With all that is happening in the world you could be forgiven for missing this. Forget the recent COP26 eco-jizz fest or the migrant crisis on the Belarus/Poland border, no, the real pressing issue is a national shortage of Walkers crisps – an IT fuck up and not Brexit for a change. And for little Ava, specifically oven baked sea-salt flavour as this is all she eats along with toastie waffles and baby fruit puree.
Naturally she suffers from the latest trendy pseudo eating disorders, ‘avoidant or restrictive food intake disorder’ probably diagnosed via Mumsnet. The parents in this shit show are of course indulging her, scouring stores across Leicestershire trying to track down elusive packets rather than telling her what all our parents told us, “eat what you are given and be grateful for it”. You give in to this sort of shit and you are storing up problems for years to come on little arseholes who never hear the word “no” and know what buttons to push from piss weak parents to get their own way.
Anyway I hope they do find some before they have to do the unthinkable, grow a spine and make her eat some real food. Maybe Bob Geldof could do a Live Aid style appeal for sea-salt crisps? At least the Ethiopian weren’t fussy cunts.
Or maybe St Gary has a spare box or two in his garage that his refugee didn’t eat.
Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator
If she needs something crispy and crunchy, she should try Dame Keir’s dandruff, which doubtless falls liberally when he gets he hairbrush out, and for flavouring, try scraping AnalEase’s used knickers – a nice fishy/cheesy flavour. Who needs Walkers and Lineker?
“…. try scraping AnalEase’s used knickers – a nice fishy/cheesy flavour….”
…and there goes the thread! Didn’t take long fer Doddsy’s encrusted Mornay flavoured undercrackers to make their customary appearance. Was thinking of having a bit of the old ‘Admiral’s Pie’ fer us tea but that’s that one off the shopping list! …possibly for ever!
What a load of wank. The kid looks like an aspiring harvey price. Perhaps they need crisps to fatten it up?
Spot on, LL. You reap what you sow with children. You can just see this sprog turning into a spoilt, demanding little madam, can’t you?
You’d have to pay me a lot of money to fuck the mother as well.
Not me!
Id use the empty crisp packet as a condom.
In that case Miserable, I’d suggest getting a multipack and putting the outer packaging over her head.
That kid in the picture looks like a mini greta thundercunt, how dare you! The mum looks just doable
I did read this and thought just like you “eat what you’re given brat “. Good nom well written LL
Damn right..
“…eat what you are given and be grateful for it”.”
Ma Chops’ variation was…
“…or you’ll be getting it cold for breakfast!”
Never an issue for young Cunty, Mum’s cooking was magnificent, straight down the hatch and didn’t touch the sides.
A typical BBC news story where there is no opposing evidence.
No comments from qualified nutritionists.
I would have thought that if the child’s body can process crisps and all of the shit that they contain then it can process any food.
The parents are fucking stupid and are possibly affecting the child’s development.
They are being negligent, the same way as if they were to indulge the child if it wanted to be a vegetarian or vegan.
Once the child is fully developed and old enough to make it’s own decisions (and buy its own food) then it can eat what the fuck it wants.
Until then the parents have a duty of care.
Crisps at that age?? Next thing sharp piece stuck it’s throat. Sue Walkers….. Total cunts. Fucking rough this morning chaps, climate change? Extreme weather event? Or a good old autumn storm??
To say the dog was reluctant to go for a walk is an understatement!
The kids head is too small.
Either that or the mum’s head is enormous.
Fuck your right LL, chips or crisps (in Ozish their both called chips and were a rare treat). If you didn’t eat what was put in front of you, you got a smack and were made to eat the same thing the next day cold with no sauce (nukers were rare back then) and rightly so, it builds resilience and character. We, like you had rationing from 39 to the 50’s and never heard the end of the shite our parents and grandparents had to endure and felt grateful we didn’t have to eat that.
I had noticed the Walkers crisps famine.
A customer mentioned it to me.
Luckily I dont like walkers crisps,
Im a staunch Aldi cheese & onion man.
As for this kid, it should be eating proper food like chips an gravy, Hollands pies, and watered down ale,
Not fuckin crisps.
No wonder it looks like Quasimodo.
