Charlie Chaplin

Perhaps its just a sign of the times, but I never quite saw the fascination for this extremely unfunny cunt!

Most of his films were from the silent era, which meant most of his comedy had to do with physical pratfalls and facial expressions in order to get the message across. But quite frankly after watching a number of his classics I rarely laughed, or even raised a smile at any of them. And yet film critics at the time, and even to the present day seem to have a soft spot for his acting abilities and comic timings.

Compare and contrast him to Laurel & Hardy, or even Harold Lloyd. Both earned their stripes also from the silent era, and L&H became true megastars with the advent of sound and went on to develop many classic shorts including The Music Box, Sons of the Desert and Way Out West.

Similarly with Lloyd, most of his success came from the silent era, but he was a great performer with a very endearing face/smile that audiences could take to their hearts.

And yet these guys have always been dumped into the shadows of The Tramp, but fuck knows why because Chaplin really didn’t get very far when sound arrived in films. He even courted controversy in the late 30s early 40s as his films became more and more politicised (The Great Dictator, being the most well known), which didn’t go down too well with audiences in the UK or US, especially since WW2 was about to kick off.

I will admit he had a keen eye for choregraphed comedy, especially when directing. But quite honestly I don’t rate him above Lloyd, L&H, Buster Keaton or the Marx Brothers.

Sir Charlie Chaplin – overrated “genius”, who was about as funny as a visit to the local proctologist.

Nominated by: Technocunt

79 thoughts on “Charlie Chaplin

  1. I can’t be bothered with any of that old shite. I reckon that people who claim to like it are boring Cunts trying to make themselves sound interesting…obscure references to ancient old crap that nobody else has seen or gives a fuck about.

    Anoraks in the Paul Merton and Johnathon Ross category…but even duller,if that was possible.

    I’d burn all that dated old bollocks and be done with it.

    • “people who claim to like it are boring Cunts trying to make themselves sound interesting”

      Present company excepted,of course.


      • I think I agree DF that boring cunts go on about Chaplin’s genius.

        I found Laurel and Hardy (and to some extent, Harold Lloyd) funny when I was a kid.

        Not sure I would find this old shite funny now, but I reckon I’d still chuckle a bit at Stan and Ollie.

        That Coogan cunt is another who drools over Chaplin. I think Ben Elton, Jonathan Woss and Paul Merton are others too as you note.

        All cunts.

      • Morning,CB.

        Let’s be honest…the only people who would pay to go to an ” Old Black and White Comedies” film festival are the same ones whose modern equivalents are the type who get dressed up to attend some comic-book convention and then try to out-bore each other with trivia.

      • I did go to one of these conventions, in Brixton as it happens, dressed as my favourite olden days star, Al Jolson. My somewhat enthusiastic rendition of ‘Camptown Races’ not only didn’t go down as well as expected with the hundreds of attendees, it got me chased out by many others who appeared to be Jolson fans too, it also put me in front of a judg, under the charge of being ‘grossly offensive’.

        Perhaps they really didn’t like my singing, but it all seemed one great big overreaction to me.

  2. I remember they used to show Harold Lloyd (doo doo doo doo doo doo doo) after Blue Peter in the 80s when I was a nipper. Quite enjoyed it.

    I fucking loved the talking versions of Laurel and Hardy and might even download them to watch again. I remember pissing myself at some of their stuff as a teenager. There was just something very funny about Olly’s ‘oof!’ when he got hurt. And Stan being a thick soft cunt.

    But Chaplin? They hardly showed him on the box when I was a kid. I think you’re right…it was because he was a bit shite. I did see a few of this things and never found him funny.

    Although we’ve all shaved the sides of a tache we’ve tried to grow to see how it looks. Obviously, when I did it, I was copying Chaplin and certainly wasn’t goose stepping around the house ranting in German to the amusement/bemusement of others.

      • …..and they couldn’t hold a candle to the England Cricket team when it comes to comedic value.

        Utter Cunts.

      • I’d hang the cunts for that showing. They have disgraced themselves, their families and their nation.

