Outdated Attitudes

It now seems the norm for TV stations to show a warning before anything made before the year 2000 (sometimes later than this).

You see, we’ve got ‘outdated attitudes’. We’re the ones with the problem, not the fucking snowflakes under 30.

Listen you fucking soft cunts who agree with the warnings. There is nothing wrong with us. It’s you you fucking soft cunts. You’ve got ‘Soft as shit attitudes’. If Aladdin makes you want to protest against wayciiism or maybe hide under your bed and cry in shame, then guess what?

It’s you who has the snowflake attitude. Nothing wrong with my attitude, you cunts.

So well done. Now, it means the likes of Steptoe and Son, Alf Garnett and many other classic shows can never be shown (and seen) by our younger generations on terrestrial television.

Instead, enjoy every show featuring safe ‘jokes’ and a plethora of dark keys and gays. You may get the odd straight white honky. But he’ll be the bad guy. He’s usually the murderer on a modern ‘whodunnit’. Which means all shows like that are now ruined. I stopped watching ‘Line of Duty’ ages ago (overrated) and it seems everyone is hyped about who the bad guy is or something. Without watching it, I can tell you it will be the straight white male, probably middle aged with sexist and/or slightly racist attitudes as deemed by pussies. And there are probably very few of these straight white honky men in the show, so it should make it easy for you.

These warnings are for fucking snowflakes and they should only watch episodes of Playschool from now onwards, the fucking soft twats.

Well done on ruining telly you wimps. I’m off to watch my episodes of ‘Love thy Neighbour’.

Fuck off.


Nominated by: Cuntybollocks 

67 thoughts on “Outdated Attitudes

  1. If Mrs Bartok would’ve had an outdated attitude Kevin O’Grady would never of been allowed to stay in her boardinghouse!

    Fuck off!

    • on the up side is old jug ears (Linekar) getting fonr got 5mill in tax fraud?

  2. ‘Without watching it, I can tell you it will be the straight white male, probably middle aged with sexist and/or slightly racist attitudes as deemed by pussies.’

    Hahah. Nailed on. Ian Buckells. Fits your description, and added to that given a midland accent to make him sound a Thick twat, played golf. They even put him as part of a racist murder cover up and had him sending dirty texts to a mixed race bird in abuse of his position of power.

    you didnt miss much mate!!

    • I don’t watch it but as the suspect would have been a copper, I’m pretty safe in saying “the cunt did it”.

    This programme may contain scenes with cunts NOT WEARING MASKS or SOCIAL DISTANCING.

    • Reminds me of a Strongbow TV ad that’s recently been on that shows groups of revellers, obviously all having a good old time, all in close proximity.
      Disclaimer/warning sign/Achtung: at the bottom of the screen informing us that these shocking scenes were filmed – PRE COVID!


  4. Here are 2 warnings that I remember hearing before TV shows……

    The following programme has scenes of ‘flared tempers’
    That was before an episode of The Hotel Inspecter. Where an experienced hotel manager tries to help out hoteliers whose businesses are failing.

    The following programme contains ‘scenes of peril’.
    That was before an American police drama, broadcast at midnight.

  5. I used to set the video if something had the “red triangle” warning of nudity or scenes of a “sexual nature”…be liable to discover I had a fucking 2 hour compendium of Gays bashing away at each other’s rings if I did that now.

    • I remember the channel 4 red triangle shows (Fridays or Saturdays at midnight I think). I was a spotty teenager at that time, and must’ve slaughtered billions of knuckle children on my stomach watching those films. They were ‘art’ films with subtitles, but you were guaranteed gash and norks. I never followed the ‘plot’ of a single one of those films. Just waited for the growlers to be out on show.

      Those films were a fucking goldmine for a teenage lad in the 80s.

      • Cunty:

        As a kid, the first on screen “minge” I clocked, was in the Hammer Horror studios film: “Twins of Evil”👍
        Got this cunters little soldier, standing to attention😋

  6. The following programme may contain hurty words, slightly raised voices, and someone banging on a desk in a very violent and shocking way.


    This programme contains far too many white people and may cause offence.


    This programme contains transphobic imagary and dialogue that may shock some viewers

    1984, has well and truly arrived

    • Speaking of banging on desks in a very violent and shocking way, I heard some self appointed cow on the radio yesterday who is currently lobbying the government to ban online porn, assert that 98% of online porn is “extremely violent”. LIAR.

