Mark Hankinson

Mark Hankinson is a cunt, isn’t he.

Who’s this red-faced shit-bag and why does he look so constipated? He’s a leading British huntsman who was caught in a leaked online training webinar in 2020 telling other wildlife-murderers how to hunt illegally. On the call, this devious sister-fucker explained how “to create a smokescreen” to enable them “to portray to the people watching that you’re going about legitimate business”.

Link to story.

These barbaric Hunt Cunts always think they’re above the law.

Nonetheless, it’s another nail in the coffin for this wretched practice and its pikeyish, knuckle-dragging lackeys. A number of organisations (National Trust, Forestry England, the Lake District National Park, Natural Resources Wales) have so far withdrawn their permission to allow cunts on hunts to cross their land.

This trucculent inbreed should really be in prison. Better still, the chinless maggot should be chased through villages for fear of being beaten, bitten, then disembowelled and ripped apart like the foxes are.

Hunt scum.

Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous

77 thoughts on “Mark Hankinson

  1. I would hunt if I needed to eat but the sporting aspect escapes me. My hunting and gathering is to inspect what is under cellophane at the store and try getting it home while it’s still cold.

  2. Fuck me, he really looks like a top cunt. Bet he wears fucking corduroy trousers n’all. Probably stinks like a badger too. He can fuck right off, No offence.

  3. As with all the climate bollocks (no flying, no heating, no car) and the covid horseshit (get masked, get jabbed), rules don’t apply to the elite if they don’t like them.

    • 20 people on horseback, 30dogs, helpers on quads,
      Just how dangerous are foxes?
      Are they on a par with velosiraptors?
      Are they like John Rambo?
      Fuck me, what if it was a grizzly bear?
      Blackhawk helicopters?
      Panzer tank?

      Just seems cruelty rather than hunting?
      Hunt Stanley’s instead!
      Or ghetto apes.

      • Just like Muntjac deer foxes are the very spawn of the devil, for years the fox has caused awful slaughter in our beloved countryside. Mark my words foxes are really fucking dangerous and records exist that little Toms prize rabbit was snatched from its run and savaged to death thou no blame was attached to the little shit who should have put bunny in the hutch.
        Because of this type of outrage large groups of relatively well of people often wearing an ancient uniform do sally forth to bring righteous punishment to the basically harmless fox aided by lots of dogs. Of course this is illegal and the hounds are hunting a drag scent, if poor old Reynard happens to make an appearance then he / she can be shot or as one pack of cunts did used an Eagle to kill foxy.
        As the great Oscar Wilde said “The unspeakable in pursuit of the unbeatable”. In my area is a pack of foxhounds often meet up with the hunt when I’m out lurking about down the lanes, in the season. Always got the impression that onlookers not really welcome can’t see why only hunting a drag?

  4. Anybody who owns a cat and deliberately lets it out to wander are as guilty of indigenous wildlife destruction as anybody who shoots or sets dogs on wild animals.

    A cat owner (who knowingly let’s their cat kill songbirds remember) might not be as cruel or heartless a cunt as somebody who does it for “sport” but the resulting reduction of British wildlife numbers is still the result.

    • My cat performs a community service, his running total this year is 6 rats (on fucker was about 10 inch long), zero birds, sadly a few mice but I have managed to save about half he brings home.

    • My cat keeps down the mouse population. Without her, I think I’d be over-run. Little bastards.

  5. A Cunt for being slightly indiscreet ?….Hardly.

    Captain M. should just accept the fact that all the wailing in the world from a bunch of menopausal trouts,professional agitators,naive students and benefit scroungers won’t alter anything. As for the oh-so-clever lower-management gasbags who pipe up…they should stick to their Barrat-box estates and worry about things a bit closer to home…such as the “Dooshkas” who point and spit at him as pedals past on one his murky camping-trips with “the kids”.

    How naive to imagine that the likes of The Forestry police their “hunt-ban”’s just lip-service to stop the squawking from the jealous ” Ooooohh,they’re all nasty posh snobs who have something that we”ll never have.” brigade.

