It is with a degree of sadness that I nominate that Malala lass who was shot in the head a while back .
She was repaired in a U.K. NHS hospital at great expense to U.K. taxpayers. Likewise she enjoyed education at our expense and went to Oxford; not quite sure who picked up the bill for the last bit but suspect that it wasn’t her home government.
Now she is asking for ‘open doors’ for Afghans to enter the countries of civilised nations.
Well, sorry pet but the West has done its bit and has come up short. Once again, sorry but tough titty. The U.K. has spent 500 of its finest young men and fuck knows how much money on a lost cause. Enough is enough.
Afghanistan is somewhere where civilisation is a foreign concept and will never be imposed. No more resources should go to a place and Afghanistan is the place where Afghans should be.
I do not want even more human waste dumped here.
Nominated by: Guzziguy
And on the subject of a full-to-bursting country, here’s this from CuntyMort
Labour Urges Open Borders Policy
Fuck me with the rough end of a pineapple. How many fucking more can this country hold. Let them in? Where the fuck are we going to house the cunts? Are the dinghy pilots going to get their arses kicked back to France?
It’s about time this government grew a spine and told the world WE ARE FULL NOW FUCK OFF
The way it is going I wonder how long before the English Hitler comes along? According to the MSN we are already racist ..
And here’s a reason to keep the borders closed, from Jeezum Priest
How many women and children do you see?
How many older people?
Or, as a neighbour commented are they all
” Fit young men of fighting age”
We’re supposed to let 20,000 into the UK?
Funnily enough, she’s a Stanley who themselves cause more shit in Afghanistan than other surrounding counties.
Paul Theroux in the Great Railway Bazaar tersely described Afghanistan as a “nuisance”.
He was right. It’s always been a nuisance and always willl be. The British Empire came to grief there, as did the Russians and now the Americans (and us….again). The graveyard of empires. Civilisation stops at its borders.
See the first Flashman novel and The Great Game by Peter Hopkirk for accounts of the British Empires disasters in Afghanistan. Both books are great reading.
“We’re supposed to let 20,000 into the UK?”
20,000 and the rest…
If “Sir” Ed Davey and the ludicrous Moran woman of the LibDems have their way “20,000 will just be the start” – yes the pair of cretins have spoken to the media this morning. Why the fuck do people like that, living, no doubt, in nice gated communities, think we should become the shithouse of the world?
We’ve had about 8500 this year alone via the channel, mostly claiming to be gays fleeing persecution in Afghanistan or a neighbouring shithole. No need to put flights on for these cunts, they can clearly make their own way.
Did I read that anyone from Afghanistan would be accepted without the need for documentation or even a passport?
I wonder how Britain would have done in World War 2 if the same criteria was used for Germans fleeing their own country.
Afghanistan is a war torn shit hole with brutal laws and full of people that have no concept of living in a civilised society.
Let their neighbouring Muslim countries give them refuge.
Does that also mean no PCR Testing, no self-isolating for 10 days, no coughing up shedloads for Testing kit/results?
And yet British nationals returning from abroad have to tolerate all that shite.
Moreover, how the fuck are we going to accommodate these cunts? Where are they going to live? What about local infrastructure and the extra demands on housing, roads, schools, surgeries etc.
“Build more social housing” the Left will say. But who gets first dibs? Brits who have been on waiting lists for donkey’s years, or these cunts?
Come on Lineker, come on Geldof, come on, Lily Mong, come on other virtue signalling rich cunts – you’ve open up your mouths, but not your wallets or your own homes to these refugees!
As more of them arrive, the nhs will just reduce the age at which they determine you to be a lost cause / beyond saving or worthy of operations to restore your mobility, sight or hearing. They will sacrifice your quality of life if not your actual life under the guise of their ‘sustainable deliverable goals’ programmes.
This is currently in progress in NHS right now. They are deciding who could survive. There were people who nhs deemed a lost cause over last 18 months now living a normal healthy life after being removed from hospital and taken home by families. It’s not a case of can they treat you, it’s a case of will they.
Forgot to post a link of painful reading, but people need to wake the fuck up. We need a referendum to leave these cunts…
25 000 are coming . Plus thousands via Dover. Their children ,will be taught to hate us by the English education system. The girls will put on burkas and Abedi will be back. Absolute disaster in the making . Just what we fucking need more fucking child shaggers
Afghanistan. A total shitehole populated by people who hate and despise outsiders. They kicked the arse of the British Empire three times, drove out the Soviets and have now defeated the Yanks. Whilst I sympathise with the ordinary Afghans, particularly young girls and women, I’m not sure it would be a good idea to take people from what is essentially a seventh century theocracy into a modern state like the UK.
I expect our glorious leaders to ignore this advice.
Thought #37…
The true interest about this is the taliban were hiding in quatar, the same one hosting next year’s World Cup. It was a corrupt dodgy shithole before and this makes it look even worse.
The same one that owns half of London
Nowt special about Afghanistan, just another Middle East shit hole, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the civil war in Yemen. It’s all about that fucking one little book.
