Trolling YouTube Hardmen

Youtube gangsters and self proclaimed “hardest bare knucle boxer,ex prisoner,doorman,library monitor,prefect” who get butthurt over TROLLS to the point they call the police lol.?
Search any of these planks.
Steve Wraith
Darren Gee
Sam Walker
Cody Lachey
Brian Hurle
Shaun Attwood
James English
Marvin Herbert
Decca Heggie

All self proclaimed hardmen, ex gangsters ,ex drug kingpins etc.
Yet their biggest upset comes from “trolls in the comments innit blud!”

Fuck me! What a bunch of clowns. Boasting about how hard they were in prison or standing on some nightclub door pretending they are Ronnie Kray and then when it comes to their Youtube videos they all make vids saying how they have “reported the trolls”
Lol ha ha ha fuck you all . Trolling is fuckin awesome!
And trolling gangsters is even more amusing than spiting on the food while working in a fast food kitchen.

Nominated by: Piccassio (King of Internet)

22 thoughts on “Trolling YouTube Hardmen

  1. Aha-the culture of celebrating criminals and “hard bastards”?

    I did a cunting on this “industry”, last year. I don’t know any I’d the names in your list but can imagine they are all Dave Courtney wannabes.

    They get upset by hurty-words online? Some fucking hard men ?

  2. Sniff…sniff…..I smell all the hallmarks of another Kendo Nagasaki/Purple Aki nomination!

    Trolling gangsters? hmmmm!!!

    • These gangsters and hardmen,
      They always threaten to bite peoples noses off?
      Notice that?
      Something a bit homoerotic about that!
      Barry manilow has a 10inch nose, they probably propose to him the chemically unbalanced cunts.

      • Good job its only 10inches Miserable, otherwise it would be a foot.

  3. Do you know what “nemesis” means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible cunt… me

    • I was under the impression it was caused when Zeus rodgered his sister who had transformed herself into a black swan and the child ended up with the job “Goddess of divine retribution” .

  4. No Danny Dyer? E’s a right ard nut and no mistake gunvnah. Wouldn’t fancy avin a straightener on the cobbles with that caant!
    Seriously though. A Charles Bronson wannabe getting sniffy over online abuse? No better than Karen fucking Carney. Fucking nancies!

    • FMC@ – Danny Dyke wasn’t so tough when he met the real thing – Mo Teague.
      Mo Teague is a bad man.

  5. “Bein a gangsta and ‘ard man ain’t a bed of roses you know – some slaaaaag recently hinted on Twitter I ‘as put a bit of weight on – naturally I was straight onto the old bill – I ain’t avin it”!
    I have been in the company of REAL hard Men (oo-er Madam!) – special forces, hells angels, Eastern European psychopaths, and the one common denominator is how incredibly quiet, polite, in the background and forgettable they appear to be.
    It would be fun for some of the Twitter Krays to meet them.

  6. I have a little experience in this field, I have known quite a few faces (real ones) and funny enough a “Cage fighter” a few pikey boxers and some, well very dangerous people (Most are now dead).
    There are a few secrets to success in this field.
    1, Don’t be embarrassed, that means never put yourself in a position where a noisy person may attempt to do harm to you or announce there intention to do so.
    2, Keep your head down, diplomacy does not hurt, where that fails swift and extreme violence, with an understanding at the end of it that you will not discuss it with anyone and there is no need to talk about it again.

    of the first 3 category’s I mentioned, everyone wanted to have a pop at them generally causing a lot of “Agro” for all concerned and gaining attention from well everyone.
    The last group, well they lived by the grace of god, some are dead some are very quiet old men and a few are bitter old drunks in cafe’s around the world.
    Me, well I swear by diplomacy, I recall a face make a rather public statement about what he was going to do to me (which as the local ethnic minority would have been an invite to everyone to have a go if they succeeded).
    It was resolved amicably with a 1.5 meter steel tube and the simple explanation that should they ever come near me they had better make sure that they kill me, because if they didn’t I would make sure that they never walk again.
    There is no bravado, he was a big cunt, I was totaly shitting myself, but the fact that I was more than willing to put him in a wheelchair created an air of respect (one sided because I still think he is a cunt, but a cunt that does not bother me).
    Strangely enough he was one of those sensitive types too.

    • I have a bit of experience in this too.

      People that are genuiely serious about hurting you, do not generally send you an advanced warning allowing you to be on full alert.

      That sort of behaviour is for pre big fight press conference boxers and blowhards that are full of wind and piss!

      That is all!

      • That’s very true, I tend to have a stacked system myself (we are talking minor stuff here) where I take revenge on someone who pissed me off a while ago for the actions of someone who is pissing me off now, admittedly this can sometimes be disproportionate but it gives me that “Feel good factor” and releases stress.
        Also as time has passed the victim can not relate as to why it is happening and thinks everybody hates them as opposed to just me. I highly recommend the technique.

      • Exactly, don’t talk about it, just do it and do it quickly. I am too old thank goodness for that sort of nonsense, but in my younger days, someone tried to be funny with me and gave it a load of banter, I said nothing and just waited for them to do something, they then tried to kick me, all I did was grab his leg and hold it, at that point there is absolutely nothing he can do, you try fighting with only one leg on the ground, anyway I made my point and let him go, no harm done.

  7. With all the bird these dunces do they are on far less than minimum wage.over their lives. Twat cunts. Get a fucking job.

    • Ah but the glory! “I dun bird, dont fuck with me!”

      • Punch drunk has beens. With more mong coming up behind them. “hes behind you” Lights out. Fucking wankers.

  8. There you go random head down hard man.

    Veljko Belivuk

    Never heard of him? probably not, now in prison after the code breaking of the encrypted phone system.
    He has been on the run for (fuck know how long) responsible for direct assassinations of prisoners in prison exercise yards (sniper from a hill, fucking good shot) various car bombs, fuck knows how many disappearances, assassinations across the globe (Turkey, Athens, South America).
    Clever fucker though, he cloned the Minister of Police’s car to evade road blocks/police stops. travelled extensively inland by motorboat and personal tortured, butchered and minced anyone he did not like (no one is quite sure how many).
    He has no face book or Instagram accounts telling people how hard he is (still a very dangerous man despite being in the highest security prison they have).

    I note this link has not been updated, but it will give you a rough idea, some of these groups have now been wiped out by the man named above.

  9. Probably just pretend gangsters and hard men. In real life, pansies and weaklings living out some fantasy on Cunt-Tube.

  10. Add Charlie Zelenoff to this list. The ultimate wannabe hard man, believes himself to be the world’s greatest boxer. Lives with his mother in a shitbox apartment and assaults pizza delivery guys.

    • Wasn’t laughing when he actually tried to spar with Deontay Wilder was he, the stupid cunt

  11. Every other bloke who walks into a builders merchant is a ‘cage fighter’, apparently. Every other prosecco-swigging blonde is dating a kickboxer or bouncer. Every other punchy chav at the kebab van was in the Royal Marines.
    Amazingly they all drink in yuppie bars in Guildford, Winchester or Chertsey..

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