Elliot Page

I am astonished that nobody has nominated Elliot, formerly Ellen, Page.
First she announced that she was trans and queer as if anyone gives a flying fuck. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55147975

Now on Oprah of course where else?https://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=Elliot+Page&page=1 she’s treating the brain dead cunts who watch that shit to how she feels more like a boy now that she’s had her tits off.

Well, fuck me sideways, no shit you cunt! Then she/he/it makes the leap to trans people being stopped from playing sport and says that young people will die because if it.

No they fucking won’t you brainless cunt! If an ex-woman finds herself on the rugby field faced with a 280 pound prop forward she might though. And ex-men playing women’s’ sports? How the fuck is that fair?

This talentless cunt is/was, apparently, an actress/actor – I know I’ve never seen any of its films because I would have remembered puking – and it’s the only reason she gets on telly to spout this shit.

Have I said nobody gives a fuck yet? Even a much more famous cut and tuck, the one and only Cuntlyn Fucking Jenner disagrees with it on

sport https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56960011 In between times it decided to divorce its wife. Clearly just being a tuppence licker didn’t get it enough attention.

Utter cunt, just fuck off.

Nominated by: SirCuntsALot 

51 thoughts on “Elliot Page

  1. Proof, if any more were needed, that transsexualism is a severe mental illness and any doctor(s) that advocates for gender reassignment is facilitating abuse.

    • Bonny lass too, her parents must be devastated.

      Hate to say it but I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried topping herself soon. Not being a cunt (even though I am) it just seems to happen a lot with trannies.

      • LGBTwat. Why are we forced to take these cunts seriously. Laugh at the mental cunts. Wankers

    • There was a whole load of wank on “call the midwife” (Lady C watches it) about how bad queer conversion was/is. Typical BBC. If anyone else saw it, why the fuck was England in the 66 workd cup represented by the Union Flag rather than the St George’s cross? More wokeness?

      • Yes, I watched that as her indoors like it. It’s getting crapper and wokier by the week. It’s a shitfest now, totally over the top sentimentally and a new woke flag to fly every week. Some of the nurses are fit though.

  2. Apparently this fanny nosher is ‘scared of the jokes’. Well suck it up buttercup as these will roll thick and fast given the absurdity of your creation.

    Yet another mentally ill narcissist, as if there aren’t already enough in the showbiz and media. Silly fucking whore.

    Fuck off with you on a Monday morning.

  3. Even the most depraved would find it like negotiating with the EU trying to get in its knickers.
    I mean sturdy y-fronts.
    What a fucking mess.

  4. Fuck me, that bird, when she was an official bird, looks like a lighter shade of Sparkletits! That got me thinking……wouldn’t it be a laugh if Sparkletits went full wokie and decided to become a geezer? Imagine poor old Gingerbollocks weeping and crying on Oprah wallowing in his own self pity and self inflicted humiliation. Fuck me!……that’s cheered me up on a Monday morning! ???

    • Nah, it would give him the opportunity to come out the closet and cry about how homophobic the royal family is.

  5. I was going to say that I wondered what its wife thought about this, having married a gay woman who has now become a ” man “, but apparently its divorcing her!

    Nothing like taking the marriage vows seriously, is there?

    Maybe they should be re-written:

    Till death do us part, or until I decided to have a sex change.

  6. I think New Zealand have entered a tranny weightlifter (not shirt lifter, but could be both fuck knows) in this year’s Olympic Games.

    Funnily enough, it’s a male to female tranny. I thought I’d best point that out as you get so many doing it the other way around in top level sport, don’t you?

    The message is clear.

    If you can’t make it as a male, enter as a female.

    The crowd should turn their backs when it’s his/her turn to lift. The female lifters should also refuse their medal if they get silver or bronze as a protest (but still compete, as in most people’s eyes, they are the true champion if they came second to a tranny).

    Let the cheating cunt stand on the rostrum alone, with a crowd turning their backs.

    Still, it’s mostly been far left wimminz that have pushed for all this mad shite (drag queen story time in schools etc) so suck it up I suppose (although I do genuinely feel sorry for the real female athletes).

    Although watching the left eat itself when someone like Meghan Rapinhoe (who seemingly supports tranny rights…let’s see eh?) loses her place in her footy team, to a bloke from non league who now ‘identifies’ as a wimminz should be fun. £400 a week in non league or £4,000 a week for a ‘top’ wimminz team. Just say your name is ‘Eve’ not ‘Steve’ now and you’re sorted.

    I’ll be grabbing the popcorn.

    • Not sure about the crowd turning their backs on the cunt. Never been there myself but I understand there’s a lot of dodgy blokes in Japan. I mean, you only have to look at some of their porn…….which a friend told me about. Well, not really a friend, more of an acquaintance really.

  7. It’ll be the end of her fucking career though.

    Hollywood is woke as fuck, but there’s no way she could pull of a man (fnaar fnaar) in a film. Some cunt will give her a role though and it’ll be so shite and such a flop that no cunt will try again.

    They’ll give her her 10 minutes of token bravery (with awards of course) and then fuck her off.

  8. Having her tits mutilated, a short haircut and wearing a baseball cap makes Juno a man in Canada.
    Its riddled with woke.
    They used to be lumberjacks now more lumberjills.
    Dont phone the Mounties for fuck sake….

