The Metropolitan Police (3)

They cant win can they?
Racist one minute, deliberately letting a 19 year old black kill himself in the woods, taking the fucking knee and shouting ‘Free Palestine’ the next.

Cressida and Suckdick have turned them into a laughing stock.
Want to snarl up London? OK as long as you are Extinction Rebellion middle class lefty cunts.
Want a protest to turn violent? OK as long as it is in support of BLM, an anti capitalist, anti family, anti semitic bunch of savages with their trendy white middle class fellow travellers. The same fellow travellers probably who support the ER cunts.
Want to fly an insulting caricature of a democratically elected ally? No problem. It’s not hate crime is it? Like say misgendering a Geoff Capes lookalike in a frock.

Whatever happened to good old fashioned bent London coppers? It’s a fucking disgrace.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble 


And this from smugcunt 

The MET are cunts. Taking the knee, cheering on people who want to kill jews, they are cunts from top to bottom. Yesterday I walked past a 5ft 2 policeman with two 5ft police women. I laughed in their faces. Cunts.


And on a similar topic, this from CuntyMort

Nusheen Jan

Sorry it’s the daily wail again fellow cunters. I just thought I would boil your Sunday piss by cunting this fucking object. The rozzers won’t discipline her because of the cunts who took a knee for burn loot and murder.

What the fuck, bring back the S.P.G. Wade in crack a few heads job done. To borrow a phrase this country is fucked.



…and yet more, thanks to Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

Structural racism and modern policing.

Nowhere is the pernicious influence of the theory of structural racism more apparent than in the police. The police have swallowed this bogus theory hook, line and sinker. They have not thought the consequences through, understandably enough, as thinking has never been a strong point with the police.

If you accept structural racism the net effect is to conclude that certain groups – dark keys and mudslimes – have legitimate grievances and should be given a soft ride when they commit crimes. A genuine “get out of jail free” card.

This results in police officers policing such events in a genuinely supportive and compassionate way. We have seen this over the past week with the police officer who shouted “free Palestine” at a demonstration, effectively becoming one of the demonstrators. At a recent pro-Hamas rally attended by Steptoe and during which a gross anti-Semitic caricature was displayed, the police did nothing (which would not have been the case if the caricature was of a dark-key or a mudslime). This is because Jews are white and are not regarded as victims of structural racism.

I understand the middle-east creates strong views on both sides of the debate, but that’s no excuse for the police. For instance, a few weeks ago a group of mudslimes drove through Jewish areas of North London spouting anti-Semitic abuse and threatening to rape Jewish women. The police let this happen until they revived a barrage of complaints and were shamed into making arrests. The funny thing about these mudslime racists and advocates of rape is that when they drove through London on their hate spree they obeyed the traffic laws and stopped at red lights. Why is that? Because they knew that if they broke the traffic laws they would be prosecuted whereas, because they are victims of bogus structural racism, they could commit hate crimes with impunity and the police would allow them to do it. And they were right – on the night in question plod did bugger all.

The police are telling mudslime and dark-key criminals that they are in charge. Just as they told the Stinky Rebellion that they supported their law braking and are happy to take the knee to Bleks Love Mansions. Just as they took no action when young mudslime thugs threatened to kill a teacher when he showed cartoons of Mohammad or “students” at the Pimlicunt “Academy” rioted and burned the British flag. The police have accepted that they are oppressing minorities by enforcing the law. ‘It’s structal waycism, innit”?

The principle that all are equal before the law has been undermined- by the police!

A real pile of cunt.

With helpful link supplied by Hard Brexit Cunt

97 thoughts on “The Metropolitan Police (3)

  1. Because of ultraleft wokism, cowardice and pride, the Police force in London, and soon to be the outer counties too, have had their wings clipped and are now unable to do there job for fear of offending someone….unless you just happened to be a white, heterosexual male of course!

    Fuck off!

    • The police should stick to what they are good at – arresting and assaulting Women for drinking coffee in public.
      “We run them in, we run them in”..

      • Well, there is obviously so little crime here in semi-rural Essex, that two coppers were able to come within hours to check out a local resident who hadn’t answered his phone while self-isolating. Funny, when my mate the farmer reports hare-coursing and stolen farm machinery, they turn up three days later.

