Dubai is a massive cunt and so are all the cunt that live there. I have been there a few times with work and I hated every minute. Never have I witnessed such a group of absolute wankers who think that they are better than everyone else. I mean look at these cunts. Boils my piss just looking at them.
A friend of mine moved over there a few years ago. Now all he ever talks about is money, money, money. Fuck off you materialistic cunt and never come back to the UK. Every expat that I have ever met is a cunt. Going on about how much they love the UK yet live in Dubai. The place needs nuking. Cunts.
Nominated by: Cock Blanket
Crafty Arabs.
I bet there is some quality minge on display out there in that desert.
Anyhow it’s an obscene gaudy bauble of a shithole for money grubbing cunts.
I hope a sandstorm buries the lot.
Good morning chaps!
Its just a big city in a desert populated by teatowel heads isnt it?
Why go there?
If I wanted that I could wait for a hot day and go sit in Jewsons sandpit.
Hot, sand , arabs,
Sounds like my idea of hell.
Jewsons in Slough !
Come friendly bombs….
Pity the BLM and other Lefty Woke cunts don’t take a pop at the huge white privilege going on in that country; where no doubt the locals are treated like shit and are nothing but slaves.
Always enjoyable when stupid entitled British tourists go over there, break all the hugely strict rules, end up in jail, and then there’s some kind of whinge from the family/partner saying that “The British government should do something! It’s all Boris’ fault”
Built on oil. Let’s hope it all dries up and the cunts have to turn the air con off. My cousin went for a week on holiday….kept pronouncing it Jewbye. Get ho.e to you 3 bed in Whetherby you cunt!
I wonder what Co2 emissions are in that part of the world?
Perhaps Little Greta should fly over there (private jet of course), pull a few faces and tell the sheiks her future hangs on a knife-edge if they don’t do something nice and green.
Private jet? Or even more high-tech materials smelted and refined from ultra-low-yield ores (1% if you’re lucky) (good iron ore is 80% Fe) and hideous composites belching toxins but what would I know? Last time I was in Dubai there was a judges or police commissioners conference where visitors were accommodated in a very accommodating hotel with “shoe shine” boxes by each door, the newspaper said. I ought to see if I can find the item. What they THOUGHT was you’d put your shoes in the box and in the morning they’d be clean. Nice service. What ACTUALLY happened was that if you put shoes in the box, bright and early tomorrow there’d be a lovely lump of opium for you, appended to the bill as “other” presumably and in the land of diamond encrusted Rolls-Royces (and the [very] inferior gold-plated Bugatti poo yuk I spit the very idea from my typing fingers) Who Would Know that the price of opium was not equivalent to boot polish? Anyway the Judge did and it hit the front page. He also found a goodly chunk of opium in his box. Can’t find the actual story but here’s something else
“more high-tech materials smelted and refined from ultra-low-yield ores and hideous composites belching toxins” to make a 21st century sailing yacht —— some of which are pretty fast btw, especially those ones with the aeroplane wing sort of thing for a sail. Deformable surfaces, probably a nice Scandium/Beryllium alloy like NASA uses, the huge expense reflecting the environmental challenges in extracting the materials in the first place. Very interesting area of course, metals exchanges (strategic metals) being fraught with opportunity for smooth operators.
There’s a song, isn’t there?
Just looked at the links for this
Super rich etc
Some girl who’s wardrobes worth 4million!
Get one at IKEA for under £100.
Its full of poseurs!
The type who wear red jeans an slip on shoes with no socks.
Poseurs and ragheads.
I’ll stick with Colwyn bay thanks.
(And then you have these cunts telling the impoverished in Britain to make sacrifices in order to save the planet! – Day Admin)
Where do you go walking Miserable? On the Moors is it?
Anyway, after watching that YouTube link above I have sudden desire to have a walk in the countryside.
Also famously there is nothing in the desert.
But with all their ‘petro-dollars’ they haven’t done anything except build a souless city of skyscapers.
A desert in the desert.
Morning Miles.
Peak District.
But loads of nice walks about,
Yorkshire moors has lots of nice walks.
We live in the most beautiful country in the world,
May as well enjoy it!!?
