He’s innocent, Fuck the MSM.
CNN won’t shut up.
@admins Please add this.
A white guy killed two white guys and injured another white guy but the knee grows are upset.
What the fucking fuck?!
Nominated by: Dark key cunt
Nomination fleshed out by OpinionatedCunt
To add to DKC’s musings on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict:.
For cunters who don’t know, an at the time 17 year old named Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha in order to help protect a friend’s business from rioters. Whilst there, he was pursued and attacked by three convicted criminals who were amongst the people rioting, and ended up shooting at them, killing two.
All through the trial, the usual suspects have effectively carried out a witch hunt on the guy, painting him as a cold blooded murderer with intent to kill. And yet, despite that, the verdict is in: NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS. As an addendum the reason the verdict is so significant is because a conviction would’ve effectively meant the beginning of the end of the right to self defence in the USA.
Dont know much about this except that it has enraged a set of cunts. So ok by me.
The kid would of been killed if he hadn’t fired.
One grabbed the barrel of his gun!
Another hit him with a skateboard.
Dunno how things work in Yanksville,
But I see someone with a rifle?
Im impeccably polite
Hes cleared the world of 2 fuckin morons,
And taught one a lesson.
Yes hes innocent.
Glad he got justice.
Just wish hed not had that embarrassing crying fit .
Jesus, thats worse than shooting anyone.
Spot on, MNC. He was protecting his community. Looters are parasitic scum who deserve instant justice, Judge Dredd style.
Morning 20,
Hes lucky one wasn’t a sootie or hed be on the gallows today.
But 3 commies is a good days shooting.
Shame that the kid didn’t have a bren gun.
“…Just wish hed not had that embarrassing crying fit .”
Kyle Rittenhouse has NOTHING to be embarrased about. Cut him some slack Miz, the strain this must put on a 17yr old kid must be overwhelming.
Woman has hysterical attention seeking psychotic meltdown outside in protest.
God I love Americans. Jah bless!
Hahahaha ??
Breakdancing is hardly appropriate is it?
The daft black twat .
Fucking attention seeking bullshitting cunt.
I loved the dark keys reaction to the cops genuinely trying to help her.
Very telling.
Talking of black twats MNC, I’m after a favour…
I manage Sticky Black Spastic, and I hear you look after The Spastic Ono Band.
Lammy, our drummer has just fucked off mid-tour and formed Superw*g with Kehinde Andrews.
Is there any chance we can borrow Harvey?
You can borrow him but remember
1) dont feed him after midnight
2) dont get him wet
And keep his benefits out of his mums hands.
And dont let him near fit blondes!
He drags them to the top of tall buildings.
Good man. We’re indebted.
We’ve also poached Khan. He dances, gives the group a Bez kind of vibe.
The next few days are going to be hilarious, BCC!
I just wish I knew (in real life) one of the sorts of people who declared Rittenhouse to be a white supremacist/murderer so that I could laugh in their commie fucking face and try and make them cry with anger or frustration.
But obviously I don’t associate with such ne’er-do-wells.
I wonder if she would react the same way if she was aware of the histories of the people she’s crying over?
Daft cunt! Off her meds again.
What does she say before collapsing? ‘I am a monument’.
Sounded like ‘Chiggun Wardeemelon lordy lordy!’
Claims to be ‘still pregnant ‘ despite acting like a loon and puffing away on a cigarette.
The real question is ‘ Who in their right mind would want to fuck her’.
That is the funniest thing iv seen since `Trump won.
Strictly Spacks Fitting.
Couldn’t tell if she was foaming at the mouth.
So, i’ll give her an eight.
Get To Fuck.
Two fewer cunts in the world…
To be pedantic I think it should be 2.15 fewer cunts as the third one lost an arm.
On a more serious note Biden said that the lad was a white supremacy supporter. Is Biden going to withdraw that remark and apologise or is he leaving himself open to a defamation case?
Biden is senile, dementia ridden old cunt. Unfit to hold office in cinema ticket booth, let alone the White House.