  2. The Met Police.
    Permanently accused of racism towards black people because they were concentrating on black criminals – because black people commit a lot more crimes than white people.
    Permanent racism and discrimination towards white people as non whites get a free pass to do what the fuck they please.
    Any police – from top to bottom – who confuse their remit of protect and serve and act in a racist, politicised or pro muslim way should be immediately sacked and never allowed in public service again.
    There are those who will say “the police hate this, they are just as annoyed as the public but what can you do”?
    You can have principles, resign, tell the Home Secretary and the MSM exactly why and get another fucking job.
    Policing should NOT EVER be political.

    • ‘There are those who will say “the police hate this, they are just as annoyed as the public but what can you do”?
      You can have principles, resign, tell the Home Secretary and the MSM exactly why and get another fucking job.’

      Not so easy with a mortgage, bills, wife and kids etc, Vernon. It’s the politicians that are in charge of the police. It’s the politicians that set the agenda, whether it’s recruiting standards, targets or the law itself, and, I think, appoint Chief Constables.

      Who votes for the politicians…..

      • DCI@ – Agreed, everyone has bills to pay and if we are being pissed on from a great height is is a good idea to look up at the cause rather than outwards at the result but it seems to me that some in the UK Police take far too much pleasure in putting the boot into whitey gammon brexiteer types and look the other way when BLM and Antifa are smashing, burning, looting and rioting – policing should be impartial not discriminatory.
        New politicians are needed – and if people do not make this happen at the next election then we are doomed to get more of the same.
        Random one but had three paramedics outside mine at 2 this morning, one of the neighbours had taken a tumble on his mobility scooter, had I not chanced upon him the poor old bugger would have been laid in a pool of blood all night.
        I called three nines, kept him warm and comfortable then left it to the experts.

      • Nice one, Vernon. I like jobs like that. Piss easy (mostly), and they’re always grateful and apologise for wasting our time!

        Trouble is, and in no way am I excusing it, but, with BLM, ER etc, they get castigated with trial by Social and MSM with cleverly edited film and photographs. Trouble is, everyone’s an ‘Expert In Everything’, nowadays. The ‘Free Palestine’ bint, however, is a proby, so, should be dismissed as having failed her probationary period and, kneeling?? A fucking embarassment.

      • You’re right DCI. And I expect she’ll get a warning or some kind of black mark on her training record. But they can’t sack her because she has said that those police that took the knee were not sacked – and it’s a similar thing. This perfectly highlights the dilemmas of politically correct policing.

      • What, ‘Emphatically put’?

        There’s a pub missing its ‘Bore’, somewhere, Billy – you’re needed.

      • Said the pant-pissing cunt who lives with his mother, who wanks him off. Every night.

      • So said the pant-pissing cunt who lives with his mother, who wanks him off. Every night.

      • Oh, you can do better than that, Billy. So bad you said it twice.

        Got anything constructive to add? No thought not. Now, be quiet, son, grown-ups talking.

      • Evening DCI.
        Alright pal?
        Hes well gay for you isnt he?
        You always attract the freaky ones!!

      • He’s not made of wood, MNC! He must like green uniforms and ambulances. Probably a Frequent Flyer 136er judging by the shite he’s posting.

      • The order follower bears more moral culpability than the order giver, as the follower is the one who performs the action(s).

  3. Coppers taking the knee were the start of the slippery slope from which there is no return. The gobby lass in question has demonstrated that she is not fit to be a police officer yet she won’t be sacked. I doubt if she could find Palestine on a map.A long career of fucking things up lies ahead of her.

      • DCI@ – I was thinking the same – this barmy bint is a shoe in for promotion.
        I imagine the coppers that still give a fuck are tearing their hair out in frustration.

      • As ex Edinburgh City ( in the days before PS ) It was a marvelous Force, and a proper one.

  4. Im all for real coppers.
    But the parade of duckies, midgets, w*gs, and various mutants that constitute modern policing?
    Not so much.
    Its mainly the top brass.
    setting the woke agenda,
    Fishbreath women with boys haircuts or cornershop types.

  5. Police should remain separate from politics but they have forgotten that.

    Since they went all PC they wont stop and search and knife crime has exploded.

