Lewis Hamilton [16]

”Lewis Hamilton launches scheme to recruit black teachers in STEM subjects”

The poor underprivileged black boy is at it again. This time to address the lack of diversity in Motorsport.

Firstly, the lack of diversity in motorsport is fuck all to do with colour and everything to do with a wealthy, privileged background. Like Hamilton’s.
Secondly the lack of black STEM teachers is down to a basic gap in the ability of those with sub-Saharan heritage to grasp maths and science. You wont see any black scientific Nobel Laureates any time soon unless they lower the standards as they have for most other things.
This week has seen breakthroughs in a malaria vaccine and treatment for sickle cell. Both greatly affect blacks. So where has this breakthrough been engineered? Wakanda? Nigeria? Nope. Novartis (Swiss) and GSK (UK)
Yes, white privilege exploiting blacks by giving them medicines. Which will be aid that they dont pay for.
Perhaps Hamilton might want to reflect on that when he strives for diversity in brrm brrms.


Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

100 thoughts on “Lewis Hamilton [16]

  1. I feel that a better course of action for Lewis would be to pay some fucking U.K. income tax and let those who know how to allocate it best decide how it should be used.

  2. So basically he is saying that black students can only progress when taught by black teachers. Cry me a river you entitled little cunt.

  3. The cunt never fails to prove beyond any doubt what a cunt he actually is and has always been.
    A report to show that there aren’t enough black teachers, what a revelation, what the fuck does it matter. It seems that there always has to be a specific representation directly proportional to the number in the population. Instead of worrying about the number of teachers perhaps the disproportionate number of black knife men would be a better place to start.


  4. In line with the general population, there should be about 3% black teachers. Is this not the case? Has he checked? Probably not – why let facts get in the way of virtue signalling.

    • I just did a quick check – 2.8% of teachers are black. So, let’s assume that they are evenly distributed over all subjects. This means, the number of UK STEM teachers is spot on the percent of black people in the country. Ergo, Lewis Hamilton has thus been proved to be a major fuckwit and a cunt.

      • There’s a white kid in the picture, one out of five. I’m out of touch, is this typical of British classrooms these days? And why do teachers need to be black? Are they better at it? I never had a black teacher and look how smart I am.

      • There is one too many white kids in that photo if it is representing inner city areas.

      • Unfortunately Alan yes, it looks like a post 1980 Rhodesian classroom, hard time think this is Blighty in 2021, fucking heartbreaking!!!

  5. When everything is seen through the prism of white man racist, then this is what you get left with.

  6. Another cunt that the phrase:

    “Is everyone agreed that we’ll cease resuscitation”?

    I’d love to hear said about. The shit-stirring, race-baiting cunt.

  7. Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream:

    “That one day, I will be able to switch on my radio or television set and not be bombarded with the gurning face of another ungrateful black person.

    A black person, who, without the slightest sense of irony or genuine historic knowledge, accuses me and my fellow white British citizens of racism and of profiteering from their bondage.

    I dream that one day, those faces will disappear and those voices will be silenced.

    When that day comes, I will fall down to my knees and with eyes pointing towards heaven, I will cry:

    Free at last! Free at last.
    Free from all this cuntfoolery.
    Thank God almighty, we’re free at last!”

    Dr. M.L. Cuntfinder-King
    October 2021

    • Are you as sick as I am of being reminded of ‘Black History Month’ every chance ITV gets?? And, there’s a documentory on the Lancaster, this Saturday advertised as “Featuring the brave multi-cultural aircrews”!! This bullshit is getting beyond a fucking joke. I’d bet my fucking pension that the VAST majority of aircrew were white men, which modern historians must loathe. The cunts.

      • I only watch DVD’s now for that very reason: no advertisements during the film/series and no woke nonsense.

      • Abso-fucking-lutely!

        Apart from a few Yank “Pilots of colour, sorry COLOR”, everybody knows that the only N.*GGER to get near a WW2 Lancaster, was Guy Gibson’s dog.