Add to that the shit holes of Africa, shove the open border up your fucking arse Mala whatever you are called, just be thankful that the West exists otherwise you would have been dead meat.
This book?
That’s the one ?
I don’t want a single one of these Peaceful cunts over here. Oh, they helped us out, they were on our side cry the libtards. They did it for money, nothing else, they lived like kings in that shithole. They must have known whitey would fuck off at some time so they should have made plans to get their traitor arses out. The wokies cry about the poor women and children, they won’t get a look in. It will be all bottlejob men of fighting age who will just hasten the demise of this country.
I bet these refugee cunts will ultimately vote Labour should they win British Citizenship, despite the fact that BlowJob Boris allowed them to live here.
This is exactly what the Labour Libtards want – get thousands and thousands of them living here, and convince them that the Conservatives are bad, as are its racist voters. Therefore, Vote Labour, you know it makes sense!
And God help Londonistan, if most of the “20,000+” end up living there.
FtF@ – Believe me – they were not “on our side”.
You can never get the loyalty of an Afghan, but if you have enough US Dollars you can sure rent it for a while.
Just don’t ever turn your back on them.
Don’t worry, it’s only the Doctors and Architects we’re letting in. They will enrich us enormously.
Jhallo, me Dr.Jamaaal Iqbal, graduate from FuquinLyer University in small village of Boolsheet. Me good doktor. Sawn off many legs. Cured diseases with camel arse oil. I lost certificate when I leave, plus all dokumentation.
Allãh jhave mercy.
Give me job then show me white women, Britisher bastad, death to your culture.
Send all of them round to Lineker’s gaff….
Maybe the Taliban have changed?
Taliban Lite
Gluten-Free Taliban
Vegan Taliban
Gender-Neutral Taliban
Zero Carbon Taliban
Come mr Taliban
Taliban malala
Dark keys come
But they never go home.
Daaaaayyy oh
Daaaaayyy oh
Dark keys come and they never go home
Not 1
Not 2
No, 20,000
Dark keys come and they never go home.
You’re in great form today, mnc. More light ales fuelling the engine of creativity?
Ian Dunt is a cunt:
“Refugees. Nothing else matters. Help the refugees. Get them to safety. Be as expensive in your categories as possible. Worry about the paperwork afterwards. Everything else is a distraction.”
What the fuck is it with people desperate to have more and more refugees?
CD@ – Well Ian Dunt can let them live in his fucking house then.
No chance he’d do that! None of these cunts who go on about refugees all the time even live near them. A few genuine refugees? No problem. It should be a few though, so you can integrate them and not rip every fucker else off. (Illegal) boat loads, plane loads, undocumented. Asking for trouble, everyone’s seen it before.
I seem to be growing tired of being lectured by malcontents and foreign vermin.
Let the Arabs build them a city to live in.
Appeasement has destroyed this country.
Boot out all the migrant sympathisers and other squirming Quisling filth.
By force and at once.
I reckon we could get rid of 99% of the woke, traitorous, left wing filth simply by levelling London and anywhere the BBC operate.
Good point. They should just split the country like Korea or even like Cyprus. The un cunts can then patrol a dividing line with a mile exclusion zone either side of it. All that money spaffed over two decades for nothing. Build the wall!!!
Meanwhile Shamima Begum’s bastard lawyer posts on twitter a picture of the Taliban filth in the Presidential Palace with the legend “The Boys are Back in Town.”
This is the same cunt who cries about poor innocent Shamima and her Yewman Rites blah blah woof woof. He now claims it was “ironic”. No it wasn’t cunt. It was a filthy goat shagger crowing about a Peaceful victory. But don’t blame poor pitiful Shamima, she’s just a child.
Might as well bung her in with all the other Jihadis Boris will be inviting in.
At least poor Shamima now has a place to go where she’ll be welcomed with open arms. She must think all her Christmases – I mean Eids – have come at once.
This same lawyer also defended Lee Rigby’s murderers.
Now I believe that all accused should have legal representation, even these vermin. But their lawyers should defend them within the bounds of the law and with decency and decorum. This cunt goes too far and is obviously a true believer. Cunt.
The bastard lawyer should expect no legal aid from racist whitey. i am so sick of this shit.
These Taliban cunts have been in Qatar waiting to return to the shit hole that is Afghanistan. Qatar is where the next World Cup footie will be held. I bet those thick cunt footballers still go though, no taking the knee against the paymasters. Cunts, double cunts.
Imagine filling out a Woke-inspired Passport/Citizenship Application form these days.
“Are you or have you ever been a terrorist?” YES
“Do you intend to find a job and contribute to the nation?” Fuck no!
“Will you be claiming Benefits?” Yes
“If yes, and how many others in your family will be claiming?” 19
“Are British people racists?” YES
“Will you Vote Labour if we rubber stamp your application!” Fuck yeah!
“Do you have any mental health issues?” Only when I’ve committed a terrorist attack.
“Do you know how to fix an AK47 assault rifle?” I can do with my eyes closed, mate!
“Any special needs?” Need a big house, 3 cars. Must have mosque at one end of my avenue (not a street or road. Avenue!). And a girls-school at the other end (preferably under 13s)
“Thank you. Your application has been unanimously approved!”
