Boota Ram – Crash for Cash Bandits

If I’d made this story up I would be accused a) of being racist and b) of being too far fetched in my naming of the lead villain.

You see, Boota Ram was the mastermind and chief instigator of an £8 million scam which involved he and his mates slamming on their brakes so hard and suddenly that it caused innocent motorists to smash into the back of their cars. Yes, they were ramming the boot of poor old Boota Ram in a crash for cash scheme.

Then of course he would put in multiple claims for damage to his vehicles and for whiplash injuries. They did this on an industrial scale to such an extent that it roused the attention of the insurance companies legal teams and the police. When they raided his home he denied that the laptop which contained all the information regarding the crimes was his. However, they discovered the password was “Boota Ram” and that the laptop held a picture of him using it!

He was also captured on film at several of the incidents, his mean snarling face staring into the camera.

They arrested his cohort but he has gone on the run.

Anyone seen Boota Ram? Watch out, you could crash into the cunt soon.

News Link

Nominated by: Sir Greeb Streebling

31 thoughts on “Boota Ram – Crash for Cash Bandits

  1. More fine upstanding citizens, they have the values of the UK running through them like Brighton rock.

  2. These foreign masterminds really are as thick as pig shit and twice as nasty. I suppose they don’t have CCTV and police cameras in the shitholes they came from, where it will always be 1947. When caught, they ought to crack down on him and his pals like a ton of bricks. Prison works, as Michael Howard once said.

    • I thought it was always around 747 in the world of Peaceful? They certainly smell like it is…

  3. I cannot imagine that it would be too difficult to track this cunt down.
    Assume that all of his assets are the proceeds of crime and seize them including his house; evict anyone currently living there.
    Stop all benefits to his extended family. As we all know, families are very important to migrants ,or not as the case may be. Either way, such actions will encourage foreign shit to up sticks and return to their own shit hole .
    The U.K. has enough of its own lowlifes without having to import them.

    • Excellent. The steamroller treatment is my favourite, Unkle T. Then back it over them again just to be sure. Cunt presse!

      Good morning, everyone.

  4. My wife is an insurance claim expert and she says 90% of these cunts are Sri Lankan.
    I dated a Sri Lankan lass a few years ago with massive tits and she always paid cash in petrol stations because she said all the Sri Lankans who worked in them were corrupt scammers.

  5. A 17 year old in his first car is much more likely to have an accident than an older, more experienced driver.
    So the insurance companies charge more for his cover.
    That makes sense.

    A Pakistani is much more likely to commit insurance fraud.
    It’s what they do.

    So will the insurance companies charge more for the increased risk?

    Will they fuck.
    They will continue to spend money on investigating the claims and pay out on most of them.

    It’s the other, honest policy holders that have to foot the bill.

  6. About time these dakis were charged more insurance.

    Every cunt has to subsidize what these robbing criminal bastards get up to.

    Why? Oh, it’d be racistisms innit?

    • Scamming cunts pretty much all of them. Never sell to them or buy from them. But you have no control over them scamming the shit out of benefits and insurance. And brining their family over to scam the healthcare. And every fucker else covers it

  7. Motor insurance application forms used to ask you various sets of personal questions based on your gender, age, health and quite possibly your nationality.
    From that profile they could work out an appropriate premium which generally favours older more experienced drivers, and sometimes was cheaper for women.

    In this current day and age of instant discrimination I wonder if the same rules apply? Youngsters will scream “ageism”, the disabled will shout “ableism” , the Alphabets will whine “Homophobia”, and anyone not truly British will shout “racism”

    Therefore, if you’re an upright middle aged British white male in good health and a good driving record, expect to see your annual premium jump up to the same level of a 17 year old , partially sighted, peg-legged, transformer from Bangalore, with 1 month’s driving experience in a rust bucket.

    That’s another part of the Build Back Better levelling up mantra- no more discrimination unless you’re white.

    • You are correct Techno.

      There was a time when Insurance Companies employed actuaries and risk assessors.
      They would work out an appropriate premium for the perceived risk.

      Not any more.
      The Insurance bastards now fix the premium on whatever they think that they can get away with and all other companies follow suit.

      It’s a price fixing monopoly that the government chose to ignore.

  8. I’ll be sure to keep a keen look out for this delightfully named bounder.
    …..and if I come across him I will stamp upon his fucking cranium until his (likely small and deformed) cerebrum sees the glorious daylight 👍

  9. The only bona fide product of the “Indie” is the shit they squeeze from their arses. ( all else is just crap ! )

  10. I’ve only ever met one Sri Lankan.

    He temporarily ran a seaside hotel in the local area quite a few years back and the bloke I worked for agreed to carry out some work for him.

    Getting payment from him turned out to be a blood out of stone situation because he was basically a fucking criminal.

    To add to his gleaming personality and cultural enrichment to the UK, this slimy bastard was also charged with sexually assaulting one of the 15 year old lads who worked there.
    He was also charged with a racially aggravated assault for threatening locals with the fat end of a pool cue plus racist expletives in another pub in the village.

    He was also nabbed by the plod trying to jump bail and escape the country.

    This gentleman wasn’t exactly a great advert for Sri Lanka shall we say.

  11. Sirs:

    Diversity is our strength, or so they keep telling me.

    Surely it’s always 1147 in wherever, not 1947.

  12. Why did it take 3 years to catch these cunts, surely any fucking claim from ‘P*ki’ should be treated as suspicious

    They are all cunts.

    • I remember some years ago when fraud was just starting to move into the mainstream courtesy of the internet, a radio interview with a man whose job was training bank staff on fraud prevention. He stated flat that the most useful instruction he could have given the staff was to double check any request for funds to go to Nigeria. He went on to say that had he done so the sky would have fallen in on him. Being dismissed on the spot without a reference would have been just the beginning.

      • That’s the problem with society today, everyone knows what’s going on but can’t say it.

  13. Bootiful British names.
    I love the bit about Ram being ‘jailed in his absence’. Jailed? If the cunt’s away on his toes he’ll be in Karachi or Colombo by now.

  14. These are they types that upon waking are immediately thinking of ways to scam and defraud. They do need a fuckin’ good kickin’. The penalties for this kind of behaviour should be draconian and completely merciless.

  15. Fucking lying tikkitakki cunt, feed him to the fucking pigs Errol, even pig shit is to good for this cunt, deport him and his clan back to Ishittistan and may ulla be praised…

  16. A usual practice for this type of Oily Turd, the majority of his breed only know how to scam for a living, running and working in business’s that only deal in cash, paying its employees just enough through the books to keep them below the Tax threshold so that their benefits are not affected and then their salary is made up with cash.! Fuckin Filth the lot of them, not to be trusted.!

  17. This is ‘cultural enrichment’ so I’m led to believe. How long is it before society in this country says, ‘I’ve had enough of this shit’ and goes on the offensive?

  18. My daughter had one of these Asian fuckers slam on in front of her, fuck all damage as photos proved. The insurance company still paid out for whiplash and damage. Gutless twats never investigated, makes you wonder why not…😬

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