    Statistics driven policing is a farce. They just go after people for public order offences and petty shit now to secure arrests and convictions. In the old days they only caught proper criminals – drug dealers, burglars, car thieves. Now all of these are ignored and they want to make criminals of people who have tweeted something, or swore at a neighbour etc. Pathetic

  6. Is there a place in the world I can escape this madness? Please let me know where.

  7. Cowardice in the face of the enemy.

    This country is both a laughing stock and a disgrace.

    • Oven?

      It will need to be a large one to get all of the Met’s fatsos inside.

  8. I prefer the old bent coppers who’d say ‘He fell dahhhn the stairs guv’ and knocked ten bells of shite out of the dark keys when they had a chimp out. I’m guessing a lot would do the same if the likes of Cressida Rugmuncher let them off the leash? Not all though, you’d still have to root out the wokes, pooftahs, lezzas, fatties and midgets.

    But yes, I see no action is being taken against the fat peaceful rozzer cow shouting for Palestine. The leadership is severely lacking within the rozzer force. I’d suggest the same for a rozzer holding up an Israel flag over the same conflict too. Cops are not allowed to do political shite like that at demonstrations, so why is the cunt getting away with it? Yes, because she’s a w0g, of course. Fucking joke.

    She should be booted out head first clutching her carpet. No pension. No payout.

    Off you pop. Get fucked.

  9. Remember the Countryside Alliance demo, one of the largest ever. These cunts went in a cracked skulls in a peaceful march. Have they found the shooter yet? COULTER’S LAW.!!!! Look it up.

    • Oh aye. It’s obviously a dark key. If they’d arrested a honky over this it would be 24/7 media/lefty politicians winding up the dark keys to go out and riot.

      Yes, I have no doubts whatsoever that some cunts are attracted to joining the police force. They’re the ones bashing Countryside Alliance protestors or those guarding statues from BLM.

  10. The Police can’t win whatever they do, get slagged off for stop and search, targeting blacks, try to engage with the community, get laughed at, make arrests at a ‘vigil’ in Clapham (vigil for a dead girl with some in the crowd with ACAB placards).

    Coppers should just be arresting Villains, enforcing the law and protecting Joe public not jumping through BAME/BLM/XR/Tranny/Diversity hoops.

    Anyone with an ACAB placard should be publicly flogged!

  11. When I first saw that video of that copper bitch I thought it was a fake. Luvvies and people who work in the Luvvie industry have access to realistic looking police uniforms……..that’s someone on a wind up, taking the piss. Besides, no real copper would be that dumb to be filmed doing that.

    Shows how much out of touch I am with the wokey generation! Fuck me! Great excuse the cunts have for not sacking the Peaceful slut……what a load of shit!
    Imagine some copper shouting “Free Tommy Robinson!” Sacked the next day, splashed all over the meejah, Labour MPs up in arms wanting Patel sacked and up in court facing some kind of “hate crime” charge. That hopeless Strapon lezza cunt should have been sacked years ago. Forget about being protected by the Police and the law these days, you are on your own mate.

  12. How can anyone expect that Nusheen cunt to do her job?
    Could a Jewish person count on her to intervene and make arrests if he was being attacked by a bunch of muslim thugs?
    She would probably arrest the victim for upsetting them.

  13. Swansea Police looked a right bunch of keystone cops last week when a mini riot kicked off in the Mayhill area of the city. A full on benefits skum part of town, about a hundred identikit chav vermin in trackies and hoodies were holding a vigil for a local maggot who found out the hard way that he wasn’t as good at smoking spice as he thought.
    Now, a vigil in these cunts minds involves copious amounts of drink and drugs, and usually involves stunts and burnouts with stolen cars and motorbikes, as they honour one of their fallen. It didn’t take long for it to go south, and one of the residents asked them to move from his house, so they burned the pensioners car to the ground and smashed his windows in. Then, they trashed another car, set it on fire and let it roll downhill, wrecking cars on its way. Another resident who’s car was damaged by this confronted the rabble, as his toddler was sleeping in the room next to where this burning car ended up, and he had his house bricked too.
    Finally the police arrive, and are swiftly sent packing as the mob set on them with rocks. Just what three coppers with riot shields thought they could achieve is neither here no there, but they fucked off sharpish, and then stopped the fire brigade from attending to the three burning cars, which were eventually extinguished by some of the tidier locals.
    Cue some feeble looking Doris on the telly the following night who is the assistant chief constable for South Wales Police, telling the world that the withdrawal was in the interests of public safety! I could understand if it was for her officers, but fuck those vermin. They could have gone in like the Nazis clearing out the Warsaw ghetto in Schindlers list and would have cheered.
    Police state? Bollocks. That thin blue line is way too thin. Fuck a mondeo, if I was a copper there, I would want a Warrior APC at the very least. And something belt fed for personal protection.

