Her Majesty’s Cunstabulary

Welcome to Policing in 21st Century Britain…….

The police no longer respond to reports of shoplifting (too minor) ….
They comfort and assist Extinction Rebellion protesters blocking motorways & gluing themselves to the tarmac …
If you report a home burglary, they might come and see within a few days…
If you get murdered, they may possibly investigate ?
If you are a mixed race LGBTQZ couple and someone has posted a ‘tweet’ that hurt your feelings – we’ll be straight round….

Darrell Meekcom is dying ( aren’t we all? ) but Darrell is Terminally ill.
He made a bucket list and one of his wishes was to moon at a speed camera. He got the opportunity and seized it, baring his bottom….

20 minutes later, 3 police cars screeched up to his home and 6 police officers wrestled the over-weight 55 year old white man to the ground.

Am I alone in suspecting that a similarly aged efnik would have received a quiet word in his shell like ?

…need I say more ?

Sky News Link

Nominated by: Lord of the Rings

(I suppose when the incident was called in, the first question plod asked before getting off their fat arses was “Is he white or black?” followed by “Is he middle class or pleb?” And this is the result – Day Admin)

130 thoughts on “Her Majesty’s Cunstabulary

  1. The ‘Boys in Blue’ = fatso bullies led by Common Purpose lezzas and riding gay horses. What can possibly go wrong…..

  2. I think I will change my name to LaMarcus Mohammed. That should get a police and/ambulance response if I need it. I will also keep a shirt handy with a rainbow and the words “Love is Love” to put on so I get the best treatment possible once they arrive and see I’m actually white.
    A brave new world!

    • “think I will change my name to LaMarcus Mohammed. That should get a police and/ambulance response”

      Yeah, ‘cos we really triage calls by the name of the pt… Give me strength.

      • I can pretty much guarantee if LaMarcus Mohammed applied for a job with us I would immediately show discrimination by throwing his application straight in the bin.

        And i don’t mind admitting it.

  3. Well ya man Darrell is an obvious dumb fuck … a retard with a bucket list of pathetic actions. Where’s the ‘clever’ or ‘meaningful’ element in that … seems like we can do without the likes of him … so accelerate his demise.
    As for the cops well they’re just as pathetic … but to be fair they have had a hand tied behind their backs hobbled if not hogtied. Whatever they do they get fucked over and subjected to endless public inquiries. Gotta toughen up the law and make the gen pop way more accountable … they are their own worst enemy by thinking they know best … they clearly don’t. Most aren’t really any good at thinking tho’. Cunts.

    • Only one person helped him by passing his radio, I hope the one who was calling him a scumbag never needs a copper to give him assistance.
      They had their fun but you would think they could give him a hand.

      I wonder if they would just stand around if he as getting a kicking from a bunch of thugs or if they think that copper who died after being dragged for a mile by those pikey cunts was a scumbag, maybe they would like let his poor wife know.
      The country deserves to descend into a shit hole if those cunts are typical of the calibre ‘British citizens’.

      • The country will end up with the emergency services it deserves. So many experts, so little knowledge, even less experience.

      • What I really don’t understand, and the video shows it all, is why the police bedn over backwards to be nice to those parts of the communidee who fucking hate them no matter what. And what do we think the police force will be like when it is majority ethnic? Will they be investigating grooming gangs or drug dealing? I doubt it.

      • I’m presuming/hoping this was a staged or fake event.

        Although amusing on first viewing, the prevalent reaction seemed to be a load of cunts filming on their phones while doing fuck all else.

      • That is why other countries have two or three or even four times the number of police we have here, policing by consent only works when the population are decent people.
        When the country fills up with cunts policing by consent is no longer viable.

      • @Herman, it could have been staged to test reaction, it’s alway hard to work out what is real or fake these days.

        Some events have been filmed which are 100% real like the copper trying to arrest some cunt in Hackney and not only did the voyeurs film they also tried to assist the offender (they were black which is what you would expect for the cunts).

  4. Plod are useless cunts. I used to have time for the Bobby on the beat but no more they are just as shite as their politically motivated senior ranks. Cunts.

  5. “you’ll be sprouting daisies before an ambulance pulls up.”

