Tolerance (2)

We’re told this is a virtue. Part of British Identity even. It’s a positive thing. Tolerance.

Well you tolerate things you don’t like, don’t you? Like a headache. Or the Emma Freuds. Or your boss making you work late. Your wife going off on one. A baby screaming and shitting for hours on a long haul flight. The peaceful with BO at work. The effects of a pandemic. Dickheads on the road.

These are a things I’ve had to tolerate. If I didn’t, I’d be inside for being a serial killer.

We’re told to tolerate:

Peacefuls and terrorism
and other shite that us supposedly a strength…that we need to tolerate?

Funny, but you don’t need to tolerate a hot young blonde piece with big tits and long legs coming on to you. Or a lottery jackpot win. Receiving a big pay rise never needs tolerating. A month’s holiday on full pay isn’t something I’d need to put up with and tolerate either.

It seems that this woke shite they’re pushing can’t be a strength if it all needs tolerating too.

Fuck off.

Nominated by – Cuntybollocks

45 thoughts on “Tolerance (2)

  1. Tolerance is the acceptance of a situation because the consequences of doing something about it are more unpleasant than the original irritation…I know for a fact that I’d do a “Michael Ryan” if it wasn’t for the worry about what would become of my Hounds.

    • Michael would have shot them first. That would be a weight off your mind.
      I wonder how the BBC are going to label you?

      • I’m sure that Auntie Beeb will just refer to me as a “mentally-ill British citizen”…same as any other murderous Nutter..maybe.

  2. We are supposed to tolerate the intolerable, and not to be judgemental about things that are obviously wrong. In short, we are not supposed to criticise cunts. Well they can fuck right off, cunts.

  3. My last comment is being moderated, presumably for the use of the word ‘cunts’.

    I think it was for ‘mental’ actually. The rest aren’t on the banned list. Neither should that be. WP is odd. – DA

  4. The way Dr Who’s going the with all its ethnic inclusivity, episodes around the Partition of India and Pakistan the Daleks will appear and it will be-


    • I thought Tolerance and Diversity are England’s new centre back pairing.

  5. You need to be on your toes with this ‘Tolerance’shite.
    Its sly and insidious.
    You hear anyone promoting it,
    I suggest you get in first!!
    Pick up the sharpest/heaviest object near to hand and set about the blighters!!
    Once a elderly asian woman (possibly a bus farter?)
    Approached me threatening me with tolerance,
    I rabbit punched her in the belly hard as I could and taking advantage, got her in a headlock and rammed her into a parked car
    It was a narrow escape,
    But I through quick thinking managed to go unscathed.

      • Luckily LL im highly trained but for anyone else id suggest

  6. “Tolerance” is just the first stage of a process known as the Overton Window – your 5 step guide to cultural conquest and subsequent domination thereof. On the up slope it goes….

    1 – Tolerance of… (the otherwise unconscionable, depraved, injurious etc)
    2 – Acceptance…
    3 – Celebration of…
    4 – Forced participation in… culminating in…
    5 – Punishment of those who refuse to participate

    The left wish to whip us up that demonic slope to the ‘sunlit upland’ they’ve prepared for us at the top. They forget that the process can work in reverse if they drive too hard and too fast and our reaction turns the process on them. Their trick is to herd the sheep gently whilst allowing just the occasional “glimpse of the whip” as a reminder to keep fucking moving.

    • @Cunty Chops. Sunlit uplands often contain grassy knolls.
      Got to watch out for those grassy knolls.
      Never know who’s lurking.
      The tolerant are fucked.
      Just like the meek.
      Fuck that.
      Good evening.

      • “So we are at stage 3 right now?”

        Yup indeedy. Can anyone deny it with a straight face?

  7. My tolerance ended when I became a hated and endangered species marked for extermination in my own Country.
    My tolerance ended when I realised “laws” are only for those with white faces.
    My tolerance ended when I saw pampered millionaire snowflakes “take a knee” for a racist rabble of marxist terrorists.
    My tolerance ended when I watched BLM and Antifa smash, loot and burn the UK as the police took a knee and did nothing.
    My tolerance ended when a “vaccine” was invented in Wuhan biological weapons research lab at the same time as a natural virus was being modified and subsequently deliberately released.
    My tolerance ended when 90% of reasonable and politically central people were denounced as “bigots, fascists, racists and nazis”.
    Tolerance does nothing but empower the intolerable.
    Fuck “tolerance”.

