Yes, we all know it’s that time of year when our wallets are shamelessly pried open by a perfusion of chuggers and retailers after your hard earned money, but I admit that I totally missed this little bugger : Giving Tuesday
Hot on the heels of Brats in Need and Black Friday, this was apparently on November 30th. Passed you by? Yeah, me too!
Maybe it’s because I’m a tight fisted old cunt who works on the basis that no bugger ever gave me owt fer nowt, or maybe it’s because I’m so overloaded by the relentless onslaught of the meaningless modern Christmas that it was just too much to take it all in. I leave you draw your own conclusions.
Whatever it was, if you missed it like me then you’ve been told now – so you’ve no excuse next year…
Nominated by: Dioclese
Dio really doesn’t like charities! Here’s another from him …
Charity fatigue
Is it just me or does anyone else suffer from charity fatigue? It’s out just my that is sick and tired of being bombarded with Christmas chuggers?
You can’t turn on the telly without being assaulted by a never ending barrage of appeals for animals, children, starving Africans, Afghans, homeless people, Oxfam (a cunting in their own right), meals on wheels, food banks, etc etc etc – far too many to list.
And then there’s the endless doom and gloom from the media about how everyone is destitute because of covid, lockdown, furlough kmoney for nothing) and wicked Tory scum.
Well here’s my Christmas message : Fuck ’em all. I never got handed anything for nothing, I had to work my arse off for it.
As Norman Tebbitt once so succinctly put it “Get on your bike”.
The good Lord helps those that help themselves…
And another charity nomination has popped in, this time from Vernon Fox
The poor starving freezing Afghan children.
Allow me a moment to wipe away my tears as I listen to yet another report about the “imminent danger of Afghan children starving and freezing over winter” – but, maybe just me being dumb here, but is it not the responsibility of the Taliban to deal with this alleged crisis?
And as China Joe sent the Taliban 1.7 billion US Dollars in cash on pallets, left them 84 billion Dollars worth of arms and military equipment which the Afghan “Army” fell over as they bravely ran to join the Taliban and the Taliban are currently selling all the rare earth mining rights to China for a fortune how about these evil murderous little fuckers deal with the alleged “humanitarian crisis” –
I am confident they will be right on it as they have such a great record of upholding human rights..
NOT our problem, not our responsibility and not our bill – but that won’t stop the flood of adverts from the tax dodging scammers calling themselves “charities”.
I am not feeling charitable – fuck them.
And another one… this time from Andy
Toy Charity Christmas Donations.
These are cunts.
You would think that they would be grateful, and accept anything.
You would think that they know that if a child is in a family, where for whatever reason, the likelihood of them opening a present in Christmas Day is zero, then the child would be appreciative if anything.
But this is not the case.
No, a child would be appreciative, but the twats organising it have different ideas.
Because of my own experiences as a child, whom I was lucky if I received something on Christmas Day, the thought of a little one not experiencing the joy of opening a present, strikes home for me.
I decided to scour free ads, and I have a few collections to make in my free time this week.
I spoke to the people running the Toy Drive in our area, and they won’t except used toys.
Instead, they expect people to buy a new toy, give it to them, to in turn donate it.
I get that it is nice for a child to receive a factory sealed, brand new item, but not every child has this luxury.
What a bunch of fucking characters.
They will get nothing from me now.
As for the toys I am collecting, I know if a few families through a friend, of appreciative children, and children who don’t have much, so that is where the toys are going.
Can’t say that I’ve ever heard of this day and, now that I have, I can totally ignore it next year like I do with almost all charity adverts, in fact almost all adverts. Even the ones that I do notice wash over me.
What an ignorant cunt, morning all.
Morning Moggie. Its like the ‘International Days’ most pass us by without any recognition.
Tomorrow is International Migrants Day which we will be celebrating by allowing another 500 parasites to wash up on our coastline.
Actually International Migrants Day seems to be most days.
I give to charity all the time.
I donated some weightwatchers recipe books to Feed The World
A bag of logs to The Victims of Grenfell,
And some swimming goggles to RNLI.
Those clothing bins you see make handy bins for shitty undercrackers if like me you have a upset tummy.
MNC@ – Did you donate to the “Channel shark racing games” as I did? – a worthy cause Sir, a worthy cause indeed..
Good morning, Moggie.
Good morning all.
What a great nom to start the day!
Where to begin?
Water aid, where little children spend all day hauling filthy water, and can’t go to school. However, they are wearing clean clothes, appear to have had a good wash and given their teeth the Colgate treatment.
I’ll start there.
The Colgate teeth….
High levels of Fluorine in the water..
