What are NFTs?

Short version: they’re pointless bollocks. Non-fungible tokens are ‘digital art’ that people sell as unique and pretend that matters. Yes, it’s just a fucking .jpg, but a totally unique one that’s so unique it’s like owning the Mona Lisa.

But it’s a fucking .jpg. You own nothing physical. You could technically just screenshot the fucking thing and be in the same place.

People are actually buying these for a lot of money. People are idiots who clearly don’t remember the 2000s internet bubble.

Nominated by: Lazybiscuits

52 thoughts on “NFTs? WTF!

  1. The father who took the picture of his little girl with an evil grin by the burning house just sold the NFT for a small fortune to a halfwit.

    There’s one born every minute, thankfully, and long may it last, Ker-ching ££££

  2. I couldn’t quite believe this, I really don’t understand why in Dogs name anyone would be thick enough to fork out the GDP of a small African country for one of these.

    One born every minute, is the phrase that comes to mind.

    • Modern bollocks
      I like proper art, like that painting of a kid crying in a blue jumper.
      Sent that to the local mosque.

      • Dogs playing pool everytime, or a Lowry.

        Mona Lisa, seen the original, it’s the size of a commerative postage stamp, you need high powered binoculars to see it from 10 feet away, which is about as close as you can get. Meh!

      • I like Lowry Jessum.
        He painted places I know well.
        I never realised how good he was till I looked at a painting hed done and realised I could see headlights from a bus reflected,
        And knew itd been raining!

      • “Modern bollocks… I like proper art,”

        ‘ang on Miz, was it you who did the emoji montage of Fiddler pursuing errant cyclists on his ‘oss when he was honking about rambling type fuckers and bicyclists trespassing? Then I did a spoof auction for your priceless daubs. I was just taking the piss of course but now this???

      • True CuntyChops.
        And that masterpiece (titled ‘Fiddlers Assault) will in years to come be worth millions and quite rightly mark me out in history as a genius and true artist like Leonardo devinci, CS Lowry, Aubrey Beardsley, and Rolf Harris.

      • Half a pig belongs on a barbecue or in a slow smoker. Tracey Emin’s face looks like it’s been in/on both. Then the formaldehyde.

  3. Thick cunts buying it.

    Will be fucking worthless in 10 years. I can download the jpg too. Maybe I should lol?

    Mind you, I did say back in the late 90s that the internet would never catch on so what the fuck do I know?

    I’d rather have a picture to hang up that nobody else has, but that’s just me.

  4. A bit of paper printed to death with a $ on it isnt worth fuck all either. $6Trillion bollox
    from the senile old duffer. Dont think their runaway inflation wont affect us.The bread dole fucked the Roman Empire.

  5. I knew my collection of ‘bored at work’ yellow sticky-note one-panel pun doodles would come in handy one day.

  6. Art is a good investment-not that I have many. Although I do have an original by a North American artist, hanging in the homestead, which is probably valuable.

    To paraphrase:

    “I know fuck all about art-but I know what I like.”
    I don’t like this jpeg shite?

    • Is it by Bob Ross CG?

      One of the few programmes I watch is painting with Bob Ross. Might sound weird but I find it quite relaxing.

      Old Bob with his white afro seemed a happy-go-lucky sort of fella. Seems to just slap paint on with a massive brush and yet makes fantastic art.

      Much better than all that unmade bed and half a cow in formaldehyde – what a load of shite. I draw parallels with modern art and the fable of the emperor’s new clothes.

      • Ha ha, sadly not.

        This is an original from a Lady who was best friends with the Rolling stones legal representative. ?

      • Harold@
        Like you im a fan of Bob Ross.
        I find him very therapeutic & relaxing.
        A gifted artist, and a gentle nice bloke.
        I feel my heartrate slowing, my blood pressure dropping,
        And my natural hatred towards my fellow man is put on standby.
        Bob was a big animal lover rescuing small wildlife etc.
        I wish I was as nice as Bob was.
        His hair was a fuckin embarrassment though.?

      • Mis-although I hunt, (for genuine pest control & food), I spend a fortune on feeding our feathered friends, dog and cat charities, and am a sucker for British wildlife-(excluding rabbits, pigeons and grey squirrels).
        Go figure……?

      • CG@
        I feed badgers and foxes every night, have a hedgehog in the back garden, bluetits in the nesting boxes,
        And two blackbird nests in the garden.
        Im not opposed to hunting if its eaten, or killing vermin,
        I fuckin hate rats.

      • ?
        On Wednesday, er indoors filmed a great video of a badger and a fox sharing a bowl of fruit n’ fibre in the orchard?

        I shoot rabbits and other pest, what we don’t eat, the foxes do?

  7. “What’s stopping people copying the digital art? Nothing”.

    Fucking lol.