        Guy Gibson-a true war hero who, like other British WW2 pilots, does not deserve to have his legacy watered down, in this fashion?

      • of course they were. But this bullshit is brain-washing kids. Went to the RAF Museum at Hendon recently and the whole narrative was bullshit “blacks and wimmins fought the war”. cunts

    • His dream has been warped and twisted into the total opposite. The colour of the skin does matter as long as it’s not white.

    • Marxism is the order of the day. These fucking Cunts don’t even realise the bullshit they spout. Why should they?. Being an extremely rich cunt is never seen as being an advantage over the plebs in their eyes. But they always know better. The fucking hypocrisy is beyond anything Pol pot could have made up.

  8. Maybe a more pressing matter and one that disadvantages boys of any race, is the feminisation of the education system.

  9. Hasn’t the cunt noticed a lack in diversity in the Insulate Britain nutters? He wants to have a word with them at 180mph.

  10. 74% of basketball players in the NBA are black. Blacks are about 14% of the American population.

    Will he or any of these chippy fuckers ever mention that? And you could imagine the howls of derision if a honky set up an initiative to get more honkies into the NBA.

    Start standing up for yourselves, fellow honkies!

    • I had a look at the figures on that a while ago. The managers and owners are about 3% black.

  11. Africans are thick as fuck. End of .IQ does not lie.Somalians average iq 68. No Nobel prizes for science coming from there any time soon.

  12. There is plenty of diversity in Formula 1 racing.
    Drivers in the 2021 season come from…….

    Great Britain

    But the cunt Hamilton does not recognise that as being diverse.

    He only sees black (good) and white (bad).

    His fellow competitors must fucking love him. As must his pit crew.

    Nobody has ever been held back from Formula 1 sport because of their colour.
    Or by gender……..

    But there is now the women’s championship.
    Not able to compete with the men, they had to start their own, slower competition.
    Women only.

    • I wonder how long it’ll take before some transgender ” woman” will insist on being allowed to take part?
      Hamilton should shut the fuck up and feed his vegan dog a tofu burger, the utter twat.

  13. Talking of IQ:

    I am still grinning like a Cheshire Cat, every time I think of Usyk and Fury, using far superior IQ’s to completely school 2x porcine-faeces thick, pumped up, show pony’s.*

    Stick to Mandingo fighting, that IS, after all, YOUR heritage?

    *£25 P.P.View to watch t successive fight’s, suddenly looks like value for money?

  14. When is he going to come out of the closet and start griping about the poor downtrodden bottom fanciers? There can’t be many of them in motor racing…..or could I be wrong?

    • I think Hamicunt hasn’t come out yet for fear of upsetting his sponsors – the reality is darkness and poofery don’t sell products to the majority (despite all the shit adverts on tv).

    • The funniest thing I saw recently in F1 was the British Grand Prix this Summer when Lewis was hugging and groping a famous US short arsed Actor who cannot be named, I thought then, Christ what are the odds of 2 annoying in the closet multi-millionaire twats being in the same place at same time. They hugged way longer than is normal, just saying.

  15. How fire proof is this cunts driving overall?
    I want them tested,a lot,whilst he’s gone them on.
    Then I want him to drive off a big cliff.

      • Theres a good reason that theres not many black teachers,
        And it isnt because they’re thick as fuck.
        Well not only.
        Its not because they eat the crayons and climb the curtains when the bell rings.
        Its not because they cant hold a pen, they DO have apposable thumbs.
        Its simply because theyre fuckin lazy and dont give a fuck.

      • Not until they add machete juggling to the P.E curriculum.

        Watch dem fingers Delroy.

  16. My wife is a black teacher , I can confirm that there are no barriers to getting into teaching if you are black.

    There just aren’t, they actively encourage it actually via numerous grants and bursaries,so perhaps many just don’t want to do it?

    I’m struggling to see the need for this .