High levels of Fluorine in the staple foods (Cassava is particularly bad).
Dumb as fuck, but good teeth….just like the septics.
Clearly Blow-hard Boris is the most charitable cunt going after losing yet another by-election last night and interest rates on the rise!
Most of the country will be so fucking skint come the end of next year we’ll be asking the 3rd world countries for financial aid – “Help a White Cunt at Christmas” with TV ads of loads of white people in downtown Ipswich walking many many yards to their nearest Dominos or Costa begging other poor cunts on the High Street if they can “‘scuse me, mate, can you lend a fiver for a Latte, guv?”
Fuck the big charities and their overpaid CEOs and board members – charity definitely begins at home. And for some people they won’t even have a home if someone doesn’t get a grip of this utterly fucked up country!
Rant over
I already make charitable contributions.
They’re called ‘taxes’.
Much of what I pay is spent on services, projects, causes, etc that have no direct or indirect benefit to myself, loved ones, or community, and indeed that I actively disapprove of.
But since the money is taken from me on pain of prosecution, and I have little to no say about how it is allocated, I consider myself utterly morally absolved from having to make any further outlays, to anyone, anywhere, ever.
Oh, and another thing: a lot of the organisations with their hands out are religious in nature, begging the question – why does God need money to achieve his aims? Isn’t he meant to be all-powerful?
A rise in National Insurance Contributions next April, is yet another charitable cause us Taxpayers will be making in order to fill the gaping hole that is the national debt.
Of course these extra contributions won’t be allocated towards your retirement or to help the NHS. Instead it will be reallocated for other good causes – such as help fund the restoration of the Palace of Westminster, help pay towards the £160bn for Hs2, and help Princess NutJob decide on what new wallpaper she would like as part of her 2022 Spring collection!
Let the millionaires and billionaires take the charity strain!
They’re quick enough tell us plebs to give more, and that we should be grateful for our lot. But you rarely see these tax-dodging cunts donate a measly 1% of their income for charitable causes (unless there’s some benefit in it for them)
Check out these billionaires and imagine how much they could help if they donated a few hundred million rather than us cunts
The thing with charities is that much is wasted on cunts fronting them.
Never really benefits those in need.
Give to Africa and it will no doubt fund bullet proof limos AK 47s and gold bath ? taps.
Charity “for the few. Not the many “. Eh magic grandpa
Giving Tuesday ?
Never heard of it.
Not on my calendar.
Here’s a proper week …..
Get a job Monday.
Not giving Tuesday.
Grow a spine Wednesday.
Have some self respect Thursday.
Get To Fuck Friday.
Kiss my arse Saturday.
Don’t piss up my back and tell me it’s raining Sunday.
Good morning.
Morning Jack-based on that listing, I shall be proposing you as Education Minister, in the IsAC government ?
Morning, General. One of my first objectives, will be the requirement for teachers to be accurate with a heavy board duster up to a range of ten yards ( not metres ).
Anyone caught using metres or other metric nonsense, will receive a bloody good thrashing.
Especially if it’s the Games Mistress. ?
I remember that. Lesson in agility, dodging incoming.
I told my granddaughter about the board rubber, she thought it was hilarious.
Charities are the biggest scams going.
Surely people have woken up to this “legalised theft”?
Boris Johnson (cunt) is a big fan of charities-he has jus donated a seat in parliament, to the Lib Dems?
As a general rule of thumb, any charity that advertises on the telly or in the papers has too much money. Any charity that is backed by the BBC or ITV etc, has too much money. Fuck em!
Also, there are charities out there who don’t like parting with the money they accumulate. Does anyone remember Jim Davidson’s falling out with the British Legion over their reluctance to provide, despite being millions in surplus? That didn’t look good at all
I keep hearing this ad on the radio for Crisis at Xmas with Jo Brand. Sorry, anyone who thinks i’m giving money to a charidee fronted by fat libtard, acid throwing, EU loving fucking remoaner can fuck right off. I see plenty of homeless and i’d rather just give them a fiver (after i’ve checked they’re British of course) in their hands. I don’t give a fuck if they spend it on booze, good luck to them. No British people should be homeless, just the stinking foreign p*nces they import every week.
Why don’t these charities show us footage of how the uninvited dinghy riders are coping in our 4 star hotels with a daily allowance, access to food and water, and mobile phone etc – all paid for by the Taxpayer!
But they won’t show such scenes because it doesn’t suit their narrative. Much better to show them in a dinghy out to sea rather than a 4 star hotel with swimming pool and hot spa!
The PDSA and The Salvation Army.
Worthy institutes both, I’m sure, but they both need to kick whoever does their TV begging ads into touch.
