COP26 and Net Zero Plebs UK

Yet again I’d like to put forward the Elite’s plans for “UK Net Zero” as being a total, and very expensive (for you – not them) CUNT!

Today (19 Oct ‘21) the UK Government has published a detailed paper on the subject in advance of their “climate change fuckfest” at the end of this month and leaving little time for review of their position. A veritable tablet of stone from on high. I downloaded this and had a read through with the intention of highlighting some of the nasty bits and crucial omissions but I have been beaten to it, mostly, by the linked Mirror article.

The Mirror picks up on a lot of the shite contained within but doesn’t mention the glaring, and crucial, omission in that the UK only produces a minuscule amount of pollution compared to China, India, Russsia et al and who show no intention of adopting a similar load of old (expensive) bollocks. Ergo: everyone in the UK, except for the ABC1 demographic, can be bankrupted in the name of “Net Zero” and it WON’T MAKE A BLIND BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO THE STATE OF THE FUCKING PLANET!

The other thing the Mirror doesn’t pick up on is an oblique reference in this grand commandment to the total phasing out of petrol and diesel cars in 2035 (alas there is no further detail contained). I guess Princess Nut Nuts must be planning on pushing 32 million petrol heads off the road and replacing them with 500,000 middle class Tesla drivers (subsidised by the plebs who no longer need to spend money on their own transport no doubt).

Here’s a soundbite for COP 26: stick it up your arse you virtue signalling over privileged cunts!

News Link

Nominated by: Mikdys

And in addition here’s more from Mikdys

Have a read of this [utter] shite and weep:

News Link

The really sad thing is there is no alternative to vote for other than “none of the above” – don’t worry about “letting worse cunts in” [nothing could be worse than the ConSocialists] we have to let these wankers know that they don’t have mass support for this bullshit.

Never mind Cunt of the Year – Johnson is [self serving] cunt of the century!

Additional Link supplied by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

News Link

And speaking of COP26, here’s a little something from Dioclese


What a farce the latest and greatest climate change conference in Glasgow is…

China’s Premier isn’t coming. China produces 28% of the world’s greenhouse gazes and is currently building a new coal fired power station every week. At least they have the good grace not to be hypocrites by turning up.

Putin isn’t coming. The second largest pollutor on the planet isn’t being a hocrite either. At least that’s something.

Biden is coming. The third largest pollutor on the planet is keeping up its side by flying in no less than 1,500 delegates spewing out greenhouse gasses all the way across the Atlantic.

All to be met in Glasgow by striking garbage men and giant rats which, according to Sturgeon, is no worse than any other large city anywhere. We’ll, not in this country darlin’ so get back in your box.

But Boris will be there, waving the flag and showing the world the way to net zero by driving us all off the road and into electric cars that will cut emissions by standing idle because there’s nowhere to charge them up.

Electricity has to be generated. That just moves the pollution point up the supply chain. Wind farms only works when the wind blows. Solar only works when the sun shines. Turbines and panels all have a production process that’s emits carbon. But let’s build loads and pretend we’re making a difference, bearing in mind that we qare responsible for less than 1% of the global total. So, it’s all worth while and we should remember that when the lights go out.

COP26 will achieve fuck all other than to cause a hole in the ozone layer when all that hot air hits the atmosphere. Remember that humans breathe out CO2, a greenhouse gas.
If you really want to cut emissions, stop fucking breeding!

COP26 is an opportunity for photo ops and showboating. That’s why Biden is coming and why the Queen has had the good sense to avoid the megaspreading Covid conference.

If this is what the world’s greatest leaders have to off, then the human race is truly fucked…


91 thoughts on “COP26 and Net Zero Plebs UK

  1. COP 26 = 26th time CUNTS ORGANISE PISS UP. at people’s expense. Very costly waste of time by idiots.

  2. Successive HMGs have a dismal record in ecologically aware initiatives. Diesel cars were the way forward a couple of decades ago, smart meters would reduce our energy bills, cycle lanes would ensure speedy , pollution free city transport.
    It is no wonder that the ordinary citizen is becoming evermore cynical.

