Claudia Webbe (6)

Well, someone has to cunt this cunt.

Apparently, she is going to appeal her conviction, as she is innocent, yes right, Claudia, the Secret Service framed you with cleverly doctored recordings of phone calls.

Excuse me if I display ignorance of our judicial system, but isn’t an appeal held in an appeals court, with a judge, not a magistrate? The appeal has to have evidence not previously given in the original trial, surely? If she was innocent, why did she not demand a court trial and produce this evidence?

Finally, is this thick cunt, who thinks Beroos is a country and dialling 121 instead of 141 will withhold her number, aware that a judge can and will set aside the original sentence in favour of a more severe one?

News Link

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

And here’s another, this time from Cuntybollocks

Our institutionally racist justice system

Token diversity hire MP, Claudia Webbe, was today given a suspended sentence after the prolonged campaign of harassment of a love rival. Threats included throwing acid at the rival and sending nude photos of her to her own children. Behaviour not becoming of a Member of Parliament. There was no doubt as to her guilt, the victim had the intelligence to record her unwanted phone calls.

But despite this overwhelming evidence and abusing her position of power (would you feel more threatened by the bloke in the chippy or an MP phoning you with threats?), there will be no jail time for Webbe.

Webbe whipped out the race card before sentencing, and I believe the judge shat himself and didn’t give her what she deserved. Prison time. Webbe, of course, has shown no remorse and is going to appeal. She will not be standing down, and will cling to the gravy train for as long as possible, of course. Absolutely no fucking shame whatsoever. She says she is innocent, despite being recorded. These were ‘courtesy calls’ you see. And the judge and courts are racist, she claims. On top of this, the judge noted that Webbe kept referring to herself as the victim during the trail.

Well, when these and other race baiters create an entire existence around victimhood, this is the obvious result. She could be videoed eating live white babies, and still claim to be the victim, I have no doubt about that.

Compare and contrast with the somewhat timely conviction yesterday of Jonathan Best, for making a 17 second racist video rant, aimed at the black footballers who missed penalties for England in the Euro final. He posted it on Facebook (doh!) It came out he’d had several shots of spirits and about 12 pints of beer when he made it (and posted it). He was fucking clearly hammered in the video. He regretted it and deleted it when he finally sobered up after his sister called him and told him to take it down.

He gets 10 weeks in prison.

Yes, 10 weeks in prison (and life ruined, no doubt) for a one off, and admittedly stupid, but drunken post on social media.

No prison for a black MP, after showing no remorse after a prolonged campaign of harassment, involving extreme threats of genuine, potentially life changing and disfiguring violence.

One has to ask, ‘is it cos he is white, innit?’

BBC News Link

Standard News Link


86 thoughts on “Claudia Webbe (6)

    • She thinks shes untouchable.
      That she shouldn’t answer to anyone,
      Including the law.
      In Claudias mind shes above that.
      She can threaten to throw acid in peoples faces,
      To send photos of them naked to their family.
      Black arrogance.

      Like Dawn Butler,
      If a policeman pulls her over its racist,
      Black arrogance.

      I hope her appeal backfires spectacularly and she serves a custodial sentence.

      • It is not that they are black but that they are both thick as pig shit. Most of us wouldn’t trust them with a job cleaning out lavatories.
        Both of them are an embarrassment in the House of Commons and are there because of positive discrimination. The same can be said of Angela Rayner who is there because of an all woman short list.

      • Afternoon Wanksock,
        You winning?

        Im not so sure?
        Ive seen this loads before.
        À black celebrity or sportsperson who thinks they are above all reproach.
        And then has a fit and plays the race card.
        The type who refuse to queue
        Who refuse to pay
        The type who wont apologise.
        The sore loser.

        White privilege?
        Black arrogance.

      • Hi MNC that was rude not to say good afternoon.

        Am I winning, yes not too bad a day, driven 140 miles to collect some leather only to get a telephone call half way home cancelling the order. On the plus side I have been paid some overdue commission and received a present of a wooden bowl and cheese board from my favourite customer so all in all not too bad.

        Retirement is beckoning.

        How about you, still diddling??

      • Aye and busy too!
        Booked right up to Christmas.
        Then itll go quiet,
        Rooting down the back of the sofa for loose change.?

        Will you enjoy it Wanksock?
        Or still keep your hand in for favourite customers/ beer money?