I despair at our culture
The thing is, is it our culture?
I might not agree with all the cunters or cuntings here, despite that, I recognise that I’ve more in common culturally with the fine denizens of this site than I do have with most of the muppets I have to deal with daily.
This bint, using her child as an object, a prop, with which to attain her Warholian 15 minutes, is she really of our culture?
I sadly recognise (from experience) her type as becoming increasingly common, maybe it’s the sign of a newer culture emerging to supplant ours as we all FOAD, but, by fuck, she isn’t anything to do with the culture I call mine.
As for crisps, the finest crisps ever made were Marks&Spencers cheese and onion from the mid-70s.
Give her a bowl of boiled cabbage and sprouts and leave it there until the spoiled little turd eats it.
Right, so she’s ‘allergic’ to everything but the huge amount of unnatural chemical shite in a bag of crisps, waffles and the pureed everything in baby food?
What utter shite.
Feed her meat and veg and if she cries about it, let the fucker starve.
Is the problem, if real, with the child though, or with the mother?
Having young relatives who have different menus depending on who’s looking after them (i.e. they’ll eat things I’ll make for them that they won’t eat at home, and they’ll eat things at their aunts that they won’t eat here…the darling little cnuts have a list of things mommy says they’re not allowed, which, naturally, we indulge them with, fuck her, they were good enough for her when she was young…).
I wonder what would happen if the mother wasn’t there, or, if the child was presented with a range of choices by someone else on camera ?
The mother here reminds me of the idiot in his video clip
It’s the same sort of mentality, though treating a dog as the lifestyle accessory, only caught out on camera.
ARFID…….another load of made up bollocks so some head doctor can make a name for himself.
“We have a large extended family”. Yeah, I bet you have you fucking pikies.
“Oh look, we’re both wearing Xmas jumpers, aren’t we cute?” No, you are pathetic, attention seeking, self indulgent fucking arseholes. When I was a kid parents and teachers didn’t want to be my friend. I had my own friends and they could fuck off. They were there to tell what to eat and how to behave and not be a cunt.
This is supposed to be news? It’s puke making bullshit.
As for Walkers Crisps ……i’d rather starve to death than put any money in Linekunt’s capacious pockets.
A cunt story about a bunch of cunts.
This country is fucked.
Another ‘look at me, I’m so special’ product of 50years of indoctrination from the education system, BBC, MSM, NHS and countless groups/organisations spouting utter bollocks.
The kid, at that age needs a balanced diet and to understand right from wrong. When it’s older it can make its own mind up, sadly when it’s older it’s mind will be more raddled than it’s mother’s.
There is no hope.
Anyone have musical and stage luvvie Sondhiem in the pool?
I wonder how many kids with this selective eating disorder can only eat salads and vegetables?
Or is it just crisps, waffles, McDonald’s, pizza and KFC that they must eat?
NONE, that’s how many. All eating disorders revolve around take aways, fucking great chocolate bars and fizzy drinks packed with sugar.
If anybody had a disorder involving fruit and vegetables it would be called…..”look at me, i’m saving the planet, I don’t eat ickle wickle animals!!!”
Order, disorder…
‘I would like to make a delivery order’
So no longer ‘WHAT YOU WANT!!!!?
Oh dear … does that mean that the child will die? Anyway, I don’t know what the weather is like in your part of this green and pleasant land … it’s blowing a fuckin’ hoolie here and pissing with rain. On the subject of world shortages … I forgot to add Heinz tomarter sooace to the order … what the fuck am I gonna do about that!
Snow where I am(Warwickshire)
ditto in Warks… ligh dusting of the windscreen… lordy lordy it’s another ‘beast from the East’ call out the militia!!!!!
Sue Hienz for PTSD maybe?
Walkers crisps are shite and any cunt feeding their kids on them needs a crack round the head with a large frozen ham.
Fuck off.
I would send King of the Smarmies, Linekunt around, that would put them off his stinking crisps. He wouldn’t do it though…..they’re whitey….not enough virtue signalling points to get him off his arse.