    Face it..The “barbaric Hunt Cunts” may not be above the law…but they’re certainly above the outraged nobodies who do most of the complaining.

    • Following a “Safari” Day out in the Quantock Hills, I am a now changed man and very “Pro hunting”

      Country folk have a far better understanding than most.

      But I will tell you what I do find barbaric. The countless documentaries feeding the thirst of the “Savage Kills” (Attenborough being one )

      • Good for you,EyeC…. There are too many people with blind prejudice who don’t actually know what they’re on about and are too quick to flap their gums without actually bothering to finding out.

        Most of them know nothing of rural life and yet seem to hate those who actually conserve the Countryside…I suspect pure jealousy in many cases.

    • I’m genuinely interested to know how foxes should be controlled if not by Hunting….shooting is far more liable to just wound it and leave it in agony for days….poison is liable to also kill other wildlife….gassing is inefficient.

      Foxes,whether the ” Cutesy-whootsy furry Mr.Fox” brigade like it or not,do need controlling…I hate to break it to some of the “Big Brains” on here but life isn’t a Beatrix Potter book where all da ickle cweatures live happily together.

      Know-nowt windbags.

      • Im not convinced Dick!
        What do they do, carry off cattle?
        Steal tractors?
        Its because they’re ginger isnt it?
        Admit it.
        You bloody lot hate gingers!

      • I wasn’t sure whether I should post on this one, but here goes. Being born and raised in the industrial (at the time anyway) West Midlands I know nearly fuck all about country sports. How much of a problem foxes are I know not, my closest connection is when I find they have turned the bins over in the night. However I have a much better understanding of the sort of people, townies like me, who would ban hunting. They have a mindset like the puritans who banned bear baiting not out of concern for the welfare of the bear, but out of concern that people were enjoying themselves.

      • @arfur

        I agree….I think a lot of it is less about the animals and more about jealousy and ignorance.

      • MNC….foxes will kill anything they can…lambs,domestic fowl,ground-nesting birds etc….they also don’t just kill “one for the pot”,they will slaughter the entire available food source.

        PS…I don’t hate Gingers…Lindsay Lohan is impossible to hate.

      • Haven’t you read The Tale of Mr Tod? A far from genteel portrayal of the Fox, or the Badger come to think of it.

    • Indeed DF, mind with a cunting full of quotes like “wildlife murderers” one wonders whether certain cunts eat food at all, especially as more animals are killed to grow grain and veg than meat, it’s as if they are jealous that they live in a shit hole surrounded by parking Stanley’s and iron curtain surfers, I have all white British neighbours nowadays, and you know what DF, not one of them is a fucking vegan cunt!!!

      • I’m not a hunt supporter myself I must add, its not my sort of thing, the lamping boys actually get foxes, our local hunt is quite literally full of chinless cunt who I wouldn’t piss on if they were on fire!!!

    • I know nothing about hunting and don’t feel qualified to comment. I agree there are many things that the townies don’t understand. However, the point is that hunting is against the law, whether you like it or not. We survive by acknowledging what is lawful and abiding by it, even if we don’t agree with it. The trouble is, a lot of the establishment, and with that I include a lot of middle-class england, don’t like certain laws and just ignore them – this is no different from the insulate Britain cunts deciding their cause is more worthy than the law, or the cop26 cunts making laws that will affect us, but not them.

      • I have no opinion about hunting at all, I don’t do it, I don’t watch it, you can’t bet on it.
        But, to my mind there’s no difference between this man and Boota Ram ( previous post). It’s not so much that they both broke the law, but they both hold the law in contempt, as if it doesn’t apply to them.
        That’s until, of course, some other criminal commits an illegal act against them, when of course, they would be demanding justice.
        They are both nasty criminals.

  6. Get some proper sport on.
    Let the hounds chase the dinghy filth and their lackeys back into the sea.

    • My old gran was the suspicious type.
      Shed say “dont trust him, his eyes are to close together”.

