Katie Price (12) – Cheap Trick

I think it is time again to cunt that cunt Katie Price. I know the cunt already has a season ticket on these hallowed pages but fuck me the cunt should have a day ticket.

Not only has this cunt with a cunt like a hippo yawning just walked free after commiting a crime but is now full on exploiting Harvey for her own self promotion. He is disabled and to be fair to the youth is partial to using the word cunt. But she cannot wait to use any of his actions to get attention.

Joking aside she is not a person who should be in charge of taking a shit let alone children. Her cunt should be bricked up so she cannot have anymore kids. She is to parenting what the hydrogen bomb is to landscape gardening.

She used to live off her looks but they went long ago and now it is just jn the eye of the beholder….or is that beerholder as you’d need a fucking crate to tackle her.

All in all a despicable cunt who will sell anyone for her own gains

Mirror News Link

Nominated by: DryItchyCunt

73 thoughts on “Katie Price (12) – Cheap Trick

  1. Vicky Newman ( assistant show bizz) editor and the Mirror are Uber cunts for writing and printing the fucking story. Honestly who the fuck cares what a middle age grotesque looking alcoholic mother of 5 did at Christmas. Ffs.

  2. How much longer can this sad bitch remain present in the media?
    She’s 43 now, well past her sell-by date so where does she get her money from? All those holidays and plastic surgery can’t be cheap.
    Hopefully, she goes further down into the mire and has to resort to ever more desperate tactics to stay relevant, as her drink and drug problems spiral ever further out of control. She might as well continue down this path as she’ll never get jail time, seemingly no matter what pernicious shit she does.
    Lastly, a pox on the m0ng-mouthed Peter Andre. If my two kids were in that living situation then I, like any decent man, would fight tooth and nail to extricate them, the spineless wimp.
    Maybe he tried to rescue them and Katie had posted Harvey as a door guard to stop any chikd removal, promising to reward him with “one of mummy’s special kisses” on his deformed tinkle.

    • The thing is Thomas, Peter Andre is as big an attention whore, low talent, low IQ, scumbag, as she is.

      The fucking Talentless, oily, greasy, little cunt?

      Ps: Good morning Thomas / All??

  3. Harvey looks like hes pleading with whoever is taking the photo to save him!

    I’m surprised Katie didnt tour him in a fairground and charge a £1 to see him?

    The lucky thing for Harvey is that all the media attention mum gets at least he gets proper care because I wouldn’t let his mum look after a fuckin goldfish nevermind a seriously disabled kid.
    He only has to see her for a photo opportunity twice a year,
    His birthday and Christmas.
    The other kids have to suffer her bullshit every day.

    • I might be wrong, but I thought the state were paying for kid kongs care. Poor mum is bankrupt after all.

      • Correct. Harvey’s special lucky bus costs the taxpayer £100k per year to ferry it to and from special school.

        It’s a special kind of bus lined with chequer plate and it has eye bolts and shackles on the floor to prevent Harvey from trying to rape or eat the driver.

  4. You ought to have seen her on GMB, with Harvey.
    I had to switch off, as there was a real danger I’d heave the coffee table at the screen.

  5. Harvey was approached for comment but was halfway up the Empire State Building, media below drenched in cascades of drool and shit..

    • Ho ho, a very amusing image!
      Shame Katie’s surname isn’t ‘Young’.
      A Mighty big shame…

  6. The photo of Harvey anticipating ripping open his Christmas present while hugging his sister puts me in mind of the photo of a non-sweating,honourable Prince of the Realm hugging another young girl….although,tbf….Harvey probably has more intelligence and better manners than the “hide behind Mummy’s skirts Prince.

    “Prince”,”Price” ??!!…eerily similar names…I wonder if I have stumbled upon some new conspiracy?…. The Lizard Prince is now adopting the guise of a mentally disabled black Man …it’s a fucking disgrace…wait until Spivey hears about this one.

    (Funny you should mention Prince Andrew, Dick… – Day Admin)

    • Morning Mr F…just wait until it’s revealed that Prince Andrew paid Katie to have Harvey transported to Ep§tein island so that he, Bill Gates and Kevin Spacey could have their wicked way with the unfortunate spacco’s unwiped botty…

    • Still no decision on whether Giuffre can sue Airmiles. No doubt the judge is waiting for a decent offer. And Andrew is selling the Swiss holiday chalet ? Old news. actually, and he already owes the money it is expected to fetch.

      Popcorn, please.

      • Aye,wasn’t he getting sued a couple of years ago by the original owner for never fully paying for the chalet?….presumably Mummy or one of his “Chums” helped him out.