        It was the equivalent of watching a boxing match between a peak Mike Tyson and Greta Thunberg.

  3. Agree totally Techno.
    I never got the ‘genius’ of Charlie Chaplin.
    Hes Revered by film historians.
    Ive give him fair chance but no.

    Harold Lloyd was brilliant
    (had a fake thumb and finger after a prop on set blew his off!)

    Buster Keaton was also brilliant.
    And as some cunters know im a massive lifelong Laurel and Hardy fan.

    But Chaplin? Hes fuckin rubbish.

    Chaplins life got derailed during the macarthy witch-hunt when people in Hollyweird got accussed of being communists,
    J Edgar Hoover head of the FBI and worlds ugliest tranny had Chaplin looked into.
    He had communist sympathies,
    Bit of a lefty.
    He had to leave the US and work was scarce.
    It destroyed Chaplin really.

    Oh well.

    • McCarthy was pretty much spot on all along. This book is great and pretty much proves it. Read it about 5 years ago. Full of copies of official documents and correspondence to back it up. All genuine.

      It wasn’t a fruity paranoid witch hunt after all. He was on to something alright!

      Took years to write. Recommended, but it’s a long read and has no pop up pictures 🙂

      • They didn’t call it the long march through the institutions for nothing.

        The civil service, the judges, the police, most politicians in power, teachers, the media all committed knowingly or unknowingly into destroying Western Civilization.

      • I don’t think the book even mentions ‘cultural marxism’ but it makes clear that McCarthy was telling us ‘Watch out, the commies are trying to infiltrate our political parties, the media, film, education and even the police and armed forces.

        He was mocked, but when you look at how everything seems to be controlled by a loony left dogma now, I think it’s hard to laugh at the cunt now. The book pretty much proves commie types were targeting the main institutions.

  4. But these olden days cunts at least had some dignity about ’em, for the most part at least.

    Look at how he’s dressed in that photo. He’s probably doing his garden or cleaning his outdoor shithouse in that clobber. Very dapper in those days.

    Compare to now. Yesterday we had a nom on Johnny Depp. Seems a nice enough bloke, but looks like a fucking tramp and full of chavvy tattoos.

    And I bet none of Charlie’s birds shat on his bed (which was probably a four poster one made from oak and gold).

    And I don’t remember Laurel or Hardy ‘transitioning’ and posting pictures of themselves topless with their new titties. If they did they can fuck off an’ all.

    Morning all.

    • They went through hard times,
      Bread queues, prohibition, WW1, the great depression etc
      Still ironed their underpants.

      Depp is a multimillionaire,
      Looks like a dosser.
      Harold Lloyds bird didnt beat him up.
      Hed of given her a uppercut.

      And while Stan might of cried if a lady shit in his bed
      Ollie would of got even.

      • ?!!!

        Thats slander.
        I’ll be reporting you to the official Sons of the Desert association.

      • Laurel and Hardy can stick The Lonesome Pine up their arses…like a double-ended dildo.

    • Some of those silent movie stars did have quite controversial personal lives that created scandals across Tinseltown back in the 1920s and 30s.

      Fatty Arbuckle being one of the most notorious, but other stars had been charged and shamed due to prostitution, boot-legging, rape and kiddy-fiddling.

      They weren’t all saints back then, although they still shine far more brightly than the shite people call “comedians” some 100 years later.

  5. I am starting to like him. He was a clever clown. And there is something archetypal about the Little Tramp.
    I used to think the romance was a bit twee. But it is once again an archetypal thing. He gets the girl in the end.
    Just been reading about him. I always thought he was Jewish. Some say he had romani heritage (according to Wikipedia). But they don’t really know for sure. There is no paperwork. He cultivated the mystery of his birth I think. I like that.

  6. Aaaah no!

    I suspect you found chaplains subject matter depressing-his films pre-date Laurel & Hardy’s by 15 years, ( a huge length of time in the evolution of motion pictures), so different acting techniques (exaggerated facial expressions), filming techniques, shutter speed, tinting and the morose piano accompaniment have a different feel to the slapstick of Stan & Ollie.