I hope he sues that senile old fucker, GoFundMe, and CNN for a start.
As for MSNBC, I hope they don’t get away with this either https://thefederalist.com/2021/11/19/msnbcs-history-of-doxxing-normal-people-shadows-attempt-to-follow-rittenhouse-jury/
Yup. Sympathy for the families obviously but absolutely none for the victims considering the kinds of people they were.
BLM….. Burn, Loot, Murder.
Shoot the fucking lot.
I didn’t really follow this but if the jury decided that he was legitimately in fear for his life then that is the verdict. At least the cunts can’t cry Waaaaaacist, no black lives were lost.
Get the Dutch pigs over to police the inevitable sooty riots.
How have they managed to conflate BLM with this case? It’s nothing to do with them.
Nı99ers have become even more tedious in the past couple of years.
Withdraw their goverment-supplied welfare chiggun payments and let the simian pricks starve.
I saw on the news that the national guard were on standby awaiting the verdict
I see that in between shitting himself and carefree farting in front of royalty, Biden has chipped in to inflame things. He’s ‘angry’ that this lad didn’t let some convicted criminals (which included a convicted n o n ce) kill him in the street or get the chair for defending himself. All of them attacking Kyle were Antifa scum. I’m just sad he didn’t kill more of the cunts.
Biden is a fucking cunt. Rittenhouse is a hero by the way.
And the chippy BLM dark keys and their Marxist following can fuck off an’ all.
But celebrate this rare victory.
Thank the Lord I don’t live in America.Turning into a shithole.
I think its not all bad, the tide is definitely turning over there, Biden and Kamala’s poll ratings are in the toilet and they lost Virginia recently a state he won by 10 points last year, the Democrats are going to get crushed in the 2022 mid terms and therefore Biden will be a lame duck for 2 years until the next elections. A lot the liberal media like CNN are looking like morons now for being Biden cheer leaders in 2019 now that everyone can see he is not fit to run a bath let alone a country. Karma is a bitch.
I do live there. Depends very much where you are. Some parts always have been a shithole. The place is so polarized it’s unbelievable, large parts of the population have nothing at all in common. This was obvious after the verdict in WI.
With luck, to prove to even the most delusional lefty that Biden is a demented, installed sock puppet, he will take it to the next level and publicly completely shit himself and in his dementia addled state take off his pants and call for Jill while swinging them around. Ideally this will occur in front of the world’s media while meeting a foreign president so the likes of CNN can’t run cover for him.
Biden is upset at the verdict. Oh well. Harris has presidential power now whilst he is in hospital. This was the idea all along. America is FUCKED.
The Waily Fail have this as their lead story on the website, they seem shocked.
He’s been tried and found not guilty, under the laws of that land. Get over it you fucking BLM loving cunts.
Meanwhile, buried three headlines down under something about that cunt Ryland getting new teeth is the story about Dutch police opening fire on unarmed anti-lockdown protesters. FFS.
A surprising result but the longer the jury was out the more likely was a not guilty verdict. This wasn’t a stitch up like the Chauvin case probably because the dead cunts were whiteys. A black corpse would have been a different matter.
Biden’s remarks were a fucking disgrace but shows how the battle lines are drawn. There’s no compromising with these leftie fucks. I suspect there will be a few more dead cunts this weekend.
Am I missing something? What the fuck is a 17 year old boy doing roaming the streets with a weapon of war? Blame the American constitution and its right to bear arms, that is a cunt in itself, also you must be a complete cunt to take someone on with a weapon like that, Americans are always banging on about their constitutional rights, well they can take their constitution and roll it up and shove it up their fat arses, what a country of cunts
He was doing the job that the Police were not.
As simple as that.
Yes you’re missing something. He wasn’t roaming the streets looking for people to shoot; he was there to stop the BLM/anarchist cunty rioters destroying property and give medical assistance. Rioters attacked him first, one pointed a gun at him, all because he put one of their fires out.
