COP26 and Net Zero Plebs UK

Yet again I’d like to put forward the Elite’s plans for “UK Net Zero” as being a total, and very expensive (for you – not them) CUNT!

Today (19 Oct ‘21) the UK Government has published a detailed paper on the subject in advance of their “climate change fuckfest” at the end of this month and leaving little time for review of their position. A veritable tablet of stone from on high. I downloaded this and had a read through with the intention of highlighting some of the nasty bits and crucial omissions but I have been beaten to it, mostly, by the linked Mirror article.

The Mirror picks up on a lot of the shite contained within but doesn’t mention the glaring, and crucial, omission in that the UK only produces a minuscule amount of pollution compared to China, India, Russsia et al and who show no intention of adopting a similar load of old (expensive) bollocks. Ergo: everyone in the UK, except for the ABC1 demographic, can be bankrupted in the name of “Net Zero” and it WON’T MAKE A BLIND BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO THE STATE OF THE FUCKING PLANET!

The other thing the Mirror doesn’t pick up on is an oblique reference in this grand commandment to the total phasing out of petrol and diesel cars in 2035 (alas there is no further detail contained). I guess Princess Nut Nuts must be planning on pushing 32 million petrol heads off the road and replacing them with 500,000 middle class Tesla drivers (subsidised by the plebs who no longer need to spend money on their own transport no doubt).

Here’s a soundbite for COP 26: stick it up your arse you virtue signalling over privileged cunts!

News Link

Nominated by: Mikdys

And in addition here’s more from Mikdys

Have a read of this [utter] shite and weep:

News Link

The really sad thing is there is no alternative to vote for other than “none of the above” – don’t worry about “letting worse cunts in” [nothing could be worse than the ConSocialists] we have to let these wankers know that they don’t have mass support for this bullshit.

Never mind Cunt of the Year – Johnson is [self serving] cunt of the century!

Additional Link supplied by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

News Link

And speaking of COP26, here’s a little something from Dioclese


What a farce the latest and greatest climate change conference in Glasgow is…

China’s Premier isn’t coming. China produces 28% of the world’s greenhouse gazes and is currently building a new coal fired power station every week. At least they have the good grace not to be hypocrites by turning up.

Putin isn’t coming. The second largest pollutor on the planet isn’t being a hocrite either. At least that’s something.

Biden is coming. The third largest pollutor on the planet is keeping up its side by flying in no less than 1,500 delegates spewing out greenhouse gasses all the way across the Atlantic.

All to be met in Glasgow by striking garbage men and giant rats which, according to Sturgeon, is no worse than any other large city anywhere. We’ll, not in this country darlin’ so get back in your box.

But Boris will be there, waving the flag and showing the world the way to net zero by driving us all off the road and into electric cars that will cut emissions by standing idle because there’s nowhere to charge them up.

Electricity has to be generated. That just moves the pollution point up the supply chain. Wind farms only works when the wind blows. Solar only works when the sun shines. Turbines and panels all have a production process that’s emits carbon. But let’s build loads and pretend we’re making a difference, bearing in mind that we qare responsible for less than 1% of the global total. So, it’s all worth while and we should remember that when the lights go out.

COP26 will achieve fuck all other than to cause a hole in the ozone layer when all that hot air hits the atmosphere. Remember that humans breathe out CO2, a greenhouse gas.
If you really want to cut emissions, stop fucking breeding!

COP26 is an opportunity for photo ops and showboating. That’s why Biden is coming and why the Queen has had the good sense to avoid the megaspreading Covid conference.

If this is what the world’s greatest leaders have to off, then the human race is truly fucked…


91 thoughts on “COP26 and Net Zero Plebs UK

  1. Read the forward Net Zero build back greener or whatever. High tech jobs, high tech edukashun wow we will be World leaders in green tech and science. Only problem is will we be able to do all this under water as China, USA, India don’t give an airborne act of copulation as to how much CO2 they Chuck out. To counter the argument that China is a World leader in renewable energy let me point out that they plan to sell the crap to mugs like us not use it themselves.
    Just watched a program about the first Dreadnought battleship what the fuck went wrong? How the fuck did we end up worrying about two year olds gender and other really pointless shit that effects about 0.0003% of the population.