    His 1940’s masterpiece “The Great Dictator” was a protest against Nazi treatment of Jews, in Europe-remember in 1936, American (and other) western nations had been throwing out Nazi salutes, to Great Unkle Addy.

    He was run out of Hollywood for being a Jewish sympathiser.

    Sorry Techno-I can’t support cunting Charlie Chaplin:

    -the first genuine superstar
    -a cocksman of legendary status
    -a man not afraid to stand up to the studio’s, the media and the corrupt politicians.

    In fact, he was a fellow “Cunter”??

    • Fair play to you. And I don’t doubt Chaplin had/has many legions of fans and critics supporting his acting/directing abilities.

      But for me I just didn’t find him at all funny when I was a kid, and still don’t find him funny today, some 45 years on.

      When I was a kid I adored L&H, Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd, Ben Turpin, the Marx Brothers, Charley Chase and Ed Kennedy. But Chaplin, not so much.

  7. Chaplin liked them girls young, not to mention he was hung like a horse and looked like Hitler.. All round Cunt…

  8. Agree with the nom entirely.
    Charlie Chaplin was a boring cunt, but there was one worse.
    The totally unfunny Fatty Arbuckle. Who was found not guilty of rape and manslaughter at the third attempt.

  9. Talking of “silent” movies-I played “The Plank” at Christmas, for some younger family members. It held their attention for about 2 minutes.

    • The Plank will be rebooted by Marvel Comics, and will come supplied with the usual woke characters.

      The plank itself will of course be recycled under the watchful mong eyes of Greta, and there will be lots of explosions and sfx throughout.

  10. And of course the later “Charlie Chaplin” went onto being a Democrat Senator and changed his name to John McCain.

    I was never a fan – I preferred Harold Lloyd and Laurel & Hardy. Harold Lloyd performed some impressive stunts, like scaling that skyscraper.

  11. Chaplin was a master cocksmith and was fathering kids well into his 70’s.

    When you think about it, the reason for his fame was lack of choice.

    You paid your ha’penny at the cinema to be entertained for an hour or so. Regardless of what was showing.

    Compare that to modern times and try to figure out why James ‘unfunny fat cunt’ Corden has a career.

  12. … actually this would appear to be subject matter worthy of cancellation. Can’t say I’ve ever seen a silent movie and I don’t reckon I’ve missed anything.

  13. Chaplin was funny in such a clever subtle way that the average pleb can’t even see the jokes.

    You have to have a refined sense of humour to understand Chaplin. As with many great artists he was beyond the grasp or intellect of the common man.

    The same people who condemn Charles as ‘not funny’ will also tell you Yoko ‘can’t sing’ or Tracey Emin is ‘an ugly witch faced talentless bitch’.

    If it wasn’t for critics the masses would have no idea when to laugh.

  14. Chaplin is a fucking God, compared to the fucking wankers that call themselves comedians today.
    Can’t see re runs of Sara Millican being shown in 100 years.
    Ant and Dec ?
    Fuck off.
    Chaplin could communicate far more effectively in a silent film, than those two cunts can in today’s high tech telly world.
    Fucking leagues apart.
    Good morning.

    • Are Ant & Dec categorised as comedians? I’ve always wondered which area they fit into as they don’t seem to have any discernible talents whatsoever and I’ve never been able to work it out. Thanks for confirming that they fit in the current genre of mirthless comedians?

      • 30 years in the industry-and I still could not, in all honesty, tell you which one is “Ant” & which one is “Dec”.

      • Ant and Dec have been on our screens for over 20 years, fuck knows how many hours of shit they have inflicted on us, the funny thing is no one will watch it ever again. Duck soup (Marx Brothers)
        Was made in 1933, still watched and enjoyed to this day by people all over the world…Ant & Dec are watched by slack jawed cunts whose fingers are to fat to turn ITV off

    • “Can’t see re runs of Sara Millican being shown in 100 years”…can’t you? I can if the BBC has anything to do with it….they might tint her up a bit,mind….and you can be sure that fucking spunkstain Mrs.Brown will still be the highlight of their Kwanzaa holiday output.

