£450 for a child’s present is an obscene amount to begin with…£1,000 is fucking ridiculous. I wonder how many of these parents claim free school meals at the same time?…and I’m fucking certain that all of the Cunts will be claiming child-benefit.
They are not “being forced” to pay over the odds..it’s just that they are too weak to say “No”….and it’s their nasty,pasty-faced,weedy brats that will suffer in the long run…the idle little Fuckers should be given a pair of rugby boots and told to go and learn a Man’s game instead of sitting around playing some fucking computer game.
I also noticed in the local paper an article about an “Angel Tree” in the local garage/spar shop….apparently kids whose parents use the local food-bank write down a present that they would like to receive on a cardboard angel…the angel is then hung on the tree and people who use the shop can pick which present to buy for the “deprived” whelp….
It’s a fucking outrage….rural Northumberland is not a hot-bed of poverty and even if it children’s’ parents will be receiving enough taxpayers’ money to feed and care for the Sods without also buying them fucking presents…I bet the wishes aren’t for ” a satsuma and a handful of mixed nuts” either..they’ll be for a fucking £450 computer game or £200 pair of trainers.
I’ve a fucking good mind to take the chipper down and throw the “Angel” tree and it’s begging notes straight in.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
(Probably Brexit’s fault for the PS5 shortage! – Day Admin)
Even in the nineties, we didn’t spend anywhere near £450 on a single present..
Unless it was Lego bricks, plastic toys were referred to as ‘plastic crap’ by my dad during our yearly trip to Toys R Shite.
Games and consoles were ‘blip-blop’ and turned you into a ‘blip-blop’.
My dad always wanted to buy me and my brother a new bike… a small price to get us out of the house.
Still, with Lego being a fucking rip-off nowadays, I don’t think my non-existent kids would have that.
Lego is shite now too. It used to be a random assortment of blocks that you could create anything with. Now it’s single purpose kits, a kind of. 3D jigsaw puzzle. Takes the imagination and creativity out of it.
Suits the powers that be though, makes a handsome profit while ensuring there’s no educational value to be had.
Exactly kids get good at following instructions to the letter and be praised for it.
Send the little cunts to the workhouse.
I had to sweep chimneys.
I had to sell my arse in the Bullingdon club.
I had to buy it Mis.
Was expensive, but worth every penny.
So good you bought a season ticket!?
Just had a phone call from my good friend Lord Adonis.
I’ve subcontracted you out to him for the remainder of the season.
He couldn’t get Rylan Clarke-Neil, so he said you would have to do.
I really sold you to him. “He’s better than Rylan”, I said. “Doesn’t resemble the Queensway Mersey tunnel portal for starters”. “And he’s got his own teeth”.
You’ll regret it by the end of the year.
You won’t be sitting down for at least a month or two.
No need for Andrew’s Liver Salts this Christmas.
I agree, it took lots of imagination to assemble a Lego creation, be it a house or car. Now, follow the instructions, the end. And some of them are outrageously expensive.
Great header picture. Kids today are spoiled to fuck. Some parents just can’t say ‘no’. Their kids are little cunts and grow up entitled bigger cunts. My 6year old loves his playstation, he doesn’t know its 12 years old and he certainly won’t be getting a new one. You see these silly twats on tv spending money they cant afford on Christmas presents. The cunts deserve all they get when the bailiffs turn up.
Yeah, and the loan sharks, legal and otherwise, are circling round the single parent slags and their multi coloured brats. Good pickings to be had there.
“It’s Christmas innit? Ya gotta treat yer kids innit?
With any luck they might be able pay them back with a few fucks and get another brat to claim for at the same time.
Good will to all men so to speak.
But then you’ll get the usual sob story from the gormless parent bleating on the Daily Mail or Arsebook that it wasn’t her fault she spent so much on prezzies. And that its the fault of the credit card company for giving her a £5000 spending limit and not warning her about over spending whenever she bought something over 100 quid
Then she’ll dig out the old “Go Fund Me” and hope for a cool 30 grand to roll in from mug punters believing in all that shite
We had to make our own entertainments back then … All we got for xmas in our threadbare stockings was a satsuma, nuts & a tin of `Ginger (anag) Brown®` boot polish. The latter of which was quite versatile when it came to us playing harmless `make-up` games. Good clean family fun.
You were lucky, Sam.
We were so poor, one year my parents could only afford to buy me a dead rat from Woolworths for Christmas. Ostracised, humiliated, a figure of fun and derision amongst my peers, my mental wellbeing was badly affected, leading to depression, self-harm and thoughts of suicide.