    I did chuckle at this yesterday though



    I bet the BBC are livid they dropped the ball like this. I’m still laughing

    She’s been cunted for this and her nomination will be hitting the site soon. Stay tuned. – NA

    • It will be interesting to see how the bbc go about sweeping this story under the carpet, because they will most certainly try.

      • They must be thinking ” how did we let this happen?”

        I’ll tell you how, they are so blinded (and thick) by their own prejudice that they stupidly assumed a person (mixed race) must 100% have had slave ancestors .

        This is in a fact a double kick in the balls for them because not only were her ancestors slave owners, it was the black side of her family ??

        She’s not crying about it because she’s sad for the historical slaves , she’s crying because she can’t claim victim status any longer.

        Exactly! Her rellies having slaves has nothing to do with her. Fair dos. But then, current day UK whitey people have nothing to do with the historical slave trade and the persecution of black folks. Her race card just went up in smoke. And black smoke at that. It is truly a gift from the cunty gods. – NA

      • They’ll just say her black slave-owner ancestors were contaminated with hatred for their fellow blacks by the whites. Easy!

    • She earns an estimated (BBC won’t say what she’s actually earning!) £1million plus per year and her family owned slaves.

      I earn much less than that and my family never owned slaves. Many were more or less slaves though (workhouses for the poor etc.)

      And yet, I’m the one who should check his privilege?

      Get to fuck you chippy grabbing piss taking token fucking cunts!

      Oh. Most slave owners were/are black.


    • I was reading about that. ‘So what should the punishment be?’ Before they told the fucking hypocritIcal CUNT. And then just shot her in the face.

  17. I’ve got a half chat niece who’s chippy, just like Hamilcunt. And just like Hamilcunt she is spoilt, entitled and very keen to emphasise her black heritage. When asked by a relative a while back why it is she doesn’t celebrate her white heritage, she went absolutely apeshit. Apparently people just don’t understand. I understand fully and so does Lewis. There’s absolutely nothing to be earned from the white side of their families and everything to be gained from promoting the black side. Mostly it’s attention seeking, and currently, being black gets you attention, lots of it.

  18. Fuck his brother too….Nicholas “lick the touring car window” Hamilton has only got a drive because of his brother.
    Fuck him, not because he’s a rasberry, but because he’s consistenly back of the grid shit and keeps his place in the team purely through nepotism, taking the drive off a more talented kid.

  19. He’s only banging on about this as he’s envious of the halo bestowed on that football cunt for whinging about free school dinners for kids of feckless parents.
    Fuck off you pointless go cart driving cunt
    What’s the old saying? Say nothing and people will think you’re an idiot, say something and confirm their suspicion?
    That’s sports cunts to a tee.

    • He proves the point that it’s just scalextrics with a shit load of money. I never liked the pile of cunt ‘sport’.

  20. Clearly when Verstappen drove his car onto his head it didn’t knock any sense into him.

    Although he did moan about a really stiff neck the following week going full victim until Verstappen pointed out he’d gone to the Met Gala on the Tuesday after having taken a transatlantic flight to do so.

    Oh and that’s an event at which he also wore what suspiciously looked like a dress.

    Verstappen has had the cunt’s number in wheel to wheel racing this year pretty much exclusively and he doesn’t fucking like it

  21. Why doesn’t it just go on your ability to do a job irrespective of colour? Am I missing something?

    • Yes Bob.
      A agenda to prosper by playing the victim,
      A leg up on the guilt of gullible soft twats.
      A unfair advantage due to perceived historical grievance.

    • Because based on that premise and the average IQ by demographic……

      Need I go on?

      • Iq68 for a average Somalian apparently?
        That rules out even the most basic of tasks.
        Tie your own shoelaces
        Use a tinopener
        Ride a bicycle
        Peel a potato without chopping off your thumb etc

        Funnily, Somalians have fuck off massive mekon heads,
        To appear brainy!!
        Its fuckin hollow!
        Their skulls are papier mache.

