Matt Lucas [3]

My Fellow Cunters,
For your Cuntsideration:

Matt Lucas becomes a German Citizen.

Everybody’s favourite slap headed, morbidly obese arse bandit has revealed he has become one of “Ze Germans”, because Brexit is pointless and masochistic.

Nothing to do with Germany’s more relaxed views on “certain sexual proclivities”, then?

I thought he claimed Jewish Heritage? Germany makes perfect sense, then?
(Indeed, check out this link then – Fleeing the Nazis – NA)

I will laugh myself silly, if he does actually relocate there and encounters a large group of “Peacefuls”.
We can but hope??

Nominated by: Cuntfinder General

80 thoughts on “Matt Lucas [3]

  1. Is he going to go and live there?
    I do hope so. I think he’s about as funny as a wet fart at a vicarage tea party.

    • The first thought that occurred to me. How long before he leaves London for The Reich?
      Let’s not hold our breaths. This looks like another case of ‘Emangreg
      Syndrome’ to me.
      Mind you he can piss off tomorrow as far as I’m concerned, the useless fat fuck.

      Morning all.

  2. He is payback for Angela “Adolf” Merkel.

    Another Remainer q ueer who loves the EU, but only while he remains in the UK. Like that actress tart who moved to the EU and came back after 4 days because she didn’t like it (married to Greg Wise – can’t remember the tart’s name – she was no Margaret Lockwood)

    • Emma Thompson WC. Whose father Eric gave us the “Magic Roundabout”. I believe Ermintrude was based on his elder daughter. Having said that Emma is a pretty damn good actress; you just need to ignore the rest of the shit she peddles.

  3. Auf weidersehen prat. Hopefully this starts a trend of people who don’t love the Empire fucking off.
    My gran was a Boche (think of lieutenant Kernister from where eagles dare) but was loyal to our side.
    I know that image will give some of you sick fucks the horn.

  4. For several reasons this Gentleman would not be welcome at one of my exclusive Hog-roasts.

  5. First time I saw him he was drum playing baby Georgie Daws, with Vic &Bob.
    Made me laugh.
    Then he was Andy Pipkin in Little Britain.
    Yeah I know yeah
    That made me laugh too.

    But once they get famous,it goes to their head.
    Turn into spoilt monsters.
    Make the mistake of thinking that theyre somehow important?

    Fuck off to Germany slaphead.
    Your not funny anymore.
    Fit right in.

    • He looks a bit like a Prussian.

      What are the scores, George Dawes?

      Hes just a great big baby

    • Vic and Bob were excellent back in the day…I even thought Ulrika Jonsonn was quite good when she was on Shooting Stars with them and always liked Marl Lamarr..wonder what happened to him?

      • Mark Lamarr, “hes a 1950s binman!” As Bob sang.
        I liked Mark, he could be quite sarky.
        Bob Mortimer is probably my favourite ‘celeb’ Dick.
        He used to do his own dentistry!

      • Ulrika was very doable back then too. She lives not far from me and the last time I saw her out and about, she looked like a tortoise without its shell.

      • DF@ – Not sure where Lamarr disappeared to, but anyone who punches remoaner gobshite Terry Christion in his big fat mouth gets my vote!
        Well done Lamarr!

      • “…He used to do his own dentistry!”

        I relish the opportunity to do a bit more work on ’em. pro bono natch…

  6. Will he give up hosting Great British Bake Off and it’s quaint xenophobic Englishness and all those union flags?

    No, thought not. Just another Emma Thompson, full of hypocrisy

  7. If the slap-headed bummer wants to remain in Europe, he’d better move to Greece.
    Now that Germany is propping up the rest of the EU, I reckon they’ll be the next nation triggering the escape clause.

  8. “of Jewish heritage. His mother and family fled from Nazi Germany just before the way, and settled in Paddington where Matt Luca was born.!

    Well becoming a kraut makes perfect sense dunnit ?

    • Mmm, im not convinced.
      Doesn’t look very Jewish to me?
      Can normally spot them a mile off!
      He’s got a regular beak on him.
      No definitely not a Jew.
      Hes made that up for sympathy.
      Probably some other type unpopular in Germany during WW2?
      Maybe his parents were pink triangle Slavs?
      Gay gyppos.

      • Never go by appearances,MNC…they are shapeshifters…Lucas is a shiftlifting shapeshifter….the only way to be sure is to drop a fifty-pence piece out of your hand… if it hits the suspect on the back of the head as he dives to catch it….you know that you’ve got one on the hook(nose).

