Lewis Hamilton (15) Has a vegan dog, the poor thing

Let’s hope he looked up all the vegetables that are poisonous to dogs. (He hasn’t)

Link to the cunt

Lewis Hamalcunt, I ask what is wrong with this fucking idiot, a vegan bulldog FFS, does this fuck monkey posess a brain, I reckon he, s been breathing exhaust gas to long, he truly is a world champion cunt…

Nominated by –  Fuglyucker, but it was way too short so here’s more from – CuntyMort

Lewis you may be a card carrying tax avoiding cunt stop treating your hound as a vegitarian, dogs eat Meat you fucking twat. It’s about time cunts like this cunt were given a judicial kicking for animal cruelty.

God and nature designed dogs as carnivores not fucking vegitarian’s. FFS give me strength fucking vegetarian cunts. Put all the cunts down

53 thoughts on “Lewis Hamilton (15) Has a vegan dog, the poor thing

  1. What’s he going to get next? A veggie crocodile perhaps? He is indeed the biggest tool in the Mercedes Formula 1 workshop.

    • Dogs are carnivores.
      To deprive them is unnatural and cruel.
      I remember when he was bullying his toddler nephew for wearing a princess dress,
      Before he went full retard.
      I wouldn’t trust Lewis with a toddler or care for a dog,
      He hasn’t the mental capacity or maturity,
      Maybe hes got somalian in his genetic makeup?
      Theyre all simpletons.
      Hope that dog bites his fuckin nose off.

      • Roscoe looks really pissed off in the pic.
        I bet he’s thinking; ‘Fuck me I am stuck with this virtue-signalling prick and he’s got loads of money and I have to eat grapes and shit…all I want is some Pedigree Chum…you cunt’.

      • I hope his shit stinks more than usual as a result of his diet (Roscoe, not Lewis) not he would know as he probably pays some cunt to clear up after him.

      • Hopefully, he also pays someone else to feed it too, and they slip the poor hound a nice fillet steak ( he can afford it)

        If you want a vegetarian pet, get a fucking rabbit!

        You utter cunt.

      • From what I’ve read, that’s a common misconception.

        Wolves are carnivores but domesticated dogs are classed as omnivores (tending towards carnivory) due to the fact that humans have selectively bred dogs for tens of thousands of years and domesticated them after they started to hang around human settlements eating our scraps.

        This has caused their diets to harmonise more with the diets of their human masters – basically they eat our scraps; whatever that may be (if meat is scarce, you’re probably not going to waste it on the dog).

        That’s not to say that I agree with feeding a dog a vegan diet though. Practically everything about a dog’s physiology is carnivorous and if you put a plate of steaming beef next to a plate of salad the dog will chow down on the beef, raise it’s leg and dress the salad.

    • My cat’s vegan – It loves to catch those feathered vegetables it sees fluttering about the place

  2. Rachel Allavena is an associate professor in the School of Veterinary Science at the University of Queensland and she says you’re a cunt on f you feed your per a vegan diet.

    Dogs are omnivores but need meat. Cats are carnivores and some idiots feed their cats vegan diets. I bet loads of these cats eat birds and fucking mice anyway as soon as they go outside, due to their fucking shit food at home. Or they may just fuck off and go wild rather than eat fucking soy and tofu.

    People who feed dogs and cats vegan diets are fucking cunts, as is the woke pet food industry which promotes these diets as ‘safe’ and ‘providing all nutrients’ etc.

    Fucking bullshit!

    Put the fucking owners down and give the remains to their pets to eat, the poor bastards.


    • Cats on a vegan diet. That is cruelty and no other word. A cats organs pack up without meat hence why there carnivores. They suffer not given meat. If I knew someone who was doing this I would report them. I despair I really do.

  3. Poor animals. bulldogs and other mastiff descendants do well on raw diets and that includes meat like frying steak.

    Hamilton is a stupid fucking cunt. Like most of these twats who virtue signal; they know nothing about anything

  4. If Im ever passing by one of his mansions, I’m lobbing some steaks over the high security wall he no doubt has to keep the dark keys out.

  5. Used to like F1 and went to several races.

    Hamilton was the reason I lost interest. With the jewellery, stupid hair and false modesty.

    Privileged racist wanker.

  6. Bit like those cunts who feed dogs chocolate. There should be a basic knowledge test before you can get a pet.

    • Garlic, onions,grapes,raisins,
      All bad for our canine mates.
      Dogs like meat.
      They have good taste.

      When not licking their arse.

  7. Reminds me of “Shirley Valentine”…
    “I gave your steak the dog!”
    It’s a bloodhound, not a muesli-hound.

    Tofu-knitting twats.

  8. Never a bad dog. Always a bad owner. True saying and in this case an utter cunt to boot.

    The bloke really is an uneducated virtue signalling wankstain of the highest calibre.

    Right up there challenging Linkear.