    Just another little scheme to further normalize the coming digital utopia, where you’ll own nothing and be happy.

    • Fair play, you can find a way to shoehorn your conspiracy drivel into any topic. You must be a consummate joy to be around.

      • Oh I’m sorry, shall I just post the same old worn out any excuse to be a racist shite you post then?

        At least my shite has a point to it. Yours is just limp anger mate. Fuck off.

      • Exactly what I think Gutstick. The problem is this cunt won’t take a bit of notice no matter how many people agree.
        There, I’ve used the dreaded word on this site for the first time.
        This is only partial payback from the other evening when the said gentleman called me it TWICE.
        My theory Dave is that you’ve had a very unhappy childhood.
        I’ve asked my daughter who is a Forensic Psychologist to draw up a full profile on you if you’re interested.

      • I do wish you two could agree to disagree-in life we will always meet people with diametrically opposing views: I follow the belief that I can learn something new from any man (or wimminz).
        I enjoy reading posts by both of you two-I don’t have to agree with something to enjoy the content ?
        Now come on, remember: in a world of cunts, it’s “us”, against “them”.

      • And what is your point? That you will believe any old shite?
        You remind me of the conspiracy bellend that we have in work. 37 and still living with his parents, up all night reading the same crap as you, and boring any cunt he can corner in work with his fucking drivel. Reality doesn’t figure in his life, and nor do women, real one’s anyway. Pop along to Spivey, there’s a good lad, it’s more your thing I’m sure.

      • @Cuntfinder.

        General- you’re wide of the mark here. Of course people have no objection with an opposite point of view. The problem is how these views are delivered by this gentleman.This is usually with contempt and arrogance, a refusal in turn to consider an opposite point of view. If you don’t go along with his views, you are plainly too thick to understand.

      • In which case, as a far wiser and more experienced man of the world, you (like me), should know that there is an underlying reason for his aggression.

        Happy people generally project themselves, outwardly, in a happy way. Unhappy people……

        Did Percy attend the raves in ‘da poool’ this week?
        He has an eye for the birds, that one-probably why we get on so well?

      • Kate Pierson- B-52’s vocalist and guest vocalist on this track is AS FIT AS FUCK. Even in her 60’s (she is 70 odd now), she was stunning???
        5 nights a week. Twice on Sunday.
        At least??

      • @ General.
        Percy tried to get into a rave the other night but on being told he’d have to take a COVID test first, he told the bouncer to stick the swab up his arse.
        The bouncer duly did and I had to carefully remove it when he came home.

      • Poor Percy?
        He may be a cunt. He is our type of cunt.
        Tell him may cats send their love.
        Actually, they said:

        “Mroooowaarhhhh! Spppiitttt-a-tittt-a-titttttt. Rrrrrrrrrrr”

      • I think my problem is that this conspiracy guff is so prevalent these days that I find it increasingly difficult to stay quiet about it. Also, the sneering tone a lot of them use for people who don’t buy into their fantasy world, and the insults like sheeple and the inevitable caps lock screaming of WAKE UP hard to ignore.

      • @ General

        It’s not always possible to “enjoy the content” of a post when the poster is spouting complete bollocks or worse.

      • I sort of agree CG back in the 80s/90s

        I find certain older women rather appealing – like Ronnie Ancona for instance

      • “you can find a way to shoehorn your conspiracy drivel into any topic.”

        The thing is G-Stick, the scenario that Chunky proposing affects or impinges on pretty much every aspect of modern life be that political, financial, societal, everything in some way is in its thrall. take a simple one: why is Europe being overrun by arab/asiatic/african ‘fugees’? I don’t recall ever seeing the invitation in any party manifesto, I’ve never been stopped in the street and asked whether I’d like to see 20 million 3rd world yard apes injected into my country.
        Conclusion: this did not come about by popular request or plebiscite much less accidentaly or ‘organically’ therefore it must have been imposed. From there it is a short logical step to ask… by whom? followed immediately by… why? At that point further inquiry will get you tagged, flagged and banned, reputationally flogged and ultimately jailed should you persist. You probably have never had to deal with such suppression, death threats to yourself and family, trust me, it happens and yes it IS a conspiracy.

        …because there are conspiracy theories and there are conspiracy facts and then there is conspiracy fiction into which latter category I dump the likes of Alex (it’s the ChiComms!!!)) Jones and the galaxy of fucking Q-tards, Trumpanzees and space-mongs with 7ft alien grasshopper mothers! These clowns are allowed to peddle their tripe unmolested (in fact these twats top trend on ShitChute!) because it “poisons the well” to the degree that no-one dare go near the subject in question for fear of being lumped in with Icke et al and rightly ridiculed.