Sid@ – What was an Antifa member doing travelling all those miles to Kenosha with a firearm to execute a child?
Point taken, America and its gun culture are still cunts though
Since 1968 over 1.6 million Americunts have died in domestic gun-related incidents.
That’s more than all U.S. military service personnel killed in every war America’s been involved in combined.
Two more cunts won’t make any difference.
Not enough in my book.
Nowt that!
They should be embarrassed.
Call themselves gung-ho gun nuts?!!
Come on America, you can do better,
3.5 million would be more respectable.
Make sure your diverse as well!
Plenty of trannies and umbongos please!?
Morning Miserable. Admittedly they could (and should) do a lot better, but on the plus side they’re still way ahead of any other country in the world when it comes to their citizens shooting each other dead.
Morning Ruff,
See sleazy Joke Biden is whining about it?
Well Joe, you act tough,
Challenge the kid to a duel!!
Rittenhouse vs shittenhouse
Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand…?
That’s not that many in the scheme of things, over 50 years that equates to 30,000 a year, in a country of over 300 million or 200m+ since 60s. That would work out at 6,000 for the UK in a population of over 60m, high but not a big deal in the scheme of things, over 600,000 people die every year anyway from all sorts of things.
I agree with Miserable, the gun toting Yanks are all talk, they haven’t tried hard enough, plus most of the deaths are blacks shooting blacks in the cities (Black lives matter sic), White Yanks are just as safe as Brits.
Some points to consider, Cunters:
After a black man, armed with a knife, tried to kidnap a young girl, he was, in the ensuing struggle, shot by the police.
Not killed, yet the media have declared continuously since, that the riots were about police “killing a black man”.
Kamala Harris, amongst many Democrats, encouraged and urged people to protest:
“No justice-no peace!”
The Democrats have banged on relentlessly about Rittenhouse crossing state lines: he drove 17 miles from his home, where he lives with his mother, to Kenosha-a town where his father lives and his friends live. He went to help defend his friends business, as the police were under orders to operate a “low-key” presence.
With regards to “state-lines”-the Antifa & BLM Marxist scum travelled from across the US.
The Democunts are using the “state-line” angle to try and remove the “right to bear arms” to defend your home, family and community-totally against the American constitution.
Remember: an unarmed man is easier to control. Which is why we Brit’s have had our rights removed?
The media has been selling misinformation about this trial, since day 1.
Biden and Harris and the Demonrats have been seeding racial division with this trial.
They still are.
This verdict is the most important moment of the 21st century “culture-war”.
It has exposed everything.
It is all there to see, for anyone who cares to look.
It gives hope to all right minded, decent, law abiding, westerners.
Despite the usual suspects trying to subvert, justice has prevailed?
Kyle and Alec Baldwin have a shootout at high noon .
Who wins?
Mrs Baldwin?
Hehehe ??
Great points CG. A couple more.
Despite the facts and the constitution, this verdict was never guaranteed because of the activist judicial appointments, mostly by Barry O. A different judge and it could have been very different. That is how fragile America is today.
As for Britons rights to gun ownership of anything more powerful than a peashooter, the last of these were removed after Dunblane by none other than Anthony B.Liar. and the public clamoured for it, the cunts.
“This verdict is the most important moment of the 21st century “culture-war”.
It has exposed everything.
It is all there to see, for anyone who cares to look.”
Agreed, a pivotal judgement when there is everything to play for. Have to say Judge Schroeder was a fucking boss who many times interceded on Kyle’s behalf when his half arsed defence team were picking their fucking nose and missing critical statements and the outrageous fantasising of that despicable little shit streak of an Asst DA Thomas (shit-slinger) Binger. Gave the cunt a proper bawling out on one occasion, watch the weasle squirm. It was obvious Judge Scroeder couldn’t abide the arrogant little cunt either and warned him several times that he was a hair’s breadth from granting the defence a mistrial with prejudice!