    • The Israeli forces are doing flyovers of Gaza with drones to make sure they have achieved their objectives.
      If not they will goad the rag heads into throwing a few more rockets so they can finish the job.

      • That seems be the strategy. Netanyahu is itching for more.

        When I think of him I remember him in his early yesrs as just a spokesman on British and American news tv news outlets. I mean that is originally all he was. Then suddenly he became big in Israeli politics. How that happened I do not know.
        Like Mark Regev is today. Just a spokesman

        Just thought it was something to with Likud.

  14. I love in South Yorkshire these cunts, sound like they are same shit.

    Any fuck in South Yorkshire who trusts police after orgreave, Hillsborough, and CSE in Rotherham needs a bullet.

  15. I knew quite a few plod, through a “mate” who was a DCI and riding bikes with a few, back in the early 90’s.
    I can say with all sincerity, that of the white coppers I got to know well, all of them would fit in perfectly on IsAC. They hated cultishness-in fact my mate the DCI’s favourite phrase was “Don’t be a cunt….”

    This new breed though?

    Like any organisation that is failing, the responsibility for that failure, lies solely with the boss. In this case, the Home office.

    • …and to clarify this:

      The home Office need to make a solid and unbreakable rule that personal politics and beliefs have no place in front line policing. Policing should be unbiased, neutral and observing PACE and other guidelines.

      Any plod on board here, care to comment??

    • Too true General.
      It’s not on, having a go at someone who’s not even expressed a view on the cunting.

      • Bit low that GH.
        We dont cunt fellow cunters.
        Thought more of you to be honest pal.
        Plenty out there deserving of a slagging without sticking the knife in our own.

      • Just fed up of his one-note response to any criticism of the police.
        Felt he was dragging the site down.

    • Just to clarify: I disagree with the comments about DCI Gene, not about plod.

  16. Amen to that GH. Just because someone is a cop or a veteran we are automatically supposed to think they are honorable and worthy of our admiration. I disagree as they are out from ordinary folk and our society is becoming selfish, degenerate, and ignorant as shit. That means they are too. If they were the brave honorable people we want them to be they would not be going along with this woke fucking bullshit. Only cowards do that!

  17. *Interior provincial hospital, A&E. Two police constables are sitting and talking.
    PC1: Fucking hell, look at all these fucking members of the public. Lazy cunts. Don’t they know we’re putting our lives on the line every day?
    PC2: Yeah. This is the third fucking time I’ve had to leave the station this month.
    (offscreen) Hey guys! Guys! GUYS!
    PC1: Ah fuck, not this twat again.
    *”Dci gene hunt” stumbles into view.
    Hunt: Hey guys, I really love the police. I go on a website and tell everyone how much I love you. You’re heroes. Do you want some bandages?
    *Hunt produces a handful of plasters clearly labelled “Boots”.
    PC1: Yeah, cheers. Listen, do any of the nurses here fuck around? I’ll tell my wife I’m on overtime the fucking bitch.
    Hunt: I don’t know, they don’t like talking to me. It’s like they don’t like hearing about how great the police are all the time.
    *Hunt starts singing the theme from The Sweeney
    PC1: Yeah, well, fetch us some coffee would you?
    Hunt: I love the police. Can I touch you?
    *Hunt pisses his trousers
    PC2: Ah fuck, he’s pissed himself.
    PC1: Never mind, his mum will clean him up when he gets home.
    PC2: What a poof.
    PC1: I’m arresting you for hate crime. YES! Hate crime and nicking a colleague. Complaints here I come! Promotion and I’ll never have to deal with the cunt public again.
    *The coppers waddle off. Hunt starts touching his tiny cock. Then shits himself.