      • Banning online porn and getting some men absolutely desperate is the only chance these feminazis have of getting fucked. I mean, have you seen some of them? I couldn’t get pissed enough to root a feminazi.

      • Porn is already being limited in many places of hospitality. On holiday with the family a few years ago, I
        went up to the receptionist of the hotel we were staying at
        and said: “I hope the porn here is disabled,”to which the receptionist replied: “It’s just regular porn, you fuckin’ sicko.

      • Being banged by John Prescott explains why Pauline isn’t a good-looking bird.

  7. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank heavens for my foresight in building up a vast library of pre-woke films and television series’. Now I can dip into such classics as ‘A Passage to India’, ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, ‘Out of Africa’, ‘Zulu’, ‘A Clockwork Orange’, ‘Major Dundee’ and so forth as often as I wish. Would be censors of my viewing can fuck off.

  8. A film like Tropic Thunder wouldn’t be made now.
    I’m expecting Robert Downey Jr. to be attacked for it any day and have to grovel.

    Ace Ventura is now seen as transphobic because of the plotline about Ray Finkle/Det. Einhorn.

    Yet, they all love Friends, which also mocked gays, lesbians (Ross’ wife), trans people (Chandler’s Dad), etc.


    • They like Picking and choosing.

      Like when someone #metood Justin Beiber so it didnt count because they like him and he doesnt fit the type.

      Its why i nearly fell off my chair when Noel Clarke was thrown under the bus.

      Just symptomatic of hyprocitical politics and people pretending to be ethically and morally righteous when they aren’t because nobody is, its not humanly possible. Even Mother Theresa was a fundamentalist and a fraud, look at her dealings with the Haitian government.

  9. Our Yorkshire Farm

    The lives of 9 well balanced kids. None of them with phobias, eating intolerances, behavioural problems or gender issues.

    This programme contains bad language.

    Occasionally the father Clive says the word ‘bugger’.

    Shock and horror.

    • I for one thank them for these warnings.
      I hyperventilate at casual racism, go dizzy at sexism,
      And once someone with a regional accent said the N word and I fainted.
      Had to be rushed to hospital!
      The doctor was very understanding for a paki.

    • My favourite programme. Normal people on television, a rarity these days.
      The parents probably horrify woke cunts, letting their children play in and near rivers, and other natural features.
      I’m surprised some interfering busybody hasn’t reported them to Social Services.
      Good morning.

  10. Great nomination Cunty👍

    The irony is, youngsters today, thanks to a drop in moral standards and the internet, are more permissive, use foul language constantly in normal conversation, have a set of values based on personal attainment, have less respect for the previous generation, are academically inferior to the previous generation and are probably offended by nothing.

    Fuckwittery by snowflakes for snowflakes.

    An excuse to remove or revise the past👎

    I think I need to get a T-shirt printed with something like:

    “WARNING: avoid conversing with me as I am likely to cause offence”

    • CG@
      Ive just bought 2 t-shirts,
      ‘Harry Callaghan’s shooting academy’
      And ‘Quints shark fishing charter’
      Smarten myself up a bit!

      • 👍Mis.

        I still have my Viz T-shirts in vacuum storage:

        -oh Lordy, I don’t fancy yours much-here come the Fat Slags

        -Johnny Fartpants-there’s always a commotion going on inside his underwear

        -Sid the Sexist-Tits oooot

        I save them for special days-weddings, funerals, christenings etc…


  11. Whatever happened to ‘If it offends you, don’ t watch it’?

    It’s not like the thick as pigshit snowflake cunts are having their eyes held open to force watch attrocities like A clockwork orange.

    If a programme has puffs, too many gollies / parking stanleys / effnik divershitties then I just turn the TV off and pick up a book or take the dog for a walk.

    I think those warnings have more to do with the terminally stupid having no free will and even less imagination.

  12. Fuck Play School! There was poor Humpty sat on the couch sometimes toppling over with his weight. The presenters all laughing! How cruel, how uncaring-didn’t they realise that poor Humpty was deeply embarrassed about the way he looked-with his trousers pulled up like that EMPHASISING his belly. ‘fat-shaming’ was all it was.

    • Was it because “He is black?”

      I always thought Floella Benjamin looked like a Certain children’s doll, once festured on a certain brand of jam😉

      Miles-did you read about her receiving a “Damehood?” What for? Services to Big Ted, Little Ted and Hamble???

