Breaking News

You heard it here first from the IsAC News team.

We lost

As to be expected it was a penalty shoot out.

so feel free to name and shame your cunts below.

Unless you are American that is, then its just soccer.

172 thoughts on “Breaking News

  1. Assuming Wokeland qualify for the World Cup next year, it will be interesting how the players, Southgate and MSM will react to spending a few weeks in Qatar, and whether they will be confronted with the many human rights violations that have happened there and are seemingly upheld by its government!

    This same government has imported several thousand migrant workers to build all 12 stadia at a staggering cost of over $200bn – modern slavery in its full naked shameful glory!

    And yet FIFA, UEFA, FA, BBC et al, all seem rather indifferent in reporting on such abuses (especially against BAMEs and the Alphabets)

    Imagine the England team bending the knee just before a game in Qatar, while half a mile away those very same black migrants that built the stadium are hidden out of view in prison cells, or simply kicked out of the country because of the possible embarrassment they might cause to this glitzy tournament of hypocritical bullshit!

    *Black Lives Matter

    (*but only for those living in the West it would seem)

  2. Little known FACT

    The extremely woke Quality Assurance Association for Higher Education (cunted in May) conducts its student-brainwashing operation from:

    SOUTHGATE House,
    SOUTHGATE Street,

    Unconnected? I think not.

    • Gloucester?

      I just hope it’s not Fred and Rose’s old house. Maybe he has ‘ways’ of dealing with the non woke?

  3. I wonder, did Raheem Luther King not take a penalty because he ‘didn’t fancy it’ or ‘his head wasn’t right’? After all, he has let England down before with excuses like those.

    He should have been first in line after Harry Kane. But, when it comes down to it, he vanishes when it’s the big one. For me, the hype is not justified. A dab hand at ‘winning’ penalties (the little sod dived twice in last night’s final), not so great at stepping up and taking them. Biottling little cunt.

    • Apart from not sending off Chielini for stopping a man through on goal, I thought the ref was excellent last night?

      • Raheem “why take one touch when 20 will do” Sterling. I wonder if he understands the word “pass”. ?

    • Bottling little cunt, that should say.
      But, of course, Pound Sterling will be exempt from criticism because he is bur-lack and therefore untouchable.

      A 19 year old lad with no big game experience put under such pressure in a major final? Both Sterling and Wokegate should be ashamed of themselves. But they wont be, be because neither has any shame. Pair of cunts.

      And I told you, Rashford couldn’t score in Hamburg with ten grand stuck up his arse. Useless hyped up twat.

      • …and there’s rumours that Rashford might have an honours upgrade from being a mere MBE to OBE. Fuck knows what for, and at the moment its just speculation as is Wokegate’s rumoured cunthood.

  4. One of the best things to the loss was the fuck up it caused BEEEBs Breakfast.

    That Sally Nugent Cunt having fuck all to say after being so sure it was coming home she had the polish for the cup, TO them bringing Shearer in to what was going to be the full post win analysis to every other cunt on the panel.

    All having FUCK ALL TO SAY

  5. When David Beckham got sent off against the Argies in 98 (and didn’t miss any penalties), the MSM and virtually the whole nation wanted to either hang him or burn him alive.

    Saint Eldridge Rashford and the Reverend Raheem Luther King let England down. One by being a flash cunt and fucking up, and the other for diving and refusing to do his duty when it mattered. Yet they are ‘heroes’ and ‘brave’ and there is no outcry or finger pointing.

    Funny, that….?

  6. I reckon Wokegate and the FA planned the whole fiasco. England definitely would have stood a better chance with Henderson, Walker, Shaw, and even Pickford taking penalties. But the idea was for the black lads to be the heroes (except that overhyped bottle job Sterling) and the MSM would revel in the ‘inclusivness’ ‘diversity’ and a brave new woke era, all lovingly dedicated to Chicken Floyd George.

    But, of course, it backfired.

    • And today of course, he who has no comb has waved the indignant virtue flag of racism, and whooping the contribution our enriched nation has received from its influx of “Black Imports “

      • That mop headed cunt looks more weird every time he appears on camera. Something about them slopey eyes and their facial position don’t look right. I’m suspecting he’s a Computer Generated Image or he’s the love child of Jimmy Savile and the ghost that haunts the subway system in the Patrick Swayze film Ghost.

        Get off my train!!!

  7. If you are getting paid £200,000 A WEEK to kick a ball into a net and fail to do so, people who take 6/7 years to earn that amount might say nasty things about you on social meeeja. Boo boo. Boo hoo. Rashford is a cunt who should spend more time practising his penalties instead of formulating the Government’s Social Policy. That said, Southgate is just as cunty for giving a 19 year old who has never taken a penalty for his club, responsibility for the most important kick in English football for 55 years.

    • You can bet your ass that Wokegate called them the same. That would have been abuse also – fucking hypocrite. And if he had added the adjective bleck, then that would have been racist.

  8. I’m wondering what the media mean by ‘racist abuse’ on social media of the 3 black players who missed penalties? No examples are given.

    Now, if some idiot is contacting them directly and going full Alf Garnett type slurs and telling them to bugger off to Africa, then yes, they’re idiots and it’s bang out of order.

    However, if it includes simply questioning if the manager had a plan to push his woke agenda (I don’t think he would’ve done that to be perfectly honest, but I could be wrong) by giving black players ‘the glory’ in the shoot out, then I’d argue that that is not racist. It’s just an observation and opinion.

    If simply wondering where Grealish was for the penalties is fine, but that it’s not fine to say the same with Sterling, then I call bollocks on that too.

    Remember, it was deemed ‘racist’ to even be slightly critical of Sterling’s poor performances in World Cup 2018.