      Shed say this about Mark Hankinson, hes the poster boy for it!
      Almost a cyclops!
      No sunglasses for that cunt.
      Have to be a monocle.

  7. He looks like a cunt, definitely a villain, got that superior look about him.

    Would probably refer to MNC as an Oik. ?

    • He probably would as well the cheeky pencil necked cunt.

      And if he said it to my face id treat him to some bloodsport by banging his teeth all over the pavement.

      See if he can sit in the saddle with fractured ribs and dislocated shoulders!!?

  8. Fuck me! Is that Jack Charlton with Piers Morgan on the phone behind him (having forgotten to dye his hair on this day)?
    Either way – sly looking, hunting cunt!
    Fuck’eth him!

  9. Know your place Mis, these upper class country folk have the breeding, it’s not personal they are just inbred cunts ?

    • Afternoon Sicky,
      Marks not fit to lick the shit off my boots.
      Im HIS Superior by natural selection.
      He looks like the ghost of the Duke of Edinburgh.

  10. In the lexicon of euphemisms designed to obscure reality, ‘field sports’ has got to be up there with the very best. Along with ‘friendly fire’.

  11. As a lifelong hunter ( with rifle), I have practised necessary pest control over various crops/livestock for the better part of 40 years.
    I do not shoot foxes now-but would if they were a problem.

    I deplore hunting with dogs-having witnessed the shenanigans of the hunt, over the years. I think they should hunt illegal immigrants instead?

    Lord Fidler-a will placed bullet is far more humane than being run down by dogs. If you think that far too many “shot” foxes are wounded and take days to die, then you need a more proficient marksman on the case?

    I’m free this Christmas-perhaps I could join Jack & Mis In surprising you on Christmas Eve, to sample that “10 Bird Roast” you were talking about?

    • “Well placed bullet”…that’s the thing isn’t it ?…You may well be a crack shot but someone running out with the shotgun when he sees the fox in the chicken run is unlikely to possess your deadly accuracy.
      It’s a rare marksman that can guarantee a fatal shot with a rifle on a fox…


  12. I feel a bit sorry for cunts like Hankinson. In the good old days you’d put his murderous exuberance to good use on the frontiers of the Empire.

  13. Let them hunt foxes in urban areas at 3am when the streets are empty. Plenty of them about. Everyone wins.

  14. What few people understand as others have pointed out the land needs to be managed
    My proposal is a bounty on the following for ten years before a review.

    Mink (set free by fucking idiots) a cunt to the natural landscape with its kill kill for the sake of it
    Magpies utter annoying cunts to say the least but they drive out all the small bird population from their natural habitat as well as eat their young because they possess the dexterity to clean out a hedge row during breeding nesting season Cunt with tropical blood origins mixed with crow( I think) there’s millions of the cunts now
    Carrion crow old as time but farmers never liked for good reason when the numbers increase
    Cormorants, another cunt that even with belly stuffed continues to kill the little fishes and not so little, numbers have exploded with this cunt
    And there many more that need controlling but I’d be moving to a different type of species

    • I dont buy into this “townies cant comment on rural affairs ” bollocks either.
      Why not?
      So does this mean rural types cant comment on issues that effect cities or towns?
      Course not .
      Oh you wouldn’t understand…
      Your not fuckin red indians just because you live in the British countryside!
      Today and all last week I worked on a farm in Cheshire,
      The farmer was more fuckin woke than me!
      And the cunt didnt realise he had a badger set down the hill or that he has visits in the morning from hungry deer nicking his alpacas food.

      • Being a city boy born an bred but have Managed my way through the countryside from a young age
        Shootin an fishin on landscapes now dead
        With nothin but environments of pretender to the place

      • Of course townies can comment…but hysterical claims and obvious underlying jealousy from the more strident voices invite response. I have no problem with people disliking Hunting if they actually understand what is involved.

        I don’t go to some City and start screaming at the Rentokill man that he’s a sister-fucking animal murderer as he puts traps down in some Dooshka overrun council estate.