      • To be fair to them MNC, you don’t need a particularly high IQ to throw a spear or eat your neighbour.
        Talking of ewhich…lazy Ethiopians; some of them would’ve been alright in the late 80’s if they’d turned to cannibalism.
        Damn sight better than starving to death.
        Maybe they could’ve eaten Midge Ure, the do-gooding knobend?

      • Used to love sitting with the family as a lad laughing at the images coming out of Ethiopia Thomas!
        Really enjoyed my tea watching starving marvins on the news!
        ET was big around that time too,
        He looked like a Ethiopian.

      • Piracy is the only way to escape the grinding poverty but with an IQ like that I doubt they have a full set of working limbs between them.

      • Piracy LL?
        How would downloading movies help their situation?
        Mind you, the download speed in Somalia is probably better than where I live.

    • Nope, not at all, Bob. It’s the Woke Brigade that are missing something.
      In my opinion, they are missing a functional brain cell.

  22. Hamilton was one of the reasons I gave up following F1 a few years back, after having followed it avidly for 40 odd years. I dislike like him intensely. Not because he’s half black but because he’s a total cunt off track. By the seem of it he’s become a lot worse over the intervening years. Has he come out of the closet yet BTW?

  23. Bame science teachers. Ffs. If they wanted to be then they would be. Fuck off hamilcunt

  24. Funny, isn’t it?….

    When the likes of cunts like Geldof, Sting and Bonio do their messiah routines, they are rightly called pricks. Self appointed and self important bellends telling people what to do.

    But when gobby fucks like Lewis Hamilton and Marcus Rashcunt do their ‘I am the new God’ bit, every other cunt either doesn’t bat an eyelid or licks their arses. It’s amazing, that if someone is black, they are allowed to get away with anything and talk any amount of shit and gain approval.

    • I predict Raschcunt will be our Prime Minister one day. Some ‘influencer’ or tart off Love Island will be his deputy.

      I’m not even kidding. God help us, but things will be completely fucked by then anyway.

      • Joey Essex for Chancellor, CB!
        He can add up almost as well as the fragrant Dianne “matching shoes” Abbott.

      • Tom Daly – Minister for the Gays
        Rio Ferdinand -Ejukashun Secretary
        Keith Vaz – Minister for welcoming dooshka rent boys
        Claudia Webbe- Minister for Race Card excuses
        Sasha Johnson – Minister of Dribble

    • When you say “talk”, you mean communicate in their customary grunts, clicks, whistles and putting the only intelligible word they can muster, ‘man’, at the end of every ill-formed sentence?

    • That was a long time ago when everyone lived on real food and didn’t realise those cunts were a bunch of thieves.

  25. He put a pic of him in a cryo chamber on Instagram with the text “black people don’t do the cold, we is from de islands”

    1. He’s from fucking Stevenage

    2. The first part of that comment is massively lazy stereotyping that if done by anyone else, Hamilton would be up in arms.

    He really is spectacularly stupid

  26. Why does this representation bullshit only ever go one way? You never see the cunts who push for this shite complaining when minorities are overrepresented.

    • I have a theory. A conspiracy theory if you want. Most days I ask myself why are illegal immigrants allowed to enter this country with no resistance?. Here it is… These people are all young males who have zero recognition of our culture, they fucking hate us. The current cov bollocks needs policing when people rise up against tyranny. Now, when the police force ( which is mainly indigenous to our country) starts to realise the tyranny and side with the people starts to break down, there will be another security force needed to protect the tyrants. The illegal population that have been looked after WILL be used for that job or face threat of deportation. But I’m just a conspiracy theorist.

  27. Saving Lives at Sea seems to buck the trend regarding diversity and inclusivity.
    Mind you its all about volunteering and putting your life at risk being part of the RNLI.
    Perhaps Mr Hamilton could share his views on why the RNLI appears to be so racist with so few from the BAME community, despite some of them displaying undoubted seamanship skills crossing the Channel.
    I’ve never seen so many white people…
    Mind you most of the idiots being saved are white. Perhaps they don’t go out on shouts for the BAME community.

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