Best years of my life.
Fucking luxury
We’d have killed for a dead rat, you lucky bastard.
Another manufacturer released a new version earlier this year. I believe it was a new X-Box.
As with this, they were in short supply, and people were advertising them on Ebay.
I was very amused when one of the sons in law showed me a listing, which people were bidding on, for a picture of the item!
Yes, a photo, and the listing clearly stated it was a photo. Thick as pigshit mongs deserve to be ripped off.
Xmas day for me was nearly always air rifles, catapults, bow and arrow, Bowie knife etc. Good wholesome fun.
Thinking back now to the small arsenal in our shed we could have taken Okinawa.
I was happy with a box of matches or a lighter. Hours of fun and even heart-pounding terror if things got a bit out of hand.
My Dad was a smoker with those lying all around and wouldn’t miss one if I nabbed it. ?
foil and matches for rockets, maybe saw it on the curiosity show on telly. Lots of “hey kids try this at home!” Great stuff
For more thrust and fragments up graded to the contents of a .22, then a .303
Then match and bolt bombs
Next a kid at school got busy with a welder and plumbing pipe and made a slide shot gun, brought it to school crafts teacher praised the workmanship.
Happy days
Best present I ever received-an air-rifle.
Spent many hundreds of happy hours in the woods and fields, with that-kept the farmers freezer’s stocked with rabbits and pigeons and had unlimited access to farm land.
Happy days?
Were you the kind of lad like from the scene in Trainspotting where Sick Boy shoots the pit bull in the bollocks and he hilariously savages his owner, General?
Sadly not?
me too, got an air rifle for christmas when i was about 10, best christmas ever
Kids will naturally default to their most base human nature and become intolerable cunts without boundaries, rules, structure, stability, and training. No-one is doing this anymore because it would require effort. People think parenting means to:
1) Procreate
2) Feed, clothe, & house them.
3) Put them in school.
There is more to it.
Don’t be their friend. Be their parent. Big difference.
Great nom DF.
My colleague paid twice the asking price for a couple of games consoles for his kids last year.
Yes – he bought two of the things so the little spoilt cunts could have one each.
Being from a background of relative poverty myself, Christmas time or birthdays were a genuinely exciting time for me as a kid.
We had next to fuck all growing up so fairly meagrea colouring book, a packet of felt tips and a new football were gratefully received.
Kids now have got no fucking idea and the bigger fools are the parents bankrupting themselves to indulge the little cunts with thousands of pounds worth of mainly Chinese tat that they’ll unwrap before tossing to one side looking for the next present to open.
I’ll put the violin away now.
You’re right I can’t think of anything he’d want he’s got his whole little video world happening
Being entrepreneurial I brought a load of PS5’s from my Chinese contact in anticipation of a global shortage, but there is something about these Sonny Praystation 5’s that don’t look right.
Sunni Praystation
Also known as a patterned rug.
All these tarts who have a brat with ‘ADHD’ (naughty child who needs discipline and boundaries in real money), are usually the ones whose brats scream the place down if mum doesn’t take out a 4000% APR loan from the ‘Credit given to any cunt, but get ready for the bailiffs next week’ company (as seen in TV).
They’re just lazy cunts who’d rather give in to stop the screaming, so that they don’t miss a minute of Loose (fannied) Women, or have to tear themselves away from Arsebook for 5 minutes to teach their child how not to be a spoilt, ill disciplined little twat.
£1,000 to stop Tyler screaming and going on hunger strike for an hour (not even Turkey Twizzlers could tempt him)?
I’d have the cunt sent to the workhouses. On Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas!
We were too poor to have toys and had to make up our own games.
“Shit on a stick” was a favourite. It’s a bit like IT but you run faster.
Kids should be very grateful that they are not in the workhouse, or being stuffed up chimneys, slaving in factories and mines like the old days.
Oh……wait a minute, that was only the BAME kids wasn’t it? Oh yes, all the whitey kids were living it up wiping their boots on their poor black oppressed heads. I read it in the Guardian……or it might have been on the BBC.
Nothing is to good for my little cherubs,
Ive bought them 2 each!
And told them to brag about it to poor kids.
Its cheaper than having to spend time with them and a lot less effort,
Just buy their affection.
As for the ‘angel tree’ one near us!
Ive hung up a few myself,
Asking for little necessities.
Crate of Doom bar.
Sheepskin underpants
Ming the Merciless Annual
And a selection box.
If some gullible bleeding heart liberal type is stupid enough to indulge me,
Fuck em.