        But those damned facts remain that all the D Notices in the world can’t hide. The CIA did IN FACT run coke and weaponry in and out of Columbia via a string of front companies (did the same in Laos and Vietnam, prob still does), Clinton snurked a goodly amount of it up his own fucking hooter when he wasn’t aboard the Lolita Express (fer fuck’s sake), in any other reality the content of Hunter’s sticky laptop WOULD collapse at least three governments but from the media we get … crickets and tumbleweed… WHY?
        And ever more – Israel was ALLOWED to carry out a jet strike in unmarked aircraft on the U.S.S. Liberty and John McCain’s father personally recalled the jets sent to fend off the sustained attack, why the fuck would he do that?? so they could launch their 6 Day assault on Egypt without the surveillance Liberty was providing to the rest of the world of course. All of it silenced.

        WHY the living fuck would Trump pardon Jonathan Pollard as his parting shot? Why did Sheldon Adleson fly him home to that ‘returning hero’ elbow bump with BiBi in front of the world’s fucking press? The cunt should have got the dangly boots or the chair! So you dig a bit and hello… here’s a name that keeps cropping up… who the fuck are Chabad Lubavitch?… Hmmm wait a minute… Putin’s sucking on Lubavitcher schlong too??? What the bollocks is going on here?
        G-Stick if that doesn’t raise your eyebrow in curious suspicion it bloody well should because what it tells you is that both sides of the narrative are controlled by the same hand. The question is then begged – Who’s hand exactly?

        interesting snippet No. 463

        Why have all 50 U.S. states adopted the IHMA definition of antisemitism (essentially overwriting the 1st ammendment) and furthermore authored signed proclamations recognising some shit called “Education and Sharing Day” ?
        … wait a minute… what’s this? Looks like Massechusetts left a bit in the spiel they should have red penned…

        “Whereas the Rebbe inspired millions across this nation and beyond. young and old, Jewish and Gentile alike, to advance their education in the above cited manner by emphasizing the study of the SEVEN NOAHIDE LAWS…”….whooaah… “…and encouraging the reflection on it in a DAILY MOMENT OF SILENCE.” …wtf?

        it continues…

        …raise educational awareness coinciding with THE REBBE’S BIRTHDAY…”

        If you don’t know what adherence t Noahide Laws entails you need to do some reading pronto.

        Conspiracy theory or fact?

      • Tinfoil hat – yawn
        I know someone who’s a “conspiracy theorist” who lives with his mum – even bigger yawn.

        Talk about fucking strawman.

        Don’t dare question anything, watch the world go to fuck in front of your eyes but sneer, condescend and bully younger people while living off your comfy pension.

      • I happen to agree with some of Chunky’s views.
        I also have a family, friends and run a small business.
        And I have an open mind and hate to see bullying.

      • It’s hardly bullying. If you post stuff on an open forum, especially outlandish stuff, you can’t expect not to be questioned on it. Even more so when you label people who don’t share your beliefs sheeple and idiots.
        And, as for telling people to question stuff, conspiracy theorists don’t take well to being questioned on their propositions, as is the case here. I haven’t told anyone to fuck off, or called them a cunt, unlike the person you are defending, who you both tend to agree with. I wonder if you would be so gallant if he was one of the pro maskers, telling everyone to get a jab or else? You would probably be the first to tell him to fuck off.
        Christopher Hitchens once said of religion, and I think the same applies here, as blind faith seems to be a common factor, that ‘extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence’, and YouTube videos just don’t cut it for me I’m afraid.

      • Cheers RTC, it was the stuff about your wife that I had in mind. After that you basically reap what you sow.
        And, I fucking wish I was living off a fat pension, but as I have a mortgage until I’m 72, which is nearly twenty years away, so by the time I see my state pension I’ll be ready for a fucking pine box.

    • “Where you’ll own nothing and be happy”.

      Oh my, I don’t like the sound of that at all!

      When you own nothing and are unhappy is far better. Add a generous sized measure of being envious and resentful to that emotion and those of us with any foresight can easily see the recipe for a successful business opportunity is complete!

      Unless you’re one of those cunts that expect something for nothing of course! Probably why communists with fuck all hate people better off than them and people with fuck all but are ambiious try to get on.


    • Well at least you’ll be better off then than you are now.

    • Could you explain your sentence beginning ” just another little scheme ” in greater detail, please.

      I really don’t understand the point you are trying to make, so hopefully you can provide a little clarity?

    • Eloquently put Gutstick.
      A little humility goes a long way to capturing and holding other peoples attention.

  8. Millennials showing the older generations that they are better than them at something, that being vacuous cunts.

  9. Virtual art, virtual money??? Fucking great if Wu Flung Dung hacks and crashes the wests computer systems. Loose all your imaginary money so you won’t be able to buy imaginary art that as also disappeared. What a bunch of thick cunts.

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