  3. Saw a clip of The Jellyfish buying a poppy from some cunt who had been allowed into Downing Street for the photo opp. He probably put a couple of chocolate buttons in the tin. Just a small bit of virtue signalling before the absolute cuntfest we are going to see this week.
    That traitor shouldn’t be allowed to wear a poppy. Unless it’s yellow of course.

  4. What is a zero-carbon future? What does it look like? To imagine, turn off your heater. No airports. No shipping. No animals. Perfect surveillance state. Governments and that Mongoloid Greta are actively taking drastic steps every day to meet these dystopian goals for Travel, Transport, Energy, Manufacturing, Recycling, and Food. We must understand the reality underneath their flowery philanthropic language: Absolute Slavery

    • This is it right here. Slavery.

      Global governance under a digital control grid that tracks absolutely everything.

      The final step is hooking people into the grid itself. Transhumanism. Where any possibility of rebellion is squashed before it even starts. Sounds like sci-fi conspiracy shit but it’s what they’re aiming at ultimately.

  5. We are probably all familiar with the pain that’s coming down the road for the motorist but, even if you don’t drive, if you live in a house you are not going to escape.
    According to the analysis by This is Money, 2028 is the key date and following which you might not be able to sell (or let) your house unless it has an EPC rating of C or higher.

    How is this a problem for you?  It might not be if you are one of the 40% who live in a modern new build property but, for the rest of us, the costs of upgrading could range from a few thousand £ to many £1,000s decimating the value of your house.  I did a straw poll on Rightmove just now and 6 out of 10 houses listed were below EPC level C (six at E, one C and three Bs) – not far out from TiM’s figure of only 35% of housing stock being complaint.

    Dodgy EPC mister – only £500 nudge, wink!

  6. It’s such a big wankfest I am looking forward to them all drowning in their own jizz. The human body is 18 per cent carbon. If they are really serious, the fuckers should have it removed – like Jellyfish Johnson.

    Fuck the lot of them. Cunts.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • 16% ? That’s one leg or one and a half arms being removed
      You hold ‘em down I’ll saw.

      • Without anisthetics I hope. While you are on the job chop the bollocks off too. You’ll find Johnsons in his wifes handbag. Fucking load of shite.

  7. Let’s face it: decisions have already been made, along with official communiques and other diktats that senior government officials wrote up on the back of ciggie packet weeks before this circus started.

    But now they have to be seen to be doing something, hence this pissfest in Glasgow – 12 days of bah humbug, shrugging shoulders, shaking hands and generally doing fuck all until the very last day.

    That’s when they’ll dig out those ciggie packets and read what is in front of them to say…. basically The West are guilty and we must all make massive sacrifices for the future of our children and our children’s children.

    And then they’ll spin out their 24 point plan as to how to fuck the plebs over again and again and again. They’ll then all fuck off home in their private jets and wank themselves silly as they see how much the Wokies, Twatties, Gretas and MSM gobshites adore them for telling the plebs what they MUST do to save the planet.

    Drinks all round!

  8. I say the future is biomass heaters-burning sustainable fuel made up of the following:

    -XR protesters
    -Insulate Britain protesters
    -all religious extremists
    etc, etc…

    HM Queen can christen the first one, by throwing various (ie: most) of the freeloading members of her family in!


  9. Back in 1992 proto Thunderpants Severn Cullis Suzuki was spouting the same bollox of doom. Nothing has changed over the last 30 years with not a single doom laden prediction coming to pass. “Climate change ” is mass hysteria in a world that has swapped one religion for another.Like any cults the date of the end of the world has to be put back when the original date expires. This planet will be spinning through space, teeming with life for another 3 billion years and there is nothing anyone can do about that.

  10. It starts today, deep joy, looking forward to nothing more that this all over the news for the next two weeks.
    Just watched the Marr Show to get down the nitty gritty ?
    Alok Sharma described as the shepherd ffs, some tart from the Marshall Islands then fucking Ed Miliband ranting like an old fish wife and finally 15 minutes with St Greta, 15 minutes with some cunt who doesn’t represent anyone. Marr asked her if she had been asked to speak at COP, the answer ‘it’s not clear, not officially’ so that’s No then.
    My vote, go nuclear, keep you hands off my gas boiler and leave my car alone. For the rest do what you can without fucking everyone over.