    Really? Don’t talk out of your fucking arse. I made a CAT 1 call in two fucking minutes, last week. Cardiac arrest – ROSC. If there’s no ambulances available, blame yourfuckingselves ‘cos it’s not us that are calling them for fucking bullshit. Conscious, breathing, able to walk, drive or a relative/friend can convey? On the floor, no injuries, no pain, just need a hand up? Fuck off and take yourself in or get relatives to get you up. We’re not a fucking taxi, we’re not a fucking ‘Checking Over’ service or a ‘Just In Case’ service, we’re for LIFE-THREATENING FUCKING EMERGENCIES.

    (…and relax! – Day Admin)

    • While I was getting back from walking the hound the other night. Outside my house an ambulance had just pulled up, lights flashing etc.
      Paramedics looking around outside for the address obviously.
      Being a dutiful citizen I immediately went over to ask if I could help.
      Next thing my overweight neighbour comes out waving “over here over here”
      Turns out the ambulance was for his overweight wife.
      Naturally I was a little concerned for the neighbours well being until I seen them both the very next day going about their business.

      These 2 cunts are no doubt the types of cunt you are referring to.

      Good afternoon DCI

      • I name that tune in one, Herman. It never fails to amaze me of the small amount of the population we go to incessantly, nearly always non-conveyed, (we can look their previous up on the EPCR), usually for the same ‘complaint’. It’s not just a case of fucking them off in a couple of minutes, either. Shit-loads of paperwork plus assessment and obs. No wonder the staff turnover is high, dealing with cunts like this every day.

    • You really are a hysterical cunt with a fragile little ego.

      It’s been in the MSM news recently. But once again it’s all about you and your fucking experience.

      Fuck off.

      (… and could you relax too please? – Day Admin)

      • “it’s all about you and your fucking experience.

        Fuck off.”

        And there you have the magic word, ‘Experience’, something you’ll never fucking have, son, apart from in making tinfoil hats and spouting unadulterated bullshit whilst picking the parts of the story that suit your pathetic agenda. Oh yes, you’ve got plenty of experience in that. In fact, you’re an ‘Expert’.

        (Okay, can we all cool it now please. – Day Admin)

      • “It’s been in the MSM news recently”

        What category of call has been kept waiting? Why? Where are the resources? Why are we unable to off-load at ED? Why has our call volume gone through the roof? Etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum

    • “Etc, etc, etc, ad infinitum”

      Not quite ad infinitum but most definitely ad nauseam.

      Give it a rest, son

      • Why? Because I actually have the experience, (nearly thirty years worth), know what I’m talking about and will challenge bullshit when I see it? Life doesn’t work like that, I’m afraid.

  6. Your average plod is an educationally sub-normal ape. Remember when one of them tasered a blind man in Chorley some years back? The pillock mistook the white stick for a samurai sword, for fucks sake.

    Wouldn’t have happened in Dixon of Dock Green’s day.

    (Here’s the story behind that total fuck-up by plod – Day Admin BBC News Link )

  7. Serves the ridiculous Cunt right…if someone mooned me they’d sharp discover that they’d run out of time to do the other “hilarious” tasks on their bucket-list…..shame the Coppers didn’t tazer the twat too.

    • Apparently Officers had gone to “have a word” with the Dickhead and “the situation developed”…in other words,the Cunt kicked off and he got what he was asking for.

      I see he’s also set up a fundraising page…retired lecturer begging for money to buy a fucking campervan so that he can drive around the Country. indeed.

      • Spot on about the bucket list cunt, Mr DFF. I wonder what other retard items are on it? Shitting on his own doorstep? Juggling with rats? Drinking a pint of bleach might be a good one”

      • I might donate to his GoFundMe page if he promises to take up your suggestion of the bleach bottle,TTCUTS

      • I don’t have sympathy for the ‘Dickhead’, but find it remarkable that the police have resources to throw at a victimless crime.
        You’d be hard pushed to get Plod to come round your house unless there was blood pouring out your front door….
        ..or you called your asian neighbour ‘Kevin’

  8. The very nature of the job attracts a thug element. Though I wouldn’t tar them all with the same brush, for many it’s not about public service. it’s about indulging their primitive, violent tendencies.