      • I bet.
        “I hope this saddle isnt leather?
        Im vegan you know!
        Now wheres my massive hat?”

  9. Is it now going to have a sowadichtomy op to go with the tit off procedure?
    As mentioned above, suicide figures largely in these cases, as the person afflicted with this mental illness realises that after all the pandering to her condition, you can only mimic the opposite sex, even if you go through cosmetic procedures that give you the appearance of the opposite sex, as a trans man will never be able to conceive a child, and a trans woman will never be able to produce sperm. Those are the attributes that are naturally exhibited by the correct gender.
    When they wake up to the fact that everyone is just joining in with their make believe, even with the best intentions, it can crush a person.
    Killed by kindness?

    • I have a dealings with a Tranny recently. Close up. What did I see? Or feel? Firstly the awkward walk. Trying to move his hips in a womanly way. A frumpy look. A bit like Sue Pollard. Her/his fingers gave him away. Just men’s fingers is all I can say. And the eyes unmistakeably male. I thought as I walked out ‘secretly a man’.

      • But then again. If you you look at the two pictures above. On the left no doubt as a girl she looks boyish. On the right as a boy she looks girlish.
        That must be the disphoria or confusion they must feel..

      • Morning Miserable.

        You know some of that furniture in the Victorian period…. how can I say it without seeming too indelicate…well some of the chairs and tables had rather shapely legs? Yes? Very curvaceous? And you have to take ‘hold’ of them, get them up the stairs, er ..do you ever… get stirrings…?

      • If theyre that brazen they dont show decorum and have a skirt sewn round, then yes.
        Im only human after all.
        Little bowlegged teases!
        They love it!!??

  10. Never heard if it. Why is it so important? 3 types of self important cunts to avoid. Golfers, vegans. Trans.

  11. This is the little bitch who lectured us all on racism in the light of that deplorable assault on Jussie Smollett (another grade-A degenerate).

    I suppose that makes her a twat as well as a cunt.

  12. I watched the interview and just cant feel anything. Are people meant to feel sorry or enlightened or happy for it or what?

    What I dont get about trans people the world is largely accepting of homosexuals now? Other than wanting to shag someone of the same sex without admitting you are gay, what would be the point of being trans? It had a girlfriend anyway. Stick your strapons on and get on with it you dykes and save us your nauseating ridiculous bullshit.

  13. I try to read the links that come with the nominations but struggle with this. I get lost with him/her/it whatever.
    Personally I don’t give a fuck as long as it keeps a civil tongue in my arse.

    Can’t remember where I read this but it’s either ballbearing or childbearing.

  14. Because of a severe mental problem she has transformed herself from a reasonably attractive girl with tits into an unattractive girl with no tits.

    The doctors and surgeons that facilitated this should all be struck off and jailed for abuse.

  15. Finally we have something to label them with that shouldn’t really cause any offence, as it is a medical condition; NPD.
    Not many are qualified to deal with their rantings and they should be referred to the medical community forthwith, without engaging in any form of discourse, or even calling them a cunt. The cunt.

    The following is from the link below;
    Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest criticism.


    • You might change your mind when you grab for the growler, and instead get a handful of ball bag and bellend.

  16. I don’t need to read the article to know this person (thing) is a CUNT.

  17. This one can fuck off too:


    Scarlett Moffatty – cunt who totally thinks she’s special after appearing on Gogglecunt (or should be renamed lets sit on our fucking arse’s, eat pie and cake and get paid to watch TV).

    Got the fame she wanted (and probably top dollar) now, it’s poor me, me, me.

    Fuck right off you tart.

  18. Is it a bird?
    Is it a plain? (Man).
    Forty years ago we used to laugh at freaks like this.

  19. Page is a minger anyway. Wouldn’t give it house room.
    And how does dressing in men’s clothes and giving yourself a bloke’s name make you a hero? ‘Elliot’ is a look at me cunt on a par with that other trannie waste of space, Jack/John/Paul/George Munro. No one gives a fuck about these useless nobodies like Page and Munro as they are/were. so they have to ‘reinvent’ themselves with stupid names and even more ridiculous stunts to get noticed. Pathetic cunts.

  20. This he / she / it used to be worthy of a shag. A wank even. What’s it had done? Just tits off or an organ fitted too? Don’t tell me, I don’t want to know. If it had started off as one of those ugly bull dykes I wouldn’t mind, but it had looks thousands of women would kill for.
    Married a woman and then divorced her, that worked out well didn’t it? I’m reminded of that bloke in South Park who changed sex and then Mr Slave didn’t want him any more.

  21. It’s (is that the correct pronoun?) been written about quite a lot recently but what is it? An actor/actress/acting-thingy? I suppose it must be relatively mainstream and I’m just out of touch but surely 99% of it’s fame is now based on having had a strap-on attached?
    A woke martyr, it sacrificied its minge so it could patronise people who no longer knew the correct way to address it.

    Lets be honest, it might be a woke mess but at least it’s got some balls!

  22. I didn’t give a fuck when the freak made the announcement about its gender, I will give even less of a fuck when it tops itself, which it inevitably will do.

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