    • virgin gutfree was a professional spunk bucket before and after wanking off a minor royal

  7. I increasingly think it is Katy Price who needs 24/7 care and supervision.
    And keeping away from children.

  8. Put that wizened coke hag into an asylum.
    The kids can all roam free in a Bulgarian circus.

    • Amazing how she’s produced so many ugly kids, one was unlucky but 5 looks deliberate

  9. An addition to alcohol, illegal drugs and attention is a recipe for disaster.

    The fact that she’s also a criminal, dangerous drug driver and a bankrupt should show you that money and lack of breeding do not mix.

    I also want to know how a “bankrupt” affords greasy weddings in LA etc

  10. I notice that Harvey’s father, Dwight Yorke, seems to be conspicuous by his absence. True to type, or savvy enough to stay out of the media and not to exploit his son? Not sure if I know the answer to that one.
    The huge chested mongoloid with manifold mental problems desperately needs specialist care, maybe she could gain a place where Harvey is.

  11. Why do people give this slag the fucking air time? Just writing this annoys me as it’s a waste of bandwidth. The fucking slag.

    • the Sun have a contract with her to promote herm she’s a product, a fucking rank one, but its like marmite love it or hate it they will keep selling it

      • RTC@ – The pool is only half full as it is on its side in NZ – if it was Australia it would be upside down!

  12. I can see it now.
    She runs out of dosh, her and Harvey join a carnival where Harvey performs daily freak shows while his mum is giving blow jobs in their caravan .

  13. Katey must be from pie key stock im sure,the saving grace with her not getting jail time for her last hurrah is that she wont learn her lesson, so will do it again and next time maybe she wont be so lucky.
    Taking bets the Y shaped coffin will be pink with gold plated plastic handles, Harvey can carry it to the recycling site under one arm at least the brood of brats will be better off and we wont have to tolerate this brain dead spunk trumpet any longer.
    Sad to say but she is another one of those people that the world wont miss, and once her shameless behaviour isnt in the press probably wouldnt even notice wasnt around anymore.

    • Until somebody on here mentions her I’m not even aware of her existence. Since I don’t watch the news or read newspapers the same applies to politicians. And pretty much everything else, come to think of it. In fact, my world exists solely in these pages and our local shopping centre.

    • Fuglyucker@ – Katy Price definitely has the whiff of big earrings and caravans about her.
      Next documentary? “Moi secret gipsy ‘eritage, init – ‘Arvey! Get off Mummys tits!”..

  14. Exploitation of an afflicted person is wrong in every way … I’m sure that her kid is used to the constant commands being issued to do this or that and look at the camera and possibly looks as if he’s enjoying the attention or interaction to a degree. Fact is he has different needs and wants to her and is not being given a choice as to how he lives his life. The attention seeking bint was straight back at it after her ‘let off’ … it ain’t right and she should have some kind of restraint applied to her … it’s definitely mental illness and should be recognised as such with specific onerous limitations. CUNT!

  15. Say what you like about the slapper, her PR machine makes Herr Goebels propaganda department look like a five yEar old dyslexic child, wring a critique on War & Peace.

    • Your not wrong. In a previous nom about this plastic twat I said they deserved medals.

  16. The least attractive page 3 girl of her era made the big time by fucking footballers and here today, gone later today boyband thickos. Now has to resort to fucking the demographic that would have wanked over her ropey tits in the Star and the Sport, labourers and second hand car salesmen, while her slender grip on fame by having cosmetic surgery and various degrees of motoring offences.
    Surely real people get their kids taken into care for less?

    • Excellent summary-100% factual.
      I too am surprised, social services have not investigated and removed her children. Or is that only poor, white working class people? (See the Mcann’s?)

      • Without going into details we were very nearly one of those families when I was younger. Luckily after 18 months of harassment the Waffen SS gave up and admitted they couldn’t find anything on my parents. I still remember the names of the social workers involved.

      • A very common occurrence-social workers, particularly younger wimminz, are notoriously inept.

        I recall the time a colleagues daughter had a bruised leg, from falling off a balancing beam at an after school gym club-her teacher reported to social services, who investigated.
        This was just before the baby “P” case, broke.
        What a fucking abysmally tun service ?

      • The most infuriating part of the whole thing is that the ordeal came about from next door making a deliberately false allegation, and yet they never got prosecuted for it. Have thought about maybe pursuing police action on it now but 1, I don’t want to drag my old folks through all that again and 2, it’s probably too late now anyway.

      • Your neighbours, who’s malicious actions caused you so much distress, remind us all on here, why this site exists:

        The world is full of cunts☹️

      • What’s the difference between a Rottweiler and a social worker?

