Doom mongers are cunts. So Christmas may be cancelled because there ‘might’ be a shortage of poultry. What a load of shite. I agree the dinner is a massive part of it but surely this does not warrant this type of reaction?
Christmas will still be happening in my house without poultry.
Fuck off.
Oh, and Sky News are cunts too. The headline reads ‘Christmas’ but scroll down and it says ‘Christmas Dinners.’ So Sky News is using clickbait the cunts.
Nominated by: Cock Blanket
Again, more scaremongering and total bollocks. We’ll be having our Christmas Turkey for a start, and so will loads of other people. These moaning blubbering ‘But… But…’ cunts should have tried being in Britain in 1973. Three day weeks, bread strikes, power cuts, telly on for a few hours, and the IRA up our arses. Soft bastards.?
Beef rib or topside it is.
I don’t mind a carrot, roasted parsnips, and sprouts and plenty of stuffing. . I’ve started panic buying them now.
You can rely in a good farting session after that lot.