PDSA – doddering old trout leads an equally doddery dog into the surgery.
Salvation Army 1 – same old trout sharing a laugh with her Sally Ann visitor.
Salvation Army 2 – same old trout, now homeless apparently, staggering through the welcoming doors of the Citidal.
Salvation Army 3 – yes, old trout, eyes lighting up in joy as Sally Ann visitor whips lid of a gaily wrapped box.
No idea what was in the box that made her smile. My quess is a gimp mask and a satsuma.
That Sally Army costume give me the horn, obviously on the right lady.
Thora Hird?
I must say, that I have quite a bit of admiration for the foot soldiers of the Sally Army.
Many, many years ago, I used to drink in an old and very rough boozer.
The clientele was almost 100% criminal. Thieves, vagabonds, poachers and other ne’er-do-wells abounded.
One dark night, the bar door opened and in walked a lady of the Sally Army, with a collection box.
She was barely five foot tall, the effing and blinding stopped, she was welcomed in and relieved of her collection box.
The box was taken around the pub, by a rather large gentleman, who rattled it in a productively threatening manner.
It came back full to the brim.
Refusing the offer of a drink, she thanked everyone for their generosity and went on her way.
Safe in the knowledge that if anyone accosted her, they would be hunted down and absolutely fucking battered.
She had guts.
That boozer was an intimidating place.
Morning, Jeezum.
Sadly, it was demolished, a long time ago.
Witnessed the same thing in the Kent Tavern in Kendal, many years ago.
They do a lot of good work-one of the few “genuine” charities.
I hope?
I formed the same opinion of the sallies Jack, after I had dealings with them in Birmingham twenty years ago. They may be christians but as you say CG, one of the few genuine charities.
Yes Jack. Every Sally Ann that came into my local dive was treated in exactly the same way. Folding in the collection tin, a gentle refusal of the copy of Watchtower, very respectful, and escorted discreetly to their next port of call.
JP@ – The Salvation Army have just released a statement in the US effectively accusing every white person in the world of racism and unearned privilege we should be ashamed of (etc). I emailed the Salvation Army and asked if they would distance themselves from this statement and disassociate itself from the writers and remove them from the Salvation Army.
The waffled response did not answer the question but just blathered some nonsense about “not discriminating” – according to anecdotal reports Salvation Army donations are down 80% and they are panicking.
Too late, go woke – go broke.
Hadn’t heard that Vernon. It saddens me.
Vern, I hope you are joking?
I already help to contribute $20 billion to charity so I think that’s more than enough*. The kindly HMRC organise the collection and distribute the money to worthy causes through a wonderful thing called “foreign aid”. No need to give any more as I bask in the warm glow of middle class righteousness. Bless.
* Actually, I think that’s roughly $20 billion overspent. Cunts!
Having learned that UK Charities take 13 Billion from the taxpayer as well as the 11 Billion they take in Gifts/Donations, I will give fuck all to any charity, and especially the Milliband Express money shute,. that is International Rescue.
Fuck the lot !
I give a modest amount to a couple of local animal charities.Charities for humans,however “worthy”,hold no interest for me. I really couldn’t care less about the hungry,the homeless,the hard-done-by or hapless hermaphrodites….there’s nothing that I’m ever liable to want or get of any of them so they are no concern of mine..
That’s my thinking too. Cats Protection, the Donkey Sanctuary, PDSA, Blue Cross, WWF and the Mare and Foal Sanctuary are the recipients of what I am able to give. If Mtembe wants water he can drink perhaps he could try filtering and boiling it first. I’m sure the cunts recently discovered fire.
Don’t forget we have a duty of care to make sure the likes of Marie Buchan and her 8 chav offspring are well taken care of during these lean times
Don’t be ridiculous, dinghy paddlers come before anybody even remotely British or English.
There was a time when I only gave to the British Legion and the RNLI. Know I only give to the British Legion. As for the rest. Im not paying Tarquins school fees.
The BL are not exactly squeaky clean either
After the police raided (to stop them broadcasting on YouTube), the PTSD camp in Bath is a very, very worthy cause:
Stray dogs are a problem here.
Foreign cunts, mainly British start up rescue centres and scrounge for donations, but it’s just a scam.
They use the poor dogs to fund their live style.
Most big towns have dog shelters run by the town hall.
They are terribly underfunded.
The people who work at these places do so for a pittance. They do it for their love of dogs.
For some years I have been donating 50 euros from every job that my company does to the council run shelter.
That is for dog food, bedding, vets bills etc.
I know that every cent is spent on the dogs.