      Derek Griffiths on the other hand-he was a fucking legend😀👍

      • That Toni bird – I was too young to understand that she gave me the horn, but her and that dr Who bird – Elisabeth Sladen, RIP, greatdays. I look forward to dying, marinading in my own piss being as big a cunt as i can be to these wankers.

      • Don’t mind Floella CG. As soon as she is mentioned my mind flies back to a Viz competition. ‘Match the turd to the celebrity’. Line of turds. Like of crlebrities. And there was Floella’s smiling face.
        Terrible really.

        Just Wikipediaed ‘Toni Arthur’ oh that was face from the passed.

  13. Talking Pictures, bless them, always fade out the words “bitch” and “bastard” from films or old TV series. If I start my own channel I am going to call it Bitch & Bastard.

    Radio 4 Extra is even more egregious – they not only warn about “outdated attitudes” they announce the show in openly disapproving tones – just like Emily Thornberry encountering a white van man.

    They always use “age” of broadcast – and I suppose something recorded in the 1940s MIGHT upset 2021 pansies, but they even give the “outdated” bit about shows recorded only 20 years ago.

    • Funny thing there’s more foul mouth disrespecting, from todays society, than back then. Pervert Wokes don’t get comedy it’s all about none laughter and political entertainment. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. But who are the ones actually implementing this, who are the cunts who sit on the boards and approve this crap?

    I highly doubt it’s anyone of the snowflake age bracket. Probably the nagging wife of some grey haired executive told him to do it (more probably some ‘special interest group’).

  15. In the interests of balance, could we not have warnings of wokeness etc at the start of modern tv shows?
    Match of the day….This episode features a repugnant tax dodging slime ball that viewers may find offensive.
    Doctor Whoke…. This episode of our flagship children’s show features a raving queen who likes to get his knob out on set.
    Etc etc etc. You get the picture.

  16. Warning. This advert for pile ointment may contain a white person, have no mixed race, gay or tranny couples and is obviously aimed at sore arsed supremacists.

  17. Just think was isnt acceptable and is with what was acceptable and what wasnt. They fucking ruin everything with their bullshit. Its not even teenage rebellion. Its so tedious and embarrassing. The problem is the cunts have never had to fight for anything, so this is their Siegfried line, their Arnham. Tragic. Most pathetic generation in Western history.

  18. Fucking wankers. They bang on about outdated attitudes then take the knee for peacefuls, how much more outdated can an attitude be than a peaceful’s? The cunts are from a 1000 years ago and protected but Alf Garnet is verboten.

  19. Cause offence to whom? About 0.1% of the world’s population who think they have the right to dictate to everyone else.

    Sky is at it now and has placed warnings on the Jungle Book, Aladdin, The Goonies, Dumbo, Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Flash Gordon because Ming the Merciless apparently takes the piss out of the Chinese. Apparently it’s part of Sky TV’s battle against “racial injustice”.

    And you can forget about ever seeing the brilliant Little Britain again.

    Noxious snowflake cunts.

  20. If they chop off any more of Fawlty Towers there won’t be much left.

    • It’s not as if he had his cock out, is it?

      I’d never thought of that scene as a sexual thing. Makes you wonder where their fucking minds are. In the gutter by the sounds of it.

      The Prince in an old fairy story needs warnings or even banning. However, no warnings when a fucking tranny comes to your local nursery or primary school, to tell stories about tranny penguins. After the story, he/she then asks the kids what ‘gender’ they feel like.

      That’s fucking tickety-boo.

    • RTC@ – Is this the same Disney which unashamedly punts out shows of 11 and 12 year old girls dressing and acting like sex workers?
      Why yes it is!

    • They were a great act with several Betties down the years. Bloody terrific dancers and very funny. Harmless.

    • I would have sworn that was AnalEase Dodds and Jess Phillips doing their act at the Labour Lesbian Ladies Club

  21. Clint eastwood said it best “That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now. We’re really in a pussy generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells.”

  22. All part of the culture war we are victims of.
    Our identity and history is being erased, Winston at the BBC is in his cubicle rewriting and eliminating facts, 18 year olds are “offended” by a word their marxist “educators” have told them to be offended by – I am at the stage now where I just threaten the little whiny cunts with a broken nose, my tolerance has gone.
    I find snowflakes and wokes offensive, they are a cancer.

  23. As the ex SAS Ant Middleton says, it’s not a nice world out there. He should know, no wonder he gets fucked off with the lilly livered, woke, snowflake wankers laying down the law. They’ll all be safe in their mansions whilst us working class have to put up with the fucking shit that they preach. Fucking cunts.

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