King Herod is a cunt.

We now have to suffer the four month shitfest that is Christmas because he and his toy army couldn’t properly organise the total extermination of according to prophecy new born males one of which he presumed would usurp his rule of a minor vassal state.

The only bigger cunt in this fucked up operation was Gaius Terranius?(not sure) the Roman Prefect of Egypt that let Jesus, slapper Mary, gullible Joe and an unquarantined donkey escape across the border unchallenged (perhaps an ancestor of Boris Johnson).

Of course there probably would be some other sky fairy whom there would be a months long hullabaloo before it’s birthday. If it was Yasur I wouldn’t mind but I reckon I’d get sick of it all eventually.

Fuck Easter too, a quite garrotting in the dungeon then chuck the corpse into the cesspit would have sufficed.


Nominated by: Shackledragger cunt

38 thoughts on “King Herod is a cunt.

    • I’ve no problem with the chosen General. They don’t bother you at your house or in the street about Jesus, though if they did they might say, ” Hello were Jews and we’d like to tell you about Jesus and how we had that bastard nailed to a tree”.
      P.S. the book is in the post.

      • Ha ha!
        It was the film I wanted.

        I bet you wish you were in Blighty, freezing rain and snow ?

  1. … wasn’t he a Roman? Tasked with keeping a lid on the uppity sand dwellers … probably exacerbated the myth in order control the masses. Whatever he was up to I think he was a grizzly cunt cos IIRC his junk fell off due to a bit of a downstairs infection problem … STD or some such.

  2. Crikey Shackledragger, you ought to be in a much better mood what with Oz continuing to humiliate England at the cricket.
    If I didn’t know you better I might suspect you were a closet Pom.

    • I’m finding it rather boring that England is losing so badly, we don’t even need to cheat. We may as well be playing against Afghanistan or Holland.

  3. This is what happens when a foreign country (Italy) culturally appropriates a foreign Middle Eastern religious cult (Christianity) and imposes it on a nation (Britain) thus undermining and replacing said nation’s indigenous pagan traditions.

    Besides, if any individual is to blame it’s God for cuckolding Joseph. It’s not fucking rocket science.

    • Herod is indeed a cunt!
      Keeps coming stealing fish from our pond.
      Weve put a net over it now.

      The lanky theiving cunt.

  4. I didn’t know we could start cunting fairytale characters Admin?, in that case I shall cunt the tooth fairy, the thieving cunt!!!

    • Timelines and facts have never bothered the scriptures or the Koran. Shouldnt you be celebrating Dreamtime or whatever? If you look across the Tasman the Maori version is taught as scientific fact.

    • There’s almost no contemporary written evidence of a historical jesus. One footnote in Tacitus to a ‘Croesus’ causing trouble in Judea.

      Nevertheless, happy Christmas all!

      • Queenie Lizard breath can get to fuck, get rid of the lot, scrounging wank cloths, then go to the united shitholes of merica and get rid of that parasitic pair of smegs over there and their fuck ugly ginger brats, like fucking roaches

      • The Gospel according to David Icke!?
        Starring Doug McClure as Moses,
        Special mention to Ray Harryhausen!
        Charlton Heston as John the Baptist,

        “Get yer stinks claws off me!
        You damn dirty iguanas!”

    • Couldn’t give a fuck, total sand rat, he was just another groomer and camel gobbler, if he was still alive he’d be over here in dinghy to start the family tradition of fucking kids in Rotherham with his dancing boys

  5. The Bible is full of ne´er do wells. Salomé demanding the head of poor John the Baptist (from another king Herod) because her mother hated him. David putting Uriah in the forefront of battle where he is killed so he could have it off with his wife Bathsheba. Abraham about to slit his own son´s throat as a sacrifice until a messenger from God stops him. Peter denying he knew Jesus to save his own neck.

    God himself went over the top at times – after sending a plague down on Egypt he then ordered the angel of death to kill all the first born sons to gain the Israelites´ freedom.

    Still, he is not a bad old guy really and has a heart of gold.

    • Am half expecting the Bible to be rewritten and “revised”, so that basically God, Jesus, Mary et al were all non-gender transformer vegans, bending their knees at every opportunity and recycling like o one’s business.

      The New Bible will also include a chapter about Brexit, and how the word may end because of it.

      As for King Herod – he’ll get his own Channel 4 Docusoap called “Living with the Herods”. Herod will of course be a person of colour, and everyone else around him will be useless xenophobic white cunts.

      Katie Price will then try to date him if only for the chance of a bit more publicity.

      All a load of bollocks really

    • a book of bollocks written by jews for jews full of jews fucking and killing jews….burn it

  6. That’s the thing about Australians, no matter if the entire country is locked down, no matter that the Chinese CCP monarchy are picking where they will place holiday homes once China buys Australia for 50p. Australians can find the silver lining in every cloud.

    God bless each and everyone of them. Australia is a nation built on convictions!

    • Those Aussies love beating their former imperial overlords at their own game, cricket, don’t they.

      Maybe time to start learning some games favoured by the CCP.

  7. Herod having little boys murdered?!!!
    the rotter.
    Typical of the ‘ELITES’.
    He was kissing roman arse too.
    Scared of the spaghetti bettys.
    Fuckin puppet.

    They say God made us in his image?
    And in my case I can see how thats true.

    But what about the rest of you?
    Warts, humps, bandy legged,
    Cross eyed, etc.

    You must of been when God was still using the Boris Karloff mould?

  8. couldn’t give a tinker’s cunt about 2000 year old jew and arab kid fuckers in silly hats, if it aint white and been in Britain for 5k years then its a goat fucker, a camel gobbler and should be drowned in dinghy…Boudicca forever

  9. It’s fairly simple, Shackles.

    Baby Jeebus’s father, who is also Jesus, impregnated Mary, which meant that God, also Jeebus, became human, then sacrificed himself to save you from him.

    Pay attention.

    • Yep, it was at about this point, at around age 6, I checked out.

      Apparently I wasn’t suppose to question this, despite having the supposedly god given gifts of free will and reason.

  10. Jocephus had a lot to say about all the Herods. They were all power hungry tyrannical cunts as he spelled out in Thrones of Blood.

    • King Herod, I’m not too clued-up about these biblical stories but wasn’t he supposed to have ordered the deaths of all first-born sons? I’m not keen on children myself but I wouldn’t normally advocate this, unless they’d been found guilty of anti-social behaviour.

      • He wanted the Baby Jesus dead so he ordered all kids that age and gender killed. Like I said he was a cunt. The Pharoah did the same to control population in Egypt as the Jews breeding were about to outnumber the Egyptian population. That’s why Moses was spared in the basket.
        Monarchs have absolute power. Thankful we live in a Republic even though it’s being destroyed.

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