Vaccines for the Poor

Much virtue signalling in the States from the Hewitt parasites and assorted woke worthies to get the Covid vaccine to the poor countries.

However, this seems to be the result so far:

They are letting them go to waste. Many gone out of date or disappeared. Generally the Africans cant seem to organise anything unless they can steal it.
So dig deep worthy wokies. The Hewitts are showing the way.

Blacks Loot Medicines.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

79 thoughts on “Vaccines for the Poor

  1. You could shovel the entire GDP of every civilised nation into Africa and see bugger all improvement in the shit hole. And the cunts would still want more and blame whitey for their predicament.

  2. Why anyone would listen to a dullard like Hewitt about anything is one of the mysteries of our time.

    ‘Wah, wah, Daddy didn’t love me.’

    Fuck off, cunt.

    • While feverishly searching for my bank card to donate generously,
      It suddenly struck me,
      Why not let them all die?!
      Would it be a loss?
      Would there be a shortage of architects?
      Whod do the stabbings in London?
      Would footballers cry?
      And where would flies go to rest?

  3. Fuck the cunts, they don’t deserve anything, it’s just shows what cunts they are, the stuff was free so why give a shit if it goes out of date.

    ‘Do the know it’s Christmas time at all’

    Just stop the cunts coming here No N*ggers, No P*kis.

    • That song made no sense then or now ‘Do they know it’s Christmas time?’ well probably not since the majority of them aren’t fucking Christian.

      • I’m not a mudslime but I have no fucking choice but know when their celebrations are because the MSM never fail to ram it home to us ignorant white scum.

      • and what’s with midnight footy fer fucking ramalammadingdong being shilled in the BBC’s continuity links. Another informing us of eid moooo’fuckin’bollocks??? Ram it up yer arse… sideways.

  4. Is little Hewitt handing over any of his (now) 100 million Pound fortune?
    Didn’t think so.
    Make an appointment with a French underpass, cunt.

    • Pity that Phil the Greek can no longer arrange for a white Fiat Uno to follow the Duke & Duchess of Hewitt.

      • Wouldn’t be an Uno though, for these woke fucks it’d be one of those cunt-skate Fiat 500 Abarths with the bastard tricolore stripes.

  5. I got a letter from the NHS telling me abaaaaaht some fucking ‘vaccine’ and that I should have it…
    After a second of thinking I wrote ‘go fuck yourselves’ and returned to sender.
    Through my lack of selfishness I have donated a vaccine and kept the royal mail in work.
    We all have to do our bit and help our economy and the world.
    Go fuck yourselves.

    • I’ve recently had a couple of text messages and a letter from the NHS informing me it was my turn.
      With all due respect – they can send mine to India or give it to some other cunt who wants it.

      • Yes I’ve had at least one message as well HJ, surely we could make a complaint of harassment to the government? Much better people who actually need it get it than those who don’t really need it.

    • Titslapper how you doing? Ain’t spoke to you for ages, do you realise yourself and I are probably two of the oldest cunts abaaaaaht these parts now? Yet we are both probably two of the youngest.
      You still smoking hash and making cocktails. ??

    • Masks. The biggest fucking gimmick known to man. Serve no purpose whatsoever. You can still smell loppy bastards, farts, dog shit, fag smoke. Air that we exhale coming out of the top of the fucking things. I five years time we will find out the damage wearing the things have done to our health. Compo claims, our colonial cousins are licking their lips as we speak.

      • ‘Serve no purpose whatsoever.’

        You’ll tell the surgeon operating on you or a loved one to take theirs off, then? I hate them, I have a scar where they’ve rubbed the skin away, but, for their intended purpose, they work.

      • Yet despite their fantastic success there is absolutely no peer-reviewed evidence on the effectiveness of masks, surgeons or otherwise. How very odd!

        I do wear mine out of politeness and the current guidelines, not because I believe it does one fucking damn thing to stop any disease spread.

      • Well, I’ve been stuck in the back of an ambulance with Covid-Pos pts, been to cardiac/respiratory arrests with Covid-Pos pts, plus numerous other jobs and I’ve never had Covid. I haven’t got a clue about the science, I’m just an ambulance driver, but, that’ll do for me. Mind, I’d stop wearing the fucking things in a heartbeat, and, the daft cunts wearing them outdoors make me smile.

      • That’s part of the problem though DCI, I see school kids walking abaaaaaht outdoors with masks on. It’s not right to treat them like this, especially as 99.9% of them have nothing to fear. It cannot be good for you wearing a mask all day, and to be honest it was ‘wear one of you want’ at first and then ‘you must wear one’. Also why is it only kids over a certain age have to wear them? Surely everybody can spread it? Mask wearing is a pile of cunt as far as I am concerned.

      • Wearing a mask all day won’t hurt you a bit, (‘rub’ scars aside), apart from the annoyance factor, even in COPD pts. Your O2 levels won’t drop. Personally, I can’t wait until we stop wearing the fucking things. Outside, in my opinion, is a waste of time. And don’t get me started on self-styled Covid marshals…

      • Masks won’t hurt you.. except, if you don’t handle them correctly and wear the same one again.