  9. This is no different from twatish parents pushing their own left-wing ideology onto their kids, whether it be veganism, climate change, gender theory or whatever. At least if you are a kid you can be red pilled if you are lucky, reject it and tell them to fuck off, the animals don’t get that choice.

  10. A healthy canine in the wild would be eating complete herbivores, guts ‘n all.
    These supply all the nutrients and roughage required.
    Redundant up-themselves vegetarian F1 drivers would be fine.

  11. I became a vegan years ago but a left-wing one so my hypocrisy allows me to eat meat, fish and dairy as well as plant life.

    • Dont forget the bottled water. The normal tap water is poison apparently.

  12. If I were a fan of this “sport”, which I am not, I would have given it up years ago due to this arrogant virtue signalling fucking bastard. Same reason I have given up football. Won’t watch it, not even on the cunting telly. I’m through with being patronised, sneered at and told to “get educated” by the likes of Linekunt and his cunt pals.

  13. Am i crazy or is Lewis Hamalcunt starting to look like Nik Nak from the man with the golder gun, this cunt is a total fuckwit, if it wasnt F1 he would kicking a ball around, hopefull the wanked will end up face down in his pool….

  14. Formula 1 , Hamilton and vegans are the most boring load of shite on earth. At least boring Lauda had the decency to turn himself into a hamburger.

    • Would like to see ‘jig-a-boo-lew’ competing in Formula 1 in the 60’s.

      Wouldn’t make one lap round the old Nurburgring.

  15. I hope his half starved dog rips his fucking throat out. What poetic justice that would be

    And a massive laugh..

  16. Clicked the link

    Lad Bible say it isn’t clear that feeding dogs and cats a vegan diet is ethical, but quote the president of the British Vetenary Association saying it almost certainly isnt.

    Fucking woke journos.

  17. Dogs are in fact omnivores. Cats are classed as obligate carnivores, meaning they can only eat meat.
    There is an increasing number of pedigree dogs now, that are in fact allergic to meat and gluten ( wheat) . For this reason, food manufacturers are producing vegetarian gluten free foods.
    I have personally had dealings with a couple who had a Newfoundland, losing weight rapidly. I prescribed a vegetarian dog food ( animal nutritionist business of my own) the dog rapidly put on weight, and it’s coat grew back.
    That said, Hamilcunt is still a bullmassive cunt.

    • Holy shit…… I know that Coeliac DIsease is on the increase in humans but never thought it would be in pooches too………… must be all the pesticides causing immune responses if you ask me.

  18. They reckon that dog food producer Winalot is in trouble financially and is now about to call in the retrievers…

  19. Formula one reminds of me of my old hitch hiking days, standing at the side of a road watching a load of cunts go past in cars. But far less rewarding, as at least I usually got a lift off some fucker.
    Making his dog eat vegan slop? What a prick.

  20. Did the dog exercise its right to choose? Was it a fully informed decision, and where is the evidence of that decision.?

    I rest my case M’lud.

    • I think so too.
      Diamonds, plaited hair, vegan dog, woke politics, etc.
      Dont need to be Colombo to realise Lewis might be a sword swallower..

  21. Hamilton is a fuckin mega cunt. I hope his dog gets a permanent dose of the shits and craps all over his gaff every minute of the day. Come on Hamilton’s dog, shit on the carpet, shit on the sofa, shit on his pillow, shit on his bed, shit on his lap, shit all over the cunts gaff, fill it with nice runny, slimy, stinking dog shit.

  22. My dog’s a vegetarian, he’ll eat any amount of fries dipped in chicken gravy.
    He has Sunday dinner, carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower cheese with loads of sauce, roasties, yorkies & a bloody good helping of the meat of the day!
    Is this man real?

  23. I reckon Hammy has been watching the great film “The Road to Wellville” in which Anthony Hopkins plays Dr Kellogg. Before he “invented” the cornflake, Kellogg ran a huge residential health center outside Chicago and made a fortune screwing the rich with his dieting and exercise regimes. He was a vegetarian, of course, and one of his stunts was to bring a starving, snarling timber wolf onto the stage. He would then torment it by holding a big lump of bloody meat just out of its reach. It would go absolutely crazy and scare the shit out of the audience by howling and growling. When he eventually threw the meat at the wolf it chewed it up in seconds and snarled for more. Kellogg would then bring out another timber wolf which had never eaten meat and was a vegetarian. In contrast to the wild carnivorous beast, this veggie wolf was mild and cute, allowed Kellogg to stroke it and it licked his hand. He then put a plate of mush in front of it and it lapped it up like a kitten with milk.

  24. Just seen a photo of what the cunt is wearing at Spa. Total and utter cunt. Dogs do not have an appendix, no need when you are a carnivore.

  25. He is happy to accept a knighthood from HM The Queen, the very epitome of the white-privileged honky he rails against, the representative of the evil British Colonial Empire. If he turned down the gong, then I’d have respect for the bloke. As he hasn’t, I don’t. The cunt.

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