  2. Oh dear lord, you just couldn’t make up the hypocrisy.

    Thanks to the fucking pandemic, millions of people around the world have switched to working from home. Meetings are now online and the technology has evolved and adapted to allow just that. I myself am in regular meetings with people from Germany, China and India – all on the same call! Now you’d think that to show a fine example to us plebs, these cunts would do the same. But no. It’s the same old shit. Let’s all have an all expenses paid jolly, kiss each others’ arses and play up to the cameras while contributing to the exact same problem we’re supposed to be addressing.

    All the while an ill educated, non-scientist child does her mong cheerleading routine and people actually pay attention!! Why, FFS?

    Meanwhile, all these clueless cunts double and triple down on the fact the science has decided once and for all, global warming is out of control and it’s being caused by the activities of mankind. Or should that be personkind? Science evolves, adjusts and accommodates new findings everyday, but not within the realm of climate it seems. No, that’s decided 100%. No question. No need for further research or analysis. No need to double check the validity of the grave predictions for the fate of the planet, which NONE historically have ever come to pass. NONE!! Not one.

    I’m sure cunters already know this, but the power grid is a fine balance between demand and supply in real time. As demand increases, the power generation companies have to increase supply to meet that demand – in real time. There are no massive warehouses where they store electricity and can just unpack a few boxes of it and feed it into the grid when it’s needed. No, it has to be generated there and then. That takes generation capability. Renewable sources of generation (e.g. wind, solar, wave) are inefficient and problematic for the obvious reason. Oil, gas and coal as fuel for power generation still work even if it’s dark, not windy or flat calm. Let’s all have electric cars then. OK, what’s going to generate the power to top up the batteries?

    Throughout history man has strived to improve his lot in the world. In all things like medicine, transport, food production, scientific discovery, you name it. If you’re going to replace petrol and the internal combustion engine, at least do that with something that’s better. Battery powered electric cars isn’t it. It just isn’t. I used to work for an energy company and one of their top market analysts said at a meeting one time, Tesla owners far from being part of a solution are actually energy ignorant. Why? Because they typically charge their stupid vehicles overnight when the grid switches to fossil fuel power generation. The more Tesla cunts that do this, the more fossil fuel is burned to generate the power. You couldn’t make it up and yet cunts like these seem to think they’re so virtuous and environmentally aware. Erm….they’re not.

    Why oh fuckity why has the world just turned to shit over the last 20 to 30 years? For many of us, it was only 40 to 50 years ago we’d be racing around the streets on our bikes with our mates, staying out late playing footie in the park, drinking water from a hose when you’re thirsty, read a book for fun to fuel the imagination and generally wonder how great it must be to be a grown up one day. We’re all here now and it’s fucking crap and getting worse.

    • Just listened to pick of the pops from 1980
      Fuck me we had great music, youngsters today have got nothing absolutely nothing. apart from their phones

    • “Why oh fuckity why has the world just turned to shit over the last 20 to 30 years?”

      It’s planned and deliberate.

  3. simple solution.

    Ban plastics on bulk packaging for groceries, nearly all of our bulk packaging contains plastic still even tho cardboard work well, if not better.

    Stop recycling and don’t buy it in the first place

    Tax the shit out of new gen mobile phones. Th old ones worked perfectly well

    Ban sales of supercars and offer penis enlargement operations on the nhs

    Shut down any form of racing/entertainment/hobby where you don’t know were you will end up, or end up where you started. any motor racing (you got back to the point you started at 2 hours ago ten seconds ahead of the next person) Hot air ballooning, parachuting, gliding (all of which you end up in some random location, back where you started, or dead). Following google maps directions for which the same applies (dead, back home or lost)

    Do we need dvds,cds anymore in the age of streaming, yet there they are on the shelves.

    Finally, can we recycle Jordan. Pretty sure her false breasts could be used to repair a coral reef, providing a home for clown fish, and the rest of her could be an exhibit for the natural history museum to how the eaely homo erectus females first shaved their backs and nipples in order to attract rich males to sue for paternity

    • Streaming services don’t always have the shows I want plus you’re paying for woke crap to be produced.

      You can get cheap dvds from CEX without the woke nonsense and watch them without paying monthly.

  4. Another virtue-signaling booze-up.

    I just ignore them now and keep throwing truck tyres and whale blubber on the bonfire.

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