They’re basically the same thing, they believe laws don’t apply to them as they’re individuals not names. They refuse to have driving licenses as they’re allowed to ‘travel’ which is different to driving.
They ignore any law that isn’t in the constitution of America or elsewhere. Citing all sorts of nonsense to not back up their claims.
Moors are the black version with the same beliefs. Apart from they think they’re the only Native Americans and the only true race so laws don’t apply to them.
There’s a ton of videos on YouTube of these clowns testing the patience of cops who usually just smash their windows and drag them out of their cars.
Then they go to court and refuse to acknowledge the judge’s authority and get sent to prison.
Nominated by: LazyBiscuits
They don’t need to abide by our laws…until they gave their fucking hands out for bennies and NHS etc.
I’d agree with saying, “Ok, UK housing and travel laws don’t apply to you, but no free shite anymore, Seamus.”
‘have’ not give
Phone can fuck right off. Annoying me more than the wife’s cat today (it seems to think my foot is a fucking mouse or something today.)
Hehehe ?
These blokes make me laugh.
Not heard of the ‘moors’ but I know a sovereign citizen.
Experts on the law that always fall foul of fascist unfair judges.
“Within my rights to drive a untaxed, uninsured, bald tyred old van without working brakes!
Country is run by the Gestapo!”
Just head the balls and cranks.
Smartarse the judge then bottom lip goes when gets a harsh sentence.
Dole queue barristers.
MNC@ – There are a number of people who believe themselves to be “Sovereign Citizens” and above such things as laws and taxes.
Believe me – if there was ANY legal, constitutional way I could avoid paying what we all have to I would – there ain’t.
Perhaps a Sovereign Citizen would be kind enough to pay my Krautmobile insurance at half a fkin grand a year? – Or my income and profit tax and NI at nearly 70%?
Aww ?
Interesting cunting, LazyBiscuits.
Not heard of these fuckwits before. Wouldn’t surprise me if one or two post here…
The best ones are idiots trying to get into military bases. One clown tried to get into a nuclear weapons base.
Here’s a compilation of window breaks where the police just had enough
Mostly yanks Ruff.
Although slowly creeping up in the UK.
They believe they can ‘opt out’ of society.
But its mainly the things like paying taxes, compliance with legal regulations, and answering to the law.
They dont seem up in arms or keen to refuse medical treatment or the aid of the fire brigade.
Pick n mix of whats your civic duties.
I saw one bloke on YouTube who’d gone ‘off grid’. He’d found some land and claimed it as his own in the middle of a forest (I think old laws let you claim rights to land after 2 years of living there or summat).
I thought it looked cool at first. No bills. Nice view. Lots of land. But then he started going on about making a compost toilet (you shit in the woods). I then noticed he had a pick up and a car parked near his abode. For shopping and stuff I guess? Then he had a fuck off generator (for electricity) and huge gas canisters all over the place.
So he had leccy and gas but was paying much more I’d guess, than having ‘no bills’. And they’ll stop selling those gas canisters soon I bet for ‘the planet’.
I find ‘off griders’ end up paying much more for much less for ‘utilities’. But a good way to nab land for free – if you can go undetected for 2 years and don’t pollute the local water supply/habitat with your shit and rubbish.
Good luck to ’em, but seems a lot of hassle (and expensive) to me.
Proper off gridding has been done. That Unabomber cunt did it. Didn’t send him mental or anything did it?
But we might all be living like this, when us honkies are all thrown out onto the streets.
Does not paying your TV license count?
The black Israelites are even more hilarious. They actually believe that Medieval Knights were black. What evidence to they cite for this…………………brass rubbings. Thick cunts.
Are they also the ones who think Henry VIII and Tom Jones was black too?
Reminds me of the cunts who say “Tax is illegal. I’m not paying.” Then end up in court.
Now I know there may be some old law that says this may be the case but come on…
…as if any court would agree to abolish taxes. They go in smug, with cases of files, thinking it’s going to be big landmark case, and come out 15 minutes later owing the original amount,plus interest plus court costs.
Daft fuckers.
Aye interesting read.
Fucking crackpots.
Live in a cave and shut the fuck up.
Interesting nom.
Rousseau said that citizens enter into a “social contract” with society and government by which they give up certain liberties in return for the benefits of living in a civilised state with laws and protections.
In the 21st century governments have given up on their citizens and generally don’t give a toss about them unless they can use them for virtue signalling. Rousseau’s social contract is feeling the strain as a result.
That’s probably where these nut jobs are coming from. They obviously are nut jobs. But I feel their pain.
They like obscure bylaws and grey areas in law and legislation.
Theres a few old laws that nobody bothers with,
Like being allowed to drive a ox through a town centre on Whitsuntide or something?