  9. He was done for dangerous driving as well as indecent exposure, was he driving and mooning at the same time, now that would be worth a fucking medal.

    I wonder what the rest of his bucket list contains, if mooning a speed camera is typical he is a bit of a sad cunt ?

  10. I’m unsure about this story I must say. There certainly appears to be some selective journalism here. This is from the BBC website….
    “He said about six officers arrived at his home a short time later asking to be let in and when he refused, his garden gate was kicked in and the officers got him to the ground to cuff him”
    From what the rozzers reckon they have captured on their body cameras, it would appear he wasn’t necessarily behaving like a man who’s not got long left, and to be fair, he doesn’t look like one either. That’s not to say he’s not unwell though, it’s just that, as usual the media are more interested in one line of reporting. Most unusual considering he’s white and not a woofter or tranny.
    Certain elements of our police ‘service’ deserve the shit they get (those at the top mostly), and the boys on the frontline can make sometimes awful mistakes, but this isn’t a story I’d use as an example.
    Anyway, he should count himself lucky he didn’t expose his arse in the vicinity of the Merseyside police rainbow car. He’d be looking at life threatening Lubbock like injuries to add to his ailments.

  11. Unless, of course, an applicant is white and working class, without a degree. Why the fuck do you need a degree to be a rozzer?

    • Because it’s an indication that you’ve already been suitably brainwashed with the correct ideology. All students are convinced that they are part of an educated elite not realising that pre Blair, they wouldn’t have got anywhere near a university except to mop the floors.

  12. The pussification of the legal system and the politicisation of the police in particular is no accident. We are sleep walking in to a centralised, globalist system of social control. But remember it’s all for our own good. We have to fear the Chinkyflu, the horror of climate change, the white supremacists, the racists, the homophobes. The government haven’t got time for your minor problems of burglary, car theft, assault etc.
    That’s all part of living in the big city, as the Lord Suckdick tells us.
    Now show me your vaccine papers you far right piece of shit.

  13. DCI even good recruits these days with good intentions are a complete fucking waste of space because their bosses are politically motivated toss pots with shit non binary pronoun full useless degrees. It’s a shame But sadly true.

  14. A few years ago, I saw two coppers on the beat around my way. I stopped them and asked if this was a new thing, not having seen any police on foot for years. They told me it was a new initiative to put police back on the streets in Essex. I asked for my congratulations to be passed on to whoever had initiated this. They said they had had lots of similar feedback in the few days they had been doing it. So, needless to say, it didn’t last. I bet the person who thought it up also got sacked. People want to see police doing policing. Yes, there are more and more cunts in the police, but that is the recruitment process. At the end of the day, we all call the police if the shit hits the fan. But they are too politicised and are often seen to be namby pamby as, I assume, these are the orders they are given.

    By teh way, they are doing a good job round here of catching stupid cunts driving while using mobile phones, or high on drugs.

  15. I see our old friend, child rapist and murderer, Colin Pitchfork has been put back in the nick where he fucking belongs. They haven’t told us what he has been up to during his brief period of rehabilitation. I imagine he has discovered the internet and how much easier it is these days to get your hands on little girls. Probably been hanging around kebab shops acquring advice and helpful tips.
    Of course the libtards tell us this proves the parole system works.
    Yes, of course it does dear.
    Now fuck off cunt.

    • I really can’t understand how something like that could ever be released…he’s never going to be rehabilitated….I bet the Parole Board members wouldn’t be so keen if it had been their children/grandchildren who were walking past him in the Park.

      (I wonder if parole board members are liable if they ultimately make a bad decision on releasing a “rehabilitated” offender who then goes on to rape/murder innocent victims? Or are they immune from all responsibility? – Day Admin)

    • They let him out briefly so that shifty Windsor nönce could tag along and get some novel ideas on how to procure fresh meat.

      Must be tough going with a silver spoon up your arse, and having your shifty joö nønce procurement agent top himself.

    • He was trying to chat up teenage girls by all accounts when out on ‘long walks’ through parks. I don’t think he can use the internet unsupervised, but I hear he’s been doing ‘several’ things which have caused concern and led to hear m being locked up again.

      I’ve read two differing dates he could be related. One is 28 days from now and the other is in 2 years time.