Nuke Dubai
There’s also the matter of rich Saudi businessmen, flying young women over there to engage in the sort of debauchery that would be too messed up even for B&WC.
Ever heard of the Dubai port-a-potty thing? I bet Thomas TCE has!
There used to be a website called tagyoursponsor where this was exposed as going on.
Ho ho, morning Harold, yes indeed I have.
Those dirty arab princes…allegedly Lindsay Lohan was a portapotty!
With their money, surely they could’ve gotten a less skanky face to take a dump on?!
Allegedly, a dog rough ex page 3 bird who got into porn, was regularly flown over to Dubai to get banged senseless off Arab princes for 10 grand or so a pop.
I wouldn’t have touched her with yours. Allegedly, her initials are LDM (massive saggy tits).
I never liked LDM ,
Bet shes proper ropey now!!
True that MNC
Always struck me as the sort who’d not wipe her arse or flush the bog after having a big smelly shit.
Yeah, eats crisps in bed and farts all the time.
Lindsey Drew?
Lindsay Dawn…
Ah, yes, that one.
… McKenzie
Once the darling of the Sunday Sport. Now probably too rough even for them…
The skank who got her minge out on her 16th Birthday?
Here she is
Looks tired!
One for Deadpool?
I recently delivered a £65k Patek Phillipe to a bloke in Leeds who delightedly informed me that he was flying out to his home in Dubai the following morning.
All I’ll say is that if he’s a typical example of the sort of person who lives there then indeed they are a bunch of cunts.
Arrogant, entitled and with extremely poor taste in interior decor.
The arabs are a bunch of conceited avaricious cunts with no work ethic. When the petro-dollars stop flowing they will return to the third world in no time.
When they come over the channel to Hastings beach with their sponging brown hands out, they’ll be in a sweet speedboat not a dinghy and will get to the 5 star hotel before the africans.
What a nightmare. Walking round and round the ‘mall’. The same smooth surfaces, the same souless shops. The muzak.
I think honestly I would rather live in a ‘shithole’.
I wouldn’t be seen dead in Dubai…it is the preferred holiday destination for the type of people who have an Audi on the drive of their “Executive-style living” Barratt-box house but are only one wage cheque away from having it all repossessed…..footballers go there too.
I think David Beckham has a place on Palm island. Which about says it all.
Morning Mr Fiddler.
Has Skeletor his Mrs not emptied his bank account yet? Pity.
Should be napalm island.
Once Greta makes oil completely illegal, the place along with the towelhead region in general, will revert to Africa levels of poverty.
A part of the world that has piles of cash buried under its feet, yet the cunts have to get honkies in to fucking get the oil out of the ground and refine it for them. Fucking useless twats.
There will be a stampede to
Blighty of the cunts in a few years once the oil is a no no.
They fucking hate us, but can’t live without us. If we fucked off to Antarctica, they’d soon follow us there.
Yes, those who live and holiday there are usually posing wankers too.
Those who live and holiday in Dubai, not Antarctica of course..
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, owns 100,000 acres of the UK and bankrolls the British horse racing industry. Without him Newmarket would not exist in it’s current form.
This is the cunt who has had his two daughters abducted, threatened one of his five ex-wives and used illegal spyware to hack into her and her solicitor’s phones (all alleged – Day Admin). In the eyes of the Jockey Club and the British Horseracing Authority he’s a fit and proper person to wield such power.
This oil billionaire also owns vast areas of the USA, Ireland and Australia.
(To avoid any legal ramifications, no matter how remote, can you add a link to back up that allegation please? – Day Admin)
As I drive past the Gallops on my way to Bury, I pass a huge “Palace”. It smells heavily scented with the perfume of gallons of Brut and dripping quim. I take it, that is where he gaffs (occasionally) ?
Ah yes I’ve seen that evil little cunt on the TV.
Looks like the type to try to sell you a counterfeit Rolex up an alley in Cairo.
(Funny you should mention Rolex … – Day Admin)
See under ‘Controversies’ here:
(Thank you – Day Admin)
Dubai – Probably the last place on earth that I’d ever wish to visit.
Vacuous, airhead, materialistic bastards everywhere.
Premier league football types all on holiday.
Towel heads everywhere.
Sharia Law.
Fuck that.