But written 300yrs ago,
Not taking into account that now the town centre is a busy place with buses, trams, etc
Your sovereign citizen will take up his right and cause fuckin mayhem with a dead ox hanging through a bus window and hundreds of crying passengers and passersby.
“Its my right!!”
The fuckin cranks.
What about shooting a Welsh cunt with a bow in Chester? Why I wont go there.
Hehehe ?
Yeah that was one wasn’t it?!
I think there used to be a law that said you had to give water to anyone who asked for it. Something to do with thirsty horses.
Well you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink…
They’ve been around for years. They only believe in maritime law and only the 1776 constitution exists. State laws don’t, supreme jury? Nope.
Strangely there are Australian and uk people like this using the same logic that doesn’t apply. Don’t get me started on first amendment auditors, I could do a whole another nomination on those time wasters.
Moors otherwise known as muslims dont accept “man made law”, just the ones dictated by Dog to Mo. Thats why the entire Ummah is a shit hole.
He had a nice voice that Rosseau.
‘forever and ever..”
Big fat Greek cunt.
MNC@ – Random one but Demis Roussos is one of my favourite singers!
Off now, disgraced meself! ?
You don’t wear a kaftan do you Foxy?
Yorkshire’s own Demis Roussos!
“Eee, f’ever n’t ever”….
Right nice this
“Sexy, isn’t he Ange?”
Hahahaha ?
“Yeah but he doesn’t sound fat”…
Rousseau ripped off the social contract concept from Englishman Thomas Hobbes , who expounded it in Leviathan -Swiss cunt
Good cunting and the videos are often wuite entertaining.
Fucking yanks and their sense of entitlement, although i kniw a few people over here who are of the same attitude.
* know
Big fat thumbs of a big fat cunt.
America is infested with loonies. From Scientology and the church that jeered at servicemen’s funerals to morons who’s right is to tote assault rifles and fucking rocket launchers. Just another minority example. Most Yanks are sane, I hope.
That weird church that protests soldiers funerals?!!
In a country where patriotism is still alive and people carry guns,
Theyre lucks holding out!!
I wouldn’t blame someone for opening fire on them.
Proper Mel Blanc those cunts.
Westborough Baptist church. They picket funerals of dead soldiers because they believe homosexuality being legal means god is killing Americans due to sin.
Sigh why do I know so much about insane niche cults
Last years race riots were disappointing, to say the least. Three groups of people who are all cunts and they failed to wipe each other out in any significant numbers.
So come on, BLM / Antifa / the police, pull your fingers put, I wanna see mayhem and for there to be alot less darkīes, commies and pigs in America.
You should write in and complain Thomas.
Very lacklustre.
No wonder the viewing figures were down.
Westborough Baptist Church we’re the subject of a couple of good Louis Theroux documentaries. Viscious nuts.
More Trans-Atlantic weirdos – Mormons
The Westborough Baptist church were the inspiration for the bunch of loonies that Colin Firth wipes out single handed in the first Kingsman film…
Most Yanks are sane? You’ve seen who is in the Whitehouse have you?
Learn something new every day. Set of cunts if ever there were one.
Surely we’ve had these cunts over here for years?…….Peacefuls and Pikeys.
The difference over here is the coppers do absolutely fuck all, won’t go near the cunts.
Do the Police in Yankland dance with the Gaylords and skateboard with the treehuggers? I don’t know but I very much doubt it.
Fucking right. I’d like to these entitled pricks mouthing off against some real nasty pigs, such as central/south American beaners.
They’d be shot dead without a second thought.
I do like the enthusiasm of the Brazilian police.
They like to raid the barrios in their own time and wipe out drug dealing, murdering vermin using their own weapons and ammo.
That’s dedication to the job and no mistake.
A cunt I know thinks like this. He’s also a massive conspiracy mong too. Yet the bone idle cunt has p0nced off the state since leaving school, as do a lot of these pricks.
Anthrax Island up in Scotland, just chuck them all on that and leave them to it.
I don’t get why not complying with the law because you consider yourself a free man only to see yourself end up in prison is a good thing. Now you truly are less than free. I can understand people who refuse the acknowledge the justice system if they are being viciously persecuted by a totalitarian state and your life is shit anyway, but a lot of these sovereign citizens end up in prison with the violent psychos for company because they didn’t abide by DVLA laws. That’s just churlish, if not flat-out retarded. No one in any country wants potentially dodgy drivers on the road. I wouldn’t get in a car with a driver who had no license, MOT, etc – the cunt could be like Mo Rees off Driving School or Mr Magoo and if they were prattling on about the Vatican owning our souls then I’d definitely take the bus and sit next to a tramp who had pished himself.