      I think everyone wants the cunt locked up for good (I’d just put him in a small cage and release him for medical testing). Of course, some cunt lawyer found a loophole to get him out, but I think if he’s considered a danger on release they can lock him up for good.

      I’m hoping he’s never getting out now.

  16. I cherish the memory of my service of long ago in the good old Edinburgh City Police.. “Give no Quarter” and by christ the Vagrancy Act was executed with relish. I served with ex forces, many a Highland Squaddie Marines and several unable to speak proper English but had the strength of the Highland cattle they used to wrestle with.
    Parade each morning , clean shaven and full appointments.

    Now Those were Police !

    • I believe the story goes .. one of them Highlander bobbies, serving in Glasgow, once found a dead horse laying in Sauchiehall St … he then proceeded to drag it by the tail a couple of hundred yards into Clifton Street … When asked by his sergent why on earth he did that, he replied that he knew when he’d have to fill out his report … he could spell Clifton but not Sauchiehall.

  17. Compulsory vax, and live ammo.

    I think it’s pretty fucking obvious this isn’t about a virus.

  18. A work colleague joined the police a couple of weeks ago.
    White, 30ish, good bloke.
    So while I daresay there are targets for diversity in recruitment, all is not yet lost.

  19. I think it was anti lockdown, but it descended in destruction and looting, well it was Rotterdam, a place full of cunts.

    • It’s going to spread. You can’t continue to beat down a population with medical fascism and not get a violent reaction.

      I’m surprised it has taken this long quite frankly.

    • I agree, it was bound to kick off in Austria, Vienna is a beautiful city, I went to the kinder Christmas market several years ago, it’s a shame but the protests are legitimate
      Rotterdam, just another Friday night, I bet the drug cartels made the most of the chaos ?

      • More fascism less choice I say.

        Those bloody clogger tinfoilers?!
        I’d send the troops in.
        Fire at will!
        Any survivors, walking wounded?

        Jab them.
        30 days detention
        Released pending booster.

      • ?

        I’ll play the villain to the end.
        I’ll look around at the earnest little faces,
        Grin and throw a Nazi salute!

        Give em what they want!??

      • Yeah MNC let’s jab everyone.
        I know two people who tested positive for Covid, they had a cough, but I know of four heartbroken families because of the jab.
        1/ Had jab, AZ. collapsed in the car park 25 minutes later. Complete organ failure, died 10 days later.
        2/ Had second AZ jab, heart attack next day. Dead.
        3/ Had second Pfizer. Next day massive chest pains, Excruciating headaches, heart attack. Dead.
        4/ Had second Pfizer. Two days later woke up paralysed from the waist down.
        All reported to Yellow card scheme….

      • Yeah?
        Terrible I agree
        I know a man relearning to walk through a ‘hoax’ and “scamdemic’.
        Someone must of forgot to tell him it was just a ” flu bug’.
        Bet he was dead embarrassed when he woke from his coma?

        Also know a admittedly elderly lady who died of this imaginary condition.
        Bet if shed lived shed of supported the rights of Health workers to choose if theyre jabbed or not ?
        I know plenty who’ve been ill from covid,
        But not from the jab.

      • Odds of dying from a jab about 1 in a million (worst case scenario) I believe. Around 46 million vaccinated in the UK. Only nine deaths in the UK where the official cause was the jab. Nine too many but nine it is.

        If he knows 4 who officially died from it, then he knows nearly half the country I think.

        I can see Karl Pilkington’s ‘Bullshit Man’ appearing on the horizon.

        I know about about 200 people I guess. I know only one person got sick from the jab (he’s in his mid 70s and he was rough as fuck for a few days, but he didn’t die). And none of the cunts I know have reported anyone dying either.

        And yes, plenty of dead cunts out there who used retarded ‘words’ like ‘vakzine’ and ‘wake up sheeple’.

        I know the stats here are from the ONS, I wasn’t sure which tin foil hatter shouting ‘Wake up!’ in a Bitchute video to link to, sorry.

        Still, got to say. Forced vaccinations? A bit much really. But they’ll become pariahs by natural order of things anyway, I’m afraid.


      • Sorry, he said 3 dead. So a third of the country. Who the fuck knows 22.5 million people?

