This tragic tale of injustice brought a tear to my fucking eye: Link
If only Anita Rani had been born in a country that could have given her a first-class education (for example, Bradford Girls’ Grammar School and the University of Leeds), rather than some third world shitpit where she left school at eight…
If only Anita Rani had been born in a country that had provided her with a job-for-life at its national broadcaster (for example, Cuntryfile and Woman’s Hour on the BBC), rather than busting her tits in a rice field 14-hours a day until checking out at 25 from dysentery…
If only Anita Rani had been born in a country where she could have sympathetic articles written about her in a nationally available magazine, raising her social media profile, potentially increasing sales of her book…
If only Anita Rani had been born in a country that offered equal opportunities to immigrants and their progeny, no matter how chippy and ungrateful they were…
If only Anita Rani had been born in a country recognised as being institutionally not racist…
If only Anita Rani hadn’t been born in a country where skin colour prohibits your life chances…
If only Anita Rani hadn’t been born in a country where white, working class boys unquestionably have everything handed to them on a gilded plate…
If only Anita Rani hadn’t been born in a country governed by robe-garbed, cross-burning, white supremacists…
…she definitely would have whipped all those honkies and smashed Strictly.
Nominated by – Cunty McCunt
A more user friendly (no paywall) link:
Cheers RTC ?. Good spot. I forgot the Telegraph has a paywall.
Dear Anita
If you had been born a white male I can assure you that you would not be working at the BBC. Primarily because you have no talent.
Now fuck of.
Yours sincerely
My Indian mate has to keep his inhaler close to hand whenever he eats rice, he’s basmatic….
You didn’t win SCD because you simply weren’t good enough you utter cunt!! It had nothing to do with you having a brown face as you alluded to in your book..
I don’t care about or watch SCD but know people of colour have made up approx half the winners since its inception, both black , Indian and mixed race , so fuck off you talentless BBC (race baiting) CUNT
All the Paki’s and Dark Keys who complain about how badly they are treated are jumping on a bandwagon to disguise their own failure – the BBC, NHS, Local Government, Public services have fallen over themselves in the last 35 years to accomodate these self entitled arsewipes – at the expense of more competent white candidates.
Still let us give her a consolation prize – a banana.
I could tell you a story about falling over for a fucking minrority and ignoring their ineptitude, W.C, that’d make your fucking eyes water and your blood pressure go through the fucking roof. But I can’t, as it would make me easily identifiable and I love my job. But, rest assurred, a white person would have been fucked off at high port LONG ago.
I an well believe it. Enough to say I used yo have dealings with Camden council in the workplae about 30 years ago when the Ms. Rani’s started to get uppity – most were rude and ignorant. Not one of those I spoke to seemed to know their job and couldn’t have cared less.
Maybe Me-again Markle can send her over one with a personal message like the ones she was handing out to the whores on the streets of London.
Because the link wasn’t working for me I thought I’d search the story. It’s well covered but to my surprise, not by the BBC cunts unless I missed it.
Anyone else get the feeling that these cunts are taking the pîss to see how far they can get before the indigenous population of this island finally turns full on AWB batshit méntal?
CQ@ – Very much so – all it takes is for these chippy race baiting little fuckers to get called out for their blatant racism and hypocrisy and the silent majority will find their voices.
And if Anita Rani considers (wrongly) that her “heritage” was held against her she is more than welcome to fuck off back to the third world shithole she left.
I have said this many times, but the race war loaf has been kneeded, proven, knocked back, proven again, and is now in the oven low and rising nicely.
In 30 years time there will be one of two outcomes in Western Europe, no white folk or no none white folk. But genocide is on the way and these metro ‘bohemian bourgeois’ cunts that created this new world order will be the first to burn, at the hands of those they welcomed with open arms no less.
As Shirley Bassey sang…. It’s all just a little bit of history repeating….
The cunt should really be asking herself whether she would have actually got that far if she had a white face. BBC has become a state broadcaster catering for its sub Saharan, middle East & asian friends and I bet more of them were voting to keep her in
Well a raghead won the Great British Wank Off, so fuck knows what this silly tart is wibbling on about.
Fuck off.
This is a prime example of what is wrong with this country.
Why are these people given any kind of platform to spout their shit.
Does this nut job actually believe that the reason she didn’t win a dancing competition was the colour of her skin and not the fact she can’t fucking dance.