Having said that, it is actually true that a lot of the “Laws of the Land” are there to trip us up and swindle us. And our birth certificates are registered on the world stock markets. It sounds like such bollocks, but it’s true. But try to cash it in! Good luck. Few have tried, some kinda succeeded, supposedly, but the paperwork is like reading the complete works of Barbara Cartland backwards.
The world is now openly ran by psychopaths. I think we are fucked. I can’t see people standing up to the governments. Everyone has lost their balls, or never them. Most people will be content in the coming digital dystopia where you rarely leave your house and need permission to go anywhere. Most jobs are going to be replaced with computers and robots soon. The world can be ran with far less folk these days and the Lizard People who rule is know that!
Murder, assault, rape, theft, and extortion are all obvious crimes, due to there being victims. So-called politicians (our rulers) and unelected bureaucrats frequently institute illogical, unethical, immoral and/or counterproductive ”laws” (nothing more than words on paper written by a group of people) that penalise otherwise peaceful, non-violent people for ”crimes” that have no real victim(s).
Two examples are drug possession and either fining and/or arresting people for ignoring Cov19 lockdown and social distancing orders. This is where politicians get police to use threats and/or violence on mostly peaceful people frequently to either raise revenue (by stealing their money) or attempt to legislate their version of morality.
When the police use threats and violence against peaceful people for victimless crimes, it is the police who are the real criminals as they are engaged in kidnapping, extortion and more under the colour of law.
So I mostly agree with sovereign citizens.
The sovereign citizens that make the mainstream news are the craziest ones that make the whole movement sound crazy. This is the problem with “conspiracy theories” and “truthers” – all it takes is one person or one theory or a bit of a theory (Lizard People) that turns most people off and the Indigo babies get thrown out with the bathwater.
We’ve all be treated like shit by the government, justice system or by the general ridiculousness of society and some people have been so fucked over that they seek to liberate themselves from this shit-show.
“…the craziest ones that make the whole movement sound crazy … all it takes is one person … that turns most people off and the Indigo babies get thrown out with the bathwater.”
Yup that’s about it, take a fact, dip it in three flavours of kook and nut sauce and create a ‘tar baby’ so engrimed that no-one wants to pick it up any more.
I’m getting effectively ‘spam texted’ by one of these types.
Met him round a mate’s house once, got into politcs politics blah blah blah and it was obvious I was dealing with a full on ‘Q’tard Trumpanzee… oh fuckin’ hell here we go. So I opened his eyes to a whole world of Trumpy shit he had absolutely no suspicion much less knowledge of. For some reason he took that as some form of invitation to thereafter send these interminable fucking texts about Maritime Law and…
“…you know WHY they call it ‘a dock’ don’t you.”
followed by
“…there’s a gold fringe around the flag behind Biden and you know what that means don’t you!”
“There’s been a shoot out at a server farm in Germany where they processed votes!”
“Trump’s issued 6 million sealed indictments and the white hats are clearing the swamp!”
“The England match will have subliminal messages embedded to persuade people to take the jab.”
“You must ask the judge in court if he stands under god’s law (he’s a scriptural Christian btw)
“The Australian police have taken down the government!”
Ohhhh – kaaaay? and his evidence for this massively significant action I’ve heard absolutely fuck all about was… a link to some sov-cit, cicle jerking LARP session over skype about how to ‘legally’ deputise the citizenry…. oh fer fffuck’s sake man!
What’s their catchphrase?
“Where we go dumb we go all”
I mean he’s a nice enough bloke ‘an all but the really baffling part is… he’s not by any means unintelligent (middle management type, (not that that’s a de facto guarantee) but yet he’s fallen headlong down that wank hole. That is really worrying element. He’s convinced he could beat down any court using his Freeman on the Land/Sov Cit theses… hmmm not so sure about that mate.
Common Law and the principle of “policing by consent”, sure, no problem with those but at it’s final reductio and if push comes to shove it comes down to one ultimate question – are the UK military and the police willing to use live fire on British civilians?
You won’t get much opportunity to quote Magna Carta whilst doing the funky chicken on the end of a copper’s taser!
Also known as Freemen on the Land here in the UK. The legal equivlalent of sticking two pencils up your hooter and a pair of pants on your head and going “wibble.” Was a world class head the ball in Hereford who called himself the magna carta man and set himself up as some sort of anti-estbalishment guru. Managed to lose his sizeable inheritance, including a manor house, in pointless scraps with the local council, banks and the fuzz. A right nasty cunt as well, not above setting some of his pet heavies on people who’d offended him in some unfathomable way or ever. He’s dead now, so now he’s Fertilising the Land. Assuming he wasn’t cremated.
Didn’t David Icke play in goal for Hereford United? The plot thickens…
He did indeed. All that cider, it fries their brain cells.
Tazer the fuckers followed by police dog attack,pepper spray and a batton to the teeth, they respect that authority, just make sure no one is filming at the time….. Cunts