        It’s easier to get your kids back off a Rottweiler.

  17. We should remember she’s a celebrity, and therefore all the usual rules/laws/regulations that ordinary people have to abide by, do not apply to her.

    Celebs, TV/Film stars, sports people, senior civil servants, politicians, diplomats, Influencers et al – are all exempt from such things. (The Covid lockdown circus is one prime example)

    • … with perhaps the exception of senior civil servants the others can be expunged by the gen pop … simply don’t allow them to operate … do not vote for them, stop putting them on pedestals, kick their ability to ‘perform’ in to touch. constantly call them out, silence them at every opportunity by not allowing their ‘opinions’ to influence, treat them like the scum that they really are.

  18. When I used to go to footy matches at the Arsenal many moons ago, I think I saw the dodgy-spunked Dwight Yorke play 3 times (once for Villa twice for Man Utd).

    I have seen Dwight Yorke in real life more than Harvey has, the poor cunt.

    • If the poor cunt was to turn up on Yorke’s doorstep saying “Daddy!”, he’d be even less welcome than his dad was at the sperm bank.

    • Cuntybollocks@ – Yorke was also AWOL up front all the time he was at United.
      Fkin useless.

  19. In every picture you see, Harvey has his mouth agape.
    (Like his mum’s flange).
    I believe that, for example, on you tube, thus is common practice on thumbnails, to make people click on the video, or article.
    Apparently it is a subliminal message to say that the video/article has moments of wow, surprise, shock, and can’t be missed.
    She obviously has certain words she uses that she has trained him with, to perform, like a seal at a circus.

    As for Andre’s daughter.
    She has one wierd alien face.
    Very deformed.
    A candidate for the sunshine bus.

    • I’ve worked out why Andre’s kids look odd, eyes are way too far apart. In evolutionary terms eyes on the sides of the head help prey species to spot potential threats. Remarkable that this could occur in a single generation, imagine what the grandkids will look like if Katie and the camera crews are still around.
      When I watched that documentary on Jordan’s mating habits her fanny was in remarkably good condition given the abuse it has received. Still widely available online, search Dane Bowers/KP porno. The children must be very proud of her.

  20. Harvey is a great advertisement for any attempts at Yorkie bar’s dreams of siring a family.
    I can imagine the thoughts running through a women’s head when questioned with what their potential babies will look like or end up like.

    Joking aside.
    It is unfortunate.
    Harvey is innocent and didn’t choose his life to end up the way it has.

    • She exploits the poor fucker, like that carnival barker did, with John Merrick-the Elephant Man.

      I am surprised she has not been exploiting her female progeny, more?

      • Just a matter if time.
        Price probably has a gig lined up for her daughter on OnlyFans.
        “Princess 16th Birthday Cherry Popping.”

      • not sticking up for the spunk bucket at all, but if harvey was in a special needs home he’d he drugged to high heaven so the sadistic evil staff could manage him, sat in a corner in his own shit all day and forced to watch peppa pig tv with jam sandwiches and spagetti hoops for dinner every day…those places are vile and the minimum wage care staff don’t care a fuck. He’ll always be a mong and to be honest he has more room to romp around and get visual stimulation living with his brothers and sisters.

  21. The sad thing is that Harvey may be able to cope with his disabilities more if he had just gotten the right support – both from his awful mother and the local authority.

  22. It is clear though that she isn’t as daft as she makes everyone believe her to be.
    Her attitude is clearly that any kind of attention is good for her bank balance.

    I have said many times in my life that history makes it’s own judgements of these oxygen thieves.

    • Morning Mr C?
      Off topic, I perused your website recently, some of your album covers are totally NON-PC-particularly the ones with nubilw wimminz in states of disrobing.

      Well done??

  23. The photo at the top of the page makes them look like the missing link family, I thought the old trollop on the left was wearing face paint to look like cats whiskers. It’s not it’s one of them oxygen things, she’ll be wearing that so she can keep claiming her benefits.
    A group of reptiles that should be wiped off the face of the earth.

  24. This wizards sleeve of a spunk bucket is the most abhorrent human on the planet. She just got a suspended sentence for her seventh drink/drug driving offence, where she rolled her car in the early hours whilst out to get cocaine. No licence, no insurance, no care.
    £3.5m in debt but recently off abroad to get her arse lifted.
    If you don’t want to be trolled, then don’t be a cunt.

    • I wonder if the judge will be just as lenient when she wipes out an entire bus queue, while off her gammy old tits on coke and booze?

  25. She as popped up again….. I said last time weld the hags cunt up and blow torch it’s face.

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