    • And jokes tend to do the rounds too. I’ve heard some already, but I’m not saying them here lol.

    • It didn’t take long did it. The MSM are already playing the racist abuse is indicative of wider society card less than 24 hours after saying Wokegates teams run to the final was the sporting equivalent of Mandela’s election to leader of the post-apartheid Rainbow Nation.

    • CB, I’m calling shenanigans on the whole ‘abuse’ angle. If they don’t cite the examples how can we know it was really racist abuse and not just criticism of blek players that Raheem Sterling has somehow persuaded the thickos constitutes pure hatred.

      And has been mentioned several times, who gives a shit anyway. Name-calling is hardly on par with mass rape of working-class kids, so I know which one gets me pissed off and ranting on IsAC.

      Fuck the lot of them and the MSM for spinning the narrative. That chippy cunt Mings blames the government for stoking the abuse and seems oblivious to the role he and every other kneeling cunt may have had in it.

      • I’m expecting Cressida Dick will use this as an excuse not to be disturbed for the next six months while she investigates.

  9. Also as I once pointed out on this website, you’ll never get rid of ‘online hate’.

    It quite often turns out to be mentals who harass and abuse famous people online.

    Think about it rationally, unlike the woke cunts and the media. If some cunt has 2 million followers, what are the odds that a few mentals followed them?

    Pretty fucking nailed on, right?

    The only possible solution to ‘online hate’ (which is subjective, of course!) is to ban the mentally ill from using the internet.

    Why don’t these woke pricks campaign for that? Yes, that’s right, it wouldn’t look very nice of them, would it, the stupid fucking cunts. Especially after all their ‘mental health’ campaigning and concerns. Wankers.

    You’ll never stop the mentals blurting out mad shite.

    They could of course, just leave social media like I did, because people can be annoying cunts and you get mentals on there. Why don’t they do this?

    Money and narcissism.

  10. I’ve known it all along, Sterling is fuckin Wank, pops up with goals against weak opponents but when it comes to the crunch he falls short, born in Jamaica to Jamaican parents!!! The man is weaker than an asthmatic child and goes down quicker than Eltons houseboy. He has just joined the hide behind someone else club founded by Paul (the Governor my Arse) Ince, when called upon to do a mans job, any defence worth their salt sus out this off balanced Baboon arsed joker.!!

    • Ince is a massive cunt, Bosshog. Sold West Ham out and then did the same to Man United when he fucked off to Inter Milan. Deliberately underperformed in his final Man United game (FA Cup Final 1995) and gobbed of to all and sundry about his ‘big move to Italy’. Also, all this ‘Guv’nor’ bit is bollocks. Incey is as pussywhipped as fuck and his wife gives the orders, and always has. If there’s one thing old Fergie hated it was interfering wives (Beckham, Vidic), so Ince had to go. The useless cunt also fucked up against the Argies in 98 during the shootout. Yet the imbeciles and tabloid scum blamed Beckham. If Beckham had been black, there’d have been no effigies, no lynch mobs and no witch hunt. Absolutely true.

  11. I only watched the football for the sport, not for England or the BLM crap and have ignored the media guff surrounding these kickabouts since the media were obsessed with WAGs in 2006. Now they are obsessed with race and lie about it, making society more divided..

    However my biggest disappointment was not putting a tenner on Italy at the start. 15-1!.

  12. Even if England had won the damn thing and scored all five penalties with white and English players like Kane, Henderson, Walker etc, there would still be cunts moaning their tits off.

    All they’d have got it is it was ‘it’s a win for racism’ and that no black players were allowed to take penalties, and that penalty shootouts need to have ‘more diversity’.

    Thing is, it doesn’t fucking matter if someone has green skin with pink spots and has two heads, as long as they can take a good penalty. Those three lads were chosen by Wokegate because they are black. Not because they are good, and certainly not because they were penalty specialists. They were selected because of diversity and to appease the woke/BLM/snowflake nutters. So, diversity and all this ‘racial inclusiveness’ crap has cost England their best chance of winning a major trophy since 1966. I hope Wokegate is satisfied, and I dare say he is. The crawling sell out cunt.

  13. Scores of mongs and libflakes on social media and in the MSM are still somehow unable to grasp that racism also exists in non-white countries (and is almost always worse). It would be interesting see a breakdown of where those people who posted the racist comments after the England game actually came from.

  14. Now it’s over the English supporters are all racist again, despite the Rashford mural not
    Having racist slurs graffiti’d on (just bastard shit and fuck sancho) and most of the racist posts are from people called Mohamed and Mustafa.

    It’s a media-political remainer war on the British people as revenge for Brexit.

    • Turns out that only three tweets containing racial abuse to England players were from the UK. All the rest were from overseas. Three idiotic knobheads does not make England or the English racist. But Labour, the BBC, and the Grauniad don’t want people to know that. They want division and segregation. They want to keep racism alive for their own agendas. They are complete bastards.

      • Oh, and apparently monkey and banana emojis are now classed as ‘vile racist abuse’ and on a par with swastikas and burning crosses. I remember when black players got bananas chucked at them (which was well out order). But now they cry like babies at an emoji?!! It’s not a man’s game any more.

      • Like I always say. What are the odds a few mentals are among their millions of followers?

        They need to either campaign to have the mentally ill banned from using the internet (including phones), or get the fuck off social media if three comments from mentals out of millions of comment upsets them.

        Prince Baldy was ranting about taking action against those sending such messages. Well Baldy, you can scrap being the mentally ill’s friend then and get them all banned from using the internet instead.

        Or shut your pie hole.

        Will Harry Kane apologize for generalising about these comments (being from England fans when they weren’t!)

        Will he fuck, the drooling mong.

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