followers, or dare say it, the money, he’d do the right thing and fuck off and stay there.

      • Also, I didn’t make my mind up on him because of how he was portrayed in the media, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and its his output that gave me my opinion of him, nothing else. As it should be.

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