Interesting goings on regarding Kameltoe Harris, CNN have done a hit piece on her, somebody in Democrat high command has decided she is unfit to take over when Biden shits himself to death. Only one suspect really, I sense the cold dead fingers of Hillary pulling the strings. Who better to replace the first black female VP? You read it here first.
In other news some cunt has deliberately run over a load of kids in a town near Kenosha, killing at least one and injuring dozens. Hope not related to the verdict but the culprit doesn’t look very peaceful, which would usually be my first guess. Like the hospital taxi bomber I am sure it will turn out to be a case of mental illness.
We live in interesting times, I would advise cunters to give some thought to how they will defend their family and property should the American situation escalate and really start to spread here.
If only Derek Chauvin could of had a fair trial too !
If I’d have been the judge, Chauvin would’ve got compo for a sore knee.
Id been the judge?
The prosecutor and Georges brother would be sentenced to 9minute neck massages too.
Banana butties indeed!
I remember his ‘tears’ in court (Bryan Robson I’m Jossie’s Giants level acting).
I bet this cunt was dancing in the street when he got his share of the 27 million compo. He won’t be eating banana butties anymore. He’ll have a mansion full of ‘bitches’ feeding him KFC all washed down with bottles Cristal nowadays.
He must thank his lucky stars every day, that his brother decided to resist arrest and viciously attack Chauvin’s knee with his neck.
‘in Jossie’s Giants’ ffs
I would like to add this:
I would be proud to be this kids father.
He was a 17 year old, a police and fire cadet.
He was in Kenosha, helping to extinguish fires set by the mob.
He was there to help his desperate friends, who were receiving zero assistance from the police, to protect their homes and their businesses.
He wants to become a medical nurse.
This kid is all about giving back to society. He has more courage, integrity and patriotism, than every single cunt in Biden’s administration, combined.
Yes-I would be proud to be this fine young man’s father.
Fully agree. It is sad to see that the “good2 in this life do not share the same adulation as those who are bad. I damn the eyeballs of an establishment that resembles a Nazi elite, rather than a representative norm.
Excellent result. The lad should never have to buy another beer in his life.
Now let’s hope that he decides to lawyer up and go after the leftist scum that had it in for him … including that cunt Biden and the bitch snatch Harris.
Next on the agenda is to get Derek Chauvin off and it’ll be perfect.
The more of these leftie scum that bite the dust the better …
Great thing now is that rioters will now face lethal action by the police and national guard because they’ve stated their intent … premeditated actions are met with serious consequences of the bullet related kind. ???
I am happy for Mr. Rittenhouse, but delighted that grandad Biden is “angry” – no doubt the reason Ms. Harris had to takeover yesterday was that he had shat his pants:
Self defence and its legal to possess lethal firearms in the US. It’s high time the current MSM was binned (inverse woke if you like).
I’m literally amazed by this I was almost 99 percent certain he wasn’t gonna walk
To think this happened in Bidens America no less with his administration being so aggressively antiwhite and against Kyles case from the beginning
Thank fuck the jury didn’t allow themselves to be bullied. Credit to them.
Not THAT surprised he got off. The American government and media are disgusting leftist cunts but most people in America aren’t into that at all. Now, that’s not to say they’re also not mostly cunts, because I can’t stick most of them, but they’re still a lot better than Biden and his cunt mates. America’s left would love to get rid of the First Amendment and gun rights but those two things are what are stopping America going completely to shit. Without the gun laws just watch how authoritarian it would get under the Democratic Party. The fact that there’s over a hundred million people with firearms is a big block on government power. The First Amendment will always be the best right that anyone has ever had and the one positive thing about America is that getting rid of that would be difficult politically and because of people have rights to guns. The two together are a strong check on government.
None of it would have happened but for the looting mob allowed to run free because of their skin colour.
This young chap has been accused of being a white supremacist murderer by most the media and political class..with no evidence whatsoever.
Anyhow 2.5 is a decent score under the circumstances..the chap who got his bicep shot off by our young hero was waving a pistol at him at the time.
Serves the Blek Appeasers and Commies right.