      • Heehee ?
        I know a bloke who works for Rentokil, and if anyone is a candidate for shagging his sister, its him!!

      • I think Country folks should have been fully included in all matters that affect them. They were marginalised and their points overuled as “nonsense”

        I knew the late Johnny Kingdom and he knew far more than any Townie or hand cranked Politician.

        Imagine if a decision to ban football had been made by country folk who made a decision without including others

  15. An old acquaintance of mine, ( now dead ), despatched many a fox by shooting, over the many years that he trod the fields. He was Reynards nemesis.
    Jack was a solitary type, who carried out his commissions with ruthless efficiency, if anyone had a fox problem, Jack was the man to sort it. Once he’d been given the task, that fox was on borrowed time.
    Very few people would be prepared to put in the time and effort, and suffer the effects of the elements that he did.
    Foxes do need to be controlled, where they are a problem, it should be done as humanely and efficiently as possible, and within the law. As Lord Cuntingford has pointed out.
    Anyone who kills an animal for fun, is a cunt.
    Good afternoon.

    • Yes afternoon Jack . And strangely rabbits need controlling as well , it’s the nature of it
      Who wants to shoot bunny but at least you can make a stew

      • Mecuntry@
        I grew up on a council estate but surrounded by fields and woods.
        My dad regularly took me into the pennine hills walking and as I got older id be out camping in the woods every chance I got .
        I track deer still,
        and know pretty much what wildlife is around.
        I own a air rifle, crossbow, and recurved bow.
        Ive nowt against hunting for food.
        Nowt against shooting pests or persistent predators.
        Just dont get killing something if your not going to eat it?

      • Similar background Mis,
        Loved walking and messing in the surrounding countryside
        They don’t know what their missin the kids of today
        Getting chased off land by a crazed farmer , shotgun to hand
        Steeling apples and the fruits of summer
        Diving in the river
        Climbing trees to be The higher
        Hold on there for a sec
        I just got a text?

      • Mickey blue ?And nothing richer in natures diversity, that is the Corrib
        Galway weir bridge peering down at the salmon in the town

      • I can see what you’re getting at, Dick. Lots of people fish for pleasure, they don’t intend to kill, but sometimes it happens, especially if the hook is swallowed.
        I used to fish, but ate what I caught. Couldn’t really see the point in catching if you weren’t going to eat it.
        It’s like some pheasant shoots, where most of the bag is binned, out of order.
        The last fish I ever caught was a Grayling, and very nice it was too.
        I just think there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about things.
        The law says hunting with hounds is unlawful.
        Like anything where law and morals are concerned, it’s fraught with conflict.
        Evening, Dick.

      • People aren’t really fishing just for food though,are they?…there’s an element of pleasure in catching your prey.

        What actually boils my piss is that so much of the anti-hunt invective is driven by the perception of a bunch of “chinless-wonder toffs’ indulging….we are a farmer’s Hunt and are probably more dangerous to ourselves than the fox.

        If it is all about the horror of killing animals for fun,why aren’t the bleeding-hearts down at the local canal berating some old Cunt out with bubble-float?…possibly because so many anglers aren’t “toffs”.

        You’re quite right about abiding by the laws.

      • My neighbour is an angler. He goes to one of these fishery places, where you can catch forty, fifty, sixty and more pounds of fish, for the chance of a cash prize. But a lot of it is about the thrill, like all country type sports.
        It’s not something that would appeal to me.

      • You’re quite right about the class angle, Dick.
        It’s present in every facet of British society.
        Speaking of which, I wonder how many of the toffs would be enthusiastic enough to hunt Reynard on foot, with the local yeomanry, amongst those fells and crags that are not conducive to horse riding ?
        Not many, I’ll wager.

      • My wholeheartedly favorite fish of all time is a wild brown trout ,fried gently in butter with salt n pepper on the skin
        Simply the food of the Gods
        And as that Hollywood producer said in The Godfather
        “I’ve had em all but she was beautiful

      • @Mec

        Every year a fella drops me off a fucking massive whole salmon…I’m not even that wild on fish…end up giving it to the Hounds.