    COP26 do it by zoom, save the planet ?

    • To be fair they are lowering emissions by charging the COP26 electric car fleet by diesel generators powered by bio fuel?

    • With your remarks about nuclear Sick of it, you seem to have bought into the idea that there actually is a climate crisis about which something must be done. There is not. The climate changes in long cycles, we are likely still emerging from the last glacial period. The current climate hysteria is mostly fallacy, based on flawed physics (misunderstanding of blackbody radiation and radiative transfer in the atmosphere). However it has been seized upon by marxists etc as the perfect cover to drive their agendas.

      Search youtube for what people like Prof Will Happer and the late, great Freeman Dyson, both of Princeton University have to say on the science.

      Also read about the late Prof Thomas Gold’s theory of abiogenic oil and the origins of life on earth. An application of Ockham’s razor to his theories to see how many observations it explains with a minimum of hypotheses suggests to me that he was on the right track. Interestingly, Prof Gold only rediscovered what eminent Russian scientists starting with Mendeleev already knew.

      We will need to invest in nuclear, but that’s in addition to what we have today to expand generating capacity. We should be fracking for gas which as you will learn from Prof Gold is practically limitless, emitted from the ground continuously whether we extract it or not, and is extremely clean and efficient. When burnt the products are water and carbon dioxide and heat of combustion When not burnt and just oxidized in the atmosphere the products are water and carbon dioxide, we just lose the heat. And we can do all this with a clean conscience about the climate.

      • I haven’t bought into anything, the nuclear option is purely political, we know our leaders whoever they may be will never expand fossil fuels.
        Gas turbines generation needs to be replaced by nuclear, the focus on fucking wind is bollocks, Gas replaced coal and the looney left will never endorse fracking so our domestic gas is in jeopardy, with 40%plus gas generated electricity we are fucked.
        My comment of go nuclear, leave my gas boiler (efficient I would add) and car alone then do what you can without fucking people over should have sent the message that I don’t buy into the approaching Armageddon.

      • Thanks for the clarification Sick of It, you are wise indeed!

        Aneurin Bevan once said ‘these islands are made mostly of coal and surrounded by a sea full of fish.’

        Paraphrasing the second part of his quote ‘it would take a fucking imbecile to create a shortage of both’.

        Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jellyfish Johnson.

      • “Yangtse Kyang, wondrous river, river full of… fish”

        Monty Python, footballers sketch, 19??

  11. I’ve noticed Madge after 85 years of being in line for and on the throne can’t tolerate this meddling class cloying piss and wind any more. As much as many cunters have disdain for Chuckles (Deagh Phrionsa Tearleach), he as regent with absolute power couldn’t do any worse than the 15 numpties running the home islands and dominions now, the other 40 odd places could use a good measure of direct imperial rule.
    Waiting for the call, I’ve just bought my feathery hat on eBay

  12. Biden is going to be in a fucking armoured suburban With about 4 in front and four behind and how did they get here? On a transporter plane the size of fucking Orkney.
    Where is your Geehardi with a rucksack when you need him.

    • Want proof that President Biden is just another “limousine liberal”? Check out his 85-vehicle motorcade through Rome this weekend ahead of Sunday’s COP26 UN Climate Change Conference, says Fox News contributor Lisa Boothe

      • Limousine vegetable more like, he has no clue who he is or what he’s doing there. It’s more like Weekend at Bernie’s than COP26. That’s why the entourage us so large, to keep rebooting the usurper, er, ‘president’.

    • Biden will only be providing a small percentage of the 30,000 – yes, 30,000 – delegates. That’s mass debating taken to a whole new level?

      • I just wish some reporter would ask Greta what she thinks of Biden’s 30,000 pen pushers and 85 vehicle-cavalcade!

        In fact I wonder if any WOKE/MSM reporter will mention this?

      • The toughest question that Biden has faced from the media since being installed is – “what’s your favourite ice cream Mr President?”

        Something Greta and Joe have in common is that without a carefully prepared script and teleprompter, they are both about as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.

