The Dalian Atkinson case

Dalian Atkinson, former Villa footballer was killed by a copper who was rightly convicted

But where are the riots against the police for this fine former footballer who was clearly suffering from mental health issues when the cop killed him?

Where are the BLM troops protesting against the ‘racist’ British cops for this death?

Why protest the murder of a former criminal but not the ‘manslaughter’ of a former footballing star?

Is Dalian Atkinson’s life worth less than Georgina Floydina? It would appear so.

Fuck this shit.


Dalian Atkinson matters.

Nominated by: Dark key cunt


34 thoughts on “The Dalian Atkinson case

  1. Atkinson was a tricky little player, I remember. That was a good Villa side. With the great Paul McGrath making a spectacular comeback.

    • I can’t stand the Villa, but yes, that early ’90s side of theirs was very good. Probably the last time they had a decent side in fact!

    • We only had him for one season at Hillsborough, Big Ron signed him what a player.
      I met him once in a night club a nice fellas, not like the prima donnas now, should never have gone to spain, he would have achieved much more in his career in England.
      I think that copper got away lightly.

      • Do you go in The Anvil Cuntman? I think you know my brother. By the way, good player was Dalian. Wednesday had a good side circa 91-93. Scored a great goal for Villa against Wimbledon. Terrible what happened to him, mental illness is a horrible thing to have. I know coppers have a hard job but this one just sounded like a bully.

      • Not me Mr Frapples, I don’t frequent the anvil.
        Agree about early 90s team though.

  2. How about the rule of law and due process. Why isnt that enough? Maybe we should have “hate laws” which make one murder or beating worse than another? Oh we do! How about getting rid of that bollox so that we can pull back from the abyss and all get along like we did 5 years ago, or even 1 year ago. We would be insane to follow the US into this shit. Its all happening in you child’s or grandchild’s school. Its not ending well already, and wont end well.

  3. Good player from a better time.

    I remember him once scoring a worldy after taking on and beating half the Wimbledon team at Selhurst Park.

    Yes, there is a strangely subdued reaction to Atkinson’s death all things considered.

    Maybe it’s because he just wasn’t a big enough cunt.
    Unlike St George

  4. Burn loot murder have had their thunder with ‘Your money or your life’ gangsta Floyd.

    It seems other than genuine mental health issues this chap was decent sort who just went downhill and he will have nothing in common with the leftist marxist terrorists who were using Floyd for their own ends!

    Good afteryoumadam and fuck off!

  5. It just highlights how ‘outrage’ by the mob is stoked by the media and likely given an extra push by paid provocateur groups. Further proof that the media and the people who rioted over the death of Floyd last year are cunts of gigantic proportions.

  6. If you read up on what happened it’s a tragic death. The rozzer has also been done for other stuff (stealing and lying on his application etc). The tazer limit is 5 seconds I think, and he was tazered for 33.

    It must be remembered though, that it was Dalian Atkinson’s own father who called for help. Dalian had severe mental health issues and had ripped out his dialysis tube and was covered in blood threatening to kill his dad. He also said he’d already killed other members of the family (he hadn’t, obviously, but the dad didn’t know this).

    He was a big strong fella and I think the rozzer may have been genuinely terrified. That was his defence.

    Easy to judge unless it was you in that position I reckon. The cop got 8 years for manslaughter. The story was covered in the media. The countless honkies killed in similar circumstances never get a mention though.

    My opinion is that the poor cunt should’ve been being cared for by professionals around the clock, until hopefully, he could get better. He was in no state to be walking freely around, that seems obvious.

    Many more like this I’m sure. Look at all the homeless ex servicemen for example.

    But yes, nothing gets the coverage George Floyd got. It was filmed and his death was seen by all. I think that was a big factor. The woke types couldn’t give a fuck that Dalian was a good lad and GF a piece of shit. They could get more ‘mileage’ (for their Marxist anti white narrative) out of GF and that’s all these cunts care about, sadly.

    RIP, very skillful player in his day. There for the grace of God…

    • A very astute point that you make; mental health care has gone down the shitter in the last 40 years. ‘Care in the Community ‘ was/ is an attempt to cut costs- full stop.
      The mental hospitals of old are now housing estates. My sister trained as a Registered Mental Nurse back in the 1960s and cannot understand the current situation where things are left to go wrong and there is an outcry when they do. We then have trite phrases ‘lessons will be learnt’ etc. trotted out which no one believes .
      As is often said on this site ‘ the country is finished ‘.

      • GG

        Agree with that. Care in the community seems to mean ‘let the poor terrified cunt take his/her chances out in the big wide world.’

        I’m sure some people get better, but for those that do not, it’s an absolute fucking shit show for everyone. The ‘patient’, the family , the emergency services and and the community at large.

