Deluded Instagram sluts are cunts.
Every selfie obssessed whore who nowadays call themselves a writer,model,influencer etc….FUCK OFF!!
Taking selfies does not make you a model.
Writing Facebook updates does not make you a writer.
And just cos tons of guys use you page to jerk over does not make you a cunting influencer!!
Even Peter Sutcliffe would not have wasted his time on these pigs.
Nominated by: Kendo Nagasaki
The ones that call themselves “Influences” are definitely the worst.
And ffs, what’s with this trout-pout obsession?? Total fuckwittery.
The funniest thing is when these twats die just after taking a selfie. The curse of Fiddler strikes again, tee-hee!!
A woman who ‘works’ in our office is one of these.
Thing is she is 43 years old. Unsurprisingly perhaps, her life is a car crash. She is separated, but still married whilst being engaged to her new ‘fella’.
After a prolonged absence of leave due to a hospital stay she turned up to our office sporting a bruised face and a fresh, new trout pout. The thing is, she looks fucking hideous.
I wouldn’t touch it even in the most prolonged and sustained pussy drought.
Analysing it. I think there is something to that word ‘disphoria’. Not just applied to trannies. There’s a ‘freak show’ exhibit I know. And the more ‘work’ she gets done the worse she looks. But in her mind she must think she’s getting sexier. Her lips are grotesque. But she thinks the bigger they are the more ‘voluptuous” they are, they look.
I think you could apply the disphoria to these people.
I like the mental cunts.
Yes I agree Terry. Mental cunts like this are so desperate for attention they’ll let anyone fuck ’em, and normally do any shit to them….anal insertions and water sports obviously.
I’d like Liza Nandy to set up an account to display her lovely bouncing knockers. Just saying. Also, as office will always elude Emily Thornberry, she could model corsets.
Even worse than Insta-gran is Twitter. Mrs. Boggs has an account for her serial addictions, like-minded old tarts obsessing about Ken Barlow and Ben Mitchell etc, and I was astonished to see the number of PCSOs who have accounts on it, all boasting about how they caught a motorist, or told off a litter lout, or took a piss while on “duty”. The lazy cunts wouldn’t know the meaning of the word.
Got to agree there WC, though my personal wish would be the lovely Angie Raynor setting up an account – there’s no doubt that the dirty scutter has many private personal art poses that would certainly gain a few ‘likes’, I’m sure I saw something entitled ‘Chin Jizz’ awhile back …
I’d give my legs to see the lithping ginger in lingerie. What a dirty fucker
Yeah, there’s definitely something inherently filthy about that utter cunt Rayner, and I’m not talking about her shit-stained nylon scats. Fucking cunt!
I like the nom, but I’m in favour of them doing it. If they’re posting their bollocks on Instacunt, Shite-book, Twatter, Ting-Tong or anyone of a multitude of SM platforms, then great, ‘cos it keeps the entire bunch of ’em together, I know where they are & can avoid them, meaning the cunts won’t bother me. It’s like Kenny Everett’s General Cheeseburger: ‘Round ’em up, put em in a field …& bomb the bastards!’
Anyway, anyone being ‘influenced’ by the majority of these cunts deserves all they get. What they really need to do is have a serious look at themselves in the mirror, practice some introspection & try think for themselves a bit more. Though thinking for yourself & having some original ideas is very much outmoded nowadays – fucking sheep cunts!
“Influencer” is just another word for ponce – they just want to be given things and not have to pay for them – would be a marvellous hobby for Anthony Blair and Mandy Mandelson – the crown princesses of ponce, in the twilight of their poofy years.
Social Media Influenza.
The real ‘virus’.
These mentally weak bitches who telling all and sundry how many likes they have are all part of the cockwombles society we live in now.
They are usually so self obsessed that they can’t cross the road without risk of being run over, or need coffee may be hot written on the fucking cup because common sense is not something these fuck monkeys are blessed with.
Natural selection is working hard on these fucktards when they take selfies on the edge of cliffs or try and get a shot with a charging rhino, get the best selfies you can if it’s your last, yet if they don’t like the feedback they top themselves….. Natural selection is trying to cull the useless cunts and I’m OK with that….
I dont have Instagram, facefook,or twitter so im having to imagine them.
Im outraged!!
Sheer filth!!
Pouting provocative, tits out,
Short skirts, dirtyfuckers, writhing sweatily, long hair whipping about,
Nipples erect, oh oh oh oh….
Cheers for that Kendo!
Dont owe you owt for that do I?
….but Mis-you are the ultimate influencer!
Before I found IsAC and your posts, I was an upstanding member of the community, spoke with a cut-glass accent and dined at the finest establishments.
Now I talk in a mock-Northern patois, am racist, sexist, homophobic and live on Chips and onion gravy?
Hehehe ??
I know CG.
The irony is im really from Buckinghamshire and a restaurant critic for the Guardian!?
Who the fuck looks at these air headed cunt’s pictures? No straight teenage boy is going to watch a video of a tart in a free bikini when pornhub is one click away. I reckon all of them follow each other and none of them pay for anything, so fuck the companies who waste their advertising budget giving them free shit.
Tiktok is worse than Instagram. Teen girls in low cut tops, daisy dukes, mini dresses and bikinis bouncing their barely contained tits up and down and twerking to the latest ‘toon’. Sounds great and can look it, though you can’t help but think vacuous tarts. The only influencing your doing is influencing Abdul and Mustapha to have a wank in Pakistan.