        I’ve never worked out what the fuck he thinks I want with such an amount of fish but he’s a canny sort and I don’t like to tell him to shove it up his arse.

      • Thems are the rules they are Sir Dick and one has to abide from time to time , to keep things from going in another direction
        I think hunting is your passion , if I may

      • Mecuntry – as a wee un, I used to spend every summer on the Corrib watching my folks fish and hunt for venison.

        Nature’s bounty and agree about the trout, there is no beating it.

  16. In over 40 years of fishing I have yet to see a Stanley or tea swigging piano shifter. If that is not reason enough to enjoy the contemplative man’s sport, then what is ? Of course, as it is not “inclusive” or “diverse”, the usual twats will be trying to ban it soon. Not a hunter but foxes need to be controlled and if you can have a good day out doing it, then fine.

    Oh, and townies please remember – keep the cowshit in the countryside and the bullshit in the city. That’s the natural way.

  17. Used to keep a couple o’ horses at a local stables and they had five hens and a cockerel, fuckin’ bad tempered bastard thing with inch and a half long spurs, not joking I’d give it three feet of clearance and definitely wouldn’t want to fuck with it. Over the space of a week a fox took one a day and we’d find the shredded parts dotted around the paddocks. all the bits were there, nothing consumed! It got the cock last of all so that fox must have had some stainless steel bollocks!

    “My neighbour is an angler. He goes to one of these fishery places, where you can catch forty, fifty, sixty and more pounds of fish,…”

    Sounds boring as fuck that, hauling out slab sided apathetic bream who’ve accepted the hook as a consequence of getting a meal. Chubbing for me Jack. a few sarnies, two cold ones, bit o’ bait, bare minimum of tackle, ten ft rod, me ABU 506 and a late summer afternoon wandering the banks of the Upper Avon, perfection.

  18. Hunters, like pheasant shooters, do what they do not for pest control or food but because they enjoy killing living creatures.

    Why can’t they be honest and just admit this?

    We were told that the rural economy would collapse if the hunt ban happened. Utter tosh spouted by nutter toffs and their tory MP apologists.

    This cunt should get a hobby that doesn’t involve torturing animals. Maybe guzzling enough port in his stately home until he suffers from gout and can’t mount a horse.

    • Nearly all the pheasant you see in the countryside are reared by the gun clubs and just like thoroughbred horse racing these creatures wouldn’t exist otherwise
      It’s a sport yes but not without effort
      A thoroughbred horse would not survive in the wild even if you provided land and plains of grassy meadows
      Every time something is deemed cruel and is banned it has consequences for the very existence of that creature

  19. Here in Aus the past winter, 112 foxes ( I keep a diary ) fell to my deadly accurate .222. The local sheep farmers were most grateful. Just a pity the arse fell out of the skin market a few years ago thanks to the anti fur mob. At least it saves time skinning the bastards ( and the smell ! )

  20. Ooh boo-boo the nasty man in the pink jacket wants to hurt the icicle lickle cuddly fuwwy lickle foxy-woxy.
    If you townie faggots think that is so fucking cute why don’t you coax one of them in from behind your dust-bins and try cuddling him in your gay designer bed.
    I hate the fact that just because a handful of the great unwashed have such class envy (despite the fact that a high percentage of those engaged in hunting are “working class”) they can persuade the government to ban it.
    In that case how come a bunch of right-minded individuals who think that homosexual buggery and the idea that trannies molesting our children fucking stinks is totally ignored and such aberrant behaviour is considered to be acceptable?

  21. He’s a total cunt and there no other word for him….I know it’s against rules to wish someone deceased but I really hope this animal murdering cunt gets his balls caught in the gears of a combine.

  22. Hunting for sport I don’t agree with.
    Pest control, I don’t mind as long as it is done in a humane way.

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