Fiddler will have noted the begging kids pleas and sent them all a dead pigeon that he has spent the weekend shooting.
Hopefully a dead pigeon crawling with maggots. It’s a good way to educate them about life. And death.
Hehe, Cardboard Angel, ‘deprived’ these days has a whole different meaning to when I was a child.
The criteria for kids presents should be what the parents can afford, set the monetary value a buy a present for that amount.
If that means a fiver or tenner then that is it.
If you can only afford a fiver for your kids Christmas present you shouldn’t have children.
And should be named and shamed in the local paper.
Lord Fiddler: I volunteer my services to feed the fucker into the chipper.
If a few chavs go through accidentally-well, that’s just collateral damage.?
Feckless cunts who think good parenting=indulging their Brats=a generation of cunts.
Perpetuating cunts.
I wonder if those poor immo children freezing in a dinghy and landing on the south coast get anything nice for Christmas?
I think its terrible .
Lets have a whip round!!
We’ll start at forty lashes. ?
Evening, MNC.?
Oh you wicked man!!
Evening Jack.
“I wonder how many of these parents claim free school meals at the same time?“
I’d put good money on that being well over 50% – I know at least two families like this but, all the other ones that work for a living, can only afford £25 a pop.
(When I say “like this” I mean claim all the benefits under the sun whilst not working and moaning they are poor whilst having free house upgrades and take out meals three times a week.)
I worked out the other day that I’ve paid well over £600k tax so far, the reason I can’t personally afford take out meals and major house upgrades, yet it keeps these cunts (indigenous and otherwise) in clover.
Sir, you need to find yourself a smart Jewish accountant ?
I hope he will be Kosher
Eeee, by gum.
I remember my first bike, a fat tyred thing with trainer wheels. Eventually I grew too big for it and then one day it just disappeared from the shed. A couple of days later I saw some little cunt riding it up and down the street! Yes, parents used to sell your old toys in those days and used to buy them obviously.
My first proper bike (24” wheels) was second hand with a (badly) hand painted frame, new handlebar grips and a cover on the rat chewed saddle. These days you could leave it on the street and no cunt would nick it……they wouldn’t be seen dead on it. Every toy I ever had was flogged off to some cunt eventually. Nobody asked my permission and I never got a sniff of the money. So excuse me if I don’t shed any tears for these greedy, unappreciative fucking little bastards these days.
Kids and young adults want the earth nowadays.
You must remember that the world revolves around them.
Nothing else matters, as long as they are all ok.
Well, everyone can get fucked this Christmas.
Every successive Christmas, the more expensive presents become. The cheeky cunts, (4 grandkids), just keep upping the stakes, and trying their luck asking for outlandishly expensive gifts.
Mr VanDyke has had enough. He has spoken.
Mrs VanDyke has had a public warning.
I’m sending the lot of them to Coventry this year.
No presents, just a card.
And if they don’t like it. They know what they can do.
I have had enough.
Fuck ‘em.
Selfish ‘orrible bastards.
Bravo Dick?
It’s time for the bank of mum & dad, to close?
The bank has been open for 55 years.
It has now done a ‘Northern Rock’, and ceased trading.
I realised this a month ago. I was recutting some tyres on my Land Cruiser, (illegal on light vehicles), to save a few bob.
The blade slipped because my hands were tired, and took a small chunk out my finger.
I chucked the cutter back in the box, and brought four new tyres.
I thought, – I’m not doing this shit anymore,- so that others can benefit.
Still, its good that they`re learning life lessons like BFM.Black Face Matters.
This nom brings several thoughts to mind. When our pair were very young we had the experience common amongst new parents where we gave them a small toy which was lain aside because they preferred to play with the box in which it came. Difference in value for money can be astounding. Observed once that we could buy a good quality full size bicycle for not much more than a plastic car for Barbie! Also sometimes called them both names other than their christian names but never cherubs!
I towed a young pregnant Geordie lass up a hill in the snow yesterday, – and some clueless bloke in a e class Merc from St Albans up the same hill.
I dealt with them one at a time, and even followed them onto the main road to make sure they would be ok. Gave them directions where to go, and where not to go,- as they were following twat-navs.
Not one of them offered me a drink. I woulde have taken it anyhow. It’s just the principle, and their self entitlement that has really pissed me off.
We were on our way to Edale Dick, but it snowed that heavily we turned back at Chapel en le frith.
Proper came down!!??
Evening Mis,
Yes, turned back because you were sensible.
Not clueless following twat-nav.
It sent them up to Long Rake near Monyash. I followed them back to youlgreave.
