Muslim Athletes’ Charter

An athletic trendsetter of a sort….

Kneeling before matches to glorify a career criminal who ran out of breath is simply not enough. Premier League clubs are now signing up to a Muslim Athlete’s Charter.

The charter seeks to “challenge organisations” to make progress in supporting Muslim sportsmen and women, with signatories pledging to “create positive change”.

There appears to be no end to the hypocritical whinging of peacefuls demanding respect for a 7th century Peter File and disgustingly, cruelly slaughtered food to be served on tap, after centuries of Arab and Turkish rule where non-Muslims were forced to pay the repugnant jizya tax and live as second-class dhimmis.

A cunt called Ebadur Rahman, founder and chief executive of Nujum Sports, moans of “the difficulties being able to practice my religion”. Well, isn’t he lucky that he isn’t a Christian, Jew or Jedi Warrior in the savage sandpit of Saudi Arabia?

Fucking sick of it.

Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt

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