  13. The Peacefuls could do us all a favour by blowing the fuck out of these freeloading parasites and scattering the body parts all over Glasgow for the Krankie rats to gobble up.
    I would give them all a free goat and a bag of whatever goats eat.

  14. Wonder if the fact that countless billions of mass produced, ineffective, discarded Chinese face masks that have since been dumped into the oceans, polluting the land and killing wildlife will be on the agenda at COP 26.

  15. Will there be enough wood to heat my cave?

    This hysterical bollocks about the Earth is about control and money.

    If you believe these cunts we need to ban everything.

    Perhaps the vast energy burnt to keep the internets servers running should be first.

  16. When that cretinous arsehole Biden met the :Pope on Friday, he was accompanied by an 85 vehicle motorcade. Says it all really, doesn’t it?. All he needed was his carer steering his wheeled commode, and he could have rode while he shat.

  17. I’ve just bought a 3l six cylinder diesel so the tub of lard and his anal slut can fucking do one.

  18. I hope that this hypocrisy laden shit show in Glasgow helps a few more normal people connect a few more dots regarding the behaviour of our glorious leaders and their media propaganda arms.

    It isn’t a coincidence that the planned curtailment of feedoms due to the green hoax in the not too distant future for us plebs, is linked inextricably to the Flu world order, illegal lockdowns, health passports and all the other outrageous lies and tyranny we’ve been spoon fed the last couple of years.

    These evil cunts are only getting started unfortunately.

  19. Starts today, eh? I shall keep the engine of the truck running whilst queuing at ED to celebrate!

    Sanctimonious, hypocritical cunts.

    • @DCI

      God forbid they ever try and force battery powered ambulances on you and your colleagues.

      • I have a plan, put in some pedals connected to a mini generator to charge your truck while sitting in the queue, I mean, you have fuck all else to do ?

        PS, from a mental health perspective it may help to relieve tension while carrying an unvaccinated covid patient ?

      • @herman

        I have mentioned before that in the Ski resort of Zermatt all vehicles had to be electric, except medical vehicles, the Swiss have common sense. I doubt our leaders would show any.

  20. Homo sapiens is a mere boil on the arse of Mother Earth, and Earth is but a pinprick in the Universe. This planet will continue to roll along just fine long after we’ve joined the 90% of species in Earth’s history and become extinct.

    These arrogant, showboating, virtue-signalling pricks think they’re so important that they can determine Earth’s future by fucking up our futures for us. Well I’ve got news for you, knobheads – no, you fucking can’t. Just wait till another lump of rock the size of the one that hit 66 million years ago falls out of the sky. It’ll see us off, just like that one saw off the dinosaurs. That fucker created the Gulf of Mexico, sent a fireball round the world followed by a 200 foot high tsunami, then all the dust in the atmosphere blocked out the sun for decades.

    Now that’s what I call a Climate Emergency. Your ivory tower isn’t going to protect you from that, you thick cunts.

  21. If we’re doing away with petrol cars I humbly suggest putting all the dinghy riders and Afghan ‘terps’ to use running rickshaws.

    The likelihood that one in three journeys with end in either a robbery or rape is a small price to pay for saving the planet.

  22. They all flew to Rome yesterday to lick Vatican arsehole. Shows you who’s ultimately calling the shots on this. They can’t help their narcissistic displays of power.

    COP is just another front for their New World Order bullshit, like the WEF. Same goals. Global governance, totalitarian control, total power over mankind. Absolutely fuck all to do with the environment or humanities best interests, all about their interests.

    It’s so transparent. I imagine they thought people would actually buy into their hypnosis when they planned this out decades ago. They are stuck rolling out a plan that looks ever more contradictory and ridiculous to those with a critical mind.

    These people are dangerous lunatics. It would be funny if it wasn’t so serious.

  23. Can someone explain to me how it’s net zero if we’re just outsourcing production to China and others to make stuff on our behalf using coal fired power stations? That is whilst simultaneously destroying our own domestic industries and skills base?

    The Chinese and Russians understand this well. Marx and Engels’ communist manifesto emphasizes the importance of controlling the means of production. What better way for the Chinese to control said means than by allowing the West to self destruct due to a collective hysteria. Never interupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake as the saying goes.