      • I’m not a doctor, those are the details I have. Heart attacks in perfectly healthy people happens but for me this too coincidental. These two reports were put up on the yellow card scheme by the hospital staff. The reports of the woman who collapsed and subsequently died from organ failure and the bloke who is now in a wheelchair were put up by family members. Just passing on info.
        Currently death number on y/c is 1768.

      • I also said I know “of’ four heartbroken families. I don’t know these people.
        1 relative of lifelong mate.
        2 someone at wife’s work
        3 some one at friends firm in overseas office
        4 mate of brother in law..

        That’s all I can tell you…

    • @chunky, hopefully you will be able to vent your spleen soon, I put in a nom for the Austrian government fascist regime.
      PS are you selling tickets for stringing up that wanna be Hitler MNC ?

      (Your nom has been processed and scheduled to go live soon – Day Admin)

    • Evening JR,

      Just clicked on this BBC link and tbh have been scared shitless of going through anything like these people have through.


      This in no way invalidates what you say about those you have known who have died from the jab.

      Really what I am saying is lets leave behind Conspiracy and just say it is dangerous having the jab but also dangerous in not having it.

      That is the real situation.

      • Evening Miles.
        I’ve no doubt C19 is a real problem for the sick and elderly but more and more I see evidence that the cure can be more deadly than the disease.
        World expert on vaccine design and development, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche and MRNA inventor Robert Malone both advise avoiding these vaccines and that’s good enough for me.
        Alternatively I could take the advice of Matt Hancock….remember him.

        Have a nice evening Miles….

    • Hi Miles.
      There was obviously something nasty going around but where are the excess deaths. There aren’t any, not even world wide.
      Average age of death by Covid in UK is 82 years and 4 months with an average of 2.5 underlying serious health issues. Public health England figures you can easily find.
      I thought we’d be seeing endless queues for funerals but we don’t.
      Contact local councils with a FOA to find death, burial and cremation figures, people are doing this all over the country and putting these figures and the websites up for all to see and there is nothing out of the ordinary and the world population in 2020, despite a deadly pandemic rose by 81m an increase of 1.05% as expected.
      I’m no tinfoiler, the facts and figures are available for everyone to see.
      Some people believe everything they hear on the BBC.
      Why does the government need a behavioural sciences group, aka. Nudge Unit to tell the government to get the population more scared, this isn’t a secret, look it up.
      So, in summary, there was/still is something nasty going around but we’ve gone from the ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ to this shit with science and the law being pushed to one side. People being sacked for refusing a medical treatment they neither want or need surely must be illegal. The first thing that made zero sense right at the start was the PCR test. I’d never heard of it so looked it up, it doesn’t test for infectious illness so why were they using it. Look up Kary Mullis the inventor and Nobel prize winner. Before he died he said you can find anything you want to find if you use in a certain way.
      Was there a nasty virus going round, yes. Are the government jumping on the back of this for other reasons, definitely looks like it….

  20. Drinking a beer in a park, while reading a book on archaeology. PC jobs worth comes up tells me I cant drink said beer and I’ve got to pour it away. I told the pig about all the London types peddling drugs, stabbing and Romanian pickpockets targeting OAPs in our Town. And that should be his target audience not me. Threatened with arrest, but I just told PC pig that he is nothing but a friend of criminals and I dont talk to criminals.
    I finished my beer and he done nothing.
    What a Cunt…….

  21. Two teir policing mate. Blacks and Muslims get away with murder and the whites get the heavy handed approach. Maybe we need to start rioting over this sort of thing.

    • proved correct when all the tyres in my street were slashed, when the cops saw the culprit was black they shit themselves, some residents even named him and his girlfriend, cops said videos were not clear enough to make an ID…black man in the dark…he’s the only black in our area and he’s got dreds..totally clear…so nothing was done and we all spent hundreds on new tyres. he’ll get his soon the young guys in my street who had to replace 4 van tyres each are looking for him themselves now…fuck cops

  22. DCI, you need to chill out. We all know that the police are close to your heart but people are entitled to criticise them without you taking personal offence.