      • There is another way, Dick. Take a glance in the urinal and see if he’s still wearing his pullover.

  9. Lowlife POS … so is it a protest … the result of much gnashing of teeth and stamping his little feet because the depraved pervert couldn’t get his way after a democratic process placed him on the losing side of an argument?
    Good luck with your life choices scumbag … now fuck off you foreign cunt.

    • I seem to recall that this arsewipe got himself on that show called ‘Shooting Stars’ …. now what would have made that show perfect would have been a slot on it where they actually did shoot these so called stars.

  10. What’s the scores George Doors, enjoy Germany you mincing ponce, I assume your going to have a career on television over there, or as I suspect you will still be in the UK most of the time so you can carry on annoying people same as before.
    Anyway if you go, not a single fuck will be given in Fugly towers, in fact that would be good, unlike Brexit get it done….. Ya cunt

  11. It’s not such a silly idea to become a citizen of an EU country.

    Not for the reasons that this unfunny, irrelevant poof hassaid, but for a future escape.

    Things are quickly becoming intolerable in the UK.
    People in the UK cannot just sell up their wildly overpriced houses and escape to the EU country of their choice as they once could.

    By becoming a citizen of an EU country you benefit from perhaps the only good thing that they have.

    Being able to live and work in any other UK country.

    Perhaps Matt Lucas has also considered this.
    He no longer has to apply for a work visa.

    • Sound reasoning. Sorry but I can’t cunt Matt Lucas for this, despite him being a marmite miner.

      • I thought he was married to the terminally unfunny ham beast Rebel Wilson? I hope she goes with him. If so now would be a good time to invest in a strudel factory.

    • I think if I was 20-30 years younger in today’s environment, I too would probably opt for EU citizenship given this government’s appalling handling of almost everything it lays its sticky fingers on.

      I suppose, therefore, I can’t blame Lucas, and others, for keeping their options open. Although I do think if you do take EU citizenship you should up sticks and move there permanently

    • Sound point AC, but the bug problem with EU was the net migration flow was overwhelmingly in this direction (and still is of course).

      As for Lucas, isn’t this justification enough for Brexit? To your point, the count should blame the jellyfish and the pile of shit that he presides over, not Brexit. Jellyfish has squandered those opportunities.

    • Well spotted AC. I Feel I should point out though that the Dutch for instance, do not allow for dual nationality. Our younger daughter’s other half is Dutch and has “pre-settled status” having been here for two years. Apparently after five years here he can apply for “settled status”. I have no problem with him as he seems to think he should work for a living and pay his taxes and he has even less time for religion than me. I understand that if he was to become a British citizen he could return to being a Dutch citizen without any problem having been born and raised there. I believe that if they were to marry our daughter could move to the Netherlands with him but I don’t know what her position would be as regards work.

      • Here in Spain it was not possible to have duel citizenship before Brexit.

        To become a Spanish citizen you had to give up your British citizenship completely.

        It was a sensible move if you were a married couple to have one partner become Spanish whilst the other remained British.

        All bases covered.

        However, because the citizenship tests were daunting to anyone that was not fluent in the Spanish language and had little knowledge of the history, geography and politics of Spain, few couples took that option.

        If what you say about the Netherlands is true then it confirms that EU countries do not follow EU directives as they all seem to do their own thing.

        It was only a few weeks ago that fat Reg wanted a meeting with Boris about how British artists were not allowed to work in Europe as they did before Brexit.

        I think that Matt Lucas is using a loophole and being dishonest about his motivation.

  12. Everything I’ve seen this poo-pusher in has been awful. The Little Britain thing was tedious, the Shooting Stars was toilet, and there was a programme about a mumbling lord living in a caravan which was feeble. This humourless, felching Remoaner can’t fuck off quickly enough.

  13. Render the fat poofter cunt down to make candles for when the UK’s lights go out.

    But first skin him alive to make lampshades for the rest of the world which is in no hurry to deprive itself of affordable energy and return to the Middle Ages.

    • Thats the spirit Ruff!
      Take off his shoes and jewelry and check his mouth for gold teeth!

      • Do you remember Ruff when Gordon Brown flogged the gold reserves in the most inefficient manner possible? First announced that he intended to dump the reserves on the market and then did so when the market was at rock bottom! Our old tom cat has more wit. I shall always remember him for that and his wanton destruction of the pensions in the private sector which had been the envy of the world up until that time.

      • I remember it well, Arfur. And a lot more besides.