    • Rumour has it that despite all these different pharmaceutical companies claiming ownership to these vaccines, they are actually all the exact same thing. Could they all be making the same recipe Vax under loicence or just distributing wuhanvax?

      It is claimed that the China Vax variant isn’t an mRNA based substance but they probably foresaw that the emergence of a new technology used to whip up a jab in record time might alienate the would be recipients. Maybe hedging their bets that people suspicious of mNRA tech will want their jab instead.

      Not like anyone of us can take a syringe of it and analyze if it’s mRNA inside or if all brands identical and they know it. All scientists silence has been bought off or they fear getting Dr Kellyed if they speak out.

      • The vaccine is the swineflu vaccine slightly tweaked.

        That’s how they got it out so fast.

        Still not takung it though.

  8. Tolerance both ways ….not a fucking chance, peaceful’s, lefty socialist woke cunts trans bender enders, BLM terrorists don’t do tolerance.

  9. Neill Chamberlain was an international hero briefly for tolerating Hitler.
    That went well.

    • UT@ – Chamberlain was trying for peace but inadvertently ended up being helpful as it gave us time to prepare.
      But appeasing maniacs did not work then and it will not work now

    • Extra time to make another 400 hurricanes. Some say it was a deliberate move

      • Also accelerates a big rearmanent drive which helped with the spitfires’ development and getting it to frontline squadrons.
        Did quite a bit readying for war considering his peace overtures. Not such a cunt after all.

  10. Tolerating something and being tolerant about it it are different concepts. For example, Islamic states like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia tolerate their tiny Christian populations but are not tolerant with them. In fact, they do everything to suppress them short of actually outlawing them. In contrast, the US and the UK tolerate Moslems, allow them to practice their faith openly, have their own schools and convert others. They are treated equally as citizens. They are tolerant whereas the first two are intolerant.

  11. Forget tolerance, that was so last century, now it’s embrace and celebrate, we are way past tolerating.

    You can’t just be not racist, now you have be anti racist (whatever the fuck that means). Take the knee or be labelled nazi. Accept that trans women are real women, regardless of biology, no tolerance is long gone.

    We are truly doomed.

    • That sums it up rather well.

      *three attempts later*
      I can’t put it any better.

  12. Bloody good job we didn’t tolerate the Nazis though. I am of the opinion you shouldn’t tolerate something that’ll do you harm. If anyone thinks otherwise they are stupid bastards

  13. In 1973 I walked past the IRA bomb at Westmonster tube station less than two minutes before it went off. If I’d stopped to buy a newspaper that morning then I’d be dead now.

    I left my tolerance on that bridge on 1973…

  14. I am a misanthropist, I hate everyone, some more than others. I cannot tolerate fucking people, bring back 2m social distancing.

  15. Tolerance is for wankers. Life’s too shory. Only tolerate what you absolutely have to, such as driving lessons or chemotherapy, otherwise it’s not worth your time.

  16. Surely the real message is respect all the shit not just tolerate. This is what our leaders are attempting they want us to respect the “women” equipped with meat and two veg, the peaceful abusers of young girls and so on. Well on their way to creating a new world of woke, each generation more brainwashed than the last. Keep up the propaganda in the infant schools hopefully the parents will interject but do you have time to re-educate the kids when bills need paying and work wants more hours. Do you want your child vilified by the system because they said men cannot have babies?
    There is no need for extra rights, the Equalities act makes any perceived discrimination illegal with your uman rights act and masses of legal aid one could likely get fucking jet engines in public legal.
    Let those who hanker for the different way keep themselves to themselves leave me and mine alone I will carry on with my life journey and hopefully avoid as much contact as possible

  17. Yep we tolerate, we have to peacfulls, spongers, faggots in various guisses, protesters, cunts in general and the list goes on and on.
    To do anything about it would involve a spot on the news that will invariably finish with – and then he turned the gun on himself…

  18. Tolerance is now confused with prefer not say.
    The prefer not to sayers have ticked the box on many a questionairre demanding to know things that generally come under what they believe is none of anyones business, or a subject in which shits are simply not given.
    By preferring not to say they have been ridden over rough shod by those that listen to what others have definitely preferred to say.
    The prefer not to sayers may have once seen themselves as immensely tolerant and hid behind the tag of the silent majority, by looking the other way or not listening to demands. But we have all been ignored by those little things in life, to the point that we have lost our values and our country, completely down to our own sheer ignorance and stupidity over the last 20-30 years. Shame on you all.

  19. Why should I be tolerant towards the intolerant, when those cunts accept my moral views I’ll consider it, till then FUCK OFF!

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