        There’s also the issue of the mask material itself. If it’s synthetic and you inhale fibres, can your airways deal with that or not.

        Shitty surgical and fabric masks are obedience training, virtue signalling, psuedoscience bullshit. If they were effective biolabs wouldn’t waste thousands on full body suits and there would not be appropriately rated masks to deal with viral sized particles.

        If the default of life is not wearing a mask then by simple logic wearing one can ONLY be detrimental. It’s just a question of how much.

      • I would have faith in auxiliary oxygen tank supplied respirator suit stopping any diseases, like the CDC wear in Ebola areas. Obviously not practical for your line of work and day-to-day usage.

        The masks the majority of us are wearing when we go to the shops etc, for all the actual resistance they have to catching it and spreading it, they’re just good luck charms for the hard of thinking, imho.

      • Ah, you mean our Level 3 protection. A Tyvec suit with a powered respirator and personal issue hood and double gloved. We do have the breathing aparatus and the PRPS suits, (Powered Respirator Protective Suit), but we leave that sort of thing to HART and SORT teams! Try doing an arrest in the summer with that lot on! The masks stop droplets, which is the main cause of infection spread, I’m led to believe. They do work, believe me.

      • The (Non-peer reviewed) link you supplied champions staying 1m away or more from other people, that really isn’t rocket science.

        Read that the appraisal at the end of the article which covers themselves nicely by saying It’s the best available evidence so far but more testing is needed.

        Funded by WHO, derp!

      • I notice they say ‘Could’ a lot, too. But, it’s The Lancet, and they’re a higher force than I.

      • Anyone with half a brain would use “could”, DCI. I would certainly use “could” to cover myself regarding this disease or anything else that is not 100% provable, otherwise it COULD come back to bite me on the arse 😀

      • “…The masks stop droplets, which is the main cause of infection spread,.”

        …which is why surgeons and theatre staff wear them, so that they don’t contaminate the open wound/surgical opening.

        You’re dealing in sub-micron particle sizes so it’s like chucking sand through chicken wire.
        And interestingly, ‘Scientific’ American are reporting the effective disappearance of influenza in the 2020-21 season. How so? They ascribe this to the fact that everyone has been masking up… er … hold on a minute. Masks have somehow prevented the transmission of the influenza virus but were unable to stop the coronavirus???? and then… bang on cue and entering stage left to canned applause comes the ‘Indian’ variant and we’ll all have to shit our grunds all over again.

        pfffft… well well… fancy that, who could have possible imagined or predicted such a thing? Me for one!

  6. There are three main points to consider here before someone goes on to make a rash judgement…

    1: Anyone that has taken the vaccine is a cunt!

    2: Anyone that hasn’t taken the vaccine is a cunt.

    3: Any country that can’t afford the vaccine and their inhabitants are cunts.

    Fuck off!

    • Well spotted Ruffs – The only time I ever read the headlines is a 30 second scan reading of the *ewspaper stand on the way out of the garage after fuelling the motor but I saw this one today and thought … you little fucking whinging bitch-boy. You had ample chance to ‘have it out’ with the old man at the planting of Phil the Greek but no.. ya fucking bottled and chose to spread your inadequacy across the world’s RSS feeds. What a fucking pussy whipped little ‘day-walking ginger’ twat.

  7. Let Irish Joe “the fake paddy”sort them out ??
    Problem I have with Africa is it’s always got the begging bowl out ??
    India always bragging about its economy and its space development but cannot vaccinate its own people or make oxygen. But it can supply liquid oxygen for its space program? ?

    • The problem I have with Africa is that it’s full of Africans.
      Also half the monkey brained cunts seem to want to come here.
      Send 5 billion vaccines to them.
      Then nuke the whole fucking continent.

  8. Africa is the planets black hole, pour money and resources into it and it gets sucked in, does nothing and that’s it. The vaccines have probably been sold off, or the thick bastards there didn’t know, or didn’t have the facilities to store it. Stop pouring money into an evolutionary dead end

  9. I’m going to set up crowd funding…
    Wet towels and carbolic acid injections into the cardiac muscle for sparkletits and the ginger wankstain.

  10. They oft repeat the mantra of African Solutions for African Problems, but this doesn’t include racist viruses which are a colonial construct. Along with all other problems, ever.

    I’ve seen the waste, greed and ineptitude that cripples African countries. I lived and worked there for seven long, hot years. Ok, maybe there’s something I DO miss.

    Cunts, all.

    • Did you nick and smuggle some diamonds back? Give us a bell and we can do a deal…no questions asked and I know naffink abaaaaaht it.
      That’s how we do business alright, you’ll go far lad.

      • I’ll bear your services in mind should I ever manage any diamonds, thanks!

  11. There’s no satisfying those Africunts. Although I suspect the ordinary people living there are probably grateful for the West’s contribution, but are being constantly brainwashed by governments and Wokes that we’re bad fuckers and should be ignored.