        In fact the only thing Brown ever did that amounted to more than a hill of beans was block Blair’s dream of dumping the Pound and adopting the fucking Euro.

        Bigoted old woman.

  14. The article in the link says he’s a ‘comedian’, I didn’t know that. If he is, why is he on a cookery show and not having them rolling in the aisles at the palladium? He just strikes me as two bob actor/chancer who lives off the work of others (the wonderful Vic and Bob for example).
    Anyway, if he thinks we’re a bit to the right and xenophobic in this country, he’s in for a rude awakening in the fatherland. He’d better be careful when he leaves the local gay clubs after dark as well.

  15. He looks like the sort of arrogant, supercilious poņce that would look down his nose at hetero folks; call us “breeders”.
    One can only imagine the sort of reprehensible disgustingness with which he’s involved.

    • Morning Tommy.
      He can call me whatever he likes.
      My retort will have him weeping into his well bitten pillow.

  16. There is an old saying: you never see the wrinkles on an inflated balloon. If he goes down the route of losing 5 stone, which he will have to for health reasons as he ages, he will look fucking horrendous. Let’s face it, he is one weird looking by cunt, now -like a chemo patient with a glandular problem?

    Perhaps he thinks his past crimes of openly mocking minorities, will catch up with him and needs a bolt-hole?

    More likely, a career move-a residency at one of those gay clubs on the Reeperbahn, complete with all you can “nosh” buffett ?

    Morning all?

  17. Auf wiedersein ein blode fotze.
    Never found the cunt funny, managed five minutes of little Britain before the off switch.

    • Odd choice for an alleged comedian though, do they have much call for comedy, they’re not renowned for it.

      • Not sure how far I can go along with the stereotype BH. Henning Wehn can be a good laugh when he’s taking the piss out of the nazis and the Brits who are still obsessed with them. My wife worked with a German who was taken prisoner on the western front in 1945. For two years he was made to work on the roads in Wales and he spoke Welsh with a German accent, that was something to hear I tell you! His first name was Fritz and he always used his second name Gunter because the Brits called all the German POWs Fritz as a term of abuse. When he was released from captivity he returned to his home town of East Berlin. By then of course it was under the control of the Russians and he decided fuck this and came back to the UK where he had right of abode. He came to parties at our house in the seventies and it’s no exaggeration to say he was the life and soul. Even my mother who worked in munitions during the war was delighted by his repartee. I guess what this illustrates is that the problem is not Europeans, it’s the fucking EU!
        He died in 1996. RIP Gunter mate.

      • In my mis-spent youth, I was fortunate to bang a number of German girls.
        Some very memorable moments.
        Oh yeah?

      • Good story Arfurbrain. i have for my part spent a considerable amount of time in Germany and met a few decent Gunter types, but as with all stereotypes the humourless German one is a sweeping generalisation that contains a grain of truth.

  18. Funnily enough overrun immo shithole ghettos like Tower Hamlets, Ilford, Bradford and many others are diverse and vibrant multicultural communities and not hotbeds of Islamic extremism.

  19. Cnutfinder General, you glaringly missed out “Unfunny” in this wankers description.! Possibly a Guardian reader.?

  20. Fuck me what a truly sad loss to our nation. Trying to imagine how much sleep I will lose over this bollocks. The ego of the puddle jumper fucking ginormous, as if in view of all the total shite going on in the World the fact a bald uphill gardener has gained German citizenship is something to stop and think about. Fuck off you arsewipe.

  21. I bet Lucas was one of those “entitled” brats who sat at the back of the classroom, doing funny voices-to the annoyance of the teachers, whilst his parents encouraged his “individuality”?
    A “centre of attention” demanding me-me.

    His comedy has absolutely no subtlety-it is all about being loud and vulgar and appeals to kids and the less cerebral.

    This will be about deviancy, of some description ?

  22. If he dressed up in a Gestapo uniform wore a monicule and walked with a limp he would really look the part

  23. If I had to take citizenship in a European country it would have to be Holland. They all speak English and are a great laugh. Germany? Eh… that’s an odd choice. Matt Lucas was funny as fuck back in the day, but he has became a pompous cunt in recent years. He’s in a position to say, “it’s only comedy, please don’t get offended at my silliness,” but no, he’s covering his arse from all directions like so many comedians. I see a fork in the road for comedy this decade and I hope that most comedians take the narrow, bumpy, dark road marked, “if you don’t like me, fuck off”. But I have a feeling that many in Britain will take the, “time to do PG-rated comedy now” road.

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