I haven’t seen the programme but I presume that’s the reason.
Every fucking person of colour now has a 4 by 3 sized chip on their shoulder and blame everything on the ‘inherent racism’ pervading our country. A country as the author stated took her in, educated her, gave her a cushy job.
This just superheats my piss to Chernobyl like temperatures.
Personal responsibility has totally gone, replaced by this overwhelming need to blame everything and everyone if things don’t go your way.
I cunt the media for giving this untalented human skid mark any kind of exposure.
The BBC and is employees want nuking. Fuck em, fuck em all.
I note the sickeningly sympathetic Telegraph article was written by one, Anita Singh.
Yet another white supremacist fucking Nazi no doubt. The cunts are everywhere!
Sorry Anita, I guess you didn’t tick enough boxes to overcome a lack of dancing talent. Maybe if you were a Trans mother of a r’tarded child married to a black woman you could have had a chance.
‘Is it cos Ise is a Parking Stanley”?
No – it’s because you can’t dance you clumsy flat-footed cunt.
Sorry – just read she’s a Hindu, not a Parking Stanley.
Which is more surprising as Hindus don’t usually go in for this self-pitying race nonsense.
MMCM – No, they do not – I have a lot of Hindu friends and they graft, and are grateful for living in a Country which gives them money, opportunity and equality irrespective of caste.
I’m sure I read she has been held back because of her Yorkshire accent as well, to go along with being an oppressed little brown woman. This isn’t the fucking 1930’s, they even let the likes of Jamie Carragher on without subtitles now.
Oh dear. Yet another ethnic who fails to realise that the colour of their skin has actually provided them with a career that would have been completely un achievable if they were white. I wonder how many white girls with infinitely more talent and better looks missed out just so that she could tick a bbc box. Also, this race baiting piece of shit fails to understand that most British people have little issue with the Indian community from which she hails, they just hate park keys. (Even the wokeys regard them as distasteful if the truth be known).
And why would one of the wokest shows on the wokest channel known to mankind target her? The bbc gravy train is the only reason she isn’t working in McDonald’s.
Ignorant, race baiting, talentless, ironing board chested, big nosed cunt!
The Rani was an evil Time Lord/Lady from (the pre-woke) Doctor Who.
Played by the milfmongous Kate O’ Mara (RIP).
I don’t really care for ingratitude.
Put these rats in a barrel and park them with nuclear waste.
Glow in the dark Strictly Cunts.
Well Ms Bud Bud fucking Gupta could always fuck off back to India and see how she gets on. She might find there aren’t many white wokie libtards willing to give her a leg up for box ticking, virtue signalling purposes.
The bare faced, self pitying fucking cheek of these hypocritical cunts is astonishing!
For the record, she was born in Bradford.
Not that it matters.
If she wasn’t such a chippy cow, I would probably like to slide the old Maskinback man-meat deep into her exotic pussy and bounce my swollen love-spuds on her pert back door.
Very elegantly cunted, although, having no television I was unaware of the subject’s existence. Ignorance was bliss….damn you.
I have checked my privilege, incidentally, and it’s fine.
Not having a television is no excuse for your ignorance, K.
As you have protested previously, on several occasions, you are able to watch TV programmes “on other outlets”.
‘Strictly’ is no exception. Fill your boots here:
Although I suspect you already have… ??
It may not be an excuse, but it’s a damn good filter. No “Christ, WTF’s this?” as, having dozed off to something which wasn’t as interesting as you thought, you awake with a start to that sort of cunt.
R4 Extra’s bad enough – old Hancocks seguing via momentary slumber into upspeaking, T-dropping, G-abandoning girlie who says ‘three’ for ‘through’ telling me like she was y’know like sooo impressed by this AMAZING podcast, yeah….?
Allow an old cunt to merely imagine the iniquities of television, and please I beg you link me no more links thereto. Your last offering was bad enough.
Be careful Komodo. Your insistence on not having a TV (of which I do not for one moment doubt the veracity) will sooncome morph into abstruse and unimaginative allegations of Walter Mitty-esque behaviour.
On a more informative and concrete note, I observe that Craig Murray’s prisoner number and details have now been published (qv – and rather surprisingly) on his blogsite. It is therefore now possible – if authentic – to send him unsolicited mail.
From personal experience, I expect this will be a bit of a laff for him.
Given the history, I thought you might be interested in this.
“… will sooncome morph….” Interesting construction. Are you needling me or RTC this time?