    As I commented elsewhere on this thread, there really is no crisis, so called fossil fuels are a myth, hydrocarbons exist in great abundance in the Earth’s interior and are practically limitless in supply. What textbooks teach about the carbon cycle is only a fraction of the story. This is called the abiogenic theory of hydrocarbons and I think it is most likely correct.

    The Russians in particular have known this for over a century. I’m sure the Chinese know it too. They are very good at biding their time.

    As for our children’s futures, I’m far more afraid of my kids growing up in a net-zero dystopia than I am in a naturally warming world.

  24. … LOL … don’t wanna burn as much of the valuable resources as before? Don’t wanna pollute the planet/the area in which you live (that’s often referred to as not shittin’ where you eat). Wanna a better less pressured society. Wanna opportunity to have at least a few of the things you thought you might have when you grew up?
    Well … natural cyclical events causing real world environmental problems or a manmade issues caused by greed, ignorance and arrogance … either way, shits comin’ … in fact its arrived (been here a while). How’s about talkin’ about population … more specifically, the reduction of it. Then address attitude or the cuntish opinion and lifestyles that is regarded as natural human behaviour.
    Carry on as is and this ol’ world will not have to wait for the big ‘fuck off’ asteroid nor random/rogue solar activity that’ll fry our collective arses in one event. Naaagh … whatever is said or done we’re al, fucked … it’s that thing called empathy … order to chaos … the very moment you create somefink and get it exactly how you want it … it’s on it’s way to oblivion. Just the way of shit … ain’t nothing you can do about it. ????
    Now I’m gonna sit back with me beer n crisps and watch the ol’ bollocks present itself to me … I wonder who’ll mention population first?

    • ‘ …. I wonder who’ll mention population first?’

      I’ll tell you who it won’t be, and that is .. Boris ‘soon to have child number seven’ Johnson …..

      How dare the entitled fucker tell us to go ‘carbon neutral’ and all that bollocks when him and his current wife keep spewing out kids at the rate he does.

      • LOL … that’ll learn me for listening to the wife, watching the TV and not paying attention to what I’m actually writing. ?

  25. Back in the mid nineties, as a young scientist I looked into climate change to see if it was something I really needed to be concerned about or not. I studied convective flows in the oceans and the atmosphere described by the Navier-Stokes equations, and black body radiation and radiative transfer in the atmosphere.

    I concluded two things. First any influence of carbon dioxide to radiative transfer in the atmosphere is negligible and swamped by that due to water vapor. Second, the vast carbon sinks will respond to increased carbon dioxide by storing more in the oceans and the biosphere. In particular the biosphere will expand in response. For example the latitude of the tree line will advance northward into the Arctic tundra in the Northern hemisphere.

    However, I was at that time uncritically sold on the peak oil hypothesis and figured we’d need to take measures with nuclear and renewables anyway when the oil gets scarce so why not start now?

    But I later learned through the work of Prof. Thomas Gold of Cornell that peak oil was a politically motivated myth too.

    • The ebb and flow spin scenarios associated with the exploitation of hydrocarbon based resources has always had a political bias. I’ve been in the militarised asset protection business my entire career … seen every kind of lie proliferated in order to achieve a particular desired result … been the heavy end of the metaphoric hammer used to ensure that things went the way of the political agenda.
      It will continue to be thus … Mother Russia’s (just in time) exploration machine advances in sync with the receding permafrost line … and they secure that militarily as they stride forward in the arctic regions. The same is true with the Antarctic … China has highly developed plans for the entire area which are inextricably linked to the timeline of the real impact of global warming and is hard coded into their ‘programme’. Oh and incase anyone was wondering … the US has its own plans … in both geographic locations. The dynamics of the next two decades is going to be very, very interesting.

      • They’ll all be sorely disappointed to find out the Germans already occupy Antarctica.

      • Fascinating swagger. I have to assume that the deep state people who actually run the world know full well that man made climate change is a huge rubber dick but have nefarious reasons for propagating the myth, and the useful idiots of XR etc are doing their work for them.

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