Thomas Hughes and Emma Tustin

Cunters for your disgust, I would like to nominate this pair of Uber CUNTS.

How fucking dare they. It’s about time this extreme child cruelty carried a serious level of imprisonment. Preferably the same sort of treatment these cunts handed out. I know they are going to need protection in prison when the inmates find out what they did.

It should be reported and photos taken of injuries received. BASTARDS


Nominated by: CuntyMort

(LEGAL NOTE – At time of writing (9th October 2021), neither pair have actually been found guilty as charged, and therefore any accusations of child cruelty/murder are alleged until proven otherwise – Day Admin)

49 thoughts on “Thomas Hughes and Emma Tustin

  1. Some people are just plain evil. They are not even worthy of the name ‘cunt’. We can only hope that one day they get to suffer the same merciless pain.

  2. “He fell on the floor and banged his head another 5 times.” Prison too good for these cunts, they need a good kicking.

  3. Well, if they are found guilty they will be a perfect example of why we should have the death penalty.

    Good news would be that the bloke in particular would be a huge target for violence against him in prison.

    He’d probably wish he did get the death penalty if found guilty.

  4. When these stinking, rancid cunts are found guilty, they should be dragged outside of the court, burning tyres places around their necks and the whole event livestreamed.

  5. Admin, whilst events such as this deserve to be on this site I would urge you to think long and hard before posting them. The average contributor to IsAC can be fairly described as a cynical old goat but even we get distraught when cruelty to children or animals is put before us.

    (We did think long and hard before publishing this awful story; more so against an innocent child. The link to the news story was particularly harrowing to read and mentally visualise. But we felt it should be published primarily to demonstrate the wanton evil some people can be. This also transcends beyond the ordinary published Posts about cunts and their relatively melodramatic problems. This Post is more of a reality check for all fair minded folk. We won’t make a habit of this, however, but we felt it needed to be published out of respect and mercy to the poor boy. RIP – Day Admin)

    • This story should be spread nationwide so everyone in prison sees these two faces and keeps a lookout for them if they get convicted

  6. Although the woman’s alleged act of filming her child dying for 12 minutes, rather than helping him or getting help, would probably be repeated by many social media addicted cunts (minus the alleged beating).

  7. Horrific and sad to read this. If the charges are proven these monsters deserve the longest sentence in the most dangerous and disgusting prison. Feral scum-cunts.

    Poor kid never had a chance with a father and step-mother like that and a natural mother doing time for GBH.

    • “In April 2020, it emerged children’s social services and police were alerted by his paternal grandmother to concerns about Arthur’s care. Extended family had seen bruises on Arthur’s back, and he said Tustin had ‘called him an ugly, horrible brat’ and shoved him headfirst into the stairs.

      “After children’s services saw Arthur on April 17, ‘no concerns were raised’, and while photos of the bruises were sent to the police, no further action was taken, Mr Hankin told the jury.”

      • Another roaring success from child services-from an Asian dominated local council too.


        They say it takes a village to raise a child.
        Sometimes it takes one, to do the opposite?

  8. There was that Polish couple that did something similar to their kid, including feeding him salt. As I recall neither made it to the end of their sentence.

  9. I would have adopted that lovely little boy in a heartbeat.

    I hope the evil pair of cunts rot in Hell for the (alleged) crimes they committed.


  10. Nothing will happen to hasten the ends of the lives of these cunts, alas.
    Look at “Baby P”…supposedly, the criminal underworld were so shocked by this appalling incident that they took out a contract on Steven Barker, Peter Donnely’s murderer.
    That cunt is still alive, as is his beyond repulsive neanderthal mother.
    Lessons will never be learned because the criminal justice system is utterly pathetic, as are social services.

  11. Just goes to show how human beings are the most selfish deranged species on the planet.

    You don’t see birds and animals basing their offspring to death just so they can “go out” or “have sex”

    I would imagine if they are found guilty and end up doing porridge they will have a great time inside being child torturers and murderers.

  12. We have a policy to strip infants down to skin to check for marks, bruises, which, may be embarrassing for the parents, but, I couldn’t give a flying fuck. ANY suspician gets Safeguarded and flagged to the hospital staff for further investigation. I’m a suspicious cunt at the best of times, but, I’ve seen stuff that would make your average Cunter weep, so will make no apologies.

    • Said it before, will say it again:

      I couldn’t do your job mate-I would find it impossible to finish my shift and NOT take it home with me.
      As far as I am concerned, superhero’s do exist?

      • Very kind, CG, but, just ordinary people. Unfortuately, lots take the job home. I know I have at times. Some poor fuckers have commited suicide over it. I think that’s one of the reasons the staff turnover’s quite high.

      • You’re a braver man than me. I too wouldn’t be able to handle some of the stuff you lot must see.

  13. Absolutely disgusting doesn’t even begin to cover this tragic story.
    I fully expect the fuckers to play the mental health card; ‘We were suffering depression/have bi-polar/are a pair of cunts’
    Capital Punishment. The end.

  14. It is beyond sadness what this little boy endured

    If found guilty, they should be taken to prison, by the normal van

    The difference being, they should be chained to the back of it and dragged.

    Once the van arrives at Prison, whatever is left can be fed to the crows

    We need to get medieval on cunts like this, a real deterrent rather than some snowflake cunts sticking up for them

  15. With Bonfire night rapidly approaching, I think I can suggest a fitting summary justice ?

    Lord Fiddler’s bottom field would make a good venue.
    I will provide red diesel and cider.
    Don’t forget to wrap up warm and observe the firework code ?

  16. Rest in peace Arthur.
    The other two despicable cunts, let me have 10 minutes alone with them.

  17. The reality behind all this if they are found guilty is that one of them will try for a plea-bargain in the hope for a lighter sentence.

    Then either of them will request a change of identity because they will fear for their lives if they’re ever released.

    Questions will be asked of social services, but we all know what the answers will be.

    Move on: nothing to see here.

  18. I read this story a few days ago and it nearly brought me to tears.
    The bit where the little boy pleaded with other family and relatives to help his was the saddest bit. How has society got to this stage? The whole world is going fucking backwards.
    What next, shove kids back up chimneys?

  19. Fucking upsetting just reading that. The death penalty needs to be brought back for complete wastes of oxygen like these cowardly heaps of filth.

  20. If I could commit a crime knowing fully I would be in the same prison as him I would seriously consider doing it.
    If they are found guilty whatever punishment they receive will not be enough.
    Child murderers are the lowest of the low. If the devil existed even he would hang his head in shame at what these two did.

  21. Why aren’t we given a referendum on bringing back the death penalty for scrotes like this? Their lives have no value, they will never be rehabilitated and they will cost us a fortune to keep in jail. Let the people decide how we deal with scum like this.

    • Agreed, 100%.

      Cunts like this will only ever be a drain on resources, fail to see why the taxpayer should keep them fed and cared for.

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