Anita Rani’s Strictly nightmare

Not to be confused with the Rani from Doctor Who.

This tragic tale of injustice brought a tear to my fucking eye: Link

If only Anita Rani had been born in a country that could have given her a first-class education (for example, Bradford Girls’ Grammar School and the University of Leeds), rather than some third world shitpit where she left school at eight…

If only Anita Rani had been born in a country that had provided her with a job-for-life at its national broadcaster (for example, Cuntryfile and Woman’s Hour on the BBC), rather than busting her tits in a rice field 14-hours a day until checking out at 25 from dysentery…

If only Anita Rani had been born in a country where she could have sympathetic articles written about her in a nationally available magazine, raising her social media profile, potentially increasing sales of her book…

If only Anita Rani had been born in a country that offered equal opportunities to immigrants and their progeny, no matter how chippy and ungrateful they were…

If only Anita Rani had been born in a country recognised as being institutionally not racist…

If only Anita Rani hadn’t been born in a country where skin colour prohibits your life chances…

If only Anita Rani hadn’t been born in a country where white, working class boys unquestionably have everything handed to them on a gilded plate…

If only Anita Rani hadn’t been born in a country governed by robe-garbed, cross-burning, white supremacists…

…she definitely would have whipped all those honkies and smashed Strictly.

Nominated by – Cunty McCunt


66 thoughts on “Anita Rani’s Strictly nightmare

  1. This Rani bitch, like all middle class effniks, is greasing the wheels for her rise up the greasy pole. She has sent out a message……don’t promote me and you are a racist cunt and I will call you out. Don’t even dream about sacking me because i’m fucking useless….you know what’s going to happen dicksplash. Just another professional race baiter looking out for number one under the guise of social justice.
    No wonder the BBC have no comment. She’s got them by the balls and they fucking know it.

    • I can see why shes bitter an twisted about not being able to dance,
      Doesn’t want to admit shes got two left feet, no sense of rythm,
      Indians love a bit of dancing.
      Bollywood films are full of singing and dancing.
      She’s a bit of a madras,
      Sorry mardarse.

  2. Well I’m all out of woke tolerance, now I don’t give a fuck about any of these whiney cunts anymore, I’m sick of their bleeding, whinging and moaning coming from anyone of any colour, the way I see it it would be difficult to do ant more for the cunts without being accused of treating them as charity cases, which of course is exactly what they are, all the above reasons is why this country is quickly becoming overrun with sponging foreigners and more arriving by the fucking boatload everyday knowing that once they are here it’s a first class ride on the gravy train and the cunts have the neck to moan about it, I would like to remind the its better tha being machine gunner in fucking Eritrea, Sudan or Mogadishu but feel free to go back and test the theory with my blessing……

  3. Everyone is turning into a professional victim these days. Harry the halfwit, Rani and even fucking Olympic athletes.
    I’m fucking sick of all these cunts.
    Where is the pride of giving something your best shot, pulling the effort in and having self respect and determination to make something of yourself?

    • Hi LLF, your right seems to be a global phenomenon. Could the reason be that this is what woke world wants. Without an endless stream of brainwashed fuckwits bleating about something the woke world order fails as it has nothing to do. No fake victims no woke.

  4. What’s worse than a Z-Lister?
    A race card pulling professional victim parking stan lee Z-Lister.

    Anita Rani can fuck right off, jeldi.

  5. Middle eastern and South Asian women are always playing the race card.

    Yet another reason ro bever watch ClimateGayBlack-phile.

  6. If only She was in a country where jobbing white actors who need to make a living can no longer get work on adverts because they are white, and are no longer needed. Play spot the white middle aged man in the ad breaks. you will lose

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