34 thoughts on “Robyn Williams (Met Police)

  1. Cor – she’s got nearly as many medals as Prince Andrew!

    Morning all ?

  2. I think she should take an example from the other Robin Williams as what to do next.

    • That would require something called honour . Creatures like this lack those sort of qualities in spades.

  3. Now I know what you’re all thinking-” if she had been he and white”- and you would be right.

    • “Goooood morning Vietnam!!
      Nanoo nanoo, shazbot!”

      Oh, wrong one.
      Anyway this Idi Amin medal hog is a cunt.

  4. Looking at the photo, I see the Black and White Minstrels are back. Can’t say I rate the comedy compere much with his ‘my old man’s a busman’ routine.

  5. She was always going to win her appeal, whereas a white officer would be doomed to lose theirs. Another incompetent token in a position of power using our now skewed legal system to get off the hook.
    No one likes a bent or incompetent copper. Unless they’re wimminz or if colour it would seem.

  6. Are the sleeves on her blouse too long for her hands?

    I bet those medals were for “Bravery Blowing Suckdick’s Tiny Knob”

    I give up with the Plod, especially the Met, who now seem no better organised than the Trumpton Fire brigade!

    In fact I’d rather see Captain Flack and Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble & Grubb take over the streets of London rather than Tuppence licker Dick, and the Gorilla in the Mist Williams.

    According to Wiki, the Met Police have an annual budget of just under £4bn – most of which is probably now spent on diversity awareness training and paying compo to wrongfully arrested cunts of a slightly darker skin hue!

    • That’s an insult to Trumpton Fire Brigade. They were all fine upstanding citizens. Well Grubb was a bad timekeeper but apart from him they were all fine chaps.

    • Oi, you cunt, Trumpton Fire Brigade never ONCE failed to retrieve the mayors hat from the clock tower.

  7. As I mentioned in my nomination last night, the discrimination is just reversed, “get down on ya knees honkey”!!!

  8. Whys she got white hands?
    Not got that pigmentation thing that turned Mickey Jackson from a cute little black kid into a weird white peedy type has she?
    Shes definitely the long arm of the law though!
    Like a fuckin gibbon.

  9. Londanistab: a festering, oiling couldron of corruption and effnic effluence.

    Unkle Terry-bring our the nuclear option?

  10. Jumanji
    Mork & monkey
    Mrs dontfire!
    Flubber lips
    Good morning Dagenham
    All good films.

    Fine actress.

  11. With those gloves it looks like she has just given a rendition of Mammy. And no need to black up.

    Fair play.


  12. There is a strong smell of Bullshit emanating from her account (as stated by the prosecution)

    The question is what % of bias was applied to her being female compared to skin colour to let her keep her job.

  13. She’s a Cocky Cunt,that’s for sure…. in possession of kiddy-porn…serves up a bunch of half-truths and just walks away with a slap on the wrist….not so sure anyone else would get the same kid-glove treatment.

    • I seem to recall from my brother’s extensive collection of naval pornography¹ in the late 1970s the Color Climax back-number «Cocky Cops», Herr Fiedler. It may however have been Teenage Sex, Rodox, Private or quite possibly Exciting, Blue Climax, Anal Sex, et hoc genus omne; my memory of such fripperies is now admittedly a little vague. Perhaps Mr Creampuff has archival evidence of this nuance?

      On the other hand, I’m entirely “on the same page” with your

      slap on the wrist… kid-glove treatment

      analysis of this extraordinary exoneration of Ms Williams, albeit only partial. I was trawling the Internet in search of such accessories for a fancy-dress soirée only last week.

    • ¹ ie a collection of hundreds of hard-core “wank mags” which he collected, collated and indeed curated during his time on a Type 23 County Class Royal Navy frigate from 1977 – 1981.

      They found their final resting place under a bed in his spare room, in lieu of a couple of dodgy legs, before finally being disposed of. Shame really: a bit like my collection of PX4, PX25, AC044 and similar “sound valves”, they’d have fetched a pretty penny on eBay.

  14. A senior ranking diverse police woman who i assume is still on the sex offenders register? You can’t make this shit up allegedly on one of her profiles while she was sacked she said she was doing all sorts of voluntary work the reality was she was doing her community service handed down by the court what an absolute full of shit cunt

  15. The contrast between this case and Derek Chauvin’s says it all.

    But you knew the outcomes before the judges had even put their wigs on, right?

    White privilege? Get to fuck.

    Free Dezza!

  16. A serving police officer in possession of child porn.
    Dismissed, wins appeal.
    I wonder how the victims feel about that.
    I fucking give up.

  17. Surely cultural appropriation wearing a white-man’s police get up? Hasn’t she got a bone to put through her nose, a little pickaninny on her back and her tits hanging out? That’s African women surely.

  18. We’d remind you that WPC Nusheen Jan STILL hasn’t been pronounced upon (ie SACKED) for her disgraceful backing of the Pro-Palestine mob 5 weeks ago. The MOGS said then it would be left to fade away or swept under the table – seems we were right.

  19. Seems she must of done some real heroic shit to get all that shiny hardware, army vets have less honouring than that, digging the tactical look black on black on black, i do find the gloves very racist though, too white privilege.


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