Re. Craig, I am sure those who mirror his views on independence will afford him far more pleasure than I could.
That should have been “…AMAZIN podcas ‘ …”
No, Komodo, I’m not need(l)ing you, humping your leg or any such. That’s in your imagination.
Exactly as I said. To spell it out more clearly, I first came across this site via your frequent contributions to I assumed (it seems wrongly) you might be interested.
That’s it. No hidden agenda. No attempt at clever-dickery.
I’m not needling anyone. I thought you might be interested. You were a very regular contributor to his blog site and the reason I found this one.
That’s all folks!
“That’s all folks!”
Oh, do you promise?
I haven’t heard recent repeats on R4 Extra – do they give a strong warning, as they do for the Goon Show, of the same vintage :
(Best BBC Patronising voice) “Please remember, as this show is more than sixty years old it DOES contain langauge and attitudes of a bygone era”
I remember once the announcer was almost crying when he had to introduce a 1970 episode of Steptoe and Son called “Any Old Iron?” (as in “iron hoof”) – it was clear that even the title upset him. I imagine he is Mandelson’s gardener and looks after his pansies for him. Also, a couple of weeks ago (S & S goes out on Mondays) they skilfully excised Albert’s reference to a “wog”
I very much doubt they issue such warnings for misandrist Australian wimminz “stand up” which they repeat from Wireless 4. or the onbongo comics that litter the same slots.
I thought Tim Davie was going to stop all that PC shit, but it seems he is just full of piss and wind.
@ WC Boggs,
Be grateful you haven’t been arrested yet for having those outdated attitudes. And sent for re-education, or the Tower Hamlets gulag. Meanwhile, having driven the real racism underground, it will continue to fester. They haven’t solved anything by rewriting history and cancelling our culture, the cunts.
Still, it IS the State broadcaster; can we expect any better? Look at what the State has become.
Coming soon on the BBC………
Strictly No Honkies.
What a whining sack of shit this Rani is.
Ungrateful little biitch.
I wonder what her ‘native’ country has to offer in comparison to Great Britain,- next to fuck all I suspect, – unless you plan on getting gang raped on a bus?
Take note of where your bread is buttered luv, – and just be grateful for the wonderful opportunities that this country has given you.
Opportunities and wealth that others would gladly give their right arm for.
Now, back to work and keep your head down lass.
We’ll have less of your whinging thanks.
Tell you what. Let’s have A Strictly peopled purely by non- whites, doing nothing but ethnic dances & see how Anita fairs.
That’s a great idea.
Strictly come effincks.
Could be hosted by a chimp.
Would be a lot cheaper fees than old greasy-mopped Winkleman.
Could even have some primates as dance partners?
Would be great to see an orangutang skidding across the dance floor to a Cole Porter number.
I would smash her back door in, on second thoughts…, I don’t want my cock to stink of curry, infact every orifice you penetrate with stink off curry, fuck off
And her armpits will reek of Onion Bhajis.
Bet she’s got the breath of a bison.
Ghee will be permeating from her pores.
Bet when she takes a dip in the sea, it looks like an oil tanker has ran aground.
Would have to give her a swill off with a pressure washer first.
Dont know who she is but the shoulder chip is pretty universal. And it’s put there by lefty cunts stirring up resentment where the wouldnt otherwise be any. Unless this woman is as thick as pig shit she should know that India, her heritage I assume, is a caste, religion and sxist riddled fucking hell hole. Pakistan and Bangla Desh are even worse.
She can feel free to live there to do better for herself.
Fuck, it’s another ‘I lost cos everyone is racist’
Never mind, perhaps your book sales will make up for it
The non white privilege card, any failure can be blamed on racism no matter how trivial.
I expect statues of Lionel Blair to be blocking our waterways anytime now.
Pakistani descent ballroom dancers matter! Defund the dance schools now!
Hot box, extra rats.
Ive no clue who this woman is but shes given me indigestion.
MNC@ – Rani is often seen on Cuntryfile, with her £400 Rab jacket and £300 Le Chameaux wellies – all paid for by the Licence payers.
Goodness gracious!!
Still, rather her than that sootie in a wheelchair!!
He quite turns my tripe.
No tits. No talent. Piss off, ungrateful cunt.
She’s got more talent in her little finger………than the rest of her body put together.
Thick bitch, hasn’t got a fucking clue.