  18. The power is measured by the pound or the fist, it’s clear as this
    That line by paul weller sums up our country and the police
    Take the easy option nick the gammon motorist for speeding but don’t visit the traveller site with a hundred stolen dogs
    It’s not going well is it

  19. Bob Dylan is 80 today.
    For more reasons than looking out of the window i’m thinking…..
    It’s a hard rain a gonna fall

    • Good one Willie. “Stories of a London Policeman” eh? Fuck me, just using the word policeMAN these days would get you arrested for hate crime against trannies or non binaries or some Nancy boy cunt.
      Different world. I’d vote for any cunt who wants to bring that back.

  20. It isn’t just the Met. It’s all police forces.The rot works in a top down fashion. Trendy liberal thinking, Gucci Marxist influence, self serving politicians, spiv human rights lawyers, spineless knee taking appeasers and preverted freaks are the drivers for everything that’s flushing this country down the shitter.
    A large percentage of coppers these days would never have made the grade, years ago. I’ve known a fair few in my lifetime and most of them were big, ugly brutal bastards.
    Those rioting cunts in Wales would have had seven shades of shit knocked out of them, once upon a time.
    A current customer of mine, for the last few years, is a retired cop. Worked his way up through the ranks. He freely admits that the reasons he joined the force were to kick fuck out of and arrest villains and scumbags, fuck birds and have a good drink.
    That’s the kind of copper I want patrolling my patch.
    But the only way I’ll get it is if there is a radical change in ethos and attitude of the lawmakers.
    Chances ? Zilch.
    Solution ? The Tony Martin way.
    Good evening.

    • Evening Jack, agree.
      As a youth I got a few taps to the nut off the police.
      Totally deserved them.
      No hard feelings.
      Id rather them than some knee taking Brighton rollerblader.
      The sickness comes from the top.
      Slimy politicians in conjunction with fuckwit career coppers like Cressida and Basu.
      I dont hate the police
      I hate whats happening to them though.

      • Evening, MNC. We’ve all had our moments, part of growing up. Like you say, no hard feelings … well, not many.
        The thing is, you’ve got to have order, it should be safe to walk the streets and retire to bed, without expecting trouble.
        Speaking of walking the streets, where I grew up, if you were out after midnight and ran into a bobby, he’d stop you, ask your name and what was your reason for being out at that time, regardless of your age.
        If that happened now, people would be outraged, egged on by the lawyers.
        What a crock of shite.

      • I’m surprised that a northern cunt, miserable or otherwise, is aware of the Basu piece of shit. An absolutely useless box ticking cunt who is guaranteed to jump into Strapon’s knickers when she retires. You can take to the bank. The top end of the Met…… fucking time servers, arselickers and corrupt as fuck.

      • Evening Freddie.
        Aware of Basu through various news stories, but mainly on ISAC.
        Weve cunted him on here,
        Hes not exactly Colombo is he?
        Another boxed ticked✔️

    • Just had a quick browse on the wibbly wobbly web about what it takes to join the police “force” (or is it called “service” these days?)

      And here’s a snippet:-

      “Applying to join the police
      You’ll first need to check that you meet the minimum eligibility requirements. These vary between police forces, but in general you should:

      be aged 18 or over

      be a British citizen, a European Community (EC)/European Economic Area (EEA) citizen, or a foreign national with indefinite leave to remain in the UK without restrictions

      have lived in the UK for the last three years (although there are exemptions, such as if you’ve served abroad with the British armed forces)

      possess a qualification equivalent to A-level, have been a special constable who has been signed off for independent patrol service in the last two years or have served as a police community support officer (PCSO) for 18 months.

      You may not be accepted if you have certain criminal convictions, debt problems, or tattoos that could be deemed offensive.

      Members of certain extreme political groups are not allowed to apply. A valid driving licence is often essential, and you’ll also have to pass medical, eyesight and fitness tests.”

      What a fucking joke!

  21. It probably goes without saying. But I’m all for flogging and hanging. We’ve gone fucking soft.
    Blessed are the meek.
    They get butchered every time.
    The thick cunts.

  22. I would have loved it if one of those law abiding Welsh folk, tired of having his neighbourhood trashed, flipped, loaded up his shotgun and started blowing the rioting little toerags away.
    Preferably with double 0 buck.

    • Im a fan of hanging as a deterrent as some blokes are fans of football.
      Think it was wonderful.
      But as a country that was a christian bastion im open to crucifixion as a punishment.

  23. I disagree with some of DCI Gene Hunt postings but you should be ashamed of yourself for such a vulgar childish display, GH!

    Fuck off!

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