A walk in the Lake District is far more preferable to me but then again I am an anti social cunt at the best of times.
Good morning.
You could be my twin.
… could many of us chaps, on here?
Exactly so CG. I always was and ever will be unsociable. As for this modern obsession with teamwork? Teamwork is what’s needed for people who are no use on their own.
and us chapesses, otherwise known as birds
The entire Middle East is a corrupted fuckpit built on quicksand. Illegality and greed keeps it temporarily afloat, we will pay ultimately.
I’ve worked in KSA, Kuwait and Qatar. It’s not the locals who get stiffed, it’s the transient workers
Those worry bead fiddling hook noses are the architects of their own demise but the rest of the plebs will carry the can for their opulence.
Nuke the fucking entire shit show and watch the world blossom.
Israel included, they’re all the fucking same.
Good fucking morning.
No doubt “Sir” Tony arsehole Blair, has got his snout in the Middle-Eastern trough – not to sort out peaceful solutions between Jews and Arabs: that would be too much like hard work. Instead the cunt is probably sniffing around seeing if he can grab a few million on the back of being a statesman/ambassador blah blah woof woof!
Allegedly of course
I heard a rumour about the cunt and his vile spouse suggesting that they were very enthusiastic participants in those port-a-potty shenanigans.
Just a rumour.
Dubai, a jewel in the desert, built on the bones and blood of millions of foreign workers. Long shifts toiling in the heat, pay and passports withheld to force compliance and so on. Fuck off.
What fuck is Dubai?? City in the desert, it was bankrupt a few years ago. Looks like a giant Ponzi scheme to me. Still could be a tsunami and wash the city and all the cunts in it away.
A mate of mine got a job out there castrating camels with 2 house bricks.
When I asked him if it hurt, he said only if you catch your thumb.
For anyone out there who’s never heard that before. I’m guessing not many.
Heard that joke about 40 years ago, a good’un though.
Absolute Hell hole
I would visit most places but not here even if for free.
Everything about it is awful
Evil corrupt regime of shit
Makes Luton look like paradise
Makes Jaywick Sands look like paradise.
best beach in europe is jaywick, cold beer, no dog shit and no shitskins, lubbly in the summer
I concur: I had an open invitation, with subsidised flights, to visit Dubai (ex-pat “associate” cunt).
I never took them up on the offer and never fucking would.
Where to start?
The temperature so fierce, ex-pats head back to colder climes during their “summer”.
If your idea of heaven, is living in an air conditioned box, climbing into an air conditioned car, driving to an air conditioned underground car park, to spend the day in an air conditioned shopping mall, because the temperature is so extreme-then crack on?
Hundreds of thousands of Indian and Peaceful slaves, living in shit holes, out of sight of the gaze of tourists-locally referred to as “jangles”.
Disease ridden Russian prostitutes in every bar, looking to land a western meal ticket.
Muslims, the “worst” of western avaricious cunts and unforgivable heat-in a ducking desert.
No thanks.
Give me my beloved Cumbria, every time ?
Years ago, the Dubai authorities changed the rules on transient workers, meaning if you employed Indian cleaners, maids or gardeners, you had to “sponsor” them.
This means you have to take responsibility for their actions, criminal offence’s, rule breaking etc.
Pay their fines abs legal costs.
This pissed a lot of smug westerners off???
I don’t think anything changed in practice.
“Agencies in the victims’ home countries advertise the so-called ‘opportunities’ in Dubai and charge the victims 2000-3000 USD to pay for the arrangement of the employment contracts, work visas and travel to Dubai. This practice is illegal (in actuality the employers are responsible for the fees) but the Emirate employers simply pay the agencies to bill the client and the government turns a blind eye.
As the men are already living in poverty, they don’t have this kind of money and so they either take out loans from elsewhere or borrow directly from the unscrupulous agency recruiters, who know exactly what is going to happen to the men once they arrive in the UAE but do not care. This means that the men are in debt as soon as they arrive in the United Arab Emirates.
The next step occurs when the men have arrived in Dubai. Their employers confiscate their passports, a practice that has been illegal since 2002 but is continued nevertheless. Officially, this holding of passports is supposedly for ‘security reasons’ to prevent workers from ‘absconding,’ but in reality it turns them into a prisoner, unable to escape, even in instances of exploitation and abuse….” (continues: dated 2019)
A.K.A. Slavery.