The answer is clear, give her smokey bacon flavour to up her protein intake. Or for a seasonal treat, pigs in fucking blankets flavour. I am so relieved that the evil French plot to to ruin Christmas by stopping the supply of pigs in blankets has been thwarted by MI6. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
Another load of bollocks another fucker pseudo label. Should be Little Cunt Disorder.
Well I have sympathy for the kid. I had an eating disorder when I was younger and all I wanted was to suck on a few Minstrels®.
When I was a kid I just wanted to suck on Felicity Kendall’s tits!
I think I still would.
I imagine you also had a taste for Robertson’s jam.
Thanks for that link Geordie. Under the tab “racism” some of the stuff written by Enid Blyton is fucking hilarious. Almost pissed myself laughing. I would say you couldn’t make it up, but of course that is exactly what she did!
The slide into the abyss began with the Millennials, followed by the Gen Zs, and today we have the Gen As – an even weaker more offended, more demanding, more entitled generation than ever before.
This little mite is probably going to be Gen A or a Generation B, with even more soft-as-shite cuntishness than the Gen As.
By the time we reach the 22nd century this country will be run by mega attention-seeking, I don’t like this, I don’t like that, I want everything on a plate, I am completely entitled and I am never wrong bunch of wet cunts!
All part of the Build Bollocks Better
Or in other words The Great Re Set
I’m so glad i grew up in the 50’/ 60’s
My dear old Mum was skint most of the time but she would always manage to cook Shepherds Pie or Steak & Kidney Pudding followed by Jam rollie pollie or apple crumble and custard.
Fuck me , that’s made me hungry now.
Spam fritters – better than filet steak?
So familiar to most of our generation Fenton. How lucky we were.
The eat what’s put in front of you died a long time ago. By the mid 80s junk food expansion kids were eating what they want rather than what they need, and it’s all down to shit parenting. Yes, being bombarded with advertising can be blamed, but ultimately it’s the parents. I see them moaning about dinner time, and how they have to make different food for each of their children. Soft cunts.
I work with quite a few guys in their mid twenties, and the shite they eat is laughable. Never fruit or salad, and they think cooking is microwaving a rustlers burger, you know, the ones with the cardboard buns and preservatives flavoured with meat, all washed down with a can of monster energy.
The invention of the microwave oven probably added to the slide into convenience food/snacking abyss. Why bother making a proper cooked meal that could take a couple of hours to prepare, cook and serve, when you could quite easily pop a ready-meal in the MV wait 3 minutes and “PING” its done!
It does make me laugh that we have all these labour/time saving devices that are supposed to make our lives easier, and yet we’re still rushing around like blue-arsed flies, complaining that we just don’t have enough time to do anything!
Techno: our microwave is used sparingly-usually to defrost bread, on the rare occasion we forget to take a loaf out of the freezer.
There is a whole generation of children who think one of Mum’s cooked meals, comes in a box with “Iceland” written on it?
Lazy, fucking cunts?
That fat cunt, whore of a mother, need to be prosecuted for child abuse-the lazy fucking retarded bitch!
She is not fit to raise a pet rabbit, let alone a human child.
Feeding salt to an infant is fucking despicable.
No wonder the kiddie looks several sandwiches short of a picnic.
Sometimes, I REALLY do despair?
Morning cunters?
Food preparation should be compulsory in schools. Jamie Oliver might be a cunt, but at least he can cook.
Having now read the nom, it reinforces my view.
I doubt any of her “large extended family” have ever done an honest days work.
This is what happens when retards breed?
I hate shopping centres and the “scamdemic” has enabled total avoidance for nearly 2 years. (Thank you Fauci/Chinks?).
Take a walk through any food court area: younger parents who were never educated into the nutritional value of healthy food, or it’s importance , gleefully stuffing their face with fat, salt, sugar, and a cocktail of E-numbers, whilst their badly dressed, usually morbidly obese and pale offspring, follow suit?
A fucking health crisis of Titanic proportions, in the making?
Are social services not concerned? They fucking well should be. But then its probably them who came up with yet another label for this little madam who refuses to eat anything other than what she wants. I know it’s not easy, I’ve fucking been there, but she’ll eat what’s put In front of her if she’s hungry enough. It only takes a couple of attempts. That’s if mummy can tear herself away from her phone, daytime telly and whining to the BBC.