    • But reading a bit more it seems the rozzer also kicked Atkinson in the head a few times while he was on the ground. Yeah, can’t defend that one. Had also not mentioned 2 police cautions (theft and drunk and disorderly) on his job application.

      So fuck him to be honest.

      • Cuntybollocks@ – Theft and D&D – what a great idea to give this cunt a job in the police and a position of trust and responsibility..

      • That’s what happens when you ‘Embrace’. Cunt shouldn’t have been a PCSO, let alone a real copper, with convictions.

      • Fucking ridiculous! As a teacher I have a an annual DBS check. How the fuck did they not find out during the checking process?

    • “Easy to judge unless it was you in that position I reckon.”

      And there you have it in a nutshell.

      Mental health provision is awful. The amount that are passed our way is a disgrace. Very little local provision, and, some of their background stories are genuinely heart-breaking. A national disgrace.

      • DCI@ – 100% agreed – Thatcher shut down loads of mental health care facilities and sold the land off cheap to property developers, throwing out the patients in the process.
        This outrage was called “care in the community” – unfortunately they forgot the “care” bit.
        We should not be dumping this on the police and ambulance services – we NEED proper professional management of people with mental health issues (and I mean REAL mental health issues – not feeling a bit down because your Instagram post didn’t get many likes).
        Watching someone you care about going through the mill is very, very distressing.

  7. Interesting cunting DKC… could be Atkinson was the wrong type of black… or maybe because – despite what BLM and the Left would have us all believe – the UK is not as racially obsessed and divided as the U.S.

    • It’s certainly worse than Chauvin’s ‘offence’ (I watched the trial and I believe Chauvin should’ve walked).

      8 years Vs 22? Remember though, Atkinson’s death was in 2016. Floyd’s was in 2020. And it was filmed (and could therefore be used by the usual muppets).

      • Ah… I didn’t realise it was pre St George… that explains a lot. If it happened today the reaction of the usual suspects would no doubt be different, and more justifiable.

        Was Atkinson’s killing a racially aggravated one? It was never established that St George’s was.

      • I don’t think race was a factor in either case. I don’t think the courts saw it that way either.

        I think Atkinson’s was a case of a bad cop who should never have been in the job (and whoever missed his two police cautions should be looked into too here). GF? Rumour has it Chauvin has something big up his sleeve (I’m guessing some proof GF swallowed his stash as the cops arrived). I think he’s innocent myself and was convicted by media and a frightened jury and establishment in general.

      • That last sentence is the nail on the head.
        Chauvin never had a hope in hell of a fair trial.
        Even the chief kiddy sniffer cunt decided to wade into that particular trial as well to make sure justice absolutely wasn’t done.

    • How could the UK be a racist country, it’s one of the very few countries on earth never to have laws based on racial background!

      • Indeed Ruff. The likes of Flabbott, Lammy, Dawn Butler Suckdick and Ali Baba Brown to name a few are testament to that, much to our detriment.

  8. This is a rare event in the UK, considering we have country of getting on for 70 million with an assortment of ‘crap’ from all over the world the number of people who die at the hands of the police is minuscule.
    If you look at overall figures the vast majority of deaths of people ‘in contact with the police’ are white, the number of deaths by shooting by the police are very low, single figures, and no one would be upset over the likes of Usman Khan getting a few extra holes.
    The only reason this case is high profile is because he was a former footballer and black, if it were a ordinary white Joe it wouldn’t even make a headline.

    Everyone in this country is safe at the hands of the police, it’s not the fucking Wild West.

  9. I wonder if the police had the “Christopher Alder suite” reserved?
    Difficult to find a justification for booting a Man in the head – there are much better and less injurious ways of keeping someone who is over the edge quiet and by all accounts Dalian Atkinson was a good Man badly affected by deteriorating mental health.
    But (let’s just say theoretically) if the victim had been white and a flower seller killed by the actions of a police officer would there be the same MSM hysteria?
    Shall we ask Ian Tomlinson?
    Oh, forgot – we can’t.

  10. Most coppers are decent.
    Some are not – and it is an incredibly difficult job to get rid of them – aided and abetted by dishonesty, political correctness and underhand behaviour by those in charge.

    • I remember our local cop coming to school to teach us about road safety a week after his son was done for drink driving and getting a lot of awkward questions he couldn’t handle.

  11. You can imagine them all at BLM central at their Monday meeting.
    Black bloke arrested in Germany. What did he do? Stabbed three people.
    Black woman seriously injured in London. Oh, wait, she was bashed by a couple of blackies.
    Violent junkie burglar ex-con arrested by Police.
    Let’s go fucking mentaaal.

    Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.

  12. Atkinson wasn’t American and he wasn’t a robbing cunt, not a cause celebre then.

  13. kicked in the head by two pigs while on the floor, only low IQ racists could make excuses for this scum

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