Edinburgh Arts Festival (2) – “Sound of the Union”

A centrepiece at this year’s Edinburgh Festival is going to be the performance of a choral piece called “Sound of the Union”. Are the Scot’s at last going into song to praise the Act of Union”? Unfortunately not – the Union that’s being praised is the European Union.

The Sound of the Union is a rendition of Burn’s Auld Lang Syne and it’s going to be sung in Gaelic and in all the languages of the EU. It will be performed by a choir of cunts from across the EU and is designed by the organisers to “express concern” at the UK’s departure from the EU. It’s being funded by the SNP who are paying £350,000 to support this year’s annual Edinburgh Shitfest.

And the author of this choral masterpiece, which will no doubt sound like a sack of fighting, randy tom cats amplified through a cunt trumpet? Well, he’s about as British, Scottish and European as they come. Come forward and take a bow, Emeka Ogboh, a Nigerian who lives in Germany.

Mr Ogboh has said that his choral piece is designed as a homage to the EU citizens that did not “have their voice heard” in the EU referendum (ie. because they were not British). He also said, “You can’t talk about Brexit without talking about migration.”

Auld Lang Syne is a dismal dirge in any language, let alone the languages of the EU and Gaelic (a language spoken by absolutely no one at all in Scotland and by 14 people in Ireland).

When will these nut jobs realise they lost the referendum and fuck off?

Eurotrash of the highest order and a huge pile of cunt. I suppose Mr Ogboh is an artist of sorts – but his usual medium is piss.


Nominated by – MMCM

41 thoughts on “Edinburgh Arts Festival (2) – “Sound of the Union”

  1. All funded by me, the English taxpayer.
    The sooner my brutal world dictatorship is established the better.

  2. I speak Gaelic and I do not approve of cunts named Emeka Ogboh appropriating my culture.

  3. I never go out on New year’s eve, I fucking hate that song. It leaves me feeling quite stressful, in a real state of unease.
    I’ve spoken to my doctor and he says it’s just a mild case of Auld Langxiety….

    • Oggy S@mbo singing auld laung syne in different languages to a bunch of porridge w@gs?
      Where do I book my ticket?

  4. I’m fine with Scotland taking independence. As long as it REALLY is independence. The kind where, from day one, they get fuck all from us. I’m all fine with that. Are they?

    Fuck off.

    • I agree but I doubt that will happen. They’le want the good old UK to financially hold thier hand and wipe thier arses for a few years and the streak of piss UK government we have (be it Boris, Starmer or any other cunt in charge) will cave in to all this.

      • Of course. No chance they want real independence. Do they fuck want it. The SNP and munter Sturgeon love whipping it up but would shit it if the option was real independence.

        That’s what I’d be fine with giving them but we’d end up paying them and still taking shit off them.

  5. 1. The Embra Festival is strictly for tourists.
    2. Try asking the way in Gaelic, in Embra.
    3. Try asking the way in English, in Embra, during the Festival
    4. The Festival is where wannabe luvvies and (excuse the term) comics go to meet each other and perform in front of audiences of 3. This is not Bernard Manning country.
    5. I read as far as ‘SNP’ and all became crystal clear. Krankie is heavily reliant on getting back in the EU to keep the subsidies going after she pulls out of the UK and the disproportionate Barnett formula is a dead letter. Because Scotland on its own will be an economic basket case now the oil’s mostly gone. Cue anilingus on all fronts.
    6. I wonder where that £350K’s coming from. Krankie and her glovepuppet husband Murrell are currently under intense scrutiny as to the fate of £600K in donations:


    (the investigation is now under way)

    And the evil imperialist Union government gave the Jock Kong nearly £200K in 1918. Good ol’ UK taxpayer!

    Simmer down, Komodo. Seriously, supporting independence from one country in order to be completely swallowed by a conglomerate of more alien ones must be a hard act to sustain. And you can see it at the Edinburgh Festival!

