Wolf Blitzer, CNN and COP26

Wolf Blitzer wrote on Twitter : ‘reporting from Edinburgh in Scotland, where 20,000 world leaders and delegates have gathered to attend COP 26’

Blitzer has been a journalist for nearly 50 years, 31 of them at CNN, where he is one their top ‘Anchormen’ (a la Ron Burgundy). He has Bachelor and Masters degrees. He is also, on this occasion, a Dumb Cunt.

For months, Media and News channels have been drawing attention to the upcoming Climate summit. His own channel had earlier reported that Sleepy Joe had travelled to Rome, & then flown on to Glasgow to attend COP 26.

Blitzer and his team of muppets however, set up cameras to show them primed to report on the climate summit, with Edinburgh castle in the background.

Did it not occur to them that they were alone in reporting this international story ? No other journalists ? No world leaders and; motorcades of heavily armed bodyguards ? …. no, just an old Jock in his mac, tam o’ shanter perched on his head, walking his wee scots terrier.

How fucking dumb can you be. God help us when anything to her Maj. …..

“this is Wolf Blitzer for CNN live from Buckingham Palace, in Manchester’s Moss side…..”

( Story link : Scotsman News Link )

Nominated by: Lord of the Rings

42 thoughts on “Wolf Blitzer, CNN and COP26

  1. It’s a septic thing. They know fuck all about anywhere other than the good old US of A

    • That his real name or his porn name?
      Because America is fuckin massive most doodles have never been to another country.
      They only know caricatures from off the telly.
      So if you said London to a yank?
      Hes going to think of cunts in bowler hats and umbrellas, birds wearing gogo boots.
      not some 3rd world shithole.

      Say Liverpool they think of the Beatles not tracksuited criminals with a perm and tash.

      So, I can see where wolf went wrong.

  2. The Americans have changed the meaning of English words.
    Take a phrase such as, ‘smoke a fag,’ and what it actually means.

    UK – Have a cigarette.

    USA – Kill a homosexual….

  3. Went to New York several years ago, was talking to a bloke in a bar who was thinking of going to London on holiday. I bluntly told him the city is a filthy, crime ridden shit hole and best avoided. He was shocked. There are some great museums in London but I’m sorry to say our capital city is the pits now. A sorry state of affairs for a once great city.

    • If I was advising a yank visiting this country id be embarrassed to send him to London.
      Id send him to the peak District, the Lake District,
      Somewhere nice.
      Chinks like the Lake District and japs.
      The bucktoothed little cunts get dead excited over Beatrice Potter, and her animal characters!
      Maybe they think thats whats on the menu?
      Taking photos of everything.
      A flagstone, a bin, someones gate, weird fuckers.
      Some Jackie Chan asked me to take a photo of him and his family.
      I pretended to,
      But just zoomed in,
      Took a few of their groins.
      Fuckin mithering cunt.

      • Some Jap birds are good looking as are some Chinks. Saying that though, if a chink bird is ugly, she’s very ugly and usually obese. Like a Chinese Bella Emberg. Still can’t beat a nice Thai bird, my favourite.

      • To be honest Bob they all look the same to me.
        I just call them all chinkys.
        If one said

        ” dat laycist! I from Malaya!”
        Id say

        “Sorry I don’t speak chinee Jacky chan”.

      • Korean and Vietnamese can be sexy.
        I banged a Korean women when I was a young un-she was a senior European manager for an Asian bank. Quite westernised in her behaviour.
        I think I was her first experience of Western European cock. Happy to say I gave that bitch the biggest fucking since the Enola Gay dropped “fat boy”?

      • MNC, it’s not surprising that the rinky dinks take photos of gates, they’ve never seen the colour “country cream” before.?.
        I’d send the septics to Northumbria, telling them that they can walk on anyone’s land there, set up camps, fires etc.

      • “gee Randy that farmer doesn’t look too friendly!”

        “Relax Audrey, that limey guy assured me hes neat!
        Hey there dude!
        Where can we park the SUV and go git a burger?!”

      • My Mrs (Thai) fucking loves the peak District. Dovedale, Castleton, Bakewell etc. Worst thing about taking her into the countryside is her going ‘baaaaa’ every time she sees a fucking sheep. The daft cunt

  4. Nowadays a ‘journalist’ cannot find his/her/its own arse without the fucking government telling them where it is.

  5. I remember once, in Yankland, some bird asked me how close I lived to Buck-ing-haam Pal-aas.
    I had to think about it and I said,
    “I dunno…..9 maybe 10 miles.”
    “Oh My God!” she cried “ you must see the Queen every day.”
    They haven’t got a fucking clue.
    When you tell them you are from London they always ask you about the fog. You’re thinking….fog?….what fucking fog? They get this image from all the old Sherlock Holmes and Jack the Ripper films that it’s always dark and there is swirling fog everywhere.
    They would be shocked to find out it’s just like downtown Detroit but the traffic is ten times worse.