Good Morning
I have probably said it before on this site but I think all charity TV adverts should have a small box in the corner showing the chief executive’s salary. The other corner, for charities such as Oxfam, might have a box for the number of sex offenders they have employed.
The worst of all Charity giving is the government’s overseas aid programme, a bit of virtue signalling with other people’s money, mind you that has all been spent so instead we borrow ,money to give away.No wonder the government lost the North Shropshire by-election.
Good nom. The greed of these ‘charidee’ bastards knows no bounds
£30 to help the towel heads, £29.06 to help Jo Brand feel good, £20 to buy some water for poor Dippy the donkey that ignorant third world bastards are ill treating…Ffs fuck off. Go and ask the cunts making septillions out of vakzines, trusted PPE, and designing and printing fucking Covids posters to plaster the high street/shops and frighten old folks to death.
Good morning, everyone.
If nobody gave to charities, our hard earned tax money would then get spent in the right way. Not on illegal immigrants and third world shit holes. There should be no need for charities for soldiers, medical research, RNLI, RSPCA, RSPCC etc. This should cone from the billions in taxes and the billions wasted on Track and trace and vanity projects. As long as charities are there the Government will shirk their responsibility to look after the right people and the important issues.
When the ”government” ”taxes” its so-called citizens, this means the ”government” demands money, under a threat of force: if you do not pay, essentially thugs hired by the ”government” will take you away and lock you up. This is about as clear a case as any of taking people’s property without their consent. So the ”government” is a thief. This conclusion is not changed by the fact that the ”government” might use the money for what you may think is a good cause (if it does so).
When the overseas aid budget is cut to Zero and all the fucking channel invaders are shown the door then the 10 billion or so can be spent to sort out the shit benefits system and make people fucking work for the money.
There are lots of charity ads for umbongo to get a tap or go to school, if people want to give them cash then it’s their choice, my tax should be spent here to sort this fucking country out properly.
Vern, I think you make a very good point here. The Taliban fought to take control for 20 years and are now the de facto government so why don´t they assume responsibility and look after their own people? Why, oh why should the West and particularly the Americans pour in “humanitarian” aid? If the Taliban are short of cash then I´m sure their billionaire pals in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf can help them out.
Mr Polly@ – I have always believed the welfare of a nation and its people rests squarely on the people in charge of that nation – the moral and fiscal burden of power.
If “leaders” choose to abuse it how about “get your house in order or we do no more business with you and will seize your crooked assets” – but politicians will never do that because they are part of a huge international circle jerk which pays out everyone but those in need.
And how the RBL (for one example) dare scrounge with a fortune in the bank and veterans homeless is in my opinion beyond the pale.
Their wealthy muslim neighbours help them out Mr Polly? In your dreams!
Unless perhaps with arms and ammunition.
The only charities I give money to are local.
I won’t give to any charity with a huge fuck off office in London and a CEO on a salary that reaches into the stratosphere.
I doubly will not give to charities helping to fund the luxury lifestyle of dictators in third world shitholes.
On that happy note, morning all!
I too support a tiny local charity, run by volunteers who take no funds at all for their selves, not even petrol money when delivering to people who are housebound.
They don’t rescue, but raise funds through auctions of donated items to support rescues. Dogs, cats, hedgehogs and injured birds. They pay their selves zero, because they do it for the love of animals.
JP/Arfurbrain@ – Apologies, couldn’t add to your earlier posts – it is indeed correct about The Salvation Army, and a response effectively stating it wasn’t a big deal that they demonise every white person but still demand their money did not improve my mood – it’s like punching someone on the nose then demanding they pay you for the privilege.
I am saddened The Salvation Army, an organisation whose volunteers always seemed to be kind people and genuinely respected, have sunk to thi$.
And if the SA had the slightest bit of sense they would have worked out that 80% of donations come from white people.
Vern, thanks for this. How very, very sad.
JP@ – an overview of “Let’s talk about racism”, published by the Salvation Army – In a section titled “What Is Whiteness?” the guide discouraged “colorblindness,” and it later suggested a number of books, including “White Fragility,” by Robin DeAngelo, and “How to Be an Anti-Racist,” by Ibram X. Kendi, prominent advocates of Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT holds that America is fundamentally racist, yet it teaches people to view every social interaction and person in terms of race. Its adherents pursue “antiracism” through the end of merit, objective truth and the adoption of race-based policies.
The guide also explained the prevalence of racism in America, saying that readers should “stop denying the existence of individual and systemic/institutional racism” and should also “stop denying that White privilege exists.”
I’ll carry on giving to charities i give a fuck about once every month rather than some special day approved by marketing gimps.
What a load of cunt.