Rushup Edge, (Chapel to Castleton road), not a nice road in bad weather.
Unbelievable isn’t it!
The number of similar tales I hear, would have your piss boiling.
What hasn’t happened to folks though General?
I’d at least have given someone a tenner.
When I’ve been stuck in wagons, I’ve always gave farmers who have helped me a drink.
Not one farmer has ever refused my cash!
One farmer in between Aberdeen and Banff even put me up for the night, and his missus cooked me a meal.
Hamish was his name. I’ll never forget him, great bloke.
Will be long dead now though.
A timely Nom from Dick.
You can safely assume that even if the gas/electricity has been cut off, these moronic cunts will still possess
1. A 50 in Plasma 3D TV screen with subscriptions to Sky & Netflix ✅
2. The latest IPhone 13 (13? fucked if I know) upgrade ✅
3. A Lotto and Eurocunts Standing Order ✅
4. Ashtrays overflowing with fag butts at £10-£12 a pack ✅
5. Takeaways delivered 3 nights a week ✅
6. £200 trainers ✅
Sincerely no wish at all to insult the genuinely poor or anyone who has any or all of the 1-6 above; it’s the feckless idiots who refuse to sort out the basics before indulging in this that grate.
I hate the fuckin poor.
Spoil Christmas, stood around making the place look untidy.
They should be put in a workhouse for the last 2 weeks of December.
Trying to enjoy mulled wine and sing little donkey in my Christmas jumper,
And some fuckin peasant spoiling the mood looking like shite and sulking.
You missed out full sleeves of tats.
A right set of painful cunts guaranteed for life.
So spoilt Christmas is just the cherry on the shit cake of their entitled existence.
The alleged parents are bone idle weak as nun’s piss wankers.
Good call DFF.
I was greatful for a book or record token, the occasional box of cheap fudge from fictitious Aunt Dorothy… And I had to write all my thank-you letters for turkey sandwiches for Christmas Day supper.
Wonder if Fiddlers one of the thousands still without power due to Storm Arwen?
It was fuckin brutal in the Northeast.
Hope he’s ok?
Smart enough to stock up in winter, plenty of supplies etc.
No prob, Fiddler’s got his own diesel generator. As do all self respecting land owners.
Most likely.
A generator would be a good call.
Did it snow where you are Ruff?
It belted down here.
Me an the dog were allowed to play out late we were so excited!
No snow Miserable, but fuckin freezin dahn sarf! You’d love it.
Spent all day putting up and decorating the Christmas trees (yes, we have two) etc for Lady C. She loves Xmas.
As Willie Stroker used to say: “happy wife = happy life” ?
All this Civil Service bollocks that effnicks might be offended by mention of the word Christmas could not be further from the truth.
As usual it’s lefty woke whites desperately getting offended on their behalf.
Your right Ruff.
When working nights years ago I spoke to two Pakistani blokes about this.
They liked Christmas!
Said it was nice to see as they didn’t have it back home (obviously)
And that Jesus is one of their prophets,
Why would they be offended?
Its a Islington shitstirrer thats behind that bollocks.
Willie Stroker come back if you’re hovering around
A few years ago for my sins I was called out by the Met police at 3 am on Christmas day. Driving several miles through north London suburbs two things struck me. One, the roads were quiet, which was unknown before covid. Two, you would not have known it was Christmas. There was not a Christmas tree, decorations or a twinkling light to be seen nor was there even any snow.
“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”
Socrates said that in the fifth century BC. There is graffito on one of the pyramids about how the young are selfish and will destroy the world.
I shall regale mine host with anecdotes like this as I drink the finest brandy in the great hall at Fiddler Towers this Christmas Day. Throw another peasant on the fire my lord.
I will be wearing my disinvitation as a badge of honour.
I don’t have any children but if I did it would be a case of:
“Merry Christmas – here is a sketch book and new pencils and a copy of Gray’s Anatomy; get to work.”
You can have one of mine if you like Cuntologist?
Theyre a ‘little miserable’ though!?
I’d soon have one of your mini-yous in tip top shape with my curriculum of exercise, academic studies, classical music practice, modern manners, culinary arts and anti-woke de-programming. Plus if its a teenager then I’d borrow a cattle prod to get it out of bed on time.
Hehehe ??
Nowt like me Cuntologist..
You cant have the daughter the missus has grown fond of her..
Itd be the lad.
He tests blood and hair for drugs (forensics).
So mostly works with the police and professional sports bodies.
Hes a bit boring..
£1000 for a present?Piss off