Thomas Hughes and Emma Tustin

Cunters for your disgust, I would like to nominate this pair of Uber CUNTS.

How fucking dare they. It’s about time this extreme child cruelty carried a serious level of imprisonment. Preferably the same sort of treatment these cunts handed out. I know they are going to need protection in prison when the inmates find out what they did.

It should be reported and photos taken of injuries received. BASTARDS


Nominated by: CuntyMort

(LEGAL NOTE – At time of writing (9th October 2021), neither pair have actually been found guilty as charged, and therefore any accusations of child cruelty/murder are alleged until proven otherwise – Day Admin)

49 thoughts on “Thomas Hughes and Emma Tustin

  1. Any cunts can have children, in fact they’re encouraged to do it because they know they’ll receive child benefits. Wouldn’t it be good if they needed to be licenced first and had to undergo tests to determine if they’d be fit and proper parents?

    • The underclass are having the most children. That tells you the system is far too generous.

  2. Apologies admin, This boiled my piss to magma temperature levels. Such objects should have a full life penalty as an opening sentence. May I call them cunts?.

  3. Two adults, presumably not unintelligent, think it’s somehow OK to bully, torture and kill a six year old? Allegedly .
    I really cannot get my head around this, it absolutely defeats me, it truly does.
    I do hope they get, if not a whole life tariff, at least long enough to ensure at least one of them never gives birth.,
    If indeed they are guilty.

  4. There have been a few cases like this lately. It is beyond my comprehension, and removing the perpetrators of such crimes from the face of the earth can only be beneficial to mankind.

  5. If the police did nothing after pictures of his bruised body were sent to them don’t expect the courts to hand out too much puniishment.

    That is the society we live in.

  6. Thomas Hughes seems to have unbelievably bad taste in women. Emma has a really odd-shaped head, and Olivia Labinjo, who is inside for murder, looks like something out of a horror film.
    We must bring back hanging, especially for “aggravated” cases. What the poor child went through reads like something Mengele would’ve done.
    Bloody depressing reading, on a dreary, depressing day.

    • Olivia Labinjo looks like something you’d find at a Sea Life Centre, or possibly budded off of Mark Zuckerberg.

  7. Honestly couldn’t even finish reading the news article, vile cunts like that need stringing up.

    • Same here. I’m so fucking angry right now. I want to destroy that pair of absolute cunts.

  8. The cycle continues because even when the overworked understaffed social services find out, the curse of woke permeates their actions, often nothing but a quick report is prepared and the case is put to one side as a serious hate crime has occurred at a local school because some kid called his mate a crafty butcher.

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