    Meanwhile those Africunts in power will continue their own little empire building by diverting charity donations and medical aid to boost their particular affluent lifestyle, while at the same time slagging off the West, or suggesting that if their own citizens don’t like the situation at home they should fuck off to England – which they are, in great numbers, it would seem!

  12. I understand that Denmark is also facing having to trash a load of Asrtra Zeneca vakzine as people are not taking it following blood clot ‘scares’. The latest load of bullshit from Clown Cunt Johnson re the terrifying ‘Indian’ variant is also aimed at getting more under 50s to take the jab than would otherwise. The whole shit show will go on, and on, and on, as long as bovine wankers and twats put up with it.

    The African vakzine reluctance is actually due to the past shit perpetrated by fucking Gates. The man is a fucking disease.

    The whole shit show will go on and on and on, as long as bovine wankers and twats put up with it.

    • The next phase is to give priority to multigenerational households, in other words P*ki cunts.
      We wouldn’t have the Indian variant if there hadn’t been loads of the cunts travelling from India

  13. If every thing that the Hewits do is reported daily in all the media, then we will never hear the end of these fuckers. To think this half baked fop was a serving member of the British Army fucking amazes me !
    The Trailer Trash Tart who always looks like she could do with a decent meal needs to shut her fucking hole, and in all matters.No going to happen soon though. Cunts.

  14. I have been to W africa, which is a dangerous shithole.
    I lived and worked in S Africa, the black parts of which are dangerous shitholes.
    I learnt that anything and everything the fuckers get hold of is stolen or fucked up. Food and medicines for poor blacks? Stolen by the ANC or whatever kaffir party is in charge. State industries? Run into the ground by corruption. Infrastructure – roads, rail etc, (usually left by the wicked colonists). Left to rot unless there is some civilising influence such as white and Indian Saffas.
    Sending vaccines is a waste of resources.

  15. My doctor doesn’t give a fuck about getting cancelled and tells me things that most doctors wouldn’t dare. He told me the c19 vax is 100% fatal in animal trials. Hmmmm.

  16. Sick and tired of hearing the very private views of the shy, retiring Sparkletits/Hewitt media machine. I hear Gingerbollocks is on the telly slagging his Father off yet again. Everyone knows he’s not your Old Man anyway so give the money back, get a job at Dairy Queen and shut the fuck up you thick cunt.

  17. I was under the impression we have far too many people on this planet already, so why are we vaccinating them at all?

      • I did read that but, contrary to all available evidence, they aren’t animals. If they were being injected with potassium cyanide I could see the point.

  18. For everyone who doesnt get vaccinated a life is saved in Bongo’Bongo’ those cunts are taking your rightful nanobots.
    I very patriotically was vaccinated.
    I like to think my actions took a life in the 3rd world.
    Do your duty tinfoilers!
    No jabs for the Punjab

  19. Saw this on the BBC:

    “The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged rich countries to reconsider plans to vaccinate children against coronavirus and instead donate jabs to the international Covax scheme for poorer countries.”

    Hmmm, well roger me hard while I think about that. So my children get no vaccine, but some darkey cunt who I have never met, hiding in a mud hut gets one? But don’t worry Cuntus Maximus, you keep working and paying your taxes, it’ll all be alright…

    How about these countries stop buying weapons and if I am not mistaken some of the cunts in the Afriiican nations have more fucking cash than some European countries – fuck right off – besides most of these cunts are trying to get here!

    There was me thinking in a negotiation situation you give, get. Win, win right?

    • Maximus@
      Cheeky cunts arent they?
      If it deprives them I’ll take it.
      Those aid for Africa clothing bins, sometimes to amuse myself I’ll either piss in them or cut out the crotch on any donated pants.
      They get nowt.

      • Leave the clothes intact but put itching powder in the crotch. See how quickly the cunts fetch water from 20 miles away with itchy fannies/bollocks.

    • Why would you want your children to have a vaccine. They are at no risk and don’t need one.

      • Theyre having it.
        If it deprives mtembe of it.
        No conversation or choice.

  20. Take the knee but won’t take the jab ??
    No vaccines to leave Blighty till everyone has been given 2 jabs ????

  21. Sooooo…. tell us Mr. Chops, when did you first realise that you don’t give one third of a flying fuck about the suffering of the Afreakin’ peoples?

    Errrr… well it was just now when you asked me!

  22. The shitty BBC et al, have been heavily pushing the “Covid is really bad in India – they need us to send vaccine supplies & aid” … well, No – you can Fuck off !

    I have every sympathy for the poor Indian in the slums – hundreds of thousands of them – most work every day just to put a meal on the table, 15 to a shack & not a pot to piss in – but India is NOT a poor country. They have a huge army, a thriving media/internet industry & the Cunts in charge spent £1,400 Million last year on their Space Programme. Spend some on your poor fucking population and don’t ask for fucking handouts. Wankers

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