Social media is the disease of the 21st century. The likes of Facebook can be ok to post some photos and find old friends, but now my feed seems awash with the champagne socialists to post anti Tory and pro BLM shit and then get news feeding you even more left wing propaganda.
One of the great hypocrisies regarding desperate women/young girls wanting attention, and resorting to prick-teasing their mostly male followers on SM by dressing in very provocative clothes.
On the one hand the Woke believe this is a form of female empowerment – for a young girl to flaunt her sexuality etc.
but then on the other hand, old-school feminazis see this as sexist and misogynistic, and only encourages sexual abuse and rape. Which is one reason why the glamour girls in Boxing and F1 were banned from flaunting their wares.
Whereas on SM, women are allowed to do whatever they want, and if you complain then you’re branded a bigot or sexist pig!
you just can’t win sometimes
I remember seeing one of those F1 birds on telly saying she’d lost her job, just because of a tiny number of jealous ugly women lol.
She was spot on and I definitely would’ve given her a cock, I mean a shoulder to suck, I mean cry on.
Plz show bobs and vagene
Well said Fishy. These vacouas tart are going to grow up and this ties out Tick Tok shit is going to come back and haunt them at the next job interview or best man speech at their wedding.
What a bunch of vacuous caterpillar-eyebrowed ,terracotta faced plumped up lipped cunts.
What’s the point of them spending a fortune on their facial appearance when their nether regions stink of rotting fish and their thongs are encrusted with shit?
Tell me more, I have a semi.
Sorry. All this is beyond me. Does Ann Widdecombe do this? Asking for a friend.
Now there’s a proper woman.
I bet our resident ISAC pin up could teach a few on here a thing or two, know what I mean, coorrr eh? Nudge, nudge, wink , wink say no more!
Air heads who think people listen to them because they’re interesting.
Well, the only ones following you and giving you praise are blokes, and they’re interested alright.
Interested in coming all over your baps.
Even worse than these tarts are those blokes who send these birds cash to get access to ‘perks’. Usually extra videos I believe or even (for the ‘gold members’ or whatever) a one to one chat online.
I love it when they come out as married or engaged and then these spotty pricks get all angry and upset at the tart (“I’m a gold level member who’s always listened to you and respected you. His could you do this to me?! I’ve donated £5,000 already this year to you.”)
Fucking priceless. There is a name for blokes that do this, but I’ve forgotten so I’ll just call them cunts.
Only a matter of time until one of these slappers strings a mental along too much and they end up getting Fritzled lol.
Toying with the emotions of desperate weirdos?
Not the best idea.
I sent Angela Raynor a 15 page letter denying this,
And 300 texts.
Despite a court order i think im in there!?
This shit really pisses me off, one on hand you groups saying catcalling, and drooling over women is wrong, degrading and sexist.
The next minute you have these bints on Instagram virtually showing their lamb chops in their pictures – can’t fucking win.
Don’t have any of this nonsense by choice.
Nephew of a close friend of mine showed me a picture of his daughter on her Instagram account. Full slap on makeup with flirty look and duck face, tight shirt with most of the buttons undone so bra/top of tits showing, short skirt, tanned. Looked mid twenties but she was 12 years old!!!
Maybe I’m out of touch but he was as proud as punch…weird cunt and I told him so!
Jeez – if I caught my daughter doing that we’d be having a chat…
Not him. He was proudly waving his phone around with her picture on it like he just had a new baby. Weird cunt!
What a weird cunt. I wonder if he pimps her out to local gangs.
Him not her, obviously. Although younger than us (me and his uncle) he is old enough to know better! Stupid cunt!
Is he a Parking Stanley from Rotherham?
Get 3000 cunts or more following and you can start selling advertising, how do you get your following up, look like a cunt, get your tits out and away you go, the problem with all this shit is that it’s too easy.
One click and you are following some cunt, May never look at the shit they post but as long as you are following who gives a shit.
The internet is great, social media is total fucking wank.
I have a fuckbook account, it’s only real use for me is a neighbourhood group and to keep in touch with a couple of friends who live outside the UK.
Katie Prices kid ‘Princess’ is only 13/14 and looks a lot older due to all the makeup.
Fay wray to Harveys king Kong.
Poor Harvey. I think you and your pooch might just be able to take him on, Miserable. He may have eaten Alex Reid.
It all went wrong when the sluts took being a slut seriously.
I saw a interview video with three of these thots where they were talking to a successful entrepreneur. They tried to claim that’s what they are too.
It was beautiful. They got savaged. It’s long, it will kill your braincells, but it’s a good example of just how delusional and stupid these ‘women’ are.
I think this should cover OnlyFans sluts and their simp audience.
Get a real job, you old hags.
The video I linked above is three onlyfans ‘entrepreneurs’. They are fucking delusional.
Bleugggh! I had enough sense to avoid rancid skanks like those in my early twenties. In my era (the late-nineties to
late noughties) it was the spray-tanned tarts with straightened ‘Aliyah’ bangs, hoop earrings. ugg boots and fat-arse-enhancing belts. Too bad several of my dopey college friends never had such radar, the dribbling idiots.
Now it’s duck-faced, groucho-eyebrowed cunts.
Instagram sluts is it?
I have an instagram account where I pose in my string vest with just a large flat cap covering my nether regions – it sends the gals wild and the money is flowing in faster than I can count it, but I am not sure about signing up with “Fiddler Showbiz Management” – apparently the money is being held “in trust”..
I blame At Home with the Kardashians for all these trout pout whores.