    • butt hurty feelings seems to trump any and all.

      maybe if hitler wuz gangz he’d be a hero like st chiggun of floyd.

      pol pott, stalin and tojo would all be lauded as saviours of society?

      oh well common sense eh? fuck that pass the soy latte so I can screech wokedom….yawn all so blairy and tiresome. Eurocucks.

  1. Yet another great example of a Labour ‘lawmaker’.
    No prison for a poor little ah is wimminz, ah is black, ah is victim in alla dis.
    Cunts Rule, UK!

    • It’s actually quite sinister how she managed to make this all about herself as the ‘victim’.
      I was hoping she’d get slung in clink like that other cunt Onasanya.

    • So she would prefer a nice black court, like in South Africa where the penalty is necklacing, or Rwanda where the Tutsis had a fair trial before a jury of their peers before being hacked to death? She got lucky in court, and should keep her stupid fat mouth shut instead of crying racism. People don’t dislike you because of your skin colour, but because you’re a thick lying cunt.

      • She’s testing the boundaries, they are good at that. If there’s a million of you willing to take one for the team, you will find a way through the boundary. Thing is, she is testing it from to be fair a privileged position so will probably get away with it,,, which opens the floodgates for every one of the cunts with a woke bent. Ooer

    • Has anyone worked out the percentage of ‘duskier’ MPs who have found themselves in court or leaving Parliament under a cloud?
      The BBC should do a Panorama Special on this subject.

  2. As I understand it Starmzy has suspended the Corbynista bitch from the Party therefore she will have to stand against the official Labour candidate at the next election.
    If she can frighten the Appeal Court to declare her innocence by waving the race card he will be forced to reinstate her.
    Yes, it’s all about keeping her parasitic snout firmly wedged in the trough. Very typical of the trash we have in Parliament these days. Absolutely no fucking shame.

    • The way things are going in this country middle aged white men will soon be able to play the race card.

      • RK@ – I already am, at every opportunity – did you know a leftys face turns into a beetroot when challenged and humiliated?
        It’s a truly glorious sight..

      • I love it when they try to stop you on the street to tell you all about their socialist utopia. Oh, and ask you to sign their latest petition condemning somebody or other.
        The last lot I passed, there were about half a dozen of the usual suspects, with a cunt + loud hailer chanting ‘organise, oppose!’.

    • When her appeal fails (and it certainly will) her constituents will be able to demand that she face a recall (it only takes 10% of her constituents to do this) and then the the electorate will throw her out if she doesn’t resign.

      It is an outrage that until then she is able to continue claiming her £85,000 salary + expenses, as there is zero doubt as to her guilt.

      • She was in court in March but her lawyer, a chap from the colonies , ‘fell ill’ on day one and had to be rushed to hospital. This event caused her trial to be delayed six months during which time she continued at the trough.

  3. The ugly old trout “earns” £82,000, yet when fined, she said she would have to pay in instalments of £100 a month because she is “penniless”.

    his would be arrogant from a Conservative, but what sort of lifetsyle does he old whore live to make her penniless on that sort of money?. Obviouslyone where she has no idea what it is like to live on an average income.

    Either she pays too much toher dealer, or she spends a lot of money on beauty treatments – clearly a waste of money in her case.

    She shoudlbe made to pay at once or be jailed for non payment and contempt of court.

    • Certain £85k + expenses buys a hell of lot chicken, fries and coke, but probably most of the money went on the boyfriend and his BMW. Cannot believe any of it was on beauty treatment, if it was I would want my money back just like the old Victor Kiam ads.

  4. During the trial, the prosecution put it to Webbe that she’d made harrassing calls because she’d gone a bit ‘mad’.

    ‘I’m not mad, I’m a Member of Parliament’ replied Webbe.

    One of the year’s great comedy moments, I’d say.

  5. … clamp her in chains and put her work of the manual kind. She’ll be able to relate to that …

  6. “I’ve almost become a hermit” said Claudia Webbe following her trial.

    Except when your gobshiting all over the media playing the victimised black wimminz card. This cunt is more well known to people, probably her constituents too as a convicted criminal than for anything she did as an MP. Guess who she replaced? Keith ‘Jim’ fucking Vaz! Who’s next, the corpse of Jimmy Savile?

  7. There must be some fucking hard up blokes if this cunt is involved with rivals for romantic affection.

    It’s this sort of shite that will turn our country into Uganda.