    I haven’t said anything about persons of Nigerian descent fucking about with our literary traditions (including Burns, who worked for the then government). Do I need to?

  6. My formula is to hate anyone who isn’t me.

    That way I am prejudiced against everyone equally so nobody can complain.

  7. An homage to the EU citizens who didn’t get their voices heard? When do they ever?
    Fuck off Umpah. Anyhow, are you even an EU citizen? If not, that’s a fuck off from me, and a fuck off from him.

  8. I want the front seat to see Krankie get the same treatment as Braveheart. Problem is, she is so full of shit it would be messy.

  9. It’ll be a cold day in hell when a honky is in a dark key country telling them what’s what. But they love telling us how to live and what to think.

    Despite their own examples of societies being fucking basket cases.

    Here’s a great idea. Let’s bring millions of the cunts over here.

  10. There should be a referendum by the member states of the United Kingdom as to whether they want Scotland to remain part of it.

    The options should be:

    A) Remain
    B) Fuck Off

    The Scots want independence but want to be part of the European Union? NS is a deluded nut job.

    • WS@ – I have been following the shenanigans of crazy Krankie for a while – “we’ll leave the evil English and be independent, then straight away try and join the EU to give any any last vestige of freedom we have but we need someone to bankroll our failing economy”.
      The EU have very sensibly told the tartan terror to go fk herself due to the huge budget deficit so nutty Nickys great idea?
      Borrow money from the EU to pay off the deficit, join the EU and hop on the gravy train all the way to Brussels for Sturgeon as a EU MP, but wee Krankie doesn’t seem to understand that if you borrow to pay debt you are STILL IN DEBT, but to a much less benevolent creditor.
      And the EU told her to fk off with her mental fantasies.
      Sturgeon has a six year olds grasp on economics and fiscal policy and planning.
      And IMHO is an evil old nazi bitch.

  11. I remember “Fascinating Aida” posting a song “So sorry, Scotland” an anti-Brexit dirge on YouTube. Natch, comments were disabled. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. I think one of them is some sort of freak anyway.
    This new thing sounds like the tower oof Babel to me. No doubt sung by loads of drugged up dooshkas & c. Utter heap of wank.

  12. I would give those Krankie fuckwits Independence tomorrow if it weren’t for the fact that half the population of Jockland would cross the border and we’d have to pay for the cunts anyway.
    We should offer to swap 2 million Jocks for 2 million remoaner cunts and tribal relatives of Mr Umbongo. Any Peaceful population additions from their EU friends are their fucking problem.

  13. Are the Scots really that dense? Nicki would piss away Scottish identity in an instant. she doesn’t give a flying fuck about Scotland, she’s a no borders international socialist.

    Remember to change your Euros into pounds sterling before crossing the border Jimmy.

    • Are the Scots really that dense?
      Well, they keep voting the SNP in ??‍♂️???

  14. I’ve been to Edinbugger during Festival time and it’s full of fucking cunts. Poofs and wannabe luvvies all over the place. I paid 12 quid to see Ruby Wax and some other hasbeens in some dire so called comedy. We walked out half way through and saw a quite good band for fuck all in the pub over the road. They don’t like the English much, the cunts.

  15. A steaming pile of Sweaties listening to a steaming pile of anti British cunt. Just another day in deranged Nazi midget land.. Cunts in sporrans.

  16. Perhaps they could sing a lament for the record amount of people in Scotland who died from drug abuse. It’s up all across the U.K. but particularly high in Scotland as they do love their smack up there. And I might be tempted if I lived there to, it’s bad enough listening to Krankie McMerkel whining outside of the place, having to live under her dictatorship would be unbearable.
    It was on the sovereign citizen nom that someone said that drug possession was a victimless crime. Try telling that to the families of those dead cunts….

  17. An anti-English song, sung in an unintelligible dialect, in Scotland?
    Sounds like any other day, north of the border.
    The fucking stupid cunts!

  18. The scots are like a turd that just won’t flush. If you want to leave, just leave, like the uk did with europe

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