    • No personal offence taken at all, and I’ll call them out when I see fit, not every copper is a good egg, just like some ambulance crew are cunts, but, some here seem to think it’s acceptable to break the law when it suits them, with a pick and choose mentality, and, when a copper picks them up on it, get offended. A high case of double standards. Easy to snipe from the outside.

      • You behaved with considerable restraint DCI, considering the provocation you were put under by our resident tinfoil know-all.

      • I agree. With so many cunts in the world, no profession is safe. As for restraint, others have been banned for giving out the shit that DCI gets.
        Stick to your guns buddy.

      • You lot are pathetic. My post wasn’t targeted at him at all but he took it personally, again, and started going off on one of his hysterical rants.

        Fuck the police and fuck the NHS.

        They are not saintly institutions beyond criticism. Over the past 20 months they have both shown themselves to be completely unfit for purpose, and both willing to act as political tools whilst sacrificing both lives and freedoms of the very people they’re supposed to protect (and whom pay for it!).

        This religious fervour about them is a fucking disgrace. The sooner we actually face up to the reality the sooner we can fix it. Doubling down just reduces their integrity further and makes sympathisers look ever more delusional.

        (Okay enough already, from all sides. – Day Admin)

      • “Fuck the police and fuck the NHS.”

        You’ll still call us and use us when you or your family need us, though. You and I both know it. Do feel free not to, though.

      • I have relatives who are nurses and I can confirm they are not part of a worldwide global conspiracy to kill us. They also don’t spend all day making tik tok dancing videos.

        I’d trust them with my life over random internet nutters anyday of the week.

        But I’m an illuminati space lizard so don’t trust anything I say.

      • I wholeheartedly agree. Very supporting. I’d hate to do that job. In fact I hate my own job because you have to deal with liars constantly.

      • I cannot imagine what it’s like to do the job you do, DCI, I just know I couldn’t do it.
        I bet you’d love to smack some of the time wasters in the gob ( I would), and those who can’t be arsed to wobble to the shop for some paracetamol, I have a special place in Hell set aside for them.

      • Oh, would I, Jeezum! I’d also like to smack in the gob the anti-vaxers who get Covid and then call us when they’re or a relative is struggling to breathe, is cyanosed and have SATS of eighty-odd percent and who’re nearly in tears as the realisation dawns on what a cunt they’ve been. Every fucking week. Funny how their anti-NHS principles waver when they need us to save their sorry fucking arses.

      • One of my best friend nearly died of it just before the vaccine come out. I couldn’t be dealing with them. You try your best and it’s never good enough. Fair play to you, hats off from me.

      • Gene: the Guv’mint daily death figures are higher now, than before the Vakzine roll-out.

        There are two possible explanations for this……

      • I genuinely wouldn’t have a clue, I don’t watch the news or read newspapers. Maybe listen to it on tje radio, I suppose. The last time I watched the news, I was on it! I just go by what we’re seeing, first hand.

      • Sorry Cunfinder General, you are completely wrong about the numbers of deaths before and after the vaccine.


        Before the vaccine roll out there were two peaks at around 900 deaths in a day, since then the highest daily figures have been barely over 100.

        I’m sure somebody on Facebook will have the ‘real’ figures.

  23. Im a big fan of indecent exposure.
    But Its not just some game where you go ‘mooning’ all and sundry!
    Its a serious business.
    Im a card carrying member of the Flashers trade association.
    This amateur is a trouble causer.
    The police should of rattled his teeth and realigned his head .

    And while we’re at it,
    Some of you on here have no respect for law and order.
    Do you some good a liberal dosing of pepperspray,
    And a large portion of truncheon.

    * Just reread the last bit.
    Sounded well gay,

    Put your pants back on.
    Your despicable.

  24. Watching an episode of Police Interceptors, it amused me greatly when the police chopper observer reported back to base
    ‘ driver intercepted, officers are talking to him now’
    which involved the driver being dragged out of the car by two burly officers, being forced face down and kneeled on.
    Excellent stuff, more power to their elbows, says I.

    • I too enjoy these programmes, as the rough handling during arrest is usually the most punishment they get, as once locked up, the court sentences are pathetic, and what looks like a life endangering chase doesn’t even warrant a custodial sentence.
      No wonder the cops are pissed off. Risking life and limb to catch the vermin, only to watch them walk again and again.

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