  8. “Worlds ugliest Predator impersonator forced to give up her part time job in politics, has to resort to blackmail and playing the race card as £84,000 a year salary, unlimited expenses and £20,000 a year more in identical expenses for and entirely different City deemed not enough for poor abused black Woman “in a white Mans Court” – I have an idea Claudia Merrick – try not committing fucking crimes if you don’t want to end up in a “white Mans Court”, and think yourself lucky the colour of your skin and the politically correct cowardice of a Judge in a “white Mans Court” saved you the spell in jail a white Man would have got.
    I confidently expect a Labour victory in Leicester, with its honest and trustworthy muslim constituents – a gang of muslims chasing the Labour candidate down the street as Al Beeb “forget” to report it and yet another PPE drone wimminz parachuted in from an all wimminz shortlist.
    In my 55 years of life I have never known worse politicians – they are utterly out of control as the Country sinks into the stupefied ooze of Just Eat and Netflix, nobody appears willing or able to curb politicians behaviour and it is time to remind every one of these leeches that they are hired by us, paid by us, work for us and do as we tell them.
    We do this by REMOVING them.

  9. She always looks sullen.
    Never smiles?
    Right moody mare.
    Chip on both shoulders.

    Lots of them dont smile much,
    Dont know why?
    They tend to have nice teeth,
    Makes them more likeable,
    More visible in winter.

    Come on sooties!!
    Cheer the fuck up!

    I owned a plantation back in the day?
    Id insist on it.
    Let me see those pearlies or your getting whipped, boy.

    All be smiling nicely on my cotton plantation!
    No miserable faces,
    Well…not if they knew whats good for them.?

    • MNC@ – I am not surprised – if I was black I would spend all day crying never mind scowling!
      But I would cheer myself up by gettin’ me reparations from da honky oppressor! ??
      I’m a bad Man, gone too far – off now ?‍♂️?‍♂️

      • Id stop them scowling Foxy.

        Grinner of the week?
        Uncle Remus!
        Step forward and take a slice of watermelon.

        Cheerful whistler of the week?
        Cheeta Johnson!

        Step forward and take a slice of watermelon.

        Scowling sourpuss of the week?
        Uncle Ben!
        Step forward and be tarred and feathered.

        A Happy workplace is a productive workplace Foxy.

  10. Admin:
    Why the fuck have you put a photo of that Kling-on from Star Trek next generation, on the header photo?

  11. Hard to imagine how any fair minded Judge could possibly have passed such a harsh sentence, especially when considering character referencestaken.

    Former Labour Shadow Home Secretary Diane Flabbott said Webbe was “very committed to working to support women” and described her “warm empathetic manner”. Flabbott added, “I regard her as a very honest woman.”

    Former Labour leader Jeremy Cuntbyn said: “I have no hesitation in recommending her as a person of good character who makes a positive contribution to our world.”

    Note he said: “our world”, e.g. the Hard-Left, Britain hating, Woke world.

  12. Social sciences at De Montford (sn.igger), Ehtnic studies in London (sn.igger).
    Set up and headed, Operation Trident-a gravy train to combat black gun violence, shut down, due to complete ineffective operation (sn.igger).

    Sounds like the perfect candidate for Labour Leader….

  13. Female Oddbod lookalike, you can see the race card tattooed on that enormous forehead

    A real ‘white court’ would have had her banged up for the maximum sentence.

    Cling on to you fat salary as long as you can, well that can be the only reason for going to appeal.

    Blacks in Parliament… you can shit the cunts!

  14. it’s all psychological hang-ups from the time her father was in the jungle with Arnold Schwarzenegger in the mid eighties…

    … and ended up getting killed by him.

  15. This cunt likes to play the hard done by victim, use the racist card, den deny deny in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and basically lie life a fucking Persian rug, this is a member of parliament [fucking brilliant], these cunts run the country.
    Send the fucker back to the ghetto innit, so she can sell pills and her arse like the crack whore she is when not in the public eye. fills you with confidence dosnt it, usueless cunts

  16. Pig ignorant Cunt with the IQ of a gnat, what I find quite unbelievable is their are people that voted for her to represent them? You only have to listen to her for a minute or two to hear she’s borderline remedial, her school days spent facing a wall wearing a pointed hat with a very large D on it ……….

    A legitimate bonafide 24 carat Cunt ……..

    • Labour voters didn’t know her from Adam in 2019, she was parachuted into Keith Vaz’s safe Labour seat by Corbyn.