Fuck those vermin.
I’ll drink to that.
And what the fuck was that senile old cunt Biden mithering on about?
Drink your warm milk and go for your nap.
Biden might as well have said, ‘You can loot all you want with impunity n i g no gs. You can also beat up honkies and burn down their businesses without fear of arrest. Just don’t come near my house though or I’ll have you all shot.”
Send ’em all back to Africa!
(I’m taking about African nationals who wish to go to Africa, of course 😉
I was following the case. It was self defence. The right verdict was given, justice was done. It was emotional hearing the verdict.
A mob went out that night to set fire to things and riot that night; Karl was there to put fires out, protect property and give medical assistance (he had a fire extinguisher and med pack). He strapped his AR15 rifle to him in case he got attacked and turns out 3 loony white men of the mob did exactly that. Nobody should have been out rioting in the first place – the riots were illegal.
Screw you Biden for calling Karl a white supremacist; concentrate on what is coming out your bum -what’s coming out of your mouth is a lost cause.
Well at least we now know why General Cuntster stopped posting so abruptly…I expect he’ll be back on just as soon as the Court returns his assault-rifle.
I fear his demons got the better of him unfortunately.
Heehee ??
You wicked man
Remember Jen Psaki press secretary from Bidens WH administration? This is her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kk8eJh4i8Lo 10 years ago feel old yet?!
The people who should have been in court were Pelosi and the rest of the democrats who reclassified rioting as protesting.
When you live in an armed society with lots of hard hitting weapons on both sides the outcome of encouraging lawlessness was always going to be deaths.
Only when trump supporters protest does it become insurrection.
The people are being played and paying the price whilst the legislature uses the points gained to fuck the people harder.
I know little of this case beyond the headlines, but what is apparent is that a white person can shoot another white person and still be called a racist. Even from my limited knowledge, the people shot were not protecting non white people, so there is nothing racial about it.
I also imagine that due to the potential consequences of a not guilty verdict, there would have to be significant evidence to support this decision.
As we see from the cricket fiasco, racism is now defined as prejudice or hatred shown by white people to non white people. Similar behaviour exhibited by non whites to white or other non white people is usually written off as cultural differences or forgiven due to past racism, both real and imagined, perpetuated by white people in the past, decades or even centuries ago.
Cricket guy accused his team mates as racist, yet he was guilty of making anti Semitic comments. Now, forgive me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that racist too? It certainly is if someone is guilty of islamaphobia, even though there are plenty of white people who practice the religion?
Unfortunately this kind of nonsense makes the situation far worse, as it gives far right loonies fuel for their arguments, as normal rational non racist people who have no opinion on these matters see what is happening and some may end up changing their behaviour.
Good result, but doubt he would have been found not guilty had one of the victims been black. That moron Biden made some stupid comment.
When when you have the POTOS and MSM against you and still be found not guilty, time to sue the cunts for perverting justice.
The vast majority of twitter leftists didn’t even know the people Kyle Rittenhouse shot were white until the trial started.
That is the level of lies the US MSM have been pushing – MSNBC were following jurors in a attempt to reveal to the mob where they lived, BLM and Antifa were out in force outside the trial venue threatening and intimidating, pants shitter couldn’t wait to unlawfully influence the trial by calling Kyle Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” just like he tried to unlawfully influence the Derek Chauvin trial.
Rittenhouse acted in necessary, lawful and proportionate self defence and had he not I have no doubt whatsoever there would have been a crowd of these fucking savages whooping, screaming and jumping up and down in celebration over the corpse of a kid – they had been pursuing and attacking Kyle Rittenhouse constantly as the police did NOTHING.
The prosecution deliberately withheld vital FBI helicopter footage showing Rittenhouse removing himself from the situation only to be continually pursued, attacked and put to the floor to be butchered.
FUCK the Antifa cunts – good shooting Kyle!
If you decide to attack a bloke who’s toting an assault rifle armed with only a skateboard you’re a collosal cunt and deserve everything you get.