Dead Pool [216]

Congratulations to Shackledragger cunt who correctly predicted that former US Defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld would die. We hardly knew you Don, RIP and watch out for those planes.

On to Dead Pool 216


1) Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next. It is first come first served. You can always be a cunt and steal other cunters’ nominations from previous pools.

2) Anyone who nominates the world’s oldest man or woman is a cunt and will be ignored.

3) It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4) If your pick has already been taken, tough titty. Pick someone else because we can’t be arsed to check.

5) New Rule: Nominations can only be changed if some cunt has beaten you to it and your nomination is invalidated. Otherwise, stick with your five until the next round.

76 thoughts on “Dead Pool [216]

  1. Bill Oddie
    George Alagiah
    Bill Turnbull
    James Whale
    Stan Boardman

  2. Group Captain John Hemingway
    Glynis Johns
    Barry Cryer
    Ted Dexter
    Mohamed Al-Fayed

    Well played shacks, although I quite liked Don Rumsfeld.

  3. Leonard Fenton (Dr legg)
    Stan Bowles
    Julie Goodyear
    Barbara Knox
    Ratko Mladic

  4. Bullseye Shackle!

    Katharine HRH Duchess of Kent
    Ronnie Wood
    Gary Glitter
    Britney Spears
    Andrew Marr

  5. Bert Newton
    Maria Venuti
    James Hong
    Uncle Jack Charles

    Say hello to Saddam for me Donny.

  6. My word, it’s been a fair while since somebody took the deadpool prize –
    Congrats Shackledragger…
    Cleo Laine
    Richard Chamberlain (Old ducky)
    Dame Maggie Smith (legendary actress)
    Bernard Cribbins (wombling along)
    Virginnia Mckenna (actress & Joyce Adams lookalike)

  7. Gerry Adams
    Barry Manilowe
    Michael Douglas
    Gerard Depardieu
    Shirley Maclaine

  8. William Shatner.
    Patricia Krenwinkel.
    June Lockhart.
    Rolf Harris.
    Timothy West.

  9. Mel brooks
    Owen jones
    Magic grandpa
    Day-o Harry banana song bloke
    Matt wank stain

  10. Lionel Bair
    Tom baker
    Bernard Cribbins
    Norman tebbit
    Naga munchetty

  11. Peter Blake.
    Peter Cellier.
    John Clegg.
    Patricia Routledge.
    Tuesday Weld.

  12. Betty White
    Raul Castro
    Bob Barker
    Michael Parkinson
    Gene Hackman

    Bang on Shackle.

  13. Jesse Jackson
    Janet Jackson
    Latoya Jackson
    Samuel L. Jackson
    Glenda Jackson

  14. Wayne Osmond
    Khaled Mashal
    Paul McCartney
    Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown
    Brian De Palma

  15. Joe Biden (even though he is already Undead) they gotta annoubce it soon before he starts to actually rot on live TV.

  16. Just skimmed through and didn’t spot him so Richard Branson!
    What time is the catastrophy scheduled?

  17. Anyone have Biz Markie in the pool?
    I bet Gilbert O’ Sullivan is having a quiet laugh to himself….?

  18. 1. Klaus Schwab. (Cult leader / nut job).
    2. Charlie Mullins OBE (plumbing cunt & government media shill).
    3. Charlie big ears (son of Lilibeth)..
    4 Dr Hilary Jones (government media shill / celebrity doctor aka a fucking crank).
    5. Dr Bharat Pankhania (gov media shill / wannabee celebrity doctor aka Dr Crank-parnia).

    If No 5 isn’t deemed famous enough (appears as guest on LBC, Talkradio, GB News & probably others I don’t ever watch) I will happily exchange him for Nadhim Zahawi (MP & therapy drug pusher).

  19. Dioclese
    Tony Bennett
    Vanessa Redgrave
    Ringo Starkey Starr
    Marianne Faithful

  20. Harry (cunt of sussex) Markle
    Megan (cuntess of sussex) Markle
    Bozo (son of churchill) Johnson
    Donny Trump (unless he drinks Domestos)
    The cunt who stole my bike

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