    • hate bill burr, not funny since he married his black toilet cleaner so he doesnt have to pay her wages, he’s a woke cunt now, gervaise has gone all woke too so has jimmy carr….it’ll kill their career same as it killed that ginger woke Scottish cunt’s career…he’s no longer funny

    • I liked how Groucho grumbled that he was called Adolf first but had to go by his stage name.

    • I’m with you on Chaplin. Id put him in the same category as Woody Allen and Tony Hancock. So many of those ( in the know) swoon all over them , but my personal opinion is that they were shite. Laurel and Hardy all day long for me.

  15. He became worse when he started to believe he was a genius and became a director, actor and writer. His satire on Hitler “The Great Dictator” was ham fisted and slow. “Limelight” with Claire Bloom was laughable although not meant to be and “A Countess in Hong Kong” with Sophia Loren and Marlon Brando was unbearable. He was so egoistic that he even “composed” mush like “Love This is My Song”.
    He was also fond of young girls. Several of his wives were 16 and he married his last, 18-year-old Oona O`Neill when he was in his mid-50s.Check out the home page picture on his official site looking like a tranny with make up and camp teacup and a group of nymphettes grinning alongside.

  16. Not the same era, I know, but I’m surprised no one has mentioned how extremely unfunny that gurning cunt George Formby was.
    I hope there’s a special circle in Hades for him and his ilk, unfunny bore.

    • JP@ – Could I just point out that George Formby won the TT – even though the filthy unsporting Hun knocked him off his bike!
      “Never touched me”! He shouted as he remounted to win the race and put Fritz firmly in his place!

  17. The Kid , by Chaplin is a classic of the times and it’s funny probably his best film
    A lot of the other work well not so funny but I wasn’t around in those times but probably would have found it fucking brilliant if I was , considering I probably Couldn’t read or write and to witness such a spectacular thing as a big screen and only could afford to see a film now and again would be a huge treat even on an empty stomach.
    The little boy who played the kid went on to a tragic life

  18. Great nom, but mainly for the standard of debate on this one. Seems like the counters are genuinely split. Like Techno and others on here, I always found Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton and L&H more funnier than Chaplin, but I’m not sure that makes him a cunt.

    One thing not remarked on so far is that he was an Englishman who ‘broke’ Hollywood and the USA in an era when the trelationship between the two countries was somewhat frosty.

    There’s many a cunt today that dream of achieving that. That cunt Corden is in over here I understand but I’ve never watched him.

  19. I always thought Charlie Chaplin was about as funny as a burning orphanage. And him nobbing quality vag when in his 80’s, if he was Charlie Chaplin the plumber it would have been a different story. Blackadder had it right in Blackadder goes Forth. Please, please stop.

  20. I can’t really comment too much as i’ve never really seen a Chaplin film but given the choice between those and what passes for cinematic entertainment these days, would go for the black-and-white slapstick..

    We live in an age where there are five live-action films about Transformers, all of them terrible.

    • the film the kid was outstanding, not for chaplin the pedo but for the kid’s acting, jackie coogan had me crying, fabulous little actor, great film…worth watching

  21. Charlie Chaplin was a pain in the arse.

    Harold Lloyd was a bit of a lad. I read that he tried to prevent blacks moving into his neighbourhood but was prevented by a judge because of the right to settle wherever you want.

    His son even more so:
    “Lloyd (known as Dukey to his family) found it very difficult to live in the shadow of his very famous father, and was an alcoholic from his twenties onward. In addition, he struggled with his homosexuality at a time when it was considered socially unacceptable. Author Tom Dardis notes that Lloyd Sr. was understanding about his son’s sexuality, all the more so given Lloyd Jr.’s tendency toward violent lovers”

    Does anyone else, when they see one of those orange Hapag-Lloyd containers go past on the back of a truck, instinctively start humming the theme to the Harold Lloyd shows from the 1970s and 1980s? You know: “Hooray for Hapag-Lloyd, doo doo doo doo doo doo be doo doo, Hapag-Lloyd”.

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