      Commenting at the time on Mr Vaz’s “retirement” Mr Corbyn said:

      “Keith has made a substantial and significant contribution to public life, both as a constituency MP for the people of Leicester and for the Asian community across the country. He has helped to pave the way for more BAME people to become involved in politics. His work in parliament has been exemplary, as Britain’s first Asian origin minister, chair of the home affairs select committee, a campaigner on diabetes issues and most recently trying to help the peace process in Yemen. Our work to combat racism and bring our diverse communities together is far from over.”

      Surprisingly Mr Corbyn failed to mention Mr Vaz’s contribution to the sale of washing machines, the cocaine industry, and employment of rent boys.

      • To be fair to Mr Vaz he did improve the local public toilets.
        Chaise lounge, luxurious drapes,
        Not many public toilets have a hot tub.

      • Vaz was a filthy cunt wasn’t he. Probably still is. Now, are you a filthy rent boy fucker from birth, or does wealth and power corrupt your moral fibre?

      • Whenever Da Yemen appears on TV, I immediately remember Vaz, the dirty, fucking bastard.
        I won’t give a single penny to any charity in Da Yemen.

      • Or the fact that he is a slippery fucker as well, And I don’t mean the Vaseline jar when he is at his 2nd job as Jim the Washing Machine Salesman. He was all over the Middle East schmoozing with all sorts of Tea-towel despots, mind you some of them probably were shy of being photographed with him, there are limits you know.

  17. Dinghy sailors!!

    Tonight’s the night to chance your arm!
    Storm Arwen to bring winds of upto 90mph and sleet and snow.
    Go by surfboard!
    Here in no time!
    Surfs up mudderfuckers!

  18. When this country falls ( and it will ) it will be to another breed. The foreign ways will swamp all things of these Isles and we will cow tow to a new religion. All books will have been burned and all memories erased.
    We ( those who live through the burning ) will be happy to swing through the trees, grazing casually on the occasional fruit we may find. Our homes will be Camel Cacky Cake and our beds of straw will needlessly suffice but smell of the piss from the nights before.
    A vision of hell that we all helped make. We allowed the rulers to fuck us over, and failed to challenge at many a level.
    Before the Cock has crowed three times……

    RIP United Kingdom

    Welcome to the Planet of the Apes

    • Too right EC. Six of the seven pubs close to where I grew up in Edmonton, North London are now all Turkish restaurants.
      The great replacement is gathering pace and covid has given it a big push.
      White, indigenous heterosexuals are now like the red squirrels in that we are moving to the extremities of these lands to get away from the dooshkas.

  19. Apparently she has been informed that her sentence can be increased if her appeal fails. It’s due to be heard early March 2022 ( unless her brief falls conveniently ill again).
    Anyone want to bet she drops it at the last moment?
    Incidentally, if I were her brief, I’d worry about getting paid, given her cries of poverty!
    In a civil court near you next year, Claudia Webb ordered to pay her legal fees, despite pleading poverty, claiming to be a victim, and saying that a black woman in a white Court cannot get justice.

    • How can we expect this unfortunate victim of blatant racism to come up with £3,128 in court costs, compensation and surcharges, when her sole income* is a paltry £82,000 per anus + expenses?

      * Not counting alleged proceeds of crime.

  20. Smack her in the gob, shag her up the arse and then piss all over her.
    That’ll wipe the permanent smirk off her face.
    Simples ?

  21. Stupid cow.

    “Is it cos Ise is blek?”

    No. It’s because you’re a corrupt homicidal nut job with a victim complex and incapable of showing remorse.

  22. It occurs to me that when the smarter sooties go into the professions it seems always to be the law. Off the top of my head I think of John Taylor, Diane Abbott, Paul Boateng, David Lammy, Fiona Onasanya and who can forget the great Keith Vaz and both of his siblings? Can’t think of a leading engineer or physicist from their clan.
    I was born and raised in Walsall (left nearly fifty years ago thank god) where there is a unique dialect. In particular people tend to pronounce words containing the letter “i” in an odd way; for instance the word “file” will be pronounced “foil”. There is also a strange propensity to decline the verb “to be” in an unorthodox manner, i.e. in the second person they will say “you am”, frequently shortened to “y’am” which is why the accent is often called “yam-yam”. When a local doubts the veracity of what he is being told he may well say, “Yam a lawyer!” He does not mean the narrator practises law.

  23. She’s grasping at straws using the fucking race card.
    Fuck me , she should of been locked up in the big house.

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