Priti Useless is on R4 right now. Rarely have I heard such bollocks.
Anyone with doubts that their country is being sold down the river should listen.
Our government is riddled with fifth columnists.
Malala can Fuck Off too.
I believe the opposite should be true, send all the Muslims to Afghanistan, make it a homeland a little bit like Israel where they can get the full 8th centaury death cult experience!!! cunts!!!!!
As is always the case with these countries that have mass exodus of refugees, they are not fleeing an attack from a belligerent enemy nation, or even an alien attack, they are fleeing their own people. Religious, tribal or political differences are always to blame, as the people of these nations cannot resolve their differences without mass murder. We just end up with the losing side, a lot of whom have the same propensity for evil as the ones they are fleeing.
Droughts in Africa/Middle East – “Oh, the refugees must come here!” Shout the Libtards
Famine in Africa/ME – Ditto
Flooding in Africa/ME – Ditto
Civil War in Africa/ME – Ditto
Earthquake in Africa/ME – Ditto
Tornados/Tsunamis in Africa/ME – Ditto
Pandemic virus in Africa/ME- Ditto
However, if I, as a British Citizen all my life, want to live in New Zealand (for example), I need to tick the following requirements:-
Understand the types of citizenship – There are 3 main types of New Zealand citizenship. The type you can get depends on your situation.
Check you meet the requirements – Use the self-check tool to find out if you are eligible for New Zealand citizenship.
Get your documents ready – When you apply for New Zealand citizenship by grant, you need to provide documents to prove your identity, such as:
your birth certificate or birth record
your passport or travel document.
Depending on your situation, you may need to provide additional documents.
You also need to get an identity referee or witness to support your application
Apply and pay – You can apply online, in person or by post.
Applying for citizenship by grant costs:
$470.20 for adults aged 16 and over
$235.10 for children aged 15 and under..
Get your citizenship certificate – Once your New Zealand citizenship is approved, you need to attend a citizenship ceremony.
Wait to find out if your application is approved – It takes 9 to 14 months to find out if your application to become a New Zealand citizen has been approved.
It takes the fucking piss. Shame we can’t ship these people to an island. Then ship the people who support them to the same island and let them all live together. I wonder how long that would last?
Were full, no more fuck off.
A female peaceful who was shot in the head by one of her fellow peacefuls for the crime of being educated, wishes the world to open its arms to thousands of potentially similar violent religious nutcases.
Tremendous logic
This country is going down the shitter. They will breed like rats. They have no modern values. Fuck off to the lot of them.
With a useless, spineless prick like the Jellyfish in charge, we’re already disappearing round the u-bend. Cunts.
OT anybody have Sean Lock in the deadpool?
Nope – DA
Sorry still OT, is deadpool still running, not seen it up for ages.
Fuck! really?! Shame that.
Just watching the debate in the commons, fucking Bloater wants to take all of Afghanistan into Scotland, silly cunt.
Fill fucking Skye with the cunts and then blow up the bridge.
Theyre deserters.
Hand them all in to the Taliban for trial.
I don’t remember being asked if it was ok with me to allow 20,000 pieces of Afghan shite to be allowed in?
That fuckin albino at number 10 is as woke as anything Labour has brought to the surface!
Jeremy Corbyn describes Boris as “that lefty twat”.
Well theyll get short shift from me.
Fuck off back you sponging cunts.
Malala is a fucking authentic deluxe cunt. She and all her relatives live in a gated house (some would say mansion) in England at the taxpayer’s expense. Everything is for free.and none of them will ever pay in for the NHS, council tax or pay bills for groceries, gas, electric, water etc and they never will. Her apologists/arselickers bleat ‘But… But… She was shot!’ So fucking what? Countless veterans were shot in Ulster, The Falklands, Iraq, Afghanistan. But they don’t get special treatment, do they? They should though. And where do her parasitic relatives fit in? They weren’t shot, yet these human leeches are treated like rock stars/royalty. They won’t even speak English after being here for years. It’s a fucking joke.
I am sick of this professional big gob and the way she milks being shot. Bob Marley (RIP) was fucking shot, but he didn’t go on about it and turn it into a cash-in circus. Same goes for Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II (also both shot). Malala constantly finds fault in Britain, yet she and her family suck every resource and financial avenue dry. And now the bitch wants more money sucking human cockroaches in? Fuck right off!
Norman@ – I’ve been shot – where’s my free mansion?
Anyone got some towels and brown boot polish? – I have a plan..
Fuck off Malala, and take the islam shit with you.
Funny isn’t it? I thought these smelly filth didn’t want any help from ‘White Saviours’.
But, when it gets a bit nasty, they want us horrible white infidels to wipe their shitty arses.
20,000 Afghans being let in? Haven’t we got enough Amazon drivers and rapists as it is?
Come on Norm, be fair. They’re not all Amazon drivers and rapists.
Some of them are terrorists.
Fucking hell 20,000 more of the fuckers here, its getting to the point where there going to be less Afgans in Afgastain than here….