Brighton Residents & Council

Green voting Brighton residents and their Council are cunts.

Apparently the residents of that Green Nirvana formerly known as Brighton are voicing their anger as they wade knee deep in their own crap:

Ha ha, fucking, ha. Put yogurt slurping, sandal wearing, vegan cunts in in charge of your local authority and your borough becomes the destination of choice for rats.

Sympathy must be hard to find. Have a fucking pride march or something to take your virtue signalling minds off the stench., cunts.

Nominated by: Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

41 thoughts on “Brighton Residents & Council

  1. I have heard of foul stories from within sleepy Brighton.

    It is said that if a man were to spend more than 20 minutes in the Brighton air, he will start to walk with his elbows pointing straight down. His manly stride will become a quick shuffle, as he rushes to find a Jimmy Somerville CD. After that, local pet shop will be missing several rodents.

    Beware the gay.

  2. ??? That’s cheered me up. Couldn’t happen to a bigger bunch of wankers. That’s what you get for voting for gays and tree huggers. Fuck the lot of them.

    • I think you mean San Francisco and Sydney, fruits ahoy!

      Funny enough SF is notionally a rich city but is dirty, full of shit, tramps, old queens and generally an air of squalor and depravity.

      Go Super Gay and Green end up with a scene from the end of days.

  3. Quote – “We’re hoping that on the back of two quite significant offers, and now a third quite significant offer that does address pay, we’re able to come to a resolution.”, said the Deputy Cuntcil Leader.

    I’m quite interested in their definition of “significant” because at the end of the day the residents, who are currently pissed off with the council regarding this dispute, will be the ones who who will ultimately be paying for this “significant” pay award via their CT bills next year.

    Don’t be surprised if the GMB flex their muscles nationwide any time soon – another “Winter of Discontent” beckons.

  4. As Brighton is a hotbed of fa99otry, is it the one place in the country free of disgusting peacefuls?

    • Brighton could be cleared of the gays if the peacefuls decided to invade from Bradford or Luton. The Brighton streets would look just the same or worse.

  5. Brighton, or as I prefer to call it: Benefits-on-Sea!
    A generation of workshy dole-scum, worked out they could wallow in their own personal nirvana of drugs and alcohol by the seaside, all financed by benefits, so headed out of London, to set up shop in Brighton.
    These fucking hippies have ruined that town.

    You reap what you sow!

  6. A visiting Yank was overheard saying, ‘bummer’ when he heard about this…and was then immediately trampled to death by eager gentleman who were good with colours exclaiming, ‘Where?!’

    • Similarly, I had an incident in San Francisco a few years back when I got up from the table in bar to announce I was going “going outside for a fag”.

  7. Rumour has it that if you drop something in Brighton then you’d better kick it all the way to the West Sussex border before bending over to pick it up.

  8. I hope the rats knaw the hippies faces off as they sleep.

    What a shithole.

    Perfect for the degenerate slurry.

  9. Brighton is Turdsville, Arizona man.

    Nowhere to park, vastly overpriced hotels and housing and green gays mincing around all over the place. Rubbish piled high. Quite a few homeless too.

    But what do we expect of Queen Caroline’s utopia? If the country adopted her crazed policies all of Britain would look like Brighton which would also become the new capital of Greenganistan.

  10. I love Brighton. Seagulls calling. Shirt tails flapping in the public toilets. Creatures mincing down the Lanes. 231 genders in the schools. The word ‘mother’ not allowed at the maternity hospital. Shit piled up.
    Bracing. Or should that be brace yourself.

  11. Brighton is the UK’s San Francisco, not just because its full of turd burglars, homeless, green zealots and libtards but because they elected cunts and now should have to live with those choices. Towns in the Red Wall got rid of Labour wankers because they didn’t represent them anymore but these cunts will still vote for the same bell ends regardless.

  12. And that arse bandit in the photo has turned up looking for rodents to shove up his ‘arris.

  13. Brighton … the arsehole of England. Now that’s a great spot for accelerating coastal erosion. Time to take out the trash … with a sniper rifle. Cunts!

  14. Brighton Rock comes to mind. Where Greene depicts it as a hell on earth. Kind of prophetic.

  15. ‘Brighton Rock’ a good book. Those were the days, when Brighton’s only worry was vicious local gangsters!

    • Nicholas Van Hoogstraaten aka Satan’s Landlord is back in town, having returned from his adventures in Zimbabwe. Rumour is he still owns half the city and the Council rent most of their premises from him. Probably over optimistic to expect any local authority enforcement of the law on houses in multiple occupation.

      • That cunt used fucking hand grenades to scare his tenants back in the eighties, or so I was reliably informed.

      • Wow! That’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time, Stanley. When I lived in East Sussex, I knew people who knew people who knew NVH. I thought he was banged up as he is/was a bit gangster. Had multiple public officials in his pocket and if you crossed him, you disappeared. All allegedly of course. He has/had some weird looking palace like building in the country close to Uckfield. Don’t know if it’s still here. All very mysterious though.

  16. I live in Hove , back in the 70’s and before that it was a nice town until the leftie councils took control , now the place is a degenerate shit hole with aggressive beggars on most street corners , rubbish piled high and if you walk up West street on a saturday afternoon ( which is the busiest street in Brighton ) you will find scum bags camped up and used needles everywhere.

  17. Brighton?
    I’d rather take a gentle stroll through the reactor core at Chernobyl.
    At least my arsehole would last longer…

  18. A man desperate at Brighton’s current situation decides to top himself in his living room, alone. He prepares to hang himself. At the very last moment he decides upon wearing his full Brighton kit as his last statement.

    Several days later, a neighbour, catching sight of the hanging corpse, informs the police. On arrival, the police quickly remove the kit and dress the man in stockings and suspenders. The neighbour, totally confused, asks why. The cop replies: “It’s to avoid embarrassing his family.”

  19. I like the bit in the news link “Brighton resident Ashraf Girgis said there was “a mountain of rubbish” near the hotel that he runs.

    “It’s very dangerous and unhealthy,” he added.

    “I have kids and I’m scared. I don’t feel like I’m in the UK.”
    Probably feels more like the shit hole country you came from.

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