Where are the knee takers and pearl clutches?
The silence is fucking DEAFENING ?
Doesn’t involve whitey-bashing, so it ain’t on their agenda.
It’ll never match Benidorm, no matter how hard it tries.
Morning all.
Morning Ron.?
Question: if the whole world were to ban fossil fuels, like the U.K. Government want to do, where would these cunts get their obscene wealth from?
Answer: the majority of the world isn’t stupid enough to ban fossil fuels so it will never happen.
Hey ho
That is why they built “Dubai”?
As a rule of thumb I avoid holidaying anywhere that beheading is a form of punishment or that has a majority muslim indigenous population
Wasn’t thinking of going there. Still not thinking of going there.
Woke “influencers” and their plastic tits, in this shit hole, are supporting slavery. Rag heads are nearly as bad as chinkys on this front. 1.9 people out of every 1000 humans in Bahrain are slaves. Hamilton cunt has no problem with that whilst he plays at racing with no danger to himself, cocooned in Kevlar.. Obviously the rest of the African continent has a 7 to 1000 ratio. How come the rag heads and blacks get a free pass?
Dubai should be twinned with Gomorrah. But as our Ay-Rab chums haven’t worked out the very sensible fiscal policy of banking and investing as much of their oil and gas revenue for when it either runs out or is no longer needed when we are all driving hairdryers in not so many years I will be interested to see what kind of lawless hell hole Dubai turns into when the house of cards of debt Dubai is built and runs on stops – it’s not like it has any other economy to rely on except perhaps sex trafficking – allegedly! ?
The muslim attitude is never “fix the roof when the suns shining”, more “have the roof gold plated with a fountain of Evian on top to show everyone how rich I am” and this will come back to seriously bite them in the arse in the coming decades – why does everyone think they are dumping all their refuse in Europe?
The kind of people who would holiday in Dubai seem like the same kind of people who spend 15 grand on going to the “Radio 1 residencies in EyeBeefar” – “Look at me” fuckwits – who perchance wear big gold Rolexes!
Not my thing – plenty of marvellous places to visit in the UK.
Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Matoum is a rancid evil cunt. Here’s a link to the love for his daughter, its a long watch but a sad and true one – they should lock this cunt up in an asylum (this girl is still now missing
The hypocrisy of the BBC is they did cover this and now do this cuntful show on the rich and famous – they all need to be gassed. I hate to admit this but I was stationed there for work well before it was all built, It was a cunt of a place then and I was there before all these cunts came out making it the capital of cuntdom. I did leave well on time. Everything you hear about human rights abuses are true. Its worse than you read. When they built the Atlantis Hotel they paid a cunt to go and net Dolphins in some cutting island place and bring them over to then entrap them to swim with cunts who pay to have their photos taken, Vile cesspit as is all the cunts that are there.
IIRC, this shitehole was the subject of one of the most annoyin-as-feck TV ads of all time. Somebody announcing, in a really weird, embarrassed, squeaky voice: “I AM… The SPIRIT of Dubai.”
Alcohol-free, presumably…
Fuck off.
Dubai, hahaha, There were 2 TV channels on Freeview in the UK called Studio66 and Xpandedtv – They both employed a woman called Nicole Snow.
Her claim to fame is she was paid £50,000 to fly out to Dubai and shit on some Sheik or wealthy cunt – Well documented.
I would have done it for 50 pence, the dirty fucking bastard!
I had to go out there briefly for work. Strange place. Jockeys living in holiday resorts. A pub was the fourteenth floor of a tower block where you get get a can of fizzy beer. Endless sanitised shopping malls. I started to wonder why anyone would want to go on holiday there…
The locals employ people from Pakistan and Bangladesh to do all the menial tasks and they have to live in crappy compounds.
I went to one of the few old buildings there which was a museum showing an empty desert just after the war apart from a few tents until us Brits found the oil.
We should have told them it was dirty water and offered to get rid of it for free.
Dirty filthy camel fuckers the lot of them.It would not matter how much oil they get out of the ground,they are nothing but low scum camel fukers out there in Dubai.