    • This reminds me of a neighbour we had when we lived in Australia. My mum was there chatting and the Aussie asked her if she knew this particular person. Turned out they lived in Birmingham, 100 miles from where we lived. They thought as England is small we fucking knew everyone.

      • To be fair, that Aussie is probably descended from an Oirish criminal and if you asked any Oirish person if they knew anybody else on the entire island the answer would probably be yes.

    • You don’t need to go abroad to find this parochialism, it’s endemic in the south-east. When I worked for a company based in Essex HR habitually sent the pay slips for engineers based in Birmingham to Manchester because they thought they were neighbouring towns. Back in the eighties a man from Essex asked where Iived. I told him Birmingham and he said his wife had an aunt who lived there. I asked whereabouts? Bradford, he replied. In Newbury I enquired of a couple on the High Street if they knew the location of a bathroom centre. The woman looked blank and the man translated for her; barthroom. I mowed the lawns and took the cuttings to the local council waste site in Buckinghamshire where we now live. Council employee asked what I was carrying, I said grass. Blank look. Told him again. Still blank. His colleague nearby translated for him; grarse.

  6. CNN is not a News channel. It’s a voice for Liberal America. They still bang on about Trump and overlook anything risky to the Democrats. If this bearded goon iwas British, he’d be doing Channel 4 News or making excuses on the Jimmy Savile Corporation.

      • I’m currently working my way through Anthony Bourdain parts unknown. I know it’s not that old because he allegedly hung himself in 2018. It’s a good show but the fucking bullshit winds me up alot. He always has food with some rich leftist fucking cunt who lives in a palace. Another thing I noticed is they lie alot about which country they are supposed to be. Noodles served in a Malaysian restaurant are not fucking guay tiew. LYING BULLSHITTERS.

      • Cuntflu- if engaging in conversation with young fellows about choosing a mate, I always advise them to “look East”.
        Modern western women are a fucking mess.
        Well chosen ?

      • Don’t compromise and betray your race. It is your job to correct the woman, don’t be blaming anything on her feminisms or wokeisms, she will take her cues from you.

        I compromised and married an English lass but I’ve grown to love her and the brood of half-breeds she has borne me.

    • You are right, CNN is the propaganda arm of Wokie America who spend most of their time trying to get Tango Man banged away in prison. As such it makes little difference to their followers where they have parked their commie arses.
      Besides, wasn’t Uncle Joe staying in Edinburgh and taking 20 cars full of his entourage over to Glasgow every day? That’s a fine contribution to saving the fucking planet.
      I won’t mention his disgraceful release of methane in front of Queen Camilla of Windsor Stables. As Harold Steptoe would say……”you dirty, dirty old man.”

  7. Oh dear … if there’s no story to tell what on earth are they gonna do ??‍♂️ they couldn’t possibly make one up … oh wait now there’s an idea!

  8. Pity Greta Thunderbird and her cohorts didn’t turn up in Bejing instead of Glasgow to decry the crisis talks.

    The Chinese would soon have sorted them out but they only protest where it’s safe to do so, in soft states like Britain.

    • Thunderpants was well pissed off that she wasn’t officially invited and didn’t get Uncle Joe sniffing her hair. She had to stay in the street chucking her litter about like all the other bandwagon jumping cretins.

      • Half a can of shite Scottish lager and she’s singing and swearing on the microphone like a drunken Sweaty at a Ssturday night karaoke. She’ll be shooting H into her middle-class veins before she’s hit 21.

      • CfG – she’s got the wonky, spâzz face I have when there’s been too much gin in my tonic so perhaps it’d have the reverse effect on Great Thundergums.

        Landlady, double Tanqueray for the climate mõng!

  9. This cunt would call himself a “journalist” except he is simply a tool used for leftist propaganda. Real journalists have curiosity about issues that suggest corruption, or cover up and have courage to expose what the public should know without regard for party.
    Cunts like this and his network should actually be the story for real journalists. Cowardly cunt!

  10. Why do these American news readers have such ridiculous names.
    Wolf Blitzer FFS ? sounds like a Nazi tank commander.

    • I like it!
      Wish I was called that.
      Kinda cool.
      Howling wolf blitzkrieg.
      Better than boring old Johnny hotlips Hitler.

    • Should probably check the Paperclip documents, he might be referenced. Jokes aside it wouldn’t surprise me if at least one of these news corps didn’t have a sneaky schizer or two employed at some point.

      NASA had no qualms about it afterall.

    • I kid you not, but decades ago, I had an insurance job interview with a Jewish